
centre of that city, the naturally romantic situation of which it is well adapted to render still more picturesque, especially should those improvements be made which Bettoni suggests. He proposes that it should be embellished with monuments, statues, temples, and other elegant decorations of art. This work is sentimental and poetical.-The Cavalier Luizi Bossi continues to labour indefatigably in the prosecution of his laborious work on Italy, Le Storia d'Italia Antica e Moderna. The twelfth volume has just been published at Milan, by Giegler and Bianchi. It begins with the overthrow of the Western Empire, from the time of the acknowledgment of Theodoric, as King of Italy, to the founding of the kingdom of Lombardy, and finishes with a description of the situation of the provinces, cities, and islands of Italy under the dominion of the Goths and Lombards.-Vita e Commercio Letterario, &c. the Life and Correspondence of Galileo Galilei, a posthumous work of the learned Florentine Senator De Nelli, is an interesting piece of biography of the great Italian astronomer, composed from the most authentic sources and original documents, the author having purchased all the manuscripts and letters he could meet with of Galilei, Coricelli, Castelli, Viviani, and other mathematicians of the 17th century. The work, which is in two volumes quarto, is embellished with ten plates: two of them are portraits of Galilei; the first taken when he was 40, the other, 77 years of age. Both of them are engraved under the direction of the celebrated Raphael Morghen.The first volume of the Collezione degli antichi Storici Greci volgerizzati, edited by Sonzogno, of Milan, contains a translation, by Compagnoni, of Dictys Cretensis, and of Dares the Phrygian. In the second, third, and fourth volumes, are the first and second books of Diodorus, also translated by Compagnoni, and the nine books of Herodotus, translated by Andreas Mustoxidi of Corfu, who has added to them a Commentary.The Raccolta di Scene Teatrali eseguite o disegnate dei più celebri Pittori Scenici in Milano is a novel and interesting work, well calculated to advance the art of scene-painting to a

higher rank than it now fills, and to preserve many beautiful productions of this kind from the oblivion to which they are otherwise almost inevitably consigned. The 2d number, now published, contains, along with a variety of scenes of every description, an exterior and an interior view of the Theatre La Scala, and a design of the beautiful curtain painted by the celebrated Appiani, for the private amateur theatre of the Filo Dramatici.-The anonymous Storia di America, intended as a sequel to Segue's General History, gives an account of the moral and physical features of the New World. The writer has borrowed much from Humboldt, but has not availed himself of the assistance of Azara and Sobrevielo. In the sixth and last division of his work, he treats of the different dialects of America, and their origin: he considers that their number, said by some to amount to 1264, has been greatly exaggerated, although it is certain that in a single province a variety of dialects are used orally which are not employed in writing.-A work on the science of history, by the Duke di Ventignano, a writer before known to the public by his tragedies, has issued from the press at Naples, under the title of Pensieri sulla Scienza della Storia. In this treatise the author follows the steps of Rio, whom he calls the Founder of the Synthesis of History; and he endeavours to systematize this important study, and to reduce it to certain principles founded in the nature of man. In conformity with this theory, he attempts to develope the progress of civilization, and the changes which society and government have successively undergone.The interesting biographical work, entitled Vite e Ritratti d'illustri Italiani, is now closed with the 60th number, containing the Life of Filangieri, by Carnebali, and his portrait, engraved by Caronni. There is another work, of nearly a similar nature and title, Ritratti d'illustri Italiani Viventi, of which the fifth number has just appeared, with the portraits of Palette, Perticari, Rossini, Stratico, and Venturi. The sixth number will complete the work. Among the portraits which have already been given are, Appiani, the scene painter, Botta, the historian,

Canova, Morghen, Paer, the com- Bohemian Literature.-The vernaposer, Pindemonti, Scarpa, Visconti, cular literature of Bohemia, which the archeologist, and Volta. has been so long in a state approaching to annihilation, now begins to spring up again, and to exhibit signs of vitality. The interest which the Emperor has manifested in its behal. has been the means of imparting to it fresh energy, insomuch, that the progress it has made of late years has been uncommonly rapid. Within this period, a great number of Translations have appeared, and these have been beneficial, so far as they have assisted in reviving literary taste, and in inciting native talent to rival the productions of other countries. There are now four journals established in the metropolis, and many works are continually printing in Kuttenberg, Pilsen, Poseck, and other cities. One of the most assiduous labourers, in the cause of letters, is Hanka, the keeper of the National Museum, who has rendered a most important service to literature, by editing the manuscript which he discovered buried beneath an old pillar, in the church at Königinhof. This document is invaluable, from the light it throws upon the history of Bohemian poetry, of which the furious religious contentions during the fifteenth century have left hardly any trace. After much laborious investigation of what was mutilated, and, in some places, illegible, Hanka succeeded in deciphering what constitutes the fragments of a collection of narrative and lyrical poems, possessing considerable intrinsic merit. They were composed at the end of the thirteenth, and the beginning of the fourteenth century; some of them are probably of a still earlier date. The fortunate discoverer of these relics has edited them in the original language, accompanied by a version in the modern Bohemian dialect, and by another, in German, by Professor Swobode. They relate the victory obtained over the Poles, under Udalrich; the incursion of the Saxons into Bohemia; the battle against the Tartars at Olmutz, &c. A Russian Translation of them has been published, on which occasion the Dowager Empress testified her approbation of Hanka's labours by presenting him with a valuable medal. J. W. Zimmermann is another industrious

History of Russia.-Castelneau's Essai sur l'Histoire Ancienne de la Nouvelle Russie is an historical work of great research. The labour of collecting materials for such an undertaking, was considerably enhanced, by the rapid succession of the different tribes, who have made themselves masters of this country, from the time when it was first described by Herodotus, until it was incorporated with the rest of the Russian Empire. M. Castelneau has divided his history into three distinct portions or æras; the first, commencing with the most remote antiquity, ends at the conquest of the Crimea by Mahomet II. in 1475. The second, which records facts better authenticated, and less perplexed and obscure, comprises three centuries, terminating in the year 1784; when the country was ceded to the Russians. The Author has spared no pains, that he might produce the first complete and genuine history of a people, with whose annals we have hitherto been but imperfectly acquainted,-of those warlike Tartars and Cossacks, who have so often rebelled against the Porte, and have constantly been at variance with Poland and Russia. The third, and last portion of the work is not deficient in interest, to those who prize the cultivation of intellect more than the subjugation of territory, and who consider the advancement of agriculture, commerce, art, and civilization, to be more truly glorious, than all the pomp, pride, and circumstance of war and conquest. These provinces, so long exposed to devastation, now present a scene of prosperity. Their situation on the borders of the Black Sea, the navigable streams by which they are intersected, the fertility of the soil, and the possession of a flourishing and increasing commercial city, render them the most important possessions of the Russian empire. At the end of the work, is an interesting account of a journey made by the author through the Crimea, for the purpose of collecting information relative to its geology, natural history, numismatics, statistics, agriculture, trade, and navigation.

writer. He has lately published the first volume of his History of Bohemia, under Ferdinand I. from 1526 to 1547; a work that is so much the more interesting and valuable, as it relates to a period of which there was before no printed record; for Hagel and Beczkorosky bring down their histories only to 1526, and Palzel's Chronicle proceeds no farther than the Reign of Charles IV.

Stepaneck and Kliepera are the two chief dramatic writers; the former has produced many pieces, both original and translated. They are now publishing a collection of their various works, under the title Diwado (the stage). Epic poetry is cultivated by Negedly and Herokowsky; the former has written the poems of Charles IV. Ottokar, Wratislaw, and The Last Judgement; the latter, a Poem, called the Maiden's War. Professor Negedly, who must not be confounded with the preceding author of the same name, has composed an excellent Bohemian Grammar, for the use of Germans; also, Translations of Florian's Numa Pompilius, Young's Night Thoughts, and the first Books of the Iliad. It has been doubted, whether the last mentioned are translated immediately from the original, yet even should this be the case, the services which Negedly has performed for his countrymen, are not therefore the less valuable. He is, moreover, the conductor of the Hlasatel, a periodical work, which was first commenced in 1808; and after having been discontinued for several years, is now carried on again with increased spirit. This is the first Journal in Bohemia, which gave papers of any length, on either serious or amusing subjects. Pollok has published a Tour in Italy, and some Poems; and Schiesslar, the last writer we shall now mention, has also composed some Poems and Fables, and has translated Shakspeare's Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.

Spanish Literature. The first volume of an historical work of very superior merit, and indeed of more importance than any produced during the last century, has lately issued from the press at Madrid. It is entitled, La Historia de la Dominacion de los Arabes en España, sacada de

Manuscritos y Memorias Arabigas, and is written by the Academician Josef Antonio Conde, who died last year. The Spaniards have, for a long time, been indebted to the researches of the literati of other countries, but have, at length, applied themselves to the investigation of this interesting epoch of their national history; and, notwithstanding the number of documents that have been destroyed, enough yet remain to supply the deficiencies, and to correct the errors of the old chroni clers, and thus dispel the obscurity in which the annals of this æra are enveloped. Conde, whose early death is to be lamented as an irreparable loss to Spanish literature, ventured into this immense and bewildering mine, examined the valuable MSS. deposited in the various libraries of Madrid, as well as those in the archives of the Escurial, and, after attentively collating and studying them, produced a work that will confer immortal honour on his memory. The policy of the Arabian conquerors, their military tactics, their government and legislation, their system of taxation, the administration of their police, their institutions for public charity and education, their religi ous toleration, manners and customs, form the principal objects of the author's attention; and the facts and documents are all original and authentic. He has, moreover, incorporated many fragments from the Arabian poets, partly for the purpose of elucidating events and customs, and partly to give an Oriental air to the whole composition. He has, likewise, derived from Arabic sources of biography, much important information relative to those great men who distinguished themselves, either in literature or in arms. The work is divided into four books; the first of which commences with a brief account of the situation of the Arabians, at the time of their first irrup→ tion into Africa. The author then proceeds to describe their attack upon Spain; the government of the Omars; their policy, and their conduct towards the people whom they conquered; the feuds between the Omars themselves; the events which brought Spain under the dominion of the Caliphs of Damascus; and, last

ly, he presents a vivid picture of the actions and the characters of the first Arabian conquerors in Spain, during the interval from 710 to 748. The second book treats of the Arabian Monarchy in Spain (as it existed independent of the Caliphs);-of the princes of this powerful dynasty, and the extension of their power, both within and without the peninsula; of the government, manners, wealth, arts and sciences of the Arabians, until the breaking out of the war in 1080, to which period we are brought

down in the present volume, which consists of 660 pages in 4to. The third and fourth books will be comprised in the two succeeding volumes, which are partly printed. It was the intention of the author to give a glossary and explanation of all the Arabic words; and also a comparative geography, and a map of Arabian Spain; this, however, he has been prevented from executing by death, which seized him in the midst of his labours.



THE great leading event of the last month, we might almost say of the age in which we live, has been the death of Napoleon. As it is our custom seldom to offer a comment upon the details of our chronicle, and as, perhaps, we may hereafter make this striking event the subject of a distinct article, we shall here confine ourselves to the more interesting particulars which have been disclosed to us, and which will, no doubt, become matter for history. Napoleon died at six o'clock, upon the fifth of May, on his rock, at St. Helena, after an imprisonment of something more than six years. The dispatches were brought to England, by Captain Crockatt, and Captain Hendrie, together with a kind of medico-official bulletin, signed by some professional gentlemen, who opened the body, in which his disease is asserted to be a cancer in the stomach, a disease, to which the death of his father has also been ascribed. As this document is both curious and authentic, and as it has become the subject of much discussion, we insert it here.



On a superficial view the body appeared very fat, which state was confirmed by the first incision down its centre, where the fat was upwards of one inch and a half over the abdomen. On cutting through the cartilages of the ribs, and exposing the cavity of the thorax, a trifling adhesion of the left pleura was found to the pleura costalis. About three ounces of reddish fluid were contained in the left cavity, and nearly eight ounces in the right. The lungs were quite sound. The pericardium was natural, and contained about an ounce of fluid.

The heart was of the natural size, but thickly covered with fat. The auricles and ventricles exhibited nothing extraordinary, except that the muscular parts appeared rather paler than natural.

Upon opening the abdomen the omentum was found remarkably fat, and on exposing the stomach that viscus was found the seat of extensive disease. Strong adhesions connected the whole superior surface, particu larly about the pyloric extremity to the concave surface of the left lobe of the liver; and on separating these, an ulcer, which penetrated the coats of the stomach, was discovered one inch from the pylorus, suffi

his bed, and died with his eyes fixed on it! His last words were broken and interrupted: "tête, tête-armee

cient to allow the passage of the little fin-
ger. The internal surface of the stomach,
to nearly its whole extent, was a mass of
cancerous disease or schirrous portions ad--France,'
vancing to cancer: this was particularly
noticed near the pyrolus. The cardiac ex-
tremity, for a small space near the termi-
nation of the oesophagus, was the only part
appearing in a healthy state. The stomach
was found nearly filled with a large quan-
tity of fluid resembling coffee grounds.

The convex surface of the left lobe of the liver adhered to the diaphragm. With the exception of the adhesions occasioned by the disease in the stomach, no unhealthy appearance presented itself in the liver. The remainder of the abdominal viscera were in a healthy state.

A slight peculiarity in the formation of
the left kidney was observed.

And Principal Medical Officer.

Surgeon 20th Regiment.
Surgeon of H. M. S. Vigo,
Surgeon 66th Regiment.
Surgeon H. C. Service.

It is remarkable enough, and has been much animadverted on, that, although the ex-emperor's own personal surgeon, Antommarchi, is referred to by Sir Hudson Lowe, as directing the dissection, still his name does not appear annexed to this report. Rumour, also, says, that he applied for leave to bring the stomach home to Europe, and was refused; a similar demand of the heart of Napoleon was made by Bertrand, which met with a similar refusal. There is something to us exceedingly affecting in this latter incident. If ever there lived a man who had an undeniable claim upon the heart of Napoleon, it was Marshal Bertrand. History does not record a nobler instance of fidelity, under the most trying circumstances, than has now associated· itself with the name of Bertrand; and whether the French revolution be yet incomplete, or the scene at St. Helena may be termed its close, posterity will not find in its various annals a more noble or consistent character. Some of the circumstances attendant upon the death of Napoleon are very interesting. When he found that his illness was likely to prove fatal, he directed the picture of his son to be placed at the foot of

were distinctly overheard a few hours before his death. Buonaparte had a certain and distant presentiment that he was dying. It is erroneously stated, in all the newspapers, that his will was found in St. Helena. It was not. About ten days before he was confined to his bed, in which he lingered for forty days, he gave his will to an old priest, called Bonavitti, who had latterly been sent out to him, and charged him to deliver it to some member of his family at Rome. The priest arrived in the English channel five weeks before the intelligence of the death reached Europe, was not allowed to land here, after his long voyage, and although eighty years of age and worn out with illness, he has, we have no doubt, long ere this, faithfully performed the last melancholy mission of his departed master. The pos

session of this document was anxiously sought after, as the bank, in which Napoleon's wealth was deposited, always remained a secret, and that wealth, which was considerable, had become confiscated by a decree of the Bourbon government. Buonaparte died very rich. We happen to have the means of knowing, that he had in the hands of one individual, nearly half a million, sterling! His principal bequest is supposed to have been to his son. He had long given verbal directions as to the place of his interment, in case he should die upon the island. It is situated in a romantic little valley, near a brook, of which he was fond of drinking, and over-hung by a few trees. His burial was marked by all the honours due to a general of the first class; and he was cased down in a grave fourteen feet deep, and overlaid with stone and mortarwork, all cramped with iron. Surely it looked as if the vigilance of his gaolers survived their prisoner—as if they thought that his very grave should be a dungeon, and that the mighty spirit, which a world could not contain, might burst beyond its last, dark tenement. Before his funeral he was laid in state, upon his little camp-bed, which was his couch during the field of Austerlitz, and

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