The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.: With Murphy's Essay, 6. kötetCowie, 1825 - 715 oldal |
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1 - 5 találat összesen 73 találatból.
1. oldal
... rock covered with a thin layer of earth , not wholly bare of grass , and very fertile of thistles . A small herd of cows grazes annually upon it in the summer . It seems never to have afforded to man or beast a permanent habitation ...
... rock covered with a thin layer of earth , not wholly bare of grass , and very fertile of thistles . A small herd of cows grazes annually upon it in the summer . It seems never to have afforded to man or beast a permanent habitation ...
15. oldal
... rock , the foot of which is beaten by the waves . To walk round the house seemed impracticable . From the windows the eye wanders over the sea that separates Scotland from Norway , and , when the winds beat with violence , must enjoy ...
... rock , the foot of which is beaten by the waves . To walk round the house seemed impracticable . From the windows the eye wanders over the sea that separates Scotland from Norway , and , when the winds beat with violence , must enjoy ...
16. oldal
... rock has , as we were told , its body not larger than a duck's , and yet lays eggs as large as those of a goose . This bird is by the inhabitants named a Coot . That which is called Coot in England is here a Cooter .看 Upon these rocks ...
... rock has , as we were told , its body not larger than a duck's , and yet lays eggs as large as those of a goose . This bird is by the inhabitants named a Coot . That which is called Coot in England is here a Cooter .看 Upon these rocks ...
17. oldal
... rock , above us the distant sky , and below an un- known profundity of water . If I had any malice against a walking spirit , instead of laying him in the Red Sea , I would condemn him to reside in the Buller of Buchan . But terrour ...
... rock , above us the distant sky , and below an un- known profundity of water . If I had any malice against a walking spirit , instead of laying him in the Red Sea , I would condemn him to reside in the Buller of Buchan . But terrour ...
23. oldal
... rock so high and steep , that I think it was once not accessible , but by the help of ladders , or a bridge . Over against it , on another hill , was a fort built by Cromwell , now totally demolished ; for no faction of Scotland loved ...
... rock so high and steep , that I think it was once not accessible , but by the help of ladders , or a bridge . Over against it , on another hill , was a fort built by Cromwell , now totally demolished ; for no faction of Scotland loved ...
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Abdalla ALMIGHTY Amen Ashbourne Aspasia Boswell Cali Christ our Lord church danger death delight Demetrius desire diligence Dunvegan Easter endeavoured Erse ev'ry evil fear Floretta Fort Augustus grant hear heard Heav'n Hebrides Highlands honour hope hour Imlac Inch Kenneth inhabitants Inverness Irene island Jesus Christ labour lady laird land learned Leontius less LETTER live Maclean Macleod merciful Father mind morning mountains nature Nekayah never night o'er once passed passions Pekuah perhaps pleased pleasure pow'r prayed prayer prince PRINCE OF ABISSINIA princess publick Raarsa Raasay Rasselas reason repentance resolutions rock sake of Jesus SCENE Scotland shew Skie Slanes Castle sorrow soul square miles stone Streatham suppose tacksman terrour Thee things Thou hast Thou shalt thought THRALE thy Holy Spirit tion told travelled virtue wish