
responsible to the body of the society, in such manner as their bye-laws shall direct..

"3. The governor of the state, the speakers of the houses of the legislature, and the chief justice, for the time being, to be the visitors of the corporation. The transactions of the active members, i. e. those entrusted with the monies and affairs of the society, by whatever name or description they may be designated, and all bye-laws and regulations, to be submitted to the visitors; to the end that the same may be so conducted and established as not to prejudice the interests of the corporation, or interfere with or oppose the constitution or laws of the state. The visitors will also judge of the objects of the society, and perceive whether or not they are calculated to promote the ends of its institution. Reports may by them be made annually to the legislature. These will be useful, as they will exhibit in a comprehensive view, the state of agriculture throughout the commonwealth, and give an opportunity to the legislature of being informed on a subject so important to the prosperity of the country, both as it relates to political economy, and the individual happiness of the people. The legislature will perceive from their reports, when, and in what manner, they may lend their assistance to forward this primary object: Whether by endowing professorships, to be annexed to the University of Pennsylvania and the College of Carlisle, and other seminaries of learning, for the purpose of teaching the chemical, philosophical, and elementary parts of the theory of agriculture: or by adding to the funds of the society, increase their ability to propagate a knowledge of the subject, and stimulate, by premiums and other incentives, the exertions of the agricultural citizens: or whether, by a combination of these means, the welfare of the state may be more effectually promoted.

"4. Though it will be most convenient to make the repository of the information of, the society, and the office or place of transacting its business at Philadelphia; yet it is intended that the society shall be rendered active in every part of the

state. To effect this, there should be county societies establish ed, organized as each shall think proper. In union with, or as parts thereof, there may be agricultural meetings or establishments, at the will of those who compose them, in one or more townships of a county. These may correspond with the county societies, and the latter may annually inform the society of the state (of which the less societies may be considered as branches) of all the material transactions of their respective societies. Societies already formed may remain as they are. They may, at their option, correspond directly with the state society, or through the society of the county in which they meet, as shall be found most convenient and agreeable to them. They will thus collect all the information and business relating to the subject, and will give an opportunity to the society of the state to see where their assistance is most necessary, and afford a facility of diffusing agricultural knowledge. The premiums, books, and other articles at the disposal of the society, may pass through the hands of the county or other societies, for many purposes; and they can judge on the spot of the pretensions of the claimThe county school-masters may be secretaries of the county societies, and the school houses the places of meeting, and the repositories of their transactions, models, &c. The legislature may enjoin on these school-masters, the combination of the subject of agriculture with the other parts of education. This may be easily effected, by introducing as school books, those on this subject, and thereby making it familiar to their pupils. These will be gaining a knowledge of the business they are destined to follow, while they are taught the elementary parts of their education. Books thus profitable to them in the common affairs of life, may be substituted for some of those now used; and they can easily be obtained. Selections from the best writers on husbandry may be made by the society. The essays of our own experimentalists or theorists, and the proceedings of the society, will also afford information; and, as many of these will, no doubt, be good models of composition,


they may form a part of the selection for the use of the county schools. And thus the youth in our country will effectually, and at a cheap rate, be grounded in the knowledge of this important subject. They will be easily inspired with a thirst for inquiry and experiment, and either never acquire, or soon banish attachments to bad systems, originating in the ignorance and bigotry of their forefathers, which, in all countries, have been the bane of good husbandry. It will also be the business of the society to recommend the collection of useful books on agriculture and rural affairs in every county. The citizens of the country should be drawn into a spirit of inquiry by the establishment of small, but well chosen libraries, on various subjects. This would not only promote the interests of agriculture, but it would diffuse knowledge among the people, and assist good government, which is never in danger while a free people are well informed.

"5. The general meetings of this society, consisting of such members as may choose to attend, and particularly those charged with communications or information from the county and other societies, should be held at Philadelphia, at a time, in the winter sessions of the legislature, when citizens who may be members thereof, or have other business, can with most convenience attend. At these meetings, the general business of the society can be arranged, its funds and transac tions examined, and its laws and rules reported, discussed, and rendered generally serviceable and agreeable to the whole.


6. It will be necessary that a contribution be made by each member, annually, for a fund. But this should be small, that it may not be too heavy a tax. The funds will, no doubt, be increased by donations from individuals; and if the state should find the institution as useful as it is contemplated to be, the patriotism of the members of the government will be exercised, by affording assistance out of the monies of the state. They will perceive that it is vain to give facility to transportation, unless the products of the country are increased by good hus

bandry: And though these facilities are important to the ob jects of this society, yet an increased knowledge of agriculture is the foundation of their extensive utility. The subjects of both are intimately connected, and mutually depend on each other.

"7. When the funds of the society increase sufficiently to embrace the object, it will perfect all its efforts by establishing Pattern Farms, in different and convenient parts of the state. Let the beginning of this plan be with one establishment, under the direction of the society, and committed to the care of a complete farmer and gardener. In this, all foreign and domestic trees, shrubs, plants, seeds or grains may be cultivated, and if approved as useful, disseminated, with directions for their culture, through the state. The most approved implements may be used on this farm, and either improved by additions, or simplefied to advantage. Inventions may be brought to trial, and the best selected. Models thereof may be made and transmitted to the county and other societies. Those who are sent to, or occasionally visit the farm, will gain more knowledge, in all its operations, from a short inspection, than can be acquired, in a long time, by reading on the use and construction of instruments, or the modes of cultivation. The cheapest, best. and most commodious style of rural architecture-the most proper and permanent live-fences-improvements in the breed of horses, cattle and sheep-remedies for occasional and unforeseen visitations of vermin-the times and seasons for sowing particular crops-the adapting foreign products to our climate and preventives against all the evils attendant on our local situation, or arising from accidental causes-may here be practically introduced. The thoughts and suggestions of ingenious men may here be put in practice; and, being brought to the test of experiment, their utility may be proved, or their fallacy detected. This farm need not be large. On it the best systems now known may be carried through, and farther experiments made: promising youths may be sent from different

parts of the state to learn practically the arts of husbandry. Manures, and the best mode of collecting them, may be tried; native manures should be sought after, and premiums given for their discovery. Their efficacy may be proved by small experiments on this farm, which should, in epitome, embrace the whole circle of practical husbandry. Similar farms may be added, as the funds increase and thus practical agricultural schools be instituted throughout the state.

"8. When the pecuniary affairs of the society become adequate, it will highly contribute to the interest of agriculture, if, at the expense of the society, some ingenious person or persons were sent to Europe for the purposes of agricultural inquiries. It would be well too, if a few young persons of promising abilities were sent thither to be instructed in the arts of husbandry, the breeding of cattle, &c. and to gain a practical knowledge on all subjects connected with this interesting, delightful, and important business, on which the existence, wealth, and permanent prosperity of our country so materially depend.

"9. Although it would seem that a great portion of this plan has reference to the older settlements of the state, yet, in fact, many of its most useful arrangements will apply to new settlements in an eminent degree. These settlements are, for the most part, first established by people little acquainted with a good style of husbandry. The earth, in its prime, throws up abundant vegetation, and for a short period rewards the most careless husbandman. Fertility is antecedent to his efforts; and he has it not to re-create by artificial means. But he is ignorant of the most beneficial modes whereby he can take advantage of this youthful vigour with which his soil is blessed. He wastes its strength, and suffers its riches to flee away. A bad style of cropping increases the tendency of fresh lands to throw up weeds, and other noxious herbage; and that luxuriance, which with care and system might be perpetuated, is indulged in its own destruction. It is discovered, when it is too late, that what was the foundation of the support and wealth of the im VOL. 1.


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