The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.: With Murphy's Essay, 6. kötetCowie, 1825 - 715 oldal |
Részletek a könyvből
1 - 5 találat összesen 66 találatból.
8. oldal
... suppose , easily be found by following the walls among the grass and weeds , and its height is known by some parts yet standing . The arch of one of the gates is entire , and of another only so far dilapidated as to diversify the ...
... suppose , easily be found by following the walls among the grass and weeds , and its height is known by some parts yet standing . The arch of one of the gates is entire , and of another only so far dilapidated as to diversify the ...
12. oldal
... suppose four - and - forty shillings a year an honourable stipend ; yet it was probably equal , not only to the needs , but to the rank of Boethius . The wealth of England was undoubtedly to that of Scotland more than five to one , and ...
... suppose four - and - forty shillings a year an honourable stipend ; yet it was probably equal , not only to the needs , but to the rank of Boethius . The wealth of England was undoubtedly to that of Scotland more than five to one , and ...
14. oldal
... suppose , what is like- wise by experience commonly found true , that he who is by age qualified to be a doctor , has in so much time gained learning sufficient not to disgrace the title , or wit sufficient not to desire it . The Scotch ...
... suppose , what is like- wise by experience commonly found true , that he who is by age qualified to be a doctor , has in so much time gained learning sufficient not to disgrace the title , or wit sufficient not to desire it . The Scotch ...
19. oldal
... suppose , must be expected in every country , where there is no great frequency of travellers . The ruins of the cathedral of Elgin afforded us another proof of the waste of reformation . There is enough yet remaining to shew , that it ...
... suppose , must be expected in every country , where there is no great frequency of travellers . The ruins of the cathedral of Elgin afforded us another proof of the waste of reformation . There is enough yet remaining to shew , that it ...
37. oldal
... suppose the way by which we went is at this time impas- sable . GLENSHEALS . The lough at last ended in a river broad and shallow like the rest , but that it may be passed when it is deeper , there is a bridge over it . Beyond it is a ...
... suppose the way by which we went is at this time impas- sable . GLENSHEALS . The lough at last ended in a river broad and shallow like the rest , but that it may be passed when it is deeper , there is a bridge over it . Beyond it is a ...
Más kiadások - Összes megtekintése
The Works Of Samuel Johnson, Ll.d.: With Murphy's Essay;, 1. kötet Samuel Johnson,Arthur Murphy Nincs elérhető előnézet - 2019 |
The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.: With Murphy's Essay, Volume 1 Samuel Johnson,Arthur Murphy Nincs elérhető előnézet - 2015 |
Gyakori szavak és kifejezések
Abdalla ALMIGHTY Amen Ashbourne Aspasia Boswell Cali Christ our Lord church danger death delight Demetrius desire diligence Dunvegan Easter endeavoured Erse ev'ry evil fear Floretta Fort Augustus grant hear heard Heav'n Hebrides Highlands honour hope hour Imlac Inch Kenneth inhabitants Inverness Irene island Jesus Christ labour lady laird land learned Leontius less LETTER live Maclean Macleod merciful Father mind morning mountains nature Nekayah never night o'er once passed passions Pekuah perhaps pleased pleasure pow'r prayed prayer prince PRINCE OF ABISSINIA princess publick Raarsa Raasay Rasselas reason repentance resolutions rock sake of Jesus SCENE Scotland shew Skie Slanes Castle sorrow soul square miles stone Streatham suppose tacksman terrour Thee things Thou hast Thou shalt thought THRALE thy Holy Spirit tion told travelled virtue wish