The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.: With Murphy's Essay, 6. kötetCowie, 1825 - 715 oldal |
Részletek a könyvből
1 - 5 találat összesen 58 találatból.
. oldal
... Thrale , on her completing her Thirty - fifth Year Impromptu Translation of an air in the Clemenza de Tito of Me ... Thrale POEMATA .. ... 420 ib . 421 ib . 423 ib . 424 425 ib . 426 427 LETTERS , selected from the Collection of ...
... Thrale , on her completing her Thirty - fifth Year Impromptu Translation of an air in the Clemenza de Tito of Me ... Thrale POEMATA .. ... 420 ib . 421 ib . 423 ib . 424 425 ib . 426 427 LETTERS , selected from the Collection of ...
418. oldal
... THRALE , ON HER COMPLETING HER THIRTY - FIFTH YEAR . AN IMPROMPTU . OFT in danger , yet alive , We are come to thirty - five ; Long may better years arrive , Better years than thirty - five ! Could philosophers contrive Life to stop at ...
... THRALE , ON HER COMPLETING HER THIRTY - FIFTH YEAR . AN IMPROMPTU . OFT in danger , yet alive , We are come to thirty - five ; Long may better years arrive , Better years than thirty - five ! Could philosophers contrive Life to stop at ...
419. oldal
... Thrale at thirty - five . IMPROMPTU TRANSLATION OF AN AIR IN THE CLEMENZA DE TITO OF X METASTASIO , BEGINNING " Deh se piacermi vuoi . ” WOULD you hope to gain my heart , Bid your teasing doubts depart He , who blindly trusts , will ...
... Thrale at thirty - five . IMPROMPTU TRANSLATION OF AN AIR IN THE CLEMENZA DE TITO OF X METASTASIO , BEGINNING " Deh se piacermi vuoi . ” WOULD you hope to gain my heart , Bid your teasing doubts depart He , who blindly trusts , will ...
426. oldal
... THRALE , Qui res seu civiles , seu domesticas , ita egit , Ut vitam illi longiorem multi optarent , Ita sacras , Ut quam brevem esset habiturus præscire videretur ; Simplex , apertus , sibique semper similis , Nihil ostentavit aut arte ...
... THRALE , Qui res seu civiles , seu domesticas , ita egit , Ut vitam illi longiorem multi optarent , Ita sacras , Ut quam brevem esset habiturus præscire videretur ; Simplex , apertus , sibique semper similis , Nihil ostentavit aut arte ...
464. oldal
... THRALE . MADAM , London , Aug. 13 , 1765 . If you have really so good an opinion of me as you express , it will not be necessary to inform you how un- willingly I miss the opportunity of coming to Bright- helmstone in Mr Thrale's ...
... THRALE . MADAM , London , Aug. 13 , 1765 . If you have really so good an opinion of me as you express , it will not be necessary to inform you how un- willingly I miss the opportunity of coming to Bright- helmstone in Mr Thrale's ...
Más kiadások - Összes megtekintése
The Works Of Samuel Johnson, Ll.d.: With Murphy's Essay;, 1. kötet Samuel Johnson,Arthur Murphy Nincs elérhető előnézet - 2019 |
The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.: With Murphy's Essay, Volume 1 Samuel Johnson,Arthur Murphy Nincs elérhető előnézet - 2015 |
Gyakori szavak és kifejezések
Abdalla ALMIGHTY Amen Ashbourne Aspasia Boswell Cali Christ our Lord church danger death delight Demetrius desire diligence Dunvegan Easter endeavoured Erse ev'ry evil fear Floretta Fort Augustus grant hear heard Heav'n Hebrides Highlands honour hope hour Imlac Inch Kenneth inhabitants Inverness Irene island Jesus Christ labour lady laird land learned Leontius less LETTER live Maclean Macleod merciful Father mind morning mountains nature Nekayah never night o'er once passed passions Pekuah perhaps pleased pleasure pow'r prayed prayer prince PRINCE OF ABISSINIA princess publick Raarsa Raasay Rasselas reason repentance resolutions rock sake of Jesus SCENE Scotland shew Skie Slanes Castle sorrow soul square miles stone Streatham suppose tacksman terrour Thee things Thou hast Thou shalt thought THRALE thy Holy Spirit tion told travelled virtue wish