
one, premising that this song is intended as a burlesque of the style of the old romances, particularly of the rambling transitions and wild accumulation of unconnected parts, so frequent in many of them. Why doe you boast of Arthur and his knightes,


Knowing well' how many men have endured fightes?
For besides king Arthur, and Lancelot du lake,

Or sir Tristram de Lionel, that fought for ladies sake;
Read in old histories, and there you shall see

How St. George, St. George the dragon made to flee.
St. George he was for England; St. Dennis was for France.
Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense.

Mark our father Abraham, when first he rescued Lot
Only with his household, what conquest there he got:
David was elected a prophet and a king,

He slew the great Goliah, with a stone within a sling:
Yet these were not knightes of the table round;

Nor St. George, St. George, who the dragon did confound.
St. George he was for England; St. Dennis was for France.
Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense.

Jephthah and Gideon did lead their men to fight,

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They conquered the Amorites, and put them all to flight:
Hercules his labours were' on the plaines of Basse ;
And Sampson slew a thousand with the jawbone of an asse;
And eke he threw a temple downe, and did a mighty spoyle.
And St. George, St. George he did the dragon foyle,
St. George he was for England; St. Dennis was for France.
Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense.

[blocks in formation]

Richard Coeur-de-lion erst king of this land,
He the lion gored with his naked hand':
The false duke of Austria nothing did he feare;
But his son he killed with a boxe on the eare:

Besides his famous actes done in the holy lande.

But St. George, St. George the dragon did withstande,
St. George he was for England; St. Dennis was for France.
Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense.

Henry the fifth he conquered all France,

And quartered their arms, his honour to advance;

He their cities razed, and threw their castles downe,
And bis head he honoured with a double crowne:

Alluding to the fabulous exploits attributed to this king in the Old Romances.

He thumped the French-men, and after home he came.
But St. George, St. George he did the dragon tame.
St. George he was for England; St. Dennis was for France.
Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense.

St. David of Wales the Welsh-men much advance:
St. Jaques of Spaine, that never yet broke lance:
St. Patricke of Ireland, which was St. George's boy,
Seven yeares he kept his horse, and then stole him away :
For which knavish act, as slaves they doe remaine.
But St. George, St. George the dragon he hath slaine.
St. George he was for England; St. Dennis was for France.
Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense1.


The King and all his nobility went early in the morning to the Tower, and proceeded from thence, in grand state, to Westminster. This magnificent train, all on horseback, and as rich (observes Mr. Evelyn) as embroidery, velvet, cloth of gold and silver, and jewels, could make them and their prancing horses, proceeded through the streets strewed with flowers, houses hung with rich tapestry, windows and balconies full of ladies; the London militia lining the ways, and the several Companies with their banners, and loud music, ranked in their orders; the fountains running wine, the bells ringing, with speeches made at the several triumphal arches; at that of the Temple Bar (near which I stood) the Lord Mayor was received by the Bailiff of Westminster, who, in a scarlet robe, made a speech. Thence, with joyful acclamations, his Majesty passed to Whitehall. Bonfires at night.

The next day, being St. George's, he went by water to Westminster Abbey. When his Majesty was entered, the dean and prebendaries brought all the regalia, and delivered them to several noblemen to bear before the King, who met them at the west door of the church singing an anthem to the choir. Then came the peers in their robes, and coronets in their

'Percy's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, vol. iii, pp. 286, 290.

hands, till his Majesty was placed on a throne elevated before the altar. Then the Bishop of London (the Archbishop of Canterbury being sick) went to every side of the throne to present the King to the people, asking if they would have him for their King and do him homage; at this they shouted four times, God save King Charles the Second! Then an anthem was sung. Then his Majesty, attended by three bishops, went up to the altar, and he offered a pall and a pound of gold. Afterwards he sat down in another chair during the sermon, which was preached by Dr. Morley, then Bishop of Worcester. After sermon, the King took his oath before the altar to maintain the Religion, Magna Charta, and Laws of the Land. The hymn Veni S. Sp. followed, and then the Litany by two bishops. Then the Archbishop of Canterbury, present, but much indisposed and weak, said Lift up your hearts; at which the King rose up and put off his robes and upper garments, and was in a waistcoat so opened in divers places, that the Archbishop might commodiously anoint him, first in the palms of his hands, when an anthem was sung and a prayer read; then his breast and between his shoulders, bending of both arms, and, lastly, on the crown of the head, with apposite hymns and prayers at each anointing; this done, the Dean closed and buttoned up the waistcoat. Then was a coif put on, and the cobbium, syndon or dalmatic, and over this a supertunic of cloth of gold, with buskins and sandals of the same, spurs, and the sword, a prayer being first said over it by the Archbishop on the altar before it was girt on by the Lord Chamberlain. Then the armill, mantle, &c. Then the Archbishop placed the crown imperial on the altar, prayed over it, and set it on his Majesty's head, at which all the peers put on their coronets. Anthems and rare music, with lutes, viols, trumpets, organs, and voices, were then heard, and the Archbishop put a ring on his Majesty's finger. K

The King next offered his sword on the altar, which being redeemed, was drawn and borne before him. Then the Archbishop delivered him the sceptre with the dove in one hand, and in the other the sceptre with the globe. Then, the King kneeling, the Archbishop pronounced the blessing. The King then ascending again his royal throne, whilst Te Deum was singing, all the peers did their homage, by every one touching his crown. The Archbishop, and rest of the Bishops, first kissing the King; who received the holy sacrament, and so disrobed, yet with the crown imperial upon his head, and accompanied with all the nobility in the former order, he went on foot upon blue cloth, which was spread and reached from the west door of the Abbey to Westminster stairs, when he took water in a triumphal barge to Whitehall, where was extraordinary feasting'.


Saint Mark's Gospel was written in the year 63. The order of knights of St. Mark at Venice, under the protection of this evangelist, was instituted in the year 737, the reigning doge being always grand master: their motto was, 'Pax tibi, Marce, Evangelista Meus.' The superstitious fears with which Saint Mark's Eve is annually regarded by thousands in this country, are probably known to the majority of our readers.


ÆT. 76.

What was said of this distinguished character by Dr. Lettsom, in his Hints, designed to promote Beneficence, Temperance, and Medical Science,' in the year 1801, may well be repeated, when nineteen years of continued beneficence had been added to his valuable life: When the importance of the

1 Evelyn's Memoirs, vol. i, pp. 334-336; the order of the Procèssion, too long for insertion here, is described in p. 334.

morals of the community, with its influence on individual as well as general happiness is duly considered, one cannot but contemplate a public character, who, with unceasing exertion, endeavours to promote every virtuous and charitable sentiment with gratitude and reverence. A magistrate clothed with power to enforce obedience, but possessing be nevolence more coercive than power; who views with vigilance, to arrest its progress, every species of vice, and commiserates, as a man humanized by Christian amitics, every deviation from rectitude, and reforms while he pities, is a being clothed with robes of divinity. In this point of view I introduce my friend PATRICK COLQUHOUN, Esq., whose exertions point to every direction, where morals require correction, or poverty and distress the aid of active benevolence.

'As an indefatigable magistrate, and as a polite writer in general, Mr. Colquhoun is well known throughout Europe. I introduce him in this place, as the founder and promoter of various institutions for supplying the poor in distress with cheap and nutritious articles of food, to an extent truly astonishing, and without which, famine must have been superadded to poverty, as must appear probable from the perusal of the Report of the Committee, which will be introduced in the sequel. The enumeration alone of my friend's publications, must evince the activity of his benevolence, with which his time and fortune have ever kept pace. May the reader who views the annexed silhouette endeavour to emulate the virtues of the original; he will then not only diffuse happiness among the community, particularly of the lower classes, but ensure the supreme enjoyment of it in his individual capacity.' -Hints, vol. i, p. 92,

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His works on The Police of the Metropolis' and of The River Thames,' are perhaps the most extraordinary books ever published, laying open a

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