146 Bribing the maid. [A.D. 1777. 'Mrs. Williams is in the country to try if she can improve her health; she is very ill. Matters have come so about that she is in the country with very good accommodation; but age and sickness, and pride, have made her so peevish that I was forced to bribe the maid to stay with her, by a secret stipulation of half a crown a week over her wages. 'Our CLUB ended its session about six weeks ago'. We now only meet to dine once a fortnight. Mr. Dunning', the great lawyer, is one of our members. The Thrales are well. 'I long to know how the Negro's cause will be decided. What is the opinion of Lord Auchinleck, or Lord Hailes, or Lord Monboddo? 'July 22, 1777. 'MADAM, 'I am, dear Sir, 'Your most affectionate, &c. 'SAM. JOHNSON.' 'DR. JOHNSON TO MRS. BOSWELL. 'Though I am well enough pleased with the taste of sweetmeats, very little of the pleasure which I received at the arrival of your jar of marmalade arose from eating it. I received it as a token of friendship, as a proof of reconciliation, things much time; but they should not be suffered to poison the moments of festivity by attracting the attention of the company, and in a manner compelling them from politeness to say what they do not think. BosWELL. See ante, p. 33. 1 Gibbon wrote to Garrick from Paris on Aug. 14:-' At this time of year the society of the Turk's-head can no longer be addressed as a corporate body, and most of the individual members are probably dispersed: Adam Smith in Scotland; Burke in the shades of Beaconsfield; Fox, the Lord or the devil knows where, etc. Be so good as to salute in my name those friends who may fall in your way. Assure Sir Joshua, in particular, that I have not lost my relish for manly conversation and the society of the brown table.' Garrick Corres. ii. 256. I believe that in Gibbon's published letters no mention is found of Johnson. * See ante, ii. 182, and post, April 4, 1778. Of his greatness at the Bar Lord Eldon has left the following anecdote :- Mr. Dunning, being in very great business, was asked how he contrived to get through it all. He said, "I do one third of it, another third does itself, and the remaining third continues undone."" Twiss's Eldon, i. 327. * It is not easy to detect Johnson in anything that comes even near an inaccuracy. Let me quote, therefore, a passage from one of his sweeter Aetat. 68.] Mrs. Boswell reconciled. 147 sweeter than sweetmeats, and upon this consideration I return you, dear Madam, my sincerest thanks. By having your kindness I think I have a double security for the continuance of Mr. Boswell's, which it is not to be expected that any man can long keep, when the influence of a lady so highly and so justly valued operates against him. Mr. Boswell will tell you that I was always faithful to your interest, and always endeavoured to exalt you in his estimation. You must now do the same for me. We must all help one another, and you must now consider me, as, dear Madam, 'July 22, 1777.' 'Your most obliged, 'And most humble servant, 'SAM. JOHNSON.' 'MR. BOSWELL TO DR. JOHNSON. 'MY DEAR SIR, 'Edinburgh, July 28, 1777. 'This is the day on which you were to leave London and I have been amusing myself in the intervals of my law-drudgery, with figuring you in the Oxford post-coach. I doubt, however, if you have had so merry a journey as you and I had in that vehicle last year, when you made so much sport with Gwyn', the architect. Incidents upon a journey are recollected with peculiar pleasure ; they are preserved in brisk spirits, and come up again in our minds, tinctured with that gaiety, or at least that animation with which we first perceived them. * * * * * [I added, that something had occurred, which I was afraid might prevent me from meeting him2; and that my wife had been affected letters which shews that when he wrote to Mrs. Boswell he had not, as he seems to imply, eaten any of the marmalade :-' Aug. 4, 1777. I believe it was after I left your house that I received a pot of orange marmalade from Mrs. Boswell. We have now, I hope, made it up. I have not opened my pot.' Piozzi Letters, i. 350. See ante, March 19, 1776. * What it was that had occurred is shewn by Johnson's letter to Mrs. Thrale on Aug. 4:-' Boswell's project is disconcerted by a visit from a relation of Yorkshire, whom he mentions as the head of his clan [see ante, ii. 194, note 2]. Boszy, you know, makes a huge bustle about all his own motions and all mine. I have inclosed a letter to pacify him, and reconcile him to the uncertainties of human life.' Piozzi Letters, i. 350. 148 Mrs. Boswell's illness. [A.D. 1777. with complaints which threatened a consumption, but was now better.] 'DEAR SIR, 'TO JAMES BOSWELL, ESQ. 'Do not disturb yourself about our interviews; I hope we shall have many; nor think it any thing hard or unusual, that your design of meeting me is interrupted. We have both endured greater evils, and have greater evils to expect. 'Mrs. Boswell's illness makes a more serious distress. Does the blood rise from her lungs or from her stomach? From little vessels broken in the stomach there is no danger. Blood from the lungs is, I believe, always frothy, as mixed with wind. Your physicians know very well what is to be done. The loss of such a lady would, indeed, be very afflictive, and I hope she is in no danger. Take care to keep her mind as easy as possible. 'I have left Langton in London. He has been down with the militia, and is again quiet at home, talking to his little people, as, I suppose, you do sometimes. Make my compliments to Miss Veronica'. The rest are too young for ceremony. 'I cannot but hope that you have taken your country-house at a very seasonable time, and that it may conduce to restore, or establish Mrs. Boswell's health, as well as provide room and exercise for the young ones. That you and your lady may both be happy, and long enjoy your happiness, is the sincere and earnest wish of, dear Sir, 'Oxford, Aug. 4, 1777.' 'Your most, &c. 'SAM. JOHNSON.' 'MR. BOSWELL TO DR. JOHNSON. [Informing him that my wife had continued to grow better, so that my alarming apprehensions were relieved: and that I hoped to disengage myself from the other embarrassment which had occurred, and therefore requesting to know particularly when he intended to be at Ashbourne.] 'DEAR SIR, 'TO JAMES BOSWELL, ESQ. 'I am this day come to Ashbourne, and have only to tell you, 1 When she was about four months old, Boswell declared that she should have five hundred pounds of additional fortune, on account of her fondness for Dr. Johnson. See Boswell's Hebrides, Aug. 15, 1773. She died, says Malone, of a consumption, four months after her father. that Aetat. 68.] The friends of youth. 149 that Dr. Taylor says you shall be welcome to him, and you know how welcome you will be to me. Make haste to let me know when you may be expected. 'Make my compliments to Mrs. Boswell, and tell her, I hope we shall be at variance no more. I am, dear Sir, 'August 30, 1777. 'DEAR SIR, 'Your most humble servant, 'TO JAMES BOSWELL, ESQ. 'SAM. JOHNSON.' 'On Saturday I wrote a very short letter, immediately upon my arrival hither, to shew you that I am not less desirous of the interview than yourself. Life admits not of delays; when pleasure can be had, it is fit to catch it. Every hour takes away part of the things that please us, and perhaps part of our disposition to be pleased. When I came to Lichfield, I found my old friend Harry Jackson dead'. It was a loss, and a loss not to be repaired, as he was one of the companions of my childhood. I hope we may long continue to gain friends, but the friends which merit or usefulness can procure us, are not able to supply the place of old acquaintance, with whom the days of youth may be retraced, and those images revived which gave the earliest delight. If you and I live to be much older, we shall take great delight in talking over the Hebridean Journey. 'In the mean time it may not be amiss to contrive some other little adventure, but what it can be I know not; leave it, as Sydney says, "To virtue, fortune, wine, and woman's breast";" for I believe Mrs. Boswell must have some part in the consultation. 2 See ante, March 23, 1776. By an odd mistake, in the first three editions we find a reading in this line to which Dr. Johnson would by no means have subscribed, wine having been substituted for time. That error probably was a mistake in the transcript of Johnson's original letter. The other deviation in the beginning of the line (virtue instead of nature) must be attributed to his memory having deceived him. The verse quoted is the concluding line of a sonnet of Sidney's : 'Who doth desire that chast his wife should bee, 'One 150 Mrs. Williams's illness. [A.D. 1777. 'One thing you will like. The Doctor, so far as I can judge, is likely to leave us enough to ourselves. He was out to-day before I came down, and, I fancy, will stay out till dinner. I have brought the papers about poor Dodd, to show you, but you will soon have dispatched them. 'Before I came away I sent poor Mrs. Williams into the country, very ill of a pituitous defluxion, which wastes her gradually away, and which her physician declares himself unable to stop. I supplied her as far as could be desired, with all conveniences to make her excursion and abode pleasant and useful. But I am afraid she can only linger a short time in a morbid state of weakness and pain. 'The Thrales, little and great, are all well, and purpose to go to Brighthelmstone at Michaelmas. They will invite me to go with them, and perhaps I may go, but I hardly think I shall like to stay the whole time; but of futurity we know but little. 'Mrs. Porter is well; but Mrs. Aston, one of the ladies at Stowhill, has been struck with a palsy, from which she is not likely ever to recover. How soon may such a stroke fall upon us! 'Write to me, and let us know when we may expect you. 'I am, dear Sir, 'Ashbourne, Sept. 1, 1777.' 'Your most humble servant, 'SAM. JOHNSON.' 'MR. BOSWELL TO DR. JOHNSON. 'Edinburgh, Sept. 9, 1777. [After informing him that I was to set out next day, in order to meet him at Ashbourne :] 'I have a present for you from Lord Hailes; the fifth book of Lactantius, which he has published with Latin notes. He is also to give you a few anecdotes for your Life of Thomson, who I find Not toying kynd nor causelessly unkynd, Nor stirring thoughts, nor yet denying right, To nature, fortune, time, and woman's breast.' MALONE. was |