[blocks in formation]

&c. 84, &c.

Blamed. 73,

Leffer Sins incident to good
People. 188.

Liberty of Confcience.

ration in use of it. I. 254.
Life and Youth. Anxiety hurt-
ful to them. III. 346.
Life; meant of an happy Life.
IV. 229.

Eternal Life described. 230.
Good Life recommended.

Light. Chriftians the Light of
the World. I. 432, &c.
Light of Chriftians how fup-
preffed. 456, 462.
The Light within. III. 290.
Obfcured by every Sin. 291,
&c. 298.

Looking on a Woman to luft after
her. Explained. II. 212.
239, &c.

Looking, feeing, and confidering,
all used in the fame Senfe.

[blocks in formation]

another. An effect of Per
fecution. I. 300.

Love due to an Adverfary.
II. 172.

Luft. Better dealt with at a Di-
ftance than at Hand. I.

Luftful Thoughts not to be
harboured. 224.

Luft and Uncleanness intoxi-
cating. II. 218.

Who are fitteft to be addref-
fed against them. 220.
The spiritual Dangers of them.
223, &c.

The temporal Dangers of
them. 230, &c.
Dangers of them to the Pub-
lick. 236.

Luxury and Drunkenness de-
fcribed and reproved. I.
140. III. 175.
Luxury prevailing. 257.
Luxury in Clothes and Furni
ture. 362.

[blocks in formation]
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Mammon. God and Mammon,
their Service inconfiftent. III.
301, &c. 305. 307, &c. 314.
What it is to ferve Mammon.

Manflaughter condemned. II.


Marks of God's true Servants.

III. 305.

Marriage; when neceffary. II.
Marriage in the Christian Way
how reasonable. 290, &c.
304, &c.

How deliberately it is to be gone
about. 295.
Martyrdom must be for a good
Caufe. I. 277.
Three good Causes to suffer for.

In fuffering we must be purely
paffive. 281.
Mafters and Miftreffes; their
Duty to their Servants. II.

No Man can ferve two Masters,

explained. III. 302. 312.
Means. The neceffary Means
are required, when Duty is.
commanded, or Vice forbid.

II. 157:
Means of Grace, Chriftians have
the moft. I. 483.
Meekness defcribed. I. 143, &c.
It is commonly joined with Hu-
mility, Refignation, Content-
ment, and other fociable good
natured Virtues. 150.
The Meek their inheriting the
Earth. 151.

Meekness, Patience, and Good-

humour. II. 119.
Melancholy and Defpondency to
be avoided. 163.
Mercenarinefs contrary to Cha-
rity. I. 203.

Mercies. Common-Mercies no
Signs of God's Favour. II.

[blocks in formation]

An Error in Morals more dan-
gerous than a fpeculative Er-
ror. II. 48.

The Practice of good Morals
described. 62, &c. 92.
The greatest Promoters of them
come nearest the Spirit of
Christ. 91.

The Underminers of them to
be guarded againft. 92.
Good Morality, good Chriftia-
nity. 92.

A good Moral Life a Sign of
true Faith. 92.

The Purity and Perfection of

the Chriftian Morals. III. 12.
Moral Law. The Jews thought
the Meffiah would difpenfe
with it. II. 6. III. 156.
The Moral Law binding upon
Chriftians. II. 33, 34, &c.
The Perpetuity of the Moral
Law. 35.

The Morrow. Anxiety for it
forbid. III. 419, &c.
Mortifying the Senfes and Mem-
bers. II. 256. 261.
Mortification described. 266, &c.
Mote in our Neighbour's Eye.
IV. 34, &c.

Mourners. Explained. I. 126, &c.
Multiplicity of Words. II. 361.
The Multitudes. Their Circum-

stances when the Sermon on
the Mount was preached. I.54.
Their Hopes from Chrift's tem-
poral Kingdom. 57.

They were Hearers of the Ser-

His Anxiety the Occafion of his

Melancholy and Death. 349.
Nature and Art. The Difference
of their Works. III. 365.
Neceffaries of Life, we are to
pray for them. III. 164.
We are not to expect that they
will be laid in all at once;
but are to depend on Provi-
dence for them. 167, &c.
We need not fear the want of
them. 385.

Our Duty in this Respect. 386,

Negroes and Indians; how to be
treated in order to their Con-
verfion. I. 218.
Neighbour. Confideration of his
Čircumftances. I. 197.
How to carry on our Neighbour's
Good. I. 495, &c.

The Word Neighbour reftrained
by the Jews, to one of the
fame Nation or Religion. II.
399. 402.

The Sum of our Duty to our

Neighbour. IV. 175. 184.
How it flows from the Love of

God. 177. 183.

Our Duty to our Neighbour
explained. 179, &c.

Our Duty to him made more
eafy. 191, &c.

[ocr errors]

mon on the Mount. 69, 5.4TH. (See Adjuration.)

88, &c.

[blocks in formation]

An Oath defcribed. II.


The Conditions required to an
Oath. 314, &c.
Affertory and promiffary Oaths.


What falves from the Perfor-
mance of promiffary Oaths.

[blocks in formation]

But honourably mentioned in |
Scripture. 346.
Rash Converfation Oaths forbid.

Voluntary Oaths on grave Oc-
cafions allowed. 349.
Elufory Oaths forbid. 353.355.
Obedience. Univerfal Obedience
required. II. 36.

Exactness of Obedience required.

Obedience of the fubftantial mo-
ral Duties, fincere, universal,
conftant, chearful. 62.
Temporary Obedience. III. 9.
Obedience to God's Laws pray-
ed for. 156, &c.
The Imperfectness of our Obe-
dience. 159.

The Chearfulness of our Obe

dience. 159. Obedience defcribed. IV. 293, &c. 306. 308, &c. 338. Sincere, univerfal, conftant. 343, &c.

Object of divine Worship. God
only. III. 105.

Against the Papifts worshipping
Saints. 106.

Occafions of Sin to be avoided.
II. 265.

Perfons occafioning Sin how to

be abandoned. 270, &c. Offences. Our Neighbour of fending, our Duty to him. I. 195. 200.

Old Perfons. Their Duty. II. 71.
Open Wickedness worse than any
other. II. 50.
Opinion. The various Opinions
in Religion, how to be efti-
mated. II. 56.

Our Opinions how to be pro-
pofed. 176.

A better Opinion of our Neighbour, and a worse of ourselves, than each deserves, is the fafeft of Errors. IV. 42. Oppreffion. A Breach of the

Sixth Commandment. II.

133. Original Sin. III. 179. Oftentation of Devotion. III. 51, &c. 78.

Over-ruling the Actions of wicked Men, and bringing good out of them, prayed for. 131.


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AIN and Sickness.
Duty to our Neighbour in
them. I. 196. 202.
Parables. Gofpel-Parables and
Similes commended. I. 431.
Pardon of Sin. The Conditions
on which it is to be obtained.
III. 182, &c.

Parents their Duty to season the

Minds of their Children with good Principles. I. 417. Parity the Mother of Confufion. I. 251.

Particularity, too much of it a
fault in Prayer. III. 96.
Parting Man and Wife. The
evil Confequences of it. II.
300. 309.

Party. Kindness to our own
Party, a very low Degree of
Virtue. II. 428.
Addictedness to Party. IV. 51.
The Evil of Party-quarrels. 205.
Party-quarrels to be avoided. II.

The Spirit of Party. ibid.
Paffions. Mens Paffions not to
be provoked. IV. 125.
Paffive Obedience. The right
Notion of it. I. 239.
Paftors. Their Duty to their
Flocks. I. 417.

The Neceffity of Paftors, and

outward Ordinances. II. 180.
The fad Condition of those
Countries that are without
them. ibid.
How Paftors may inveigh against
Vice. IV. 10.
E e 2

Patience. Several Helps to Pa-
tience. I. 281, &c.
Patient fuffering a true Cha-
racter of a genuine Disciple
of Chrift. 291.
Patience learned by Sufferings.


The Patience and Refolution of
Chriftians. I. 467, &c.
Patience and Forgiveness recom-
mended. II. 376. III. 116.
IV. 325.

Peace. How we may contribute
to the Peace of the World. I.

Peace-Makers defcribed. 234.
What they are not. 235.
What they are. 236.
The general Rules of Peace ma-
king. 237.

Peaceablenef as we are Mem-
bers of the Church. 247, &c.
Peace-Makers how the Children
of God. 261.
Peace-Makers highly honoured
in the Church. 261.
Peace-making a Mark of a Child
of God. 263.

Peace-Makers have a large Mea-
fure of Chriftian Graces. 263,

They fhall have the Childrens

Portion in Heaven. 267.
Peaceablenefs makes us resemble
God, 268.

Difpofes us for Heaven. 269.
Penitential Sorrow confiftent
with fpiritual Joy. I. 137.
The Fruits of it. 138.
Penurioufnefs. In with-holding
Neceffaries, a Breach of the
Sixth Commandment. II. 133.
Penurioufnefs condemned. III.

Perfection. Chriftian Perfection.
II. 440, &c.

Several Virtues belonging to it.

The Difficulty of it. 446.

[blocks in formation]

It is a Proof of an Atheistical
Mind. 319.

It is highly injurious to Man-
kind. 319.

The best way to avoid it. 324.
Perfecution. A perfecuting Spi-

rit condemned. I. 402.
Our Duty to our Neighbour un-
der Perfecution. 196. 200.
The Kingdom of Heaven pro-
mifed to them that are per-
fecuted for Righteoufnefs fake.
Perfecution the Lot of Chrift's
Difciples. 290.

The Spirit of Christianity with
Relation to Perfecution. 303.
Perfecution foretold to Chri-
ftians. 307.

It is the natural Refult of the
Tempers of both good and bad

Men. 309.

It is the Effect of worldly Inte-
tereft. 312.

It is beneficial to good Men.

The Prediction of it a Discou-
ragement to Hypocrites. 316.
It is appointed by God for our
good. 326.

Perfecution fovereignly medici
nal. 327.

It is no Sign of God's Anger.


It is always to be expected.

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