
journey. It happened, that the sand so blown, had covered the beaten track, and thus all trace of the road was lost.

3. The camel-drivers who led the way stood still, and owned that they did not know which way to No distant rock or palm-tree was to be seen,



and no one could say which was the south, towards which their faces ought to be turned. Many vain attempts were made to find the right path. They were like ships without compasses or rudders. They wandered on, losing themselves more and more, now turning to the right, and now to the left; and sometimes when they had gone some distance in one direction, retracing their steps and trying another.

4. The caravan made a halt, and it was determined

now to journey towards the setting sun, in hopes of finding once more the right track. Night came on, however, and they had not found it, nor had they reached any place where they could fill their water-skins, which were empty. Once or twice some one of the party fancied, that he saw in the distance the top of a palm-tree; but no, it had turned out to be but a little cloud upon the horizon. They had not yet fallen into the old track, neither had they supplied themselves with water to cool their parched lips.

5. Poor Ali suffered like the rest from terrible thirst, and was full of sorrow at the thought that his father would be expecting him at Suez. He drained the last drop of water from his leathern bottle, and thought of the morrow with fear. He was so tired that, when the caravan halted for the night, he was glad to get off poor Meek-eye and lie down by his side, and close his weary eyes in sleep. Ali slept, but before the night was over, he awoke again. He heard voices talking near him.

6. He listened, and heard the chief driver tell one of the merchants that, if they did not find water very soon, the next day a camel must be killed for the sake of the water, contained in its stomach. This is. often done in cases of great need in the desert, the stomach of the camel being so formed as to hold a great quantity of water in large cavities or cells.

7. Ali was not surprised to hear such a thing mentioned; but what was his distress and alarm, when he heard the merchant propose that it should be "the boy's camel" that should be killed! The mer

chants said that the other camels were of too good a race, and of too much value, while, as to this young boy, what business had he to have a camel of his own? It would be better far, they said, for him to lose his camel than for him to die, like the rest, of thirst. And so it was decided that Meek-eye should be killed, unless water were found the next morning.

8. Ali slept no more. His heart was full of grief; but his grief was mixed with courage and resolution. He said to himself that Meek-eye should not die. His father had trusted him to bring the camel to him, and what would he say if he should arrive at Suez without him? He would run the risk of finding his way alone. He would leave the caravan that very night.

9. Presently, when all was silent, and the merchant and camel-driver had left off talking, and composed themselves to sleep, Ali arose, and quietly and gently patting the neck of Meek-eye, awoke him. He placed his empty bag and water-skins on his back, and seating himself on him, made signs for the creature to rise, and then suddenly started off.

10. Tramp, tramp, tramp, went Meek-eye over the soft sand. The night was cool and refreshing, and Ali felt stronger and braver with every tramp. The stars were twinkling brightly in the deep blue sky, and they were his only guides. He knew the star which was always in the north, and the one which was in the west after the sun had gone down; and which was so bright and large, and had not yet set. He must keep that star to his right, and then he would be sure to be going towards the south.

[blocks in formation]

What did the burning winds do in the desert? What did the men and camels do during the storm? When were they able to find the west? What did Ali hear the chief driver say they should do if they did not find water? Whose camel did the merchant say should be killed? Why was Ali's camel to be killed? What did Ali resolve to do that very night? What did he do when the camp was quiet? Which star did he keep to his right hand



1. Ali journeyed on till day began to dawn. The great fiery ball came up on the edge of the desert, and rose higher and higher. Ali felt faint, weary, and thirsty, and could scarcely hold himself on to Meek-eye. When he thought of his father and mother, he took courage again, and bore up bravely. The sun was now at his height. Ali fancied he saw a palm-tree in the distance. It seemed as if Meek

eye saw it also, and was cheered by the sight, for he raised his head and quickened his steps, so that it was not long before Ali found himself at one of those pleasant islands of verdure, which are so mercifully scattered about the desert.

2. He threw himself from the camel's back, and hunted out the pool of water, that he knew he should find in the midst of the reeds and rushes, which grew there. He dipped in his water-skin and drank, while Meek-eye, doubling up his long legs beneath him, and lying down, stretched out his long neck, and greedily sucked up great draughts of it. How sweet was the sleep which crept over them as they lay down in the shade of the great palm-tree, now that they had quenched their thirst!

3. Refreshed and rested, Ali was able to satisfy his hunger on a bunch of ripe dates from the palmtree, while Meek-eye browsed upon the grass and leaves around. Ali noticed, while eating his dates, that other travellers had been there recently; as the grass at the side of the pool was trampled down, and date-stones lay strewn around the palm-tree. This greatly cheered him. He quickly followed in their track, still going in a southerly direction.

4. He took care to keep the setting sun to his right hand, and when he had gone down, Ali observed the large bright star that had guided him before. He travelled on, tired and faint with hunger for many a mile, till at last he saw, a long way off, the fires of the caravan which had halted for the night. Ali soon came up to them. He alighted from Meekeye, and leading him by the bridle, came towards a

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