
relaxation of the rigour of the laws as reeftablifhed the colony in its former tranquillity. 1)

In Peru.

In Peru the ftorm gathered with an aspect ftill more fierce and threatening, and was not fo foon difperfed. The conquerors of Peru, of a rank much inferior to thofe who had fub. jected Mexico to the Spanish crown, farther removed from the infpection of the parent ftate, and intoxicated with the fudden acquifition of wealth, carried on all their operation with greater licence and irregularity than any body of adventurers in the New World. Amidst the general fubverfion of law and order, occafioned by two fucceffive civil wars, when each individual was at liberty to decide for himself, without any guide, but his own intereft or paffions, this turbulent fpirit rofe above all fenfe of fubordination. To men thus corrupted by anarchy, the introduction of regular government, the power of a viceroy, and the authority of a respectable court of indicature, would have appeared formidable restraints, to which they would have fubmitted with reluctBut they revolted with indignation against the idea of complying with laws, by


1) Fernandez, Hift. lib. I. c. 3, 4, 5. c. 21, 22. Herrera, dec. 7. lib. v. Torquem. Mon. Ind. lib. v. c. 13.

Vega, p. 11. lib. iii. c. 7. lib, vii, c.14, 15.

which they were to be ftripped at once of all they had earned fo hardly during many years of fervice and fuffering. As the account of the new law fpread fucceffively through the different fettlements, the inhabitants ran together, the women in tears, and the men exclaiming against the injuftice and ingratitude of their fovereign in depriving them, unheard and unconvicted, of their poffeffions.,, Is this, cried they, the recompence due to perfons, who, without publick aid, at their own expence, and by their own valour, have fubjected to the crown of Caftile territories of fuch vaft extent and opulence? Are thefe the rewards beftowed for having endured unparalleled diftress, for having encountered every fpecies of danger in the fervice of their country? Whofe merit is fo great, whofe conduct has been fo irreproachable, that he may not be condemned by fome penal clause in regulations, conceived in terms as loose and comprehensive, as if it had been intended that all fhould be entangled in their fnare? Every Spaniard of note in Peru has held fome publick office, and all, without distinction, have been conftrained to take an active part in the contest between the two rival chiefs. Were the former to be robbed of their property because they had done their duty? Were the latter to be punifhed on account of what they could not avoid? Shall the conquerors of this great empire, instead of receiving

marks of diftinction, be deprived of the natural confolation of providing for their widows and children, and leave them to depend for fubfiftence on the fcanty fupply they can extort from unfeeling courtiers? m) We are not able now, continued they, to explore unknown regions in queft of more fecure fettlements; our conftitutions, debilitated with age, and our bodies covered with wounds, are no longer fit for active fervice; but ftill we poffefs vigour fufficient to affert our juft rights, and we will not tamely fuffer them to be wrested from us. "n)

An infurrection prevented by the moderation of Caftro.

By difcourfes of this fort, uttered, with vehemence, and liftened to with univerfal approbation, their paffions were inflamed to fuch a pitch, that they were prepared for the most violent measures; and began to hold confultations in different places, how they might oppofe the entrance of the viceroy and judges, and prevent not only the execution but the promulgation of the new laws. From this, however, they were diverted by the addrefs of Vaca de Caftro, who flattered them with the hopes, that, as foon as the viceroy and judges fhould arrive, and had leifure to examine their

m) Herrera, dec. 7. lib. vii. c. 14, 15. n) Gomara, c. 152. Herrera, dec. 7. lib. vi. c. 10, II. Vega, p. 11. lib. iii. c. 20. 22. lib. iv, c. 3, 4.

petitions and remonftrances, they would concur with them in endeavouring to procure fome mitigation in the rigour of laws which had been framed without due attention either to the ftate of the country, or to the fentiments of the people. A greater degree of accommodation to thefe and even fome conceffions on the part of government, were now become requifite to compofe the prefent ferment, and to footh the colonifts into fubmiffion, by infpiring them with confidence in their fuperiors.

The fpirit of difaffe&tion increafed by the viceroy.

But without profound difcernment, conciliating manners, and flexibility of temper, fuch a plan could not be carried on. The ' viceroy poffeffed none of these. Of all the qualities that fit men for high command, he was endowed only with integrity and courage; the former harfh and uncomplying, the latter bordering fo frequently on rafbness or obftinacy, that in his fituation they were defects rather than virtues. From the moment that he landed (March 4. 1543.) at Tumbez, Nugnez Vela feems to have confidered himself merely as an executive officer, without any difcretionary power; and, regardless of whatever he obferyed or heard concerning the ftate of the country, he adhered to the letter of the regulations with unrelenting rigour. In all the towns through which he paffed, the na

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tives were declared to be free, every perfon in publick office was deprived of his lands and fervants; and as an example of obedience to others, he would not fuffer a fingle Indian to be employed in carrying his own baggage in his march towards Lima. Amazement and confternation went before him as he approached; and fo little folicitous was he to prevent thefe from augs menting, that, on entering the capital, he openly avowed that he came to obey the orders of his fovereign, not to dispense with his laws. This harfh declaration was accompanied with what rendered it ftill more intolerable, haughtinefs in deportment, a tone of arrogance and decifion in difcourfe, and an infolence of office grievous to men little accuftomed to hold civil authority in high refpect. Every attempt to procure a fufpenfion or mitigation of the new laws, the viceroy confidered as flowing from a fpirit of difaffection that tended to rebellion. Several perfons of rank were confined, and fome put to death, without any form of trial. Vaca de Caftro was arrefted, and notwithstanding the dignity of his former rank, and his merit in having prevented a general infurrection in the colony, he was loaded with chains, and fhut up in the common jail. o)

o) Zarate, lib. iv. c. 23, 24, 25.


Gomara, c. 153-155.

Vega, p. II. lib. iv. c. I, 5. Fernandez, lib. i. c. 6-10.

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