
it. I am acquainted with many of their leading men and agitators; and my impression is, that they esteem a man more highly, and attend to him more vividly, when they perceive an honest expression of sentiment on his part, divested of what they regard as the cant of Protestantism. (Hear, hear, hear.) Sir, I am not an individual who has benefitted to any great extent from "the march of intellect." I do not go to the National School books for my style of language. I go, Sir, to our standards, to our articles, our liturgy, our homilies-to the language of the men who overturned Popery in former times; and I, for my part, set my seal to the wisdom of the language which they have placed in my hands, and to which I am solemnly pledged as a clergyman. Now, Sir, Î shall give you a few extracts from the Homilies. I fear they will not please you much. I apprehend they would be thought little agreeable in the National School-room of Cloughjordan. But this much I will say, that I would never countenance a school in my parish, within which they would not be agreeable. Hearken, Sir, how our Church speaks of Pope, Popery, and Popish priests. [Here the Rev. Gentleman read a great number of passages from the Book of Homilies.] I claim for the men who penned these documents and committed them to us for our guidance, not merely to be read as sermons, to be the pattern of the sermons we should write, more of the Christian spirit-I speak it with every feeling of Christian charity-than I am disposed to concede our friend, Mr. Trench. Let me ask you, Sir, do you support the Protestant Orphan Society ?

Mr. TRENCH, No!-I will assign the reason, that they will not make Roman Catholics Protestants, that is my only reason! ("Cries of Shame.") Mr. GREGG.-No, Sir!-Sir, your simple "No!" explains the matter, and I will go much further than the sentence you append to it. Sir, you resist, you oppose the Protestant Orphan Society, you refuse your schoolrooms to its advocacy. (Cries of 'Shame!") I am not sorry you hear


the indignant expression of Protestant feeling. But when you act in the spirit that you do, I tell you plainly, that I set light by any animadversions you may think proper to make upon any language of mine, borrowed as that language is from the spirit and formularies of our Church, formularies to which she demands, and has received my unfeigned assent and consent. [Here the Rev. Gentleman again quoted the Homilies.] Such, Sir, is the standard to which I desire to be conformed, and I should rather be charged with imprudence in such company, than go to your schools to imbibe the wisdom which they inculcate. (Cheers.) I love my countrymen, my heart burns to set them free; and, I conjecture, that the exertions we use in this place with that view, have tended more to the production of that result, than all the schemes which conspiring prelates, Protestant and Popish, could set on foot to secure their objects, by a mutual compromise of principle. Sir, the Roman Catholics of Ireland are very shrewd; they know how, when two things are brought before them, to "put that and that together." I shall tell you what they can ratiocinate in a few moments; I hope your National Schools, may not spoil their national sense of logic. When they hear my strong language against their systems, and are struck by it, they can say, why do not the priests answer that? why does not Dr. M'Hale answer that? and they can draw the conclusion with sufficient exactness. "Because

they cannot; " there is not one single manifesto that we issue from this Åssociation, to the tail of which we do not tie this conclusion, that if it were not true, the priests could thrust it down our throats. We placard the walls with declarations that Popery is the apostasy, and we defy them to do anything of the kind against us or against our Church. Do you know the reason why, Sir? I shall tell you. Because they stand in awe of that which I trust you have found some terrors in-an answer. (Great cheers.) And now, Mr. Trench, you have seen a Protestant Meeting. We have neither tickets of exclusion nor

covenants to enforce order. We throw our doors wide open; if any opponent comes to object, we hear him as we have done you, and in like manner we silence him by the invincible power of truth. (Hear.) We give you credit for the style of your address; you have spoken as a Gentleman, how could a Trench do otherwise? We give you credit for good intentions, but we pronounce you, in point of judgment, utterly defective; and in point of fact, though you know it not, a traitor to your Church, to your country, and to your God. (Loud cheers.) And I am as convinced as I am a living man, that if I stood before the assembled Protestant millions of England and Ireland, and submitted that proposition as a resolution to them, it would be passed with an acclamation as unanimous as that which you here have witnessed. (Cheers.) Sir, with affection, and kindly feeling, I call on you to "hear the Church;" it speaks no unreasonable canons; it determines on grounds of reason and of private judgment; attend to its decisions and save your soul. A spirit has lately taken its flight from our midst; I fear we scarce shall look upon his like again; and I do from my heart believe, that if our departed brother were lying on his death-bed, or if I myself, tomorrow, that my heart would be cheered, and light and happy in proportion as I could assure myself that I bore the cross of a bold, and faithful, and an uncompromising testimony for truth; in proportion, as I could reflect that Popery had been by me loudly and distinctly protested against. In that awful hour I should feel no complacency in the sweets of compromise. I should feel no remorse in recollecting that I had followed the example and employed the language of Christ, his apostles, and his holy Church. Remember, that our Homilies which I have quoted to you, merely retail to us the spirit of our Master, Christ-"Woe unto you scribes and pharisees, hypocrites." "Go ye and tell that fox I do cures to-day and to-morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected." "Ye whited sepulchres, fair without, but within full of dead men's bones, and

all uncleanness." Such was the language of Christ. Such that also of his prophets and apostles, inspired by the same Spirit. This was not the language of compliment; it was adopted with the purpose (I humbly hope so) for which I spoke in a kindred strain, to awaken, arouse, and at last convert. (Hear, hear.) It was the language of the Reformers, through which we sit here secure in the utterance of religious truth. (Hear.) And our children will inherit the security we enjoy, if we walk in the footsteps of those great friends of mankind; but if we become the smooth-tongued race the National Board would teach us to be, you will find the result exemplified very near Cloughjordan. Did you ever hear of a Protestant schoolmaster, Sir, whose brains were knocked out at Cloughjordan? I believe there were two. (Mr. Trench, "No.") Well, one murdered schoolmaster is quite sufficient to exemplify the intolerance and malignity of Popery. (Hear, hear, hear.) Mr. Trench would persuade us that in excluding the priests he keeps the devil out of his schools. I tell you, Sir, that though you may ever so much exclude the devil, if you do not bring in Christ not merely to your schools, but to your heart, I tell you as a faithful ambassador of Christ, you will, on the awful day of account, be cast out into outer darkness, where shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

The Rev. Gentleman resumed his seat amid prolonged cheers, and Mr. Trench immediately left the Meeting.

The Rev. Hugh PRIOR moved the Third Resolution:- "That being convinced that Popery has no Scriptural basis to rest upon, and not only so, but that it is repugnant to the Word of God, we believe that the true and only effectual way to oppose it is to hold forth to its members the lights of the Scripture, and constantly present to their minds the written Word as the infallible standard of religious rectitude; and we are further convinced, that in order that this may be effectually done, a platform distinct from the Protestant pulpit is essential. That we believe such a platform to be

erected at the weekly Meetings of our Protestant Association may be expected to be proportionally effective, as the reports of proceedings receive extensive circulation through the public press."

The Rev. Mr. SILLITO seconded the Resolution, which was carried unanimously.

The Rev. RICHARD BUDD moved the Fourth Resolution, to the effect "That we believe that our rulers and both Houses of Legislature are under the influence of a lamentable indifference to Protestant truth, and its important bearings on the constitutional privileges of the people; and that herein lies the necessity of addressing a petition to those in high places, remonstrating against the criminality of not supporting truth." The Resolution was seconded by the Rev. W. A. PERCY, and passed.

The Fifth Resolution was moved by the Rev. A. J. MONTGOMERY, and seconded by the Rev. JOHN BENSON. It was as follows-"That we regret to witness as attendant on the progress of Popish influence, a corresponding decay of popular liberty and Protestant privilege, that it is becoming more and more unsafe to speak the truth, more and more temporally advantageous to compromise its demands, and make a truce with the errors of Popery and those who loved them, and that it is plain enough that if Protestants do not rally for their principles, and co-operate to restore the abolished safeguard of freedom, they will leave to their children an inheritance of slavery, and to their country the perpetuated yoke of Popish domination.'

The Rev. FRANCIS IRWIN moved, and the Rev. ALEXANDER HURST seconded, the Sixth Resolution :"That we earnestly call upon those Protestants whose station in society, and whose official opportunities furnish them with knowledge of the incessant exertions of Papists and Popish priests to undermine


Protestant institutions, and to build up Popish power; to reflect upon the disastrous consequences of the dark and intolerant principles of Rome, and the duty which they, therefore, lie under to sustain our Association,

in the moral warfare which it is waging for truth, liberty, and the happiness of Ireland."

The Seventh and last Resolution was moved by THOMAS H. THOMSON, Esq., and seconded by the Rev. T. D. GREGG. It was-"That in contemplating the labours of the Association during the past year, we cannot but feel that there is ground for encouragement-that we gratefully acknowledge the power with which it has wrought on public opinion-that its exertions are attributed in a great degree to the cheering fact that the spirit of the mass of the Protestants of Dublin has grown strong in proportion as efforts have been made to crush it, and their determination to oppose and repudiate the faithlessness of members of their own body has risen with every attempt to obtrude erroneous principles or practices into the Protestant Church, and that in the continuance of our well-designed Association's labours, to enlighten and animate the Protestants of the Irish metropolis, we cannot but hope, under the Divine blessing, for the most important results, not only in this city and in Ireland, but in the United Kingdom; results which, under the Divine blessing, must ultimately operate glorious consequences to the whole British empire."

The Rev. HUGH PRIOR was then called to the chair, when the Rev. T. D. GREGG moved, and the Rev. JOHN BENSON seconded, a vote of thanks to the Dean of Ardagh, after which, the Meeting separated.

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well supported. Two Roman Catholic weekly newspapers! Is there not more activity with them, than with us? Oh, Sir, let us wipe out this disgrace on the Protestantism of our country; and by God's grace, be more energetic in diffusing those principles, -those Protestant principles, which are beyond all earthly value, because they comprise "the truth as it is in Jesus." Yours, truly,


sidious designs of Popery in our Protestant Church. Accept my most grateful acknowledgments. You have relieved me from all my pecuniary difficulties, and greatly rejoiced my heart. May God pour upon you the best of blessings, and make humble effort to glorify is holy name, a source of rejoicing to ourselves, and a cause for thankfulness to the whole Protestant Church.

I remain, my Christian Friends,
Your most sincerely obliged,



MY CHRISTIAN FRIENDS.-It is with feelings of the deepest gratitude that I beg most respectfully once more to thank you for all your kindness, and to inform you that by your generous aid and assistance all my expenses in the work of finishing the Round Church are now discharged. When I look back to the commencement of the late painful proceedings about the removal of the stone altar and credence table, and reflect on the affectionate sympathy shewn towards me by the Protestant public, I can only exclaim, "O give thanks unto the Lord, for lle is good, for his mercy endureth for ever. It is le who, through his blessing on your kind support, has made me, the least and weakest instrument in His Church, the means of effecting the greatest good, and of pulling down one of the strongest holds.

The battle, indeed, was sharp; but the victory is glorious. To God be all the praise-to you be all the benefit. The affectionate expressions of so many who have not only sent me their generous donations, but assured me of their earnest prayers to God for me, "have been abundant also by many thanksgivings unto God;" and I owe to you, my dear friends, a debt of gratitude which I can never repay. For it is through you, under God, that I have been enabled in the present distracted and divided state of the Church, so resolutely and so effectually (thanks be to God) to oppose the in

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IV. The withholding the Bible from the people and substituting tradition as the rule of faith.

V. The worship of the Virgin.

VI. The invocation of saints as mediators.

VII. The adoration of images and relics.

VIII. The withholding the cup from the laity.

IX. The Latin service.

X. Purgatory; and the power of the priests to forgive sins, and the sale of pardons and indulgences.

Why do I still object to the Endowment of Maynooth?

Because no Act of Parliament can make idolatry agree with Scripture.

Because the above doctrines are still

taught at Maynooth, and also that every baptized person, who does not hold these doctrines is held to be a heretic, and is to be dealt with accordingly when the Church of Rome has the power.


BECAUSE the Church of England is Catholic, Apostolic, ancient, primitive, Scriptural, spiritual.

I. Catholic; as part of the univeral Church, of which "Christ is the head."

[blocks in formation]


GOOD SENSE.What we call good sense, in the conduct of life, consists chiefly in that temper of mind which enables its possessor to view at all times, with perfect coolness and accuracy, all the various circumstances of his situation; so that each of them may produce its own impression on him, without any exaggeration arising from his own peculiar habits. But to a man of an ill-regulated imagination, external circumstances only serve as hints to excite his own thoughts, and the conduct he pursues has in general far less reference to his real situation than to some imaginary one in which he conceives himself to be placed, and in consequence of which, whilst he appears to himself to be acting with the most perfect wisdom and consistency, he may frequently exhibit to others all the appearance of folly.

GRANT OF CROWN LAND TO THE ROMANISTS. It is a fact deserving serious attention, that whilst Government are selling the Crown Lands at exorbitant prices to build Churches upon, they have actually made a present of a piece of land at Woolwich, to be a site for a Popish Chapel.

PROTESTANT READING ROOMS.-I have seen Protestant Newspapers, one for each county, at least, recom

mended in the "Protestant Magazine.” This I entirely approve, and beg to ask, if it would prove an advantage to the cause, to have Protestant Reading Rooms as well, especially for our Operatives?-AN INQUIRER.

HARD TIMES.-The times are hard -work is scarce- - and many people have very little to do, and very little money coming in for their support. And yet they make the times harder to themselves by going to the How often is more money


spent in these and similar amusements than is earned in a whole week! and some people are so base as to leave their families destitute, in order to seek these foolish and sinful pleasures. From my heart I pity the distresses of the poor; but I must blame them for wasting their time, health, money, and character, by going to the races. Solomon says, "He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man; and so he will, whatever his income may be; for lust is ever craving, and never satisfied. What can such pleasures do for you even as to this life? They only leave you the more miserable when they have vanished away. What can they do at death? Then they will fill the conscience with dread and anguish. What can they do as to the eternal world? Only conduct the soul to everlasting woe. Flee then now, without delay, from the wrath to come; and lay hold on the sinner's only hope, the Lord Jesus Christ, "the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world."

MODES OF SUPPORTING ERROR."Error being conscious to itself of its own weakness, and the strong assaults that will be made upon it, evermore labours to defend and secure itself under the wings of antiquity, reason, Scripture, and high pretension to reformation and piety.

“Antiquity is a venerable word, but ill used when made a cloak for error; as the rule must necessarily be, before the aberration from it. The grey hairs of opinion are then only beauty, a crown, when found in the way of righteousness. Copper will never become gold by age. A lie will be a lie, let it be never so ancient. We dispute not by years, but by reasons drawn

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