Lieutenant-Governor-Colonel Thomas W. Chaplain-Rev. Wm. Wheeler, D.D. Quartermaster-Lieut. J. W. Tipping PROFESSORS AND MASTERS. Mathematics and Arithmetic-John Nar rien (sen. department), William Scott, C. H. Barton, Rev. W. C. Sharpe Fortification-Capt. G. P. Balck, h. p. unatt., John Narrien (sen. department), Capt. Horton, h. p. R. S. Corps Military Surveying and Drawing-G. D. Burr, Capt. F. Prosser, h. p. unatt. (sen. depart.), John Piercy, Thos. Costin Landscape-drawing-William Delamotte History, Geography, and Classics-J. F. Turnpenny, Rev. II. L. M. Chepmell French-Guillaume Cambier, Henri Marrillier, Guillaume Boully German-Franz Demmler FOUNDATION SCHOOLS (ENGLAND). WINCHESTER, FOUNDED 1387. Head Master, Rev. J. Moberley, D.C.L. Under Master-Rev. C. Wordsworth, M.A. Warden-Rev. R. S. Baxter, M.A. ETON, 1441. Provost-Rev. Francis Hodgson, D.D. Upper Master-Rev. E. C. Hawtrey, M.A. Under Master-Rev. R. Okes MANCHESTER, 1510. High Master-T. W. Richards, M.A. ST. PAUL'S, 1512. Head Master-Rev. H. Kynaston, M.A. Second Master-Rev. J. P. Bean. SHREWSBURY, 1551. Head Master-Rev. E. Rice, M.A. HIGHGATE, 1564. Head Master-Rev. J. Bradley Dyne, M.A. RUGBY, 1567. Head Master-Rev. Thos. Arnold, D.D. HARROW, 1585. 1 Head Master-Rev. C. Wordsworth, D.D. Under Master-Rev. H. Drury, M.A. WESTMINSTER, 1590. Head Master-Rev. Rd. Williamson, D.D. Second Master-Rev. Weare CHARTERHOUSE, 1611. Head Master-Rev. A. P. Saunders, M.A. Second Master-Rev. O. Walford, M.A. CITY OF LONDON. Head Master-Rev. G. F. W. Mortimer. Second Master-Robert Pitt Edkins, M.A. Third Master-Rev. W. Webster, M.A. SCOTLAND. UNIVERSITY OF ST. ANDREWS, 1410. UNITED COLLEGES OF ST. SALVATOR Principal-Sir David Brewster. Professors. Latin-Thomas Gillespie, LL.D. Greek-Andrew Alexander, M.A. Mathematics-Thomas Duncan, M.A. Logic and Rhetoric-Jas. Hunter, LL.D. Moral Philosophy, &c.-Geo. Cook, D.D. Nat. Philos. Adam Anderson, LL.D. Civil History-Wm. Ferrie, D.D. Anatomy and Medicine-John Reid, M.D. Civil Engineering-T. Dunean, M.A., A. Anderson, LL.D. Philosophy of the Senses-Sir D. Brewster COLLEGE OF SAINT MARY. Principal-Robert Haldane, D.D. Latin-Wm. Ramsay, M.A. Practice of Physic-Wm. Thomson, M.D. Botany John Hutton Balfour, M.D. D. B. Gordon. MARISCHAL COLLEGE, 1593. Chancellor-Duke of Richmond & Lennox Rector-Sir James M'Gregor. Dean of Faculty-A. Bannerman, M.P. Principal-Daniel Dewar, D.D., LL.D. Secretary-John Cruickshank, LL.D. Professors. Humanity-John S. Blackie, M.A. Mathematics-John Cruickshank, LL.D. Orient. Languages-G. G. McLean, M.D. Civil and Nat. Hist.-Wm. MacGillivray, Chemistry-Thomas Clark, M.D. Lecturers. Practical Religion-A. Black, D.D. Evidences of Christ.-D.Dewar, D.D., LL.D. Scots Law & Conveyan.-J. Edmond, A.M. Botany Wm. MacGillivray, M.A. Materia Medica-W. Henderson, M.D. Institutes of Medicine-A. Harvey, M.D. Midwifery-Robert Dyce, M.A. Medical Jurisprudence-F. Ogston, M.D. Agriculture-Johu Shier, A.M. UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, 1582. Principal-John Lee, D.D. Secretary-John Gordon Professors. Latin-Jas. Pillans, M.A. Logic-Sir William Hamilton, Bt. Rhetoric-Wm. Spalding. Universal History-George Skene Church History-David Welsh, D.D. Practice of Physic-Jas. Home, M.D. Military Surgery-Sir G. Ballingall, M.D. Donnellan Divinity Lecturer-J. H. Todd, D.D. 1840 Smith's Hebrew-C. W. Wall, D.D. 1824 Smith's Oratory-R.M'Donnell, D.D. 1817 1827 1809 Whately's Pol. Econ.-I. Butt, LL.D. 1836 Moral Phil.-W. A. Butler, M.A.... 1840 Senior Lecturer-W. Hare, D.D. Officers. Deans-C. W. Wäll, D.D., and Samuel Butcher, M.A. Proctors-Henry Wray, D.D., and W. Digby Sadleir, M.A. Censor Thomas Luby, M.A. Librarian and Auditor-C. W. Wall, D.D. His Assistants-J. H. Todd, D.D., and Senior Bursar-R. M'Donnell, D.D. ROYAL COLLEGE OF ST. PATRICK, President-Rev. Michael Montague, D.D. Dean-Rev. Militius Gaffney Sub-deans-Rev. J. M'Gunn, and Rev. Prefect of the Dunboyne Establishment and Professors. Dogmatic and Moral Theology-Rev. Edward O'Reilly, Rev. John O'Hanlon, D.D., and Rev. Dr. Murray Sacred Scrip. and Hebrew-Rev. J. Dixon Nat. Philos.-Rev. Nich. Callan, D.D. Logic-Rev. R. F. Whitehead Rhetoric-Rev. T. Furlong Elocution-vacant Humanity-Rev. C. Russell Secretary to Trustees-Rev. M. Flanagan ROYAL BELFAST ACADEMICAL INSTITUTION, COLLEGE DEPARTMENT. President of Faculty-Rev. Dr. Cairns Professors. Latin and Greek-Rev. Wm. Bruce, B.A. Modern Eccles. History-Rev. W. Killen Biblical Criticism, Synod of Ulster-Rev. S. Davison, LL.D. Biblical Criticism, Secession Synod-Rev. Hebrew-Rev. Thos. D. Hincks, D.D. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Anatomy-James L. Drummond, M.D. Surgery Robert Coffy, M.D. Chemistry-Thomas Andrews, M.D. Materia Medica and Pharmacy-James D. Midwifery Wm. Burden, M.D. Theory and Practice of Medicine-Henry INNS OF COURT. TEMPLE, 1185. Master-Rev. Christopher Benson, M.A. Treas. of Mid. T.-Sir J. Dodson, Adv. Gen. Master of the Library of Mid, T.-T. Quayle, Esq. Keeper of the Library-Mr. J. H. Rowlatt LINCOLN'S INN, 1310. Treasurer-Thomas Pemberton, Esq. Master of the Library-William Henry Tinney, Esq Dean of the Chapel-Jas. L. Knight Bruce, Esq. Black-Book Keeper-Wm. Fuller Boteler, Esq. Master of the Walks-John A. F. Simpkinson, Esq. Chaplain and Librarian-Rev. C. R. Dalton, M.A. Preacher-Rev. John Lonsdale, B.D. GRANGER SOCIETY. President-Marquis of Salisbury Secretary-Wm. J. Thoms, Esq. HARVEIAN SOCIETY. Presidents-C. J. B. Williams, M.D., F.R.S., and J. G. Perry, Esq. Secretary-Alexander Anderson, Esq. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. President-Duke of Devonshire. HUNTERIAN SOCIETY. President-W. Cooke, Esq. Secretaries-Dr. Booth and L.J. Beale, Esq INCORPORATED SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING THE President-Archbishop of Canterbury INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS. 1 President-Earl De Grey Secretaries-A. Poynter and Chas. Fowler, Esqs. ISLINGTON LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Secretaries-Peter M. Roget, M.D., and S. Hunter Christie, Esq. President-Dr. Clutterbuck Secretaries-Dr. Bennett, and H. P. Ro- Foreign Secretary-Professor Daniell barts, Esq. ROYAL SOCIETY OF LITERATURE. President-Earl of Ripon Secretary-Rev. R. Cattermole RUSSELL INSTITUTION. President-Rt. Hon. Lord John RussellSecretary and Librarian-E. W. Brayley, Esq. SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF LONDON. (For the collection and registration of facts in the natural and physical sciences.) President John Stevens, Esq. Hon. Secretary-G., F. Fordliam, Esq. SHAKSPEARE SOCIETY. Treasurer-Thomas Amyot, Esq. SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF President-Duke of Buckingham Secretary-Capt. F. Sanders SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES. President-Earl of Aberdeen Treasurer-Thomas Amyot, Esq. Joint-Secretaries-N. Carlisle, Esq., and Sir H. Ellis SOCIETY OF BRITISH ARTISTS, SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF Chairman-Lord Brougham SOCIETY FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF President-Duke of Sussex Secretary-W. A. Graham, Esq. SOCIETY FOR OBTAINING FREE ACCESS FOR THE PEOPLE TO NATIONAL MONUMENTS, AND TO PUBLIC CONTAINING WORKS OF ART. EDIFICES President-His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex Treasurer-G. Rennie, Esq. SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING THE EMPLOYMENT Presidents-The Archbishops of Canterbury and York Secretary-Rev. W. J. Rodber SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING PRACTICAL DESIGN, SOUTHWARK LITERARY SOCIETY. President-(vacant) Treasurer-Geo. Pilcher, Esq. STATISTICAL SOCIETY. |