
ing minds, impatient under the reftraint of a cloifter, weary of its infipid uniformity, and fatigued with the irkfome repetition of its frivolous functions, offer their fervice with eagernefs, and repair to the New World in queft of liberty and diftinction. Nor do they pursue diftinction. without fuccefs. The higheft ecclefiaftical honours, as well as the most lucrative preferments in Mexico and Peru, are often in the hands of regulars; and it is chiefly to the monaftick orders that the Americans are indebted for any portion of fcience which is cultivated among them. They are almoft the only Spanish ecclefiafticks, from whom we have received any accounts, either of the civil or natural hiftory of the various provinces in America. Some of them, though deeply tinged with the indelible fuperftition of their profeffion, have published books which give a favourable idea of their abilities. The natural and moral hiftory of the New World, by the Jefuit Acofta, contains more accurate obfervations, perhaps, and more found fcience, than are to be found in any defcription of remote countries publifhed in the fixteenth century.

Diffolute manners of fome of them.

But the fame difguft with monaftick life, to which America is indebted for fome inftructors of worth and abilities, filled it with others of a very different character. The giddy, the

profligate, the avaricious, to whom the poverty and rigid difcipline of a convent are intolerable, confider a miffion to America as a release from mortification and bondage. There they foon obtain fome parochial charge, and far removed, by their fituation, from the inspection of their monaftick fuperiors,, and exempt, by their character, from the jurifdiction of their diocefan, u) they are hardly fubject to any controul. According to the teftimony of the most zealous catholicks, many of the regular clergy in the Spanish fettlements are not only deftitute of the virtues becoming their profeffion, but regardlefs of that external decorum and respect for the opinion of mankind, which preserve a femblance of worth, where the reality is wanting. Secure of impunity, fome regulars, in contempt of their vow of poverty, engage openly in commerce; and are fo rapacioufly eager in amaffing wealth, that they become the moft grievous oppreffors of the Indians, whom it was their duty to have protected. Others, with no lefs flagrant violation of their vow of chastity, indulge with little difguife in the moft diffolute licentioufnefs x).

Various fchemes have been propofed for redreffing enormities fo manifeft and offenfive. Several perfons, no lefs eminent for piety than

u) Avendano Thef. Indic. ii. 253.


difcernment, have contended, that the regulars, in conformity to the canons of the church, ought to be confined within the walls of their cloif ters, and fhould no longer be permitted to encroach on the functions of the fecular clergy. Some publick-fpirited magiftrates, from conviction of its being neceffary to deprive the reg ulars of a privilege, beftowed at firft with good intention, but of which time and experience had discovered the pernicious effects, openly countenanced the fecular clergy in their attempts to affert their own rights. The prince D'Efquilache, viceroy of Peru under Philip. III. (1618.) took measures fo decifive and effectual for circumfcribing the regulars within their proper sphere, as ftruck them with general confternation. y) They had recourfe to their ufual arts. They alarmed the superftitious, by reprefenting the proceedings of the viceroy as innovations fatal to religion. They employed all the refinements of intrigue, in order to gain perfons in power; and feconded by the powerful influence of the Jefuits, who claimed and enjoyed all the privileges which belonged to the Mendicant orders in America, they made a deep impreffion on a bigoted prince, and a weak miniftry. The ancient practice was tolerated. The abufes which it occafioned continued to increase, and the corruption of monks, exempt


from the restraints of difcipline, and the infpection of any fuperior, became a difgrace to re/ligion. At laft, as the veneration of the Spaniards for the monaftick orders began to abate, and the power of the Jefuits was on the decline, Ferdinand VI. ventured to apply the only effectual remedy by iffuing an edict, (June 23. 1757.) prohibiting Regulars of every denomination from taking the charge of any parish with the cure of fouls; and declaring, that on the demife of the prefent incumbents, none but fecular priefts, fubject to the jurisdiction of their diocefans, fhall be prefented to vacant benefices. z). If this regulation is carried into execution with steadiness in any degree proportional to the wisdom with which it is framed, a very confiderable reformation may take place in the ecclefiaftical state of Spanish America, and the fecular clergy may gradually become a respectable body of men. The deportment of many ecclefiafticks, even at prefent, feems to be decent and exemplary, otherwife we can hardly fuppofe that they would be held in fuch high eftimation, and poffefs fuch a wonderful afcendant over the minds of their countrymen throughout all the Spanish fettlements.

Small progrefs in converting the Indians to Chriftianity.

But whatever merit the Spanish ecclefiafticks in America may poffefs, the fuccefs of their z) Real Cedula MS. penes me.

endeavours in communicating the knowledge of true religion to the Indians, has been more imperfect than might have been expected, either from the degree of their zeal, or from the dominion which they had acquired over that people. For this, various reafons may be affigned. The firft miffionaries, in their ardour to make profelytes, admitted the people of America into the chriftian church, without previous inftruction in the doc trines of religion, and even before they themfelves had acquired fuch knowledge of the Indian language, as to be able to explain to the natives myfteries of faith, or the precepts of duty. Refting upon a fubtle distinction in fcholaftick theology, between that degree of affent which is founded on a complete knowledge and conviction of duty, and that which may be yielded when both thefe are imperfect, they adopted this ftrange practice, no lefs inconfiftent with the fpirit of a religion which addreffes itself to the understanding of men, than repugnant to the dictates of reafon. As foon as any body of people, overawed by dread of the Spanish power, moved by the example of their own chiefs, incited by levity, or yielding from mere ignorance, expreffed the flighteft defire of embracing the religion of their conquerors, they were inftantly baptized. While this rage of converfion continued, a fingle clergyman baptized in one day above five thoufand Mexicans, and did not defift until he was exhausted by

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