
ftraints, and to elevations not allowed in common life. They perhaps believed, that when, like Thucydides, they bequeathed to mankind aa is del


an eitate for ever,' it was an additional favour to inform them of it's value.

It may, indeed, be no leis dangerous to claim, on certain occafions, too little than too much. There is fomething captivating in fpirit and intrepidity, to which we often yield, as to a reliftleis power; nor can he reasonably expect the confidence of others who too apparently ditufts himicif.

Plutarch, in his enumeration of the various occafions on which a man may without just offence proclaim his own excellences, has omitted the cafe of an author entering the world; unles it may be comprehended under his general pofition that a man may lawfelly praite himself for thote qualities which cannot be known but from his own mouth; as when he is among strangers, and can have no opportunity of an actual exertion of his powers. That the cafe of an author is parallel, will fcarcely be granted, because he neceffarily diicovers the degrees of his merit to his judges when he appears at his trial. But it fhould be remembered, that unlefs his judges are inclined to favour him, they will hardly be perfuaded to hear the caufe.

In love, the state which fills the heart with a degree of folicitude next that of an author, it has been held a maxim, that fuccefs is moft easily obtained by indirect and unperceived approaches: he who too foon profcffes himself a lover, raifes obftacles to his own wishes; and thofe whom difappointments have taught experience, endeavour to conceal their palion till they believe their mitrels withes for the difcovery. The fame method, if it were practicable to writers, would fave many complaints of the feverity of the age, and the caprices of criticiim. If a man could glide imperceptibly into the favour of the publick, and only proclaim his pretenfions to literary honours when he is fire of not being reefed, he might commence anthor with better hopes, as his failings might elcape contempt, though he hall never attain much rogar!.

But fince the world fuppofes every man that writes ambitious of applaufe, as fome ladies have taught themfelves to believe that every man intends love who exprelles civility, the mifcarriage of any

endeavour in learning raifes an urtbounded contempt, indulged by most minds without icruple, as an honest triumph over unjust claims and exorbitant expectations. The artifices of these who put themfelves in this hazardous ftate, have therefore been multiplied in proportion to their fear as well as their ambition; and are to be looked upon with more indulgence, as they are incited at once by the two great movers of the human mind, the defire of good, and the fear of evil: for who can wonder that, allured on one fide, and frightened on the other, fome should endeavour to gain favour by bribing the judge with an appearance of refpect which they do not feel, to excite compaffion by confefling weaknefs of which they are not convinced, and others to attract regard by a fhew of openness and magnanimity, by a daring profeffion of their own deferts, and a publick challenge of honours and rewards.

The oftentatious and haughty difplay of themfelves has been the ufual refuge of diurnal writers; in vindication of whofe practice it may be said, that what it wants in prudence is fupplied by fincerity; and who at least may plead, that if their boafts deceive any into the perufal of their performances, they defraud them of but little time.

Quid enim? Concurritur-boræ Memento cito mors venit, aut victoria læta. The battle join; and, in a moment's flight, Death, or a joyful conqueft, ends the fight.


The question concerning the merit of the day is foon decided; and we are not condemned to toil through half a folio, to be convinced that the writer has broke his promife.

It is one among many reafons for which I purpose to endeavour the entertainment of my countrymen by a fhort effay on Tuesday and Saturday, that I hop not much to tire those whom I shall not happen to please; and if I am not commended for the beauty of my works, to be at least pardoned for their brevity. But whether my expectations are molt fixed on parden er praife, I think it not neceflary to ditcover, for having accurately weighed the reafons for arrogance and fubmiffion, I find them fo nearly equiponderant, that my impatience to try the event of my frit performance will no fuffer me to attend any longer the trepidations of the balance.


There are, indeed, many conveniences almoft peculiar to this method of publication, which may naturally flatter the author, whether he be confi lent or timorous. The man to whom the extent of his knowledge, or the fprightiinets of his imagination, has in his own opinion already fecured the prails of the world, willingly takes that way of dilplaying his abilities which will fooneft give him an opportunity of Tearing the voice of fame; it heightens his alacrity to think in how many places he shall hear wint he is now writing, read with extaties tomorrow. He will often please himfelt with reflecting, that the author of a large treatile mult proceed with anxiety, lit, before the completion of his work, the at-, tention of the publick may have changed it's object; but that he who is comined to no hagle topick may follow the national take through all it's variations, and catch the aura popularis-the gale of favour, from what point foever it thail blow.

Nor is the profpect lefs likely to cafe the doubts of the cautious, and the terrors of the fearful; for to fuch the thortness of every single paper is a powaful encouragement. He that questions

his abilities to arrange the diffimilar parts of an extenfive plan, or fears to be lost in a complicated fyitem, may yet hope to adjuit a few pages without perplexity; and if, when he turns over the repofito-" ries of his memory, he finds his collection too finall for a volume, he may yerhave enough to furnish out an effay. He that would fear to lay out too much tim. upon an experiment of which he knows not the event, perfuades him elf that a few days will shew him what he is to expect from his learning and his gens. If he thinks his own judgment not nulliciently enlightened, he may, by attening the remarks which every paper will produce, rectify his opinions. If he thould with too little premeditation encumber himself by an unwieldy fubject, he can quit it without confeffing his ignor nce, and pafs to other topicks leis dangerous, or more tra&able. And if he finos, with all his industry, and alī his artifices, that he cannot deferve regard, or cannot attain it, he may let the delign fall at once; and, without injury to others or himfelf, retire to amule ments of greater pleafure, or to ftudies of better profpect.*

No II. SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1750.




HAT the mind of man is never



Cenfure is willingly indulged, because

Tachim the objects inmeti. it always in plus forme luperiority, men


ately Lefore it, but is always breaking away from the pretent moment, and lofing itfeifin fchemes of future felicity; aid that we forget the proper ufe of the time now in our power, to provide for the enjoyment of that which, perhaps, may never be granted us; has been frequently remarked and as this practice is a commodious fubject of raillery to the way, and of declamation to the ferious, it has been ridiculed with all the pleafantry of wit, and exaggerated with all the amplifications of rhetorick. Every inftance, by which it's abfurdity might appear mot flagrant, has been ftudioufly collected; it has been marked with every epither of contempt, and all the tropes and figures have been called forth against it.

pleafe themfcives with imagining that they have made a deeper fearch, or wider furvey, than others, and detected faults and follies which efcape vulgar obfervation. And the pleasure of wantoning in common topicks is fo tempting to a writer, that he cannot easily reunit; a. train of fentiments generally received erables him to fhine withou, labour, and to conquer without a conteft. It is to eafy to laugh at the folly of him who lives only in idea, refufes immediate eate for distant pleatures, and, inítead of enjoying the bleflings of life, lets life glide away in preparations to enjoy them; it affords fuch opportunities of triumphant exultation, to exemplify the uncertainy. of the humnon ftate, to reufe mortals from

their dream, and inform them of the filent celerity of time; that we may believe authors willing rather to tranfmit than examine fo advantageous a principle, and more inclined to purfue a track fo fmooth and fo flowery, than attentively to confider whether it leads to truth.

This quality of looking forward into futurity feems the unavoidable condition of a being whofe motions are gradual, and whofe life is progreffive as his powers are limited, he muft ufe means for the attainment of his ends, and intend first what he performs laft; as by continual advances from his firit ftage of exiftence, he is perpetually varying the horizon of his prospects, he must always discover new motives of action, new excitements of fear, and allurements of defire.

The end, therefore, which at prefent calls forth our efforts, will be found, when it is once gained, to be only one of the means to fome remoter end. The natural flights of the human mind are not from pleasure to pleasure, but from hope to hope.

He that directs his steps to a certain point, must frequently turn his eyes to that place which he strives to reach; he that undergoes the fatigue of labour, must solace his wearinefs with the contemplation of it's reward. In agriculture, one of the most fimple and neceffary employments, no man turns up the ground but because he thinks of the harveft; that harvest which blights may intercept, which inundations may fweep away, or which death or calamity may hinder him from reaping.

Yet as few maxims are widely received, or long retained, but for fome confor mity with truth and nature, it must be confeffed, that this caution against keeping our view too intent upon remote advantages is not without it's propriety or usefulness, though it may have been recited with too much levity, or enforced with too little distinction: for, not to fpeak of that vehemence of defire, which preffes through right and wrong to it's gratification, or that anxious inquietude which is justly chargeable with diftruft of Heaven, fubjects too folemn for my prefent purpofe; it frequently happens that, by indulging early the raptures of fuccefs, we forget the measures neceffary to fecure it, and fuffer the imagination to riot in the fruition of fome poffible good, till the time of obtaining it has flipped away.

There would, however, be few enterprizes of great labour or hazard undertaken, if we had not the power of magnifying the advantage which we perfuade ourselves to expect from them. When the Knight of La Mancha gravely recounts to his companion the adventures by which he is to fignalize himself in fuch a manner that he shall be fummoned to the fupport of empires, folicited to accept the heirefs of the crown which he has preferved, have honours and riches to scatter about him, and an island to bestow on his worthy fquire; very few readers, amidit their mirth or pity, can deny that they have admitted vifions of the fame kind; though they have not, perhaps, expected events equally strange, or by means equally inadequate. When we pity him, we reflect on our own difappointments; and when we laugh, our hearts inform us that he is not more ridiculous than ourfelves, except that he tells what we have only thought.

The understanding of a man natu rally fanguine, may, indeed, be easily vitiated by the luxurious indulgence of hope, however neceffary to the production of every thing great or excellent; as fome plants are deftroyed by too open expofure to that fun which gives life and beauty to the vegetable world.

Perhaps no clafs of the human species requires more to be cautioned against this anticipation of happiness, than those that afpire to the name of authors. A man of lively fancy no fooner finds a hint moving in his mind, than he makes momentaneous excurfions to the press, and to the world; and, with a little encouragement from flattery, pushes forward into future ages, and prognofticates the honours to be paid him, when envy is extinct and faction forgotten, and those whom partiality now fuffers to obfcure him fhall have given way to the triflers of as fhort duration as themselves.

Thofe who have proceeded fo far as to appeal to the tribunal of fucceeding times, are not likely to be cured of their infatuations; but all endeavours ought to be used for the prevention of a difeafe, for which, when it has attained it's height, perhaps no remedy will be found in the gardens of Philofophy, however she may boast her phyfick of the mind, her catharticks of vice, or lenitives of paffion.

I fhall, therefore, while I am yet but lightly touched with the fymptoms of the writer's malady, endeavour to fortify myself

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It is the fage advice of Epictetus, that a man fhould accuftom himself often to think of what is most shocking and terrible, hat by fuch reflections he may be preferved from too ardent wishes for feeming good, and from too much dejection in real evil.

There is nothing more dreadful to an author than neglect; compared with which, reproach, hatred, and oppofition, are names of happiness: yet this worft, this meanest fate, every one who dares to write has reason to fear. Inunc, et verfus tecum meditare canoros. Go now, and meditate thy tuneful lays.


It may not be unfit for him who makes a new entrance into the lettered world, fo far to fufpect his own powers, as to believe that he poffibly may deserve neglect, that nature may not have qualified him much to enlarge or embellish knowledge, nor fent him forth entitled by indifputable fuperiority to regulate the conduct of the rest of mankind; that, though the world must be granted to be yet in ignorance, he is not destined to dispel the cloud, nor to shine out as

one of the luminaries of life. For this fufpicion, every catalogue of a library will furnish fufficient reafon; as he will find it crouded with names of men who, though now forgotten, were once no less enterprizing or confident than himfelf, equally pleafed with their own productions, equally careffed by their patrons, and flattered by their friends.

But though it fhould happen that an author is capable of excelling, yet his merit may pafs without notice, huddled in the variety of things, and thrown into the general mifcellany of life. He that endeavours after fame by writing, folicits the regard of a multitude fluctuating in meafures, or immersed in bufinefs, without time for intellectual amufements; he appeals to judges prepoffeffed by paffions, or corrupted by prejudices, which preclude their approbation of any new performance. Some are too indolent to read any thing, till it's reputation is established; others too envious to promote that fame which gives them pain by it's increafe. What is new is oppofed, because moft are unwilling to be taught; and what is known is rejected, becaufe it is not fufficiently confidered, that men more frequently require to be reminded than informed. The learned are afraid to declare their opinion early, left they fhould put their reputation in hazard; the ignorant always imagine themfelves giving fome proof of delicacy, when they refute to be pleased; and he that finds his way to reputation through all these obstructions, muft acknowledge that he is indebted to other caufes befides his industry, his learning, or his wit.

No III. TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1750.

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fpect that they have prefumed upon a forg

tractions; to spread fuch flowers over the regions through which the intellected commiffion, ftiled themfelves the mihas already made it's progrefs, as may tempt it to return, and take a fecond view of things haftily pailed over or negligently regarded.

Either of thefe labours is very difficult; becaute, that they may not be fruitlefs, men must not only be perfuaded of their errors, but reconciled to their guide; they must not only confefs their ignorance, but, what is ftill lefs pleating, muft allow that he from whom they are to learn is more knowing than themfelves.

It might be imagined that fuch an employment was in it felf fufficiently irk fome and hazardous; that none would be found fo malevolent as wantonly to add weight to the tone of Sifyphus; and that few endeavours would be used to obftruct thofe advances to reputation, which must be made at fuch an expence of time and thought, with fo great hazard in the mifcarriage, and with fo little advantage from the fuccefs.

Yet there is a certain race of men, that either imagine it their duty, or make it their amufement, to hinder the reception of every work of learning or genius, who ftand as centinels in the avenues of fame, and value themselves upon giving Ignorance and Envy the first notice of a prey. To these men, who diftinguish themfelves by the appellation of Critics, it is neceffary for a new author to find fome means of recommendation. It is probable, that the most malignant of thefe perfecutors might be fomewhat foftened, and prevailed on, for a short time, to remit their fury. Having for this purpose confidered many expedients, I find in the records of ancient times, that Argus was lulled by mufick, and Cerberus quieted with a fop; and am, therefore, inclined to believe that modern criticks, who, if they have not the eyes, have the watchfulness of Argus, and can bark as loud as Cerberus, though perhaps they cannot bite with equal force, might be fubdued by methods of the fame kind. I have heard how fome have been pacified with claret and a fupper, and others laid afleep with the foff notes of flattery.

Though the nature of my undertaking gives me fufficient reafon to dread the united attacks of this virulent generation, yet I have not hitherto perfuaded myfelf to take any menfures for flight or treaty. For I am in doubt whether they can act against me by lawful authority, and fu

nifters of Criticifin, without any authen tick evidence of delegation, and uttered their own determinations as the decrees of a higher iudicature.

Criticism, from whom they derive their claim to decide the fate of writers, was the eldest daughter of Labour and of Truth: fhe was, at her birth, committed to the care of Justice, and brought up by her in the palace of Wisdom. Being foon distinguished by the celeftials for her uncommon qualities, fhe was appointed the governets of Fancy, and empowered to beat time to the chorus of the Mules, when they fung before the throne of Jupiter.

When the Mufes condefcended to visit this lower world, they came accompanied by Criticism, to whom, upon her descent from her native regions, Juftice gave a fceptre, to be carried aloft in her righthand; one end of which was tinctured with ambrofia, and enwreathed with a golden foliage of amaranths and bays; the other cnd was encircled with cyprefs and poppies, and dipped in the waters of Oblivion. In her left-hand the bore an unextinguishable torch, manufactured by Labour, and lighted by Truth, of which it was the particular quality immediately to fhew every thing in it's true form, however it might be duguifed to common eyes. Whatever Art could complicate, or Folly could confound, was, upon the firft gleam of the torch of Truth, exhibited in it's diftinct parts and original fimplicity; it darted through the labyrinths of fophiftry, and thewed at once all the abfurdities to which they served for refuge; it pierced through the robes, which Rhetorick often fold to Falfhood, and detected the difproportion of parts, which artificial veils had been contrived

to cover.

Thus furnished for the execution of her office, Criticism came down to furvey the performances of those who profelfed themselves the votaries of the Mufes. Whatever was brought before her, fhe beheld by the fteady light of the torch of Truth; and when her examination had convinced her that the laws of juft writing had been obferved, the touched it with the amaranthine end of the sceptre, and configned it over to immortality.

But it more frequently happened, that in the works which required her infpection, there was fome impofture attempt.


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