
The bow of promise and of beauty hangs,
When in the sunbeams, with its matchless hues,
Or as a silver arch on evening's brow,

Saying, "God's works are marvelous and great,
But ah! when understood, his name is Love."


QUESTIONS 1. Describe the river from Lake Erie to the falls. 2. What are our feelings on first viewing the falls? 3. What is said of other objects of sublimity in comparison with this? 4. What did the writer mean by the bow of promise,' last verse?

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What example of a succession of similar sounds is found in the second verse? What inflection prevails in the second verse of the poetry? What inflection at saith, third verse?


SPELL AND DEFINE-1. Void, an empty space. 2. Sculptured, carved out from wood or stone. 3. Insa'tiate, never satisfied. 4. Yearnings, strong emotions of desire, or pity. 5. Mimic, imitative.

A Scene on the Banks of the Hudson.-BRYANT.

1. CooL shades and dews are round my way,

And silence of the early dày;

'Mid the dark rocks that watch his bed,
Glitters the mighty Hudson, spread,

Unrippled, save by drops that fall

From shrubs that fringe his mountain wall;
And o'er the clear, still water, swells
The music of the Sabbath bells.

2. All, save this little nook of land,
Circled with trees, on which I stand;
All, save that line of hills which lie,
Suspended in the mimic sky-

Seems a blue void, above, below,

Through which the white clouds come and go;
And from the green world's farthest steep,
I gaze into the airy deep.

3. Loveliest of lovely things are they,

On earth, that soonest pass away.
The rose that lives its little hour,
Is prized beyond the sculptured flower.
Even love, long tried and cherished long,
Becomes more tender and more strong,

At thought of that insatiate grave,
From which its yearnings can not save.

4. River, in this still hour thou hast
Too much of heaven on earth to last;
Nor long may thy still waters lie,
An image of the glorious sky.
Thy fate and mine are not repose,
And ere another evening close,
Thou to thy tides shalt turn again,
And I to seek the crowd of men.

QUESTIONS.-1. At what time of day is the scene described? 2. Give a description of the scene, as contained in the first two verses, 3. What earthly things soonest pass away? 4. What address is made to the river, last verse? 5. What is meant by the 'airy deep,' last line of the sccond


Which has the more intense degree of emphasis, the first or second all, in the second verse? What inflection at River, last verse? (Rule IV. Note 1.) Why are Thou and I emphatic in the last two lines? (Les. VIII. Note VIII.)


SPELL AND DEFINE-1. Sire, a father. 2. Intellect, the faculty of understanding; the mind. 3. Score, an account or reckoning; literally, twenty in number. 4. Formally, out of regard to mere form. 5. Cro'sus, (Cre'sus) a very wealthy king of ancient Lydia. 6. Meet, suitable. 7. Condescension, voluntary descent from high rank, or dignity; courtesy. 9. Preferred, placed before as to value.

The Rich Man and the Poor Man.-KHEMNITZER.

1. So goes the world;-if wealthy, you may call This friend, that-brother ;-friends and brothers all; Though you are worthless, witless-never mind it; You may have been a stable boy-what then? 'Tis wealth, my friends, makes honorable men. You seek respect, no doubt, and you will find it.

2. But if you are poor, heaven help yoù! though your sire Had royal blood in him, and though you

Possess the intellect of angels too,

'Tis all in vàin ;-the world will ne'er inquire
On such a score:-why should it take the pains?
'Tis easier to weigh pùrses, sure, than bráins.

3. I once saw a poor fellow, keen and clever, Witty and wise ;-he paid a man a visit, And no one noticed hím, and no one ever


Gave him a welcome. "Strange," cried I, "whence is it?”
He walked on this side, then on that,
He tried to introduce a social chat;
Now hére, now thère, in vain he tried;
Some formally and freezingly replied,

And some said by their silence—" Better stay at home."

A rich man burst the door,

As Croesus rich;-I'm sure

He could not pride himself upon his wit;
And as for wisdom, he had none of it;
He had what's better,-he had wealth.

What a confusion !-all stand up erect-
These crowd around to ask him of his health;
These bow in honest duty and respect;
And these arrange a sofa or a chair,
And these conduct him there.

"Allow me, sir, the hònor ;"Then a bow
Down to the earth-Is't possible to show
Meet gratitude for such kind condescension?

5. The poor man hung his head,
And to himself he said,


"This is indeed beyond my comprehension:"
Then looking round, one friendly face he found,
And said- Pray tell me why is wealth preferred
To wisdom?"-"That's a silly question, friend!"
Replied the other-"have you never heard,


A man may lend his store

Of gold or silver ore,

But wisdom none can borrow, none can lénd ?”

QUESTIONS.-1. Of what advantage is wealth often? 2. How are the poor many times regarded? 3. Give an account of the two visitors, one of whom was poor and the other rich. 4. What really renders persons worthy of respect?

Why is honorable read with the circumflex, first verse? Why honest, fourth verse? What inflection does an independent member of a sentence require? What the direct question? What the indirect? How do you account for the different inflections in the last line of the second verse? Why the rising inflection at the last word in the piece? What do you understand by Italic words?


SPELL AND DEFINE-1. Ap'ologue, a moral fable. 2. Impreg'nable, able to resist attack; immovable. 3. Pen'sile, supported above the ground; hanging. 4. Thoroughfares, passages; unobstructed ways. 5. Hilarity, mirth; gayety. 6. Multitu'dinous, consisting of a great number or multitude. 7. Dev as ta'tion, desolation; destruction of the works of art and nature. 8. Expanse', a wide extent of space. 9. Preservative, having the power to preserve or keep safe from injury or decay. 10. Ebb and flow,-ebb, a falling of the tide-flow, a rising of the tide. 11. Corroded, eaten or worn away gradually. 12. Prematurely, before the proper time; too soon. 13. Curtailed, shortened; abridged. 14. Effaced, rubbed or worn out. 15. Discrimination, the act of distinguishing or observing a difference. 16. Vir'u lence, the quality extremely active in doing injury. 17. Mitigate, to make less severe; to lessen.

Time and the Traveler.-N. Y. MIRROR.


1. A TRAVELER, contemplating the ruins of Babylon, stood with folded arms, and, amid the surrounding stillness, thus expressed the thoughts which the scene inspired :— "Where, oh where, is Babylon the great, with her impregnable walls and gates of brass, her frowning towers, and her pensile gardens? Where are her luxurious palaces and her crowded thoroughfares? The stillness of death has succeeded to the active bustle and joyous hilarity of her multitudinous population-scarcely a trace of her former magnificence remains, and her hundreds of thousands of inhabitants have long been sleeping the sleep of death, in unknown and unmarked graves. Here thou hast been busy, O Time, thou

mighty destroyer!"



2. The traveler having finished his soliloquy, there appeared before him a venerable person of mild aspect, who thus accosted him: "Traveler, I am Time, whom thou hast called the mighty destroyer, and to whose ruthless sway thou hast attributed the melancholy desolation which is here spread out to the view. In this charge thou hast wronged Mortals have mistaken my character and office. their pictorial representations, I am always exhibited as wielding a scythe, as if my only purpose was to mark my way with havoc. But, behold me!—although aged, my step has he elastity of youth; my hands grasp no instrument of destruction; my countenance expresses no fierce and crue! passions. Deeds of devastation are wrongfully attributed to me, and here I appear to vindicate my name.

3. "Since this beautiful world has sprung from chaos, I

have lent my aid to perpetuate its beauty, and to impart happiness to all its inhabitants. My reign has been mild and preservative. I have marked the course of the sun, the moon, and the stars, and during the thousands of years ir. which they have rolled in mighty expanse, I have diminished naught of their luster-they shine as bright and as sweetly, they move on their course as harmoniously, as they did when the world was in its infancy. Look at the everlasting hills; they stand as proud and as permanently as they did when they rose up at the command of their mighty Creator. Contemplate the ocean in its ceaseless ebb and flow; I have not diminished its mighty resources.

4. "But the works of man you will say, are corroded by my touch, and the beauty and life of man flee before my approach. Even in this you wrong me. I have witnessed the rise and fall of empires, and have seen countless generations of men pass from the stage of human life, but in neither case have I hastened their doom. Sin has been the great destroyer-the vices of men have scattered desolation over the fair face of creation. The thousands who have fallen on that battle-field, have not fallen by my hand; the scattered ruins of these once mighty cities, whose memorial has nearly perished, have not been strewn by my hand, but by the hands of earthly conquerors, who have trodden down in their march of conquest, the palaces of the rich, and the hovels of the poor. The great works of man, originating in pride, have been subverted by folly and cruelty. Cities once proud, populous, and magnificent, have utterly disappeared, not by the operation of time, but in the conflicts of men, and in the execution of the just judgments of Heaven.

5. "Most diseases derive their origin or their virulence from human vice or folly; and wars, resulting from the passions of men, swell the lists of the dead. Many a furrow is marked on the brow of man, which is attributed to Time, in which time has had no agency; and many totter to the grave, who go there prematurely, and not by the weight of years. Men once lived nearly a thousand years, and now they seldom fulfill three score years and ten. It is not be. cause I am now more emphatically a destroyer, but because their sins and follies have curtailed the term of their exist. ence. Even the works of men in ancient days, might have still stood to be gazed upon, if no other influence than mine had been exerted.

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