
Foote, his performances, "The Diversions of the Morning,'
""An Auction of Pictures," and "The Orator,"
ii. 259. 260. 261.-His repartee to the Duke of D-
iii. 50.-His excursion to Stratford upon Avon, iii. 74.
His repartee to Lord Townshend, iii. 88.-His satire of
Judge Robinson, iii. 103. Jeu de Mot on Holland's Fa-
neral, iii. 125.-His mimicry of Falkner, iii. 126.
described by Dr. Barrowby, the dramatic critic, iii. 135.
bis jealousy of Garrick, iii. 201.

Mrs., her character described, iii. 38.

FRANCE, the right of dramatic authors in, i. 68.-Customs
of the French stage, i. 71. i. 87. The regular drama in,
i. 211. Noisy deportment of a French Audience, i. 261.
Singular character in a comic opera, played in, ii. 22.
Fatal accident at the Theatre de l'Imperatrice, at Paris,
ii. 92.-Censorship on the Italian Opera, ii. 207.
Fryer, Peg, her performance at 85 years of age, i. 77.

Gabrielli, the Italian singer, her caprice, ii. 34.
Garrick, his purchase of Hogarth's pictures, i. 12.-His be-
nevolence, i. 32.-Performance of Romeo, i. 76.—His
early life, i. 82.-Skill in preparing bis face, i. 88.—and
the Whitechapel butcher, i. 100.-Retort to Quin, i. 148.
His Bon Mot, i. 167.-Correspondence with Stone, i. 172.
Epitaph on Quin, i. 195.-Thespian politeness to, i. 208.
Letter to the Custom House, i. 248.-First appearance on
the London stage, i. 256.—Bon Mot at a rehearsal, i. 272.
Portrait of Fielding, i. 272.-Farewell address, i. 286.
Sitting for his pictare, to Hogarth, i. 287.-Epigram on
his performances of Romeo, and King Lear, ii. 27.-His
stage feeling, ii. 33.-Ghost to his Hamlet, in Good-
man's Fields, ii. 38.-and the Centinel, ii. 42.-His
reading before the King and Queen, in 1777, ii. 56.—and
his brother George, ii. 59.-Lines on his debut and retire-
ment, ii. 107.-His recitation of Richard III. on a
race course, ii. 107.-Petition and epigram to Dr. Hill,
ii. 144. His diffidence and progress, ii. 181.-His dex-
terity before Preville, the French comedian, ii. 213.-His
clever curtailment of the part of Tancred, ii. 221.—and
Whitfield, the preacher, ii. 280.-and Churchill's" Ros-
ciad," ii. 281.-His lines to Mrs. Woffington, iii. 1.-Per-
sonality against Quin, iii. 7.—His performance of "Hot-
"iii. 46.-and the "Lying Valet," iii. 52.-His phy-



siognomy described by Dr. Burney, iii. 84.-And the bad
mechanist, iii. 109.-and Smith, the actor, iii. 170.-Un-
fortunate interruption to, iii. 185.-and Lord Mansfield,
iii. 239.-A lady's attachment to, iii. 259.

[ocr errors]

Mrs., her will, ii. 117.-Her letter to Sir Richard
Phillips, iii. 275.

Gibbs, Mrs. theatrical mistake by, iii. 19.

Goethe, his opinion of Shakspeare, i. 265.

Goff, Thomas, author of " The Courageous Turk, iii. 107.
Goldsmith, Dr. his interference at the rehearsal of "She
Stoops to Conquer," i. 283.

the success of his comedy, "She Stoops to

Conquer," ii. 28.

iii. 209.

ii. 19.

its origin, ii. 172,-Its first performance,

-Sums received by him for his two comedies,

Goodman, the actor, bis vanity, iii. 183.

Gosson, Stephen, his philippic against players, ii. 108.
Grande, Le, the French actor, wit of, i. 21.

Griffin, the mimic, bis personification of Dr. Woodward,
ii. 252.

Grifori, Gasper, performance of, i. 111.

Grimaldi, (Sen.) his conduct during the riots in 1780,

i. 47.

terrific dream, iii. 210.
(Joe,) poetry on, and the Covent Garden mana-

gers, i. 19.

dresses," ii. 20.

his grandfather's adventures, ii. 47.
lines on, by the author of "Rejected Ad-

his lament ou leaving the stage, iii. 127.
Gwynne, (Nell,) her rise and progress on the stage, i. 104.

Haines, Joe, the witty actor, his interview with the Bishop
of Ely, ii. 127.

[ocr errors]

and Lord Sunderland, iii. 167.
"Hamlet," the unsuccessful Ghost in, ii. 288.

Hardy, the French dramatist, his prolific genius, ii. 81.
Hayti, the drama at, i. 6.

Helviot, the French actor, his generosity to a beggar, ii. 71.
Henderson, his successful performance at the Haymarket,
iii. 43.

Henderson, his biography, iii. 246.

Higden, Henry, his comedy of the "Wary Widow,"
i. 114.

"High life below stairs," the consequences of its performance
in Scotland, i. 221.

Hill, Dr., his mistaken stage criticism, i. 210.

Hoare, Prince, his treatment from the Drury Lane managers,
ii. 12.

Hogarth, his pictures purchased by Garrick, i. 12.—Fiel-
ding's portrait, i. 273.

Hogg, his Ode to the Genius of Shakspeare, i. 39.

Holiday, his "Technogamia," performed before King
James I., ii. 87.-iii. 81.

Holland, the tragedian, his intrigue, ii. 62.

Holman, bis ludicrous performance of Romeo, iii. 75.
Howard, Sir Robert, his plot of "Honest Thieves," ii. 255.
Hulet, Charles, his biography, iii. 152.

Hunnieman, John, the Woman-actor, account of, ii. 227.

Inchbald, Mrs., early life of, i. 177.

Incledon and his wife, their perilous condition in a Ship-

wreck, i. 225.

"Incle and Yarico," Dr. Moseley's opinion of, i. 9.

Interlude, seditious, performed in the year 1527, i. 142.

Ireland, bis Shakspeare forgeries, ii. 190.

Jackson, the Scotch player, his interview with the Arch-
bishop of York, ii. 138.

(Thomas,) a comedian, his epitaph, ii. 279.
Jewish play, account of, i. 32.

Johnson, Dr. comparison of circumstances with Garrick,
i. 83.-Prologue to the comedy of " A Word to the
Wise," i. 166.-His opinion of Mrs. Siddons, i. 258.—
His intended retaliation on Foote, ii. 66-His opinion of
the tragedy of" Dido," ii. 70.-His tragedy of " Irene,"
ii. 208. His address spoken by Garrick, at Drury Lane
Theatre, iii. 171.

Johnstone, wit of Irish, i. 64.

Jones, Henry, the dramatic author, his melancholy end,
ii. 121.

his tragedy of "The Earl of Essex," its

[ocr errors]

dramatic effect, ii. 131.
Jonson, Ben, bis epitaph on Salathiel Pavy, i. 102.-Convi-
viality with Bishop Corbet, i. 155.-Comedy of " Every

Man in his Humour," i. 196. His best works attributed
to the inspiration of wine, i. 223.-Interview with Lord
Craven, ii. 239.-Alterations in his "Spanish Tragedy,"
iii. 41. The original of his Captain Bobadil, iii. 80.
The burial of his remains, iii. 220.-His club at " The

Devil" Tavern, iii. 242.

Jordan, Mrs., gold medal presented to, by a Glasgow audi-
ence, ii. 211.

her generosity, iii. 4.

and the Methodist, iii, 5.

Juliet, the tomb of, at Verona, i. 236.

Kane, Jobn, the comedian, anecdote of, iii. 95.
Kean, bon mot respecting him, by Baunister, i. 65.—His
debut, i. 128.-and the Portsmouth Innkeeper, i. 139.
John Kemble's opinion of, i. 154.-His conversation res-
pecting the merits of Mr. Kemble, i. 270.—Epigram on a
gentleman who was robbed at his performance of Sir
Giles Overreach, ii. 199.-His generosity at Buxton,
ii. 204.

Kelly, Hugh, his comedy of " A Word to the Wise,"
i. 166.

Miss, lines to, by C. Lamb, i. 4.

, attempted assassination of, iii. 99.

(F. H.) sonnet on her performance of Juliet,
by L. E. L., i. 202.

Kemble, John, and Earl Peroy, i, 28.-Dr. Raine's applica-
tion to, i. 28.—and the poisoned Ghost, in "Hamlet,"
i. 114.-Performance of Mark Anthony, i. 146.--Opinion
of Kean, i. 154.-Farewell address at the Edinburgh
Theatre, i. 168.-First appearance in London, i. 191.
Lines on his performance of Henry IV. i. 211.-His last
appearance, i. 230.-A gold snuff-box presented to him at
Edinburgh, i. 246.-Conversation of Mr. Kean, regarding
his merit, i. 270.-Anecdote of his Penruddock, ii. 18.-
Epigram on, ii. 59.-Farewell dinner to, June 26, 1817.
ii. 157.-Vase presented to, ii. 159.-Ode to, by T.
Campbell, ii. 160.-His death, ii. 222.-His funeral,
ii. 223.-Poetical squib against, iii. 124.

-, Stephen, his first appearance and poetical address,
i. 34.

and the prince Annamaboo, ii. 179.
King, the comedian, a gambling anecdote of, i. 202.

Kotzebue, Augustus Von, his passion for the drama, ii. 39.
biography, ii. 186.
observations on stage language,

iii. 198.

Kynaston, the actor, his quarrel with Sir C. Sedley, i. 176.

La Motte, the French author, his wonderful memory, iii. 117.
Lee, Nathaniel, his tragedy of "Alexander the Great,"
i. 96.

[ocr errors]

reading and performance, i. 109.
Dryden's anecdote of, i. 129.

his reply to Sir R. L'Estrange, ii. 113.

Lekain, the French tragedian, his biography, i. 243.
Linguet, Madame, the Parisian actress, anecdote of, iii. 197.
Linton, the musician, benefit for his Widow, i. 107.

Liston, his performance of Lord Grizzle, i. 218.

"" lines to, i. 228.

his letter on his benefit, iii. 151.

Locke, Mathew, the musical composer, anecdote of, iii. 130.
Lyon, William, a strolling player, his retentive memory,
iii. 8.

Macbeth, various performers of, iii. 33.

-, Jeu de Mot, of an eminent lawyer, at a performance
of, iii. 131.

Macklin, bis epitaph by Pope, ii. 11.

ii. 57.

comedy of "The Man of the World," ii. 39.
performance of Shylock, with Bates as Tubal,

last appearance, ii. 113.

repartee on Foote's watch, ii. 150.

criticism on Barry and Garrick, ii. 256.
definition of Esquire, iii. 133.

Macready, the tragedian, his humanity, i. 6.
Manley, his letter to Junius Brutus Booth, i. 65.
Marmontel, his tragedy of" Cleopatra," ii. 17.
Mars, Mademoiselle, her Jeux des Mots, i. 226.

Marshall, Mrs., the actress, and the Earl of Oxford, i. 140.
Masks, introduction of, in the play-house, iii. 256.
Massinger, Philip, slight sketch of, iii. 31.

Mathews, bis interview with Tate Wilkinson, ii. 166.
Mattocks, Mrs., her influence on the fashions, ii. 98.
Maupin, La, the French actress, biography of, i. 150.

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