The Benares Magazine, 2. kötet1849 |
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Gyakori szavak és kifejezések
Ajax Amied Perrin ANTISTROPHE argument asked believe Benares Magazine Bishop bless body called Calros Calvin Christ Christian Chunar Church Missionary Society Church of England Colebrooke coll course declared Dhimál divine doctrine Eidgenoss elephant English existence expression Farel feel fiery fire formal cause GAUNILO Geneva hand hath heart hill holy India Indian logic inference instance Jarocho jungle kind labour Lady LANFRANC language learned letter Logic Lord means Mediator ment mind Missionary moral nature never Noel Nyaya Odysseus once opinion party pass perfect perhaps person prayer predicate premiss present prison question Rajah reader religion remark Sabbath Sanscrit Scripture seemed seen Servetus shew smoke Society Socinian soul sportsman suppose syllogism term thee thing thou thought tiger tion tree Trin truth Turace village whole words इति उवाच यथा