
and fome precious ftones, particularly emeralds. But its chief importance is derived from the har Lour of Carthagena, the fafeft and beft fortified of any in the American dominions of Spain. In a fituation fo favourable, commerce foon began to flourish. As early as the year 1544, it feems to have been a town of fome note. But when Carthagena was chofen as the port in which the galeons fhould first begin to trade on their arrival from Europe, and to which they were directed to return, in order to prepare for their voyage homeward, the commerce of its inhabitants was fo much favoured by this arangement, that it foon became one of the moft populous, opulent, and beautiful cities in America. There is, however, reafon to apprehend, that it has reached its highest point of exaltation, and that it will be fo far affected by the change in the Spanifh fyftem of trade with America, which has withdrawn from it the defirable vifits of the galeons, as to feel at leaft a temporary decline. But the wealth now collected there, muft find or create employment for itself, and may be turned with advantage into fome new channel. Its harbour is fo fafe and fo conveniently fituated for receiving commodities from Europe, its merchants have been fo long accustomed to convey thefe into all the adjacent provinces, that it is probable they will ftill retain this branch of trade, and Carthagena continue to be a city of great importance.


The province contiguous to Santa Martha on the east, was firft vifited by Alonfo de Ojeda, in the year 1499; u) and the Spaniards, on their landing there, having obferved fome huts in an Indian village built upon piles, in order to raise them above the stagnated water which covered the plain, were led to bestow upon it the name of Venezuela, or Little Venice, by their ufual propenfity to find a refemblance, between what they difcovered in America, and the objects which were familiar to them in Europe. They made fome attempts to fettle there, but with little fuccefs. The final reduction of the province was accomplifhed by means very different from thofe to which Spain was indebted for its other acquifitions in the New World. The ambition of Charles V. often engaged him in operations of fuch variety and extent, that his revenues were not fufficient to defray the expence of carrying them into execution. Among other expedients for fupplying the deficiency of his funds, he had borrowed large fums from the Velfers of Augfburgh, the moft opulent merchants at that time in Europe. By way of retribution for thefe, or in hopes, perhaps of obtaining a new loan, he beftowed upon them the province of Venezuela, to be held as an

u) Book ii, vol. i.

hereditary fief of the crown of Caftile, on condition that within a limited time they fhould Tender themselves mafters of the country, and establish a colony there. Under the direction of fuch perfons, it might have been expected, that a fettlement would have been eftablished on maxims very different from thofe of the Spaniards, and better calculated to encourage fuch useful induftry, as mercantile proprietors might have known to be the only certain fource of profperity and opulence. But unfortu nately they committed the execution of their plan to fome of thofe foldiers of fortune with which Germany abounded in the fixteenth century. These adventurers, impatient to amafs riches, that they might speedily abandon a ftation which they foon difcovered to be very uncomfortable, inftead of planting a colony in or der to cultivate and improve the country, wandered from diftrict to district in fearch of mines, plundering the natives with unfeeling rapacity, or oppreffing them by the impofition of intolerable tasks. In the courfe of a few years, their avarice and exactions, in comparison with which thofe of the Spaniards were moderate, defolat-' ed the province fo completely, that it could hardly afford them fubfiftence, and the Velfers relinquifhed a property, from which the inconfiderate conduct of their agents left them no hope of ever deriving any advantage. x) When - x) Civedo y Bagnos Hift, de Venezuela, p. II, &c.

the wretched remainder of the Germans deferted Venezuela, the Spaniards again took poffeffion of it; but, notwithstanding many natural advantages, it is one of their most languish→ ing and unproductive fettlements.

Caraccas and Cumana.

The provinces of Caraccas and Cumana are the laft of the Spanish territories on this coaft; but in relating the origin and operations of the mercantile company, in which an exclufiveright of trade with them has been vefted, I fhall hereafter gave occafion to confider their ftate and productions.

New kingdom of Granada.

The New Kingdom of Granada is entirely an inland country of vaft extent. This important addition was made to the dominions of Spain about the year 1536, by Sebaftian de Benalcazar and Gonzalo Ximenes de Quefada, two of the bravest and most accomplished officers employed in the conqueft of America. The former, who commanded at that time in Quito, attacked it from the fouth; the latter made his invafion from Santa Martha on the north. As the original inhabitants of this region were farther advanced in improvement, than any people in America but the Mexicans and Peruvians, y) they defended

y) Book iv. vol. ii.


themfelves with great refolution and good conduct. The abilities and perfeverance of Benalcazar and Quefada furmounted all oppofition, though not without encountering many dangers, and reduced the country into the form of a Spanifh province.

The New Kingdom of Granada is fo far elevated above the level of the fea, that though it approaches almoft to the equator, the climate is remarkably temperate. The fertility of its val¬ lies is not inferior to that of the richest districts in America, and its higher grounds yield gold and precious ftones of various kinds. It is not by digging into the bowels of the earth. that this gold is found; it is mingled with the foil near the furface, and feparated from it by repeated washing with water. This operation is carried on wholly by negroe flaves; for though the chill fubterranean air has been difcovered, by experience, to be fo fatal to them, that they cannot be employed in the deep filver mines, they are more capable of performing the other fpecies of labour than Indians, As the natives in the New Kingdom of Granada are exempt from that fervice which has wafted their race fo rapidly in other parts of America, it is remarkably populous. Some diftricts yield gold with a profufion no lefs wonderful than that in the vale of Cineguilla, which I have formerly mentioned, and it is often found in large pepitas, or grains, which manifeft the ROBERTSON Vol. III. R

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