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Ment. "Yonder herd,

Who'prying now would interrupt our purpofe, Will two hours hence be hous'd, to avoid the fun,

Then riding at his height; at home I'll wait


And lead you thence to a fequester'd spot,
Fit for the mortal iffue of our meeting.
Mar. "Since you will have it fo,-
Ment. " -The die is caft.

Have I the bulk and finewy strength of man,
But to fuftain a heavier injury?

Let cowards shiver with a smother'd hate,
And fear the evil valour might avert :
The brave man's fword fecures his destiny."

Abating one or two expreffions, which are fermoni propiores;-as, "I'm forry for it,"" fince you will have it fo,"-and "I little thought to draw my fword against my brother's friend,"-this fcene has in our judgment confiderable merit, Mentevole's speech, marked by italics, is a very noble flight, infinitely beyond any thing else in the piece; but still what can we fay, but that

Affuitur late qui fplendeat unus et alter Purpureus pannus ?—

These few beauties will not redeem the reft of the performance, and indeed, by their pre-eminent fplendor, only place the general poverty of sentiment and expreffion in a stronger light,

Tranfactions of the Society inftituted at London for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce; with the Premiums offered in the Year 1787. 8vo. 4s. boards. Dodfley.

THIS is the fifth volume with which

the Public has been favoured of the Tranfactions of this refpectable, and, what is more, this universally respected body of-fo to defcribe them-mechanicophilofophical patrons of useful industry, of laudable ingenuity.

In the publication now before us (as in the preceding ones) we find a variety of papers, fraught with information, novel as well as important, on subjects -highly interefting to every nation that wishes to profit by a proficiency in the knowledge of mechanics; and not of mechanics merely, but of manufac. tures, of commerce, of agriculture, and of the arts in general. While thus interefting to others, not a little honourable as well as interefting are they to purfelves, from the fresh proofs they ex

hibit of our fuperior talents as well as fuperior fuccefs in the wide-extended circles of fcientific improvement.

In the firft paper-which is on a subject of AGRICULTURE we find an account by Thomas White, Efq. of Retford in Nottinghamshire, of the methods he adopted in inclofing and forme ing a plantation of confiderable magnitude at Butsfield, in the Bishoprick of Durham. According to this account, experience feems to evince, that, in unfheltered fituations, thofe trees thrive best which are not above one foot, or at most above eighteen inches high, when planted; as they furnish a fhorter lever than taller trees, which, by their own force operating with the power of the winds, are conftantly diftreffing the root, by breaking the young fibres. To the progrefs

For his former valuable communications, this gentleman, we learn, has repeatedly received from the Society medals of the most honourable distinction.


of vegetation, this effect muft manifeftly be injurious; but not lefs fo appears to be the general practice of inexperienced planters, who are apt to place their trees fo low in the earth as to be hardly within the reach of the folar influence.

Senfible of the mifchiefs refulting from this predominant error, Mr. White pays more regard to the ftrength of the item, and fibrous ftate of the roots, than to the height or age of the trees; which it is his conftant practice to plant very small. Upon principles equally rational and fcientific, he chooses alfo to intermix, as much as poffible, the different trees in his plantations ; not merely from the profpect of eftablishing a fucceffion, but froin an opinion, fupported by obfervation and experience, that ground fo planted will produce a greater quantity of useful wood; and that, as the earth itself furnishes a heterogeneous mafs of matter, containing for each different plant an appropriated food, fo each derives therefrom a peculiar kind of nourishment neceffary for its own fupport.

If thefe remarks be as juft in prac tice as they are plaufible in theory, (and in both respects we are inclined to put faith in them) the ingenious author of the paper before us is perfectly right when he obferves, that a promifcuous arrangement of various kinds of trees must be the best mode of difpoling of them; as each kind will, with the greater facility, fearch out and obtain its fhare of the proper nourishment, without robbing its neighbours; which, being plants of a different genus, will neceffarily partake of the aliment allotted for their particular fupport; whereas, if trees of the fame kind, which derive from the earth the fame Specific nourishment, are planted in the vicinity of each other, upon the fame common bed, they muft foon (having exhaufted the foil of nutriment peculiar to their nature) dwindle, and perish.

The second paper in the prefent col. lection confifts of experiments and obfervations on the culture of turneps, by George Winter, Efq. of Charlton, near Bristol.-In this paper, from a perfuafion of the inconveniencies and Tolles that flow from the common mode

of agriculture refpecting turneps, as well as other kinds of feed, and all forts of grain, Mr. Winter powerfully recommends the practice of drilling. From the neglect of this valuable improvement, the feed being sown broadcast, the fcorching fun, as he justly obferves, often injures it before it can be covered; the treading of the horses, by harrowing, bushing, and rolling, fo hardens a loamy or ftiff foil, as entirely to exclude the air, the dews, &c. and not only prevent the feed from vegetating, but destroy almoft one half of it, from the pressure of the horses feet.

The enfuing paper confifts of a letter from Thomas Boothby Parkyns, Efq. on the culture and ufes of the plant called Racine de Difette-a plant, by which, whatever may be its virtues, the feeds of no fmall animofity feem to have lately been implanted among the botanical tribe, from the meek Dr. Lettfom down to the irafcible Mr. Smith, of Lambeth, his formidable, but hithertoneglected opponent, respecting not merely the properties, but the very genus of this pretended phenomenon among the modern productions of nature, the Mangel-Wurzel;-the Root of Plenty, "as it ought to be styled, though we, in imitation of the French, are pleased to call it the "Root of Scarcity*." Be this as it may, we cannot help expreffing our furprise, that a gentleman of Dr. Lettfom's known integrity and candour fhould, in all his publications on the fubject, have omitted to notice this communication of Mr. Parkyns, which is dated the 13th of May 1786, above a year before the Doctor publicly undertook to elucidate and recommend the Man gel-Wurzel. As a gentleman and a man of science, his honour is dear to es, as it can be dear to himself; and therefore it is that we cannot help pronouncing it incumbent upon him to affign his reasons for a conduct apparently so difingenu


To the judicious and well-penned paper of Mr. Parkyns fucceeds the defcription of a machine for cutting chaff, invent. ed and conftructed by Mr. James Pike, a watch-maker of Newton-Abbot, Devonhire; and next follow letters from Mr. Malcolm, of Kennington-nursery, Sur

* In Vol. XII. our readers will fee an account of the virtues afcribed to this wonderful plant by the Abbé de Commerell, the avowed patron of it in France, as Dr. Lettsom is in England.

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rey, and Mr. Boote, of Athurfton upon
Stower, near Stratford upon Avon, on
the fubject of drill-husbandry.

In the chemical department of the in-
terefting volume before us we find an
ingenious paper from Mr. Willis, Her-
mitage, Wapping, fuggefting upon very
plaufible principles a method by which
ftone-retorts may be prevented from
breaking, and by which, if from any
accident cracked in the course of a che-
mical operation, the crevice or crevices
may be fo effectually stopped as to per-
mit the retort to lofe nothing of the con-
tained fubject.

For these purposes Mr. White has always found it neceffary to ufe a previous coating for filling up the interffices of the earth or ftone. This is made by diffolving two ounces of borax in a pint of boiling water, and adding to the folution as much flaked lime as will make it into a thin pafle. It may be spread, he fays, with a common painter's bruh over feveral retorts, which, when dry, are ready for the preferving coat. intention of the firit coating is, that the The fubftances thus fpread over, readily vitrifying in the fire, fhall prevent any of the diftilling fubftances from pervading the retort, while it ferves to preclude the danger of its being cracked. When Mr. White thinks it neceffary to ufe any fuch coated retorts, his method is, to charge them with the fubftance to be distilled, and then to prepare a thin paste, made with common linfeed oil and naked lime, well mixed, and perfectly plastic, that it may easily spread. this pafte he directs the retort to be coWith vered all over, with the exception of that part of the neck which is to be inferted into the receiver. This, he adds, may be readily done with a painter's brush; and in a day or two the coating, thus formed, will be fufficiently dry, and confequently fit for use.

In the province of the arts more immediately called polite, we are pleased to find a letter, highly polished, as well as polite, from a LADY, who, under the fignature of "Emma Jane Greenland," has adorned the records of the Society with feveral pertinent remarks relative to the method of painting in wax ;—a method fuppofed to have been anciently practifed in Greece, and now


mended by her as free from all the difadvantages incident to the practice of painting in oil. In this department we have alio a paper from Mr. Cheese, defcriptive of a machine he has invented

for teaching the principles of music to people deprived of fight, and-what is enabling them alfo to preferve their com certainly of far more confequence-for pofitions, in the very act of compofing, vice of Mr. Cheefe is ingenious; and without the help of a copyift.-The deplaufible is the account given of the machine; but he muft excufe us if we tell him, that we have doubts, very frong doubts about the practical utility of his invention. In the next volume of the Society's Tranfactions, however, we trust that the author will gratify us with fome fubftantial proofs of its efficacy.

prefented with two letters (not a little In the article of manufactures, we are interefting to the naturalift, as well as to the manufacturer) on the breeding and managing of filk-worms in England. One of thefe letters is from a Mifs Rhodes, fome papers from whom upon the fame fubje&t were publifhed in the preceding volume of the Society's Tranfactions; the other comes from the pen of the Rev. Bristol; and to both we could wish to Mr. Swaine, of Pucklechurch, near fes the attention of our filk-manufacturers directed.

have an account of an hydraulic maIn the department of mechanics, we chine, the invention of the late Mr. county of Northumberland ;-a machine Wm. Weftgarth, of Colecleugh, in the founded on one of the most obvious printhat of a heavier column of water railing ciples in the fyftem of ftatics;-namely, a lighter. In the idea that gave rife to the formation of the engine under confi but from the ufe that has been made of it, deration, there is evidently little novelty; there refults what certainly deferves higher praife-much practical utility; and, if we mistake not, Mr. Weftgarth was the fift mechanic in the kingdom who pointed out the means by which the difficulties that had attended the operation of every other machine intended to work on this principle, might be effectually ob viated.

the Society now before us has "colonies The laft article in the Transactions of and trade" for its fubject; and it confifts merely of letters relative to a red useful it may prove there, and even in earth found in Jamaica, which, however purpofes, particularly in the formation the other Welt-India Ilands, for many of cifterns, refervoirs, canals, &c. can never, we apprehend, be rendered in any great degree ferviceable to Great Britain, or indeed to any other European country,


from the unavoidable expence that would attend the conveyance of it thither.

The Tranfactions-or at least the account of the Transactions-of the year being thus closed, the remainder of the volume is occupied with a detail of the rewards adjudged in 1786, as alfo of the prefents received, and of the premiums offered in 1787; together with lifts of the Officers and Members: nor can we

difmifs the prefent article without expreffing our fatisfaction at the increased, and evidently ftill increafing, profperity of an institution fo laudable in its varied purfuits, and fo indefatigable in rendering thofe purfuits permanently useful, not merely to this or that individual, or even to this or that nation, but diffusively to mankind at large.

An Elegy on the ancient Greek Model, addreffed to the Right Reverend Robert Lowth, Lord Bishop of London; printed at Cambridge, 1779; and fold in London by T. Payne. 4to. Is. 6d.

THIS beautiful poem is generally afcri-
bed to the elegant pen of the Author
of the "Triumphs of Temper," and is
faid to have owed its origin to the follow
ing circumftance: During the Ameri-
can war, Bishop Lowth preached at St.
James's, and published a Sermon in the
ftyle of too many of his brethren at that
period, containing a perfonal reflection *
on Dr. Price, which grieved many of the
Bishop's friends; and among others, the
Author of this Elegy. Mr. Hayley not
having preferved it in his Works, the fol-
lowing extracts, we doubt not, will prove
highly acceptable to many of our readers :
"Mourn, Son of Amos, mourn! in ac-
cent sharp

Of angry forrow strike thy heav'nly harp.
Mourn thou fublimeft of the fainted choir!
Thofe lips, that, touch'd with thy celestial fire,
Clear'd from the gather'dcloud of many an age,
The bright'ning flame of thy prophetic rage;
Thofe lips, thro' Learning's facred sphere re-

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In dark Servility's expanding cave
Forgotten Prelates hail thee from the grave;
O Lucifer! of Prophecy the ftar,
Rolling thro' Hebrew clouds thy radiant car!
Art thou too fall'n as we? Can Flatt'ry's tide
Drown thy free spirit and thy Attic pride?
Is this the man who fpoke, in language strong,
The praife of Liberty's Athenian fong?
Bleft are her notes, but curft the fordid things
That prieftcraft offers to the pride of Kings;
For never, never fhall fair Freedom's hand

Enroll one Prelate in her facred band!"

He then digreffes in praise of those mi tred fages who have approved themfelves the friends of freedom and the people; though not without an oblique glance at fuch as

"Fond of dull repofe, Without a dream of Learning's friends or foes, njoy their table, or from thence withdrawn, Sink in foft flumber on their fleeves of lawn."

The names that are mentioned with peculiar approbation are Langton and Hoadly among the dead, and among the then living, Shipley and Law.

Refuming his fubject, he proceeds:
"O Lowth! we faw thy radiant name on high,
Amid the pureft lights of Learning's sky;
And long, if true to freedom's guiding voice,
Lang in thy fplendor shall that sphere rejoice.

*" Our excellent constitution, the glory of modern policy, and the envy of the rest of the world, is it not greatly weakened, and rendered ineffectual by a general national depravity, by a decay of public spirit, and every virtuous principle! And this weakness of the conftitution do not the enemies of all order make a pretence, and use as an occasion, to endeavour, instead of restoring, totally to fubvert it ?—Are there not many, whose study it has long been to introduce diforder and confusion, to encourage tumults and feditions, to destroy all rule and all authority, by traducing Government, despifing dominion, and speaking evil of dignities? By assuming visionary and impracticable principles, as the only true foundations of a true govern ment, which tend to raise difcontent in the people **, to harden some in actual rehellion, and to difpofe others to follow their example ? Bishop Lowth's Sermon, on Ash Wednesday 1779. **As far as, in any inftance, the operation of any caufe comes in to reltrain the power of felf-government, fo far flavery is introduced." Dr. Price, Obfervations on Civil Liberty. Sect. 1.-"The reprefentation must be complete. No state, a PART of which only is reprefented in the legislature that governs it, is SELF-governed." Additional Observations, Sect. I. From which it follows, that a vast majority of the people of England, all that have no vote for reprefentatives in Parliament, are flaves.

↑ See Laiah, chap. xiv.


One paffing vapour shall diffolve away,
And leave thy glory's unobstructed ray.
But while on Fame's high precipice you ftand,
Be nobly firm! nor bend the virtuous hand,
Fill'd with rich fweets from Freedom's flow'ry

To pluck Servility's oblivious weed!
High in the Court's rank foil that creeper

And oft with dark embrace the Crofier binds ;
While fqueez'd from thence, the fubtle Pre-
late flings

Its luscious poifon in the ear of Kings."

After justifying the motives of his addrefs, and doing ample juftice to the good Bishop's character, he adds:

Teach us to guard from every mean controf
That manly vigour of the judging foul,
Which faith approves, which loyalty allows!
Teach us, while bonour to thy doctrine bows,
That duty's praife in no blind worship lies,
But reafon's homage to the juft and wife!
So to thy country, to thy God endear'd,
By Heav'n protected, as on earth rever'd,
May thy mild age in purest fame rejoice;
In fame, where Envy hears no jarring vo ce !
So may Religion, with divine relief,
Drop her rich balm on thy parental grief!
May that sweet comforter,the heav'nly muse,
Who fondly treasures forrow's facred dews,
In glory's vafe preferve the precious tear
Shed by paternal love on beauty's bier!
And O! when thou, to learning's deep regret,

"Shall Lowth adapt no more his Attic ftyle Muft pay at nature's call our common debt;

To the meridian of my favourite ifle?
But feebly fpeak, in France's languid tone,
Faint as beneath Oppreffion's burning zone?
Or, blazing only with a bigot's fire,
Awake the flumb'ring flames of regal ire :
Stretch the state-theorist on prieft hood's rack,
And from the pulpit aim the perfonal attack?
Far other precepts fuit the hallow ́d fage!

He then calls upon the Bishop to correct the rank abufes of the time,in the following animated lines :

While life's laft murmurs shake the parching


And pity catches that portentous note;
While in its hollow orb the rolling eye
Of Hope is turn'd convulfive to the sky ;
May holiest vifitants, each fainted feer,
Whose wellknown accents warble in thine ear,
Defcend, with iviercy's delegated power,
To footh the anguish of that awful hour :
With lenient aid release thy struggling breath,
Guide thy freed fpirit thro' the gates of death,
Shew thee emerging from this earthly storm,
Thy lev'd Maria in a feraphi's form,

"Rife then, O rife! with Hoadly's (pirit fir'd, And give thee, gazing on the Throne of Grace, But in thy richer eloquence attir'd: To view thy mighty Maker face to face."

Favourite Tales, tranflated from the French. 8vo. 3s. 6d. Robinson.

THE following Story of the "Mad Girl

of St. Joseph's," by the Chevalier de Grave, will afford no bad fpecimen of thefe original and entertaining Tales, which are far fuperior to the general run of French frippery.

"It was two o'clock in the morning, the almost exhausted lamp in the court-yard gave but a glimmering light, and I was retiring to my apartment, when I thought I heard a noife at the foot of the fair-cafe. I called out twice, Who's there? What are ⚫ you about there?' and was anfwered by a foft and touching voice, "It is 1; don't you

fee that I am waiting for him? As I was not the perfon expected, I was walking away, when the fame voice called to me, "Pray come here; but don't make a noise." I approached, and near the last step, behind the pillar, perceived a young woman dressed in white, with a black fash, and with her hair falling in diforder on her shoulders. "I "never did you harm," faid the; "pray do "not hurt me. I have touched nothing; I

am here in a corner, where I cannot be

"feen-this injures nobody-but don't fay "any thing about it: don't mention it to "him. He'll come down prefently.-I fhall "fee him; and then I'll go away."

"My furprise increafed at every word ; and I tried, in vain, to recolle&t this unfortunate creature. Her voice was perfectly unknown to me, as well as whatever I could difcover of her perfon. She continued to fpeak; but her ideas became fo confused, that I could difcover nothing but the dif order of her head and the diftrefs of her heart.

"I interrupted her, and endeavoured to bring back her attention to our fituation. →→→

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If fomebody elfe,' faid, had seen you before I did at the foot of the stair-cafe ?-"Ah !'' faid she, "I fee very well that you "do not know all-He alone is fomebody→→→→ " and when he goes away, he does not, like "you, listen to all he bears; he only hears "her who is above. Formerly it was 1; "now it is fhe.-But it will not laft, Oh! no, no, it will not laft!”

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"At thefe words he took a medallion from

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