
was more ftubborn, ftubborn, and impregnated with foreign fubftances, by placing it in fmall ovens or furnaces on high grounds, fo artificially conftructed that the draught of air performed the function of a bellows, an engine with which they were totally unacquainted. By this fimple device', the purer ores were fmelted with facility, and the quantity of filver in Peru was fo confiderable, that many of the utenfils employed in the functions of common life were made of it. b) Several of those veffels and trinkets are faid to have merited no fmall degree of eftimation, on account of the neatness of the workmanship, as well as the intrinfic value of the materials. But as the conquerors of America were well acquainted with the latter, but had fcarcely any conception of the former, moft of them were melted down, and rated according to their weight and fineness in the divifion of the fpoil.

Works of elegance.

In other works of mere curiofity or ornament, their ingenuity has been highly celebrated. Many fpeciment of thofe have ben dug out of the Guacas, or mounts of earth, with which the Peruvians covered the bodies of the dead. Among these are mirrors of various

b) Acofta, lib. iv. c. 4, 5. Vega, p. I. lib. viii. c. 25. Ulloa Entreten. 258.


dimenfions, of hard fhining ftones highly polifhed; veffels of earthen ware of different forms; hatchets and other inftruments, fome deftined for war, and others for labour, were of flint, fome of copper, hardened to fuch a degree by an unknown procefs, as to fupply the place of iron on feveral occafions. Had the ufe of thofe tools formed of copper been general, the progrefs of the Peruvians in the arts might have been fuch, as to emulate that of more cultivated nations. But either the metal was fo rare, or the operation by which it was hardened, fo tedious, that their inftruments of copper were few, and fo extremely fmall, that they feem to have been employed only in flighter works, But even to fuch a circumfcribed ufe of this imperfect metal, the Peruvians were indebted for their fuperiority to the other people of America in various arts. c) The fame obfervation, however, may be applied to them, which I formerly made From with respect to the arts of the Mexicans. feveral fpecimens of Peruvian utenfils aud ornaments, which are depofited in the royal cabinet of Madrid, and from fome preferved in different collections in other parts of Europe, I have reafon to believe that the workmanship is more to be admired on account of the rude tools with which it was executed, than on

c) Ulloa Voy. tom. i. 381, &c. Id. Entreten. p. 369, &c.

account of its intrinfic neatnefs and elegance; and that the Peruvians, though the most improved of all the Americans, were not advanced beyond the infancy of arts,

An imperfect civilization. No cities but Cuzco,


But notwithstanding fo many circumftances, which feem to indicate an high degree of improvement in Peru, others occur that fuggeft the idea of a fociety ftill in the firft ftages of its tranfition from barbarifm to civilization. In all the dominions of the Incas, Cuzco was the only place that had the appearance, or was entitled to the name of a city. Every where elfe, the people lived moftly in detached habitations, difperfed over the country, or, at the utmoft, fettled together in fmall villages. d) But until men are brought to affemble in numerous bodies, and incorporated fuch clofe union, as to enjoy frequent intercourse, and to feel mutual dependence, they never imbibe perfectly the fpirit, or affume the manners of focial life. In a country of immenfe extent, with only one city, the progrefs of manners, and the improvement either of the neceffary or more refined arts, muft have been fo flow, and carried on under fuch difadvantages, that it is more furprifing the Peruvians fhould have advanced fo far in refinement, than that they. did not proceed farther.

d) Zarate, lib, i, e. 9. Herrera, dec. 5. lib. vi. č. 4.

No perfect feparation of profeffions.

In confequence of this ftate of imperfect union, the feparation of profeffions in Peru was not fo complete as among the Mexicans. The lefs closely men affociate, the more fimple are their manners, and the fewer their wants. The crafts of common and moft neceffary use in life do not, in fuch a ftate, become fo complex or difficult, as to render it requifite that men fhould be trained to them by any particular course of education. All thofe profeffions were accordingly exercifed by every Peru vian indifcriminately. None but artifts, employed in works of mere curiofity or ornament, conftituted a feparate order of men, or were diftinguifhed from other citizens. e)

Little commercial interourfe.

From the want of cities in Peru, another confequence followed. There was little commercial intercourfe among the inhabitants of that great empire. The activity of commerce is coeval with the foundation of cities; and from the moment that the members of any community fettle in confiderable numbers in one place, its operations become vigorous. The citizen muft depend for fubfiftence on the labour of those who cultivate the ground. They, in

e) Acosta, lib. vi. c. 15. Vega, lib. v. c. 9. Herrera, dec. 5. lib. iv. c. 4.

return, must receive fome equivalent. Thus mutual intercourfe is established, and the productions of art are regularly exchanged for the fruits of agriculture. In the towns of the Mexican empire, ftated markets were held, and whatever could fupply any want or defire of man was an object of commerce. But in Peru, from the fingular mode of dividing property, and the manner in which the people were fettled, there was hardly any fpecies of commerce carried on between different provinces, f) and the community was lefs acquainted with that active intercourse, which is at once a bond of union, and an incentive to improvement,

Unwarlike spirit of the Peruvians.

But the unwarlike fpirit of the Peruvians was the moft remarkable, as well as moft fatal defect in their character. g) The greater part of the rude nations of America oppofed their invaders with undaunted ferocity, though with little conduct or fuccefs. The Mexican maintained the struggle in defence of their liberties, with fuch perfevering fortitude, that it was with difficulty the Spaniards triumphed over them. Peru was fubdued at once, and almoft without refiftance; and the most favourable opportunities of regaining their freedom, and of

f) Vega, lib. vi. c. 8.

g) Xerez, 190. Sancho ap. Ram. iii. 372. Herrera, dec. 5. lib. i. c. 3.

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