
on the occasion of his next visit to Corbie's with dispatches, to notify him of the circumstances, at the same time, however, intimating the impression of the governor as to the impossibility of Seth's escape.

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THE stringent orders issued by the commander-inchief, on resuming his command, rendered, as has been said, communication between the conspirators more than usually hazardous. But the stake was too great to be lost sight of, and the boat continued to ply between the "Duchess of Gordon," the head-quarters of Governor Tryon, and the city, a set of signals having been arranged, by which due warning of danger was given. Corbie had been, in accordance with the instructions of Governor Tryon, informed of the loss or escape of Seth Adams, a matter, however, which he treated so lightly, that he had mentioned it in jest to Forbes and one or two of his intimates, and they agreed with the governor as to the impossibility of his having escaped alive.

They therefore continued to send and receive messages as usual, though with more than the ordinary caution, for as the crisis approached, they realized not only their own personal danger, but feared for the success of the important enterprise in which they were embarked. Thus far everything had prospered as well

as could be desired. More than five hundred men were enlisted with them, many bound to the cause by ties of loyalty which nothing could shake, others bought over by gold and promises of future grandeur. They awaited now only the arrival of the fleet bearing Lord Howe, and the mine laid with such consummate skill and caution was ready to be sprung, and while they are reposing in this fancied security, let us turn to Seth Adams.

"Seth, dear Seth," said the old lady, as he gave signs of returning animation, after swallowing the rum Patsy had brought him, "what on airth does this mean?"

"Wait a little, aunty," said Seth, in a feeble voice, for he was weakened almost to helplessness. "Patsy, give me some more," and the bottle was again handed to him, from which he drew another hearty pull. "Now, aunty," he said, straightening himself up. “Oh, Patsy! I forgot-bring me something," and he pointed to his naked and bleeding body. "Never mind them, they are only scratches," and as he spoke, Patsy had run into the adjoining room, and returned almost immediately with some of her late father's clothes. "There, that will do that's enough for the present, Patsy," ," he said, as he slipped a shirt over his bleeding shoulders. "I have no time now for ceremony. Patsy, you or aunt must go to the city to-day."

"Go to the city!" they exclaimed in a breath, but

before they could say more, he interrupted them, saying:

"Yes, to the city, and that immediately. Now listen to me. I am too weak, too exhausted, to attempt it, and it is absolutely necessary that some one should go-nay, must go."

"My dear Seth," said Patsy, smoothing down his tangled, matted hair, "you are not yourself-you are wild; wait-rest a while; get some sleep, and then you can say what you wish, and ".

"Patsy," ,"exclaimed Seth, rising from his chair with a great effort, for he was really almost exhausted by his long immersion in the water, and his subsequent journey through the woods, "listen to me. The safety of General Washington-perhaps the fate of our country-depends on you or me being in the city to-night. I am willing to go, but I know I never could reach it alive, and you

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"Oh, Seth, Seth, what do you mean ?" exclaimed Patsy, whose patriotic soul had been fired by these words.


"Listen to me a few moments," he said, sinking languidly back in his chair, for he was too weak to stand longer; "I was taken prisoner ten days ago New York; I've been on board the 'Duchess of Gordon a prisoner until last night, when, by God's help, I escaped. Now, Patsy, even if I was strong enough to reach the city, as a man I might be over

taken and captured by some one, for no one would believe what I have to tell. Will you go to the city ?"

"Anything, Seth. I will crawl there on my hands and knees, if I can serve the dear, good General


"Then, Patsy, you must go, if you have to walk every step of the way. Now hearken to me, for time is precious. You must go directly to Major Burr,” and as he uttered that name, Patsy colored deeply, for with true maidenly modesty, she shrank from seeking one toward whom she was so peculiarly situated. "Yes, Patsy," he continued, noticing her heightened color, "go directly to Major Burr, for he got me into this infernal scrape, and I suppose he thinks I have deserted. Tell him I was seized, bound and gagged at Corbie's on the night he sent me there; that I have been on board the 'Duchess of Gordon' ever since, and only escaped last night by swimming ashore. Say to him that a plot is on foot, which, if not stopped now, will result in ruin to our cause. The city is full of conspirators; I can't name all of them, for I have not heard the names, but a boat goes up almost every night to Corbie's house from the ship. I know that a Captain Blanchard is one of them, and there was said something about a woman, who gave them every information. Corbie, to whose house the major sent me, and Forbes, the gunsmith, are mixed up with it. Tell

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