
and wifeft, as well as nobleft, of her fex, (the dutchess of Buckingham, who I have heard had a very great regard for her,) that The had made a right judgement of her, and bestowed her love on one who deferved it.-Such a death, at the end of a virtuous life, would make one fee what is dearest and nearest to us expire, not only without uneafinefs, but with pleasure, were hunian nature capable of acting by reafon at fuch a time, without paffion but the most exalted of mankind partake of the dying pains of thofe that nature and affection have made dear to them, and even feel agonies which the dying are fometimes, by special favour, exempted from, as I really think he was.

I fhall conclude this account with a reflection I made at the time that it was well worth my while to have taken fo long a voyage; though I was immediately to return home again, and reap no other benefit from it than the feeing what paffed in the laft hours of Mrs. Morice. I am, dear brother, your's most af fectionately,


Το the



HE following account of fome fuccefsful attempts to wards ftopping the terrible diftemper which lately raged amongst the horned cattle, being fent to me by a gentleman of unquestionable veracity, I thought it highly neceffary to lay them before the public.

J. B.

"A Farmer having loft five very fine cows by the diftemper, a fixth had been ill four days, when it came into his head to try what the bark would do, fuppofing he muft lofe that cow allo: he gave her in the evening one ounce of Jefuit's bark, in a proper quantity of warm water, to make it go down. The next morning he found her wonderfully revived, and the evening following he gave her half a pint of red wine: two days after he gave her half an ounce more of bark in the fame manner, and half a pint of red wine the evening following, with which The quite recovered. At the fame time a young bull of his was taken ill he gave that half an ounce only, and the wine as above. They both recovered, and are perfectly well at this time. It is fix weeks fince they were cured : I have seen them feeding, and had this from the farmer himself.

"Another farmer, with whom I am acquainted, has recovered a cow by the use of bark, administered in mint and cinnamon water; and a hird, having loft a cow about a month fince, ordered the remainder to be blooded, and to have half an ounce of bark in mint and cinnamon water, by way of prevention, and they all continue in perfect health.



Always loved a good smart and innocent jeft, but believe me
I am far from always liking a joker.

"Is not this fomewhat like loving the treafon, and hating the traitor."

By no means; the man who now and then entertains the company with a jeft, is as different from a common joker, as a good free-hearted girl is from a common prostitute.

That is a bold affertion."

No bolder than it is true. But now to illuftrate the position: There are various forts of profeffed jokers-to mention three of the principal, however, will ferve our purpose.

I shall begin with the wholesale joker, who endeavours to turn almost every thing, however ferious in its nature, into laughter; lies in wait for opportunities to fay good things, tells funny stories, in which he stretches the ftrings of probability; and though he means no harm, and perhaps feldom means any thing, would, rather than lofe his joke, risk the lofs of his friend.-This, I take it, is no very refpectable character.

The next rank is the retail joker, who deals out jefts as the gentry in Monmouth ftreet do clothes; tells old ftories, which he vouches to be new ones, having himself been prefent, (as he himself fays) when the jokes he mentions took place-This is an engroffer of converfation, a wafter of time. An echo twenty times repeated in the ears of a man whole head aches, is not more tiresome than fuch a fellow.

But there is a third fort, whom I term the mischievous joker. One of the most innocent of these is generally enough to make a company unhappy, by making up fome lie or other, which, if believed, must be productive of painful fenfations, and then laughing at the credulous hearers (as being taken in) for having had too good an opinion of his veracity.-Another set of these rifible gentlefolks cloak their affronts under the name of jokes, and while they pretend to raillery (the true fpirit of, which they do not or will not understand) fport with the characters alike of the prefent or abfent, tell difagreeable truths, with which they have no bufinefs, and frequently frame lies, calculated to expofe people to contempt, and when the matter comes to an eclairciffement, nobody must be angry, for the party was but in joke.—I remember feeing one of theie facetious gentlemen brought rather into a disagreeable fituation by the exercife of his talent where it was not relished. He had very dexterously delivered the fifter of an officer (a widow lady) that had been ill of a dropfy, of twins, and had faid many good things upon the occafion. He embellished his difcourfe with many jests upon big bellics and VOL. II. 42. 3 B


red coats, and had nearly finished when the officer in queffion (who was unknown to him) entered the room. He feemed highly pleafed with his converfation, and (winking to the company) defired him to repeat many of the good things he had faid, after which he declared himself her brother, and very cooly begged to be excufed for fpoiling a good ftory, by enqui ring into the truth of it; but this he faid he must be informed of. The wit immediately recanted every fyllable, and declared he was only in jeft; but the military man protefted he did not like fuch jefts, nor would he excufe them. Apologies were of fered, but not accepted, and the joker got a good drubbing in return for his wit and ingenuity, which made him cut fome very clever capers, to the great entertainment of the company.-Will any one pretend to deny that he had his reward ?

Now as this fpecies of beings are at the very head of the genus of modern jokers, can any wife or reafonable men be par tial to perfons of fuch a defcription?

Anfwer, by Taffo, of Bristol, to Philo Mathes's Queftion, inferted May 5.

PUT x for the leaft number; then by an algebraic pre cefs (too copious for the Entertainer) x is found= 232792560n-4, which is the general value; and putting DI, we have x=232792556, for the leaft number that will anfwer the conditions of the question.

Anfwer, by M. Nefworthy, of Plymouth-Deck, to T. Cox worthy's Question, inferted May 12.

ET x and y be the two required numbers; then will x+y=fum, and x-y-difference. Now, by the queftion x+y=4x-4y..x=5y+y, and xy=24%-245 Hence 5y+y=24y÷24-y..5=


9.6 and x=16..

*+* We have received the like answer from Taffo, of Bristol.


Anfwer, by Taffo, of Brifol, to John Quant's Quere, inferted


September 15.

NHLOE's brifk and debonair,
And her face divinely fair,
But her vows as light as AIR.

IIS We have received the like anfwer from J. S. SheptonMallet; and J. Drew, of Tywardreth.

Answer, by Taffo, of Bristol, to J. W-k-s's enigmatical Lift of Pbilofophers and Mathematicians, inferted May 19.

[blocks in formation]

Anfwer, by W. Weftcott, of Clift St. George, to Thomas Rennell's enigmatical Lift of Towns in Devonshire, inferted Anguft 25.

[blocks in formation]

Itt We have received the like answer from Taffo, of Briftol; J. Quant, of Hinton St. George; E. Hathway, of Pensford; Sobrius and Junius, of Chedzoy; J. S. of Shepton-Mallet; G. Bulgen, of Caftle Cary; and John Higgins, of Afhburton.

Answer, by J. S. of Shepton Mallet, to Tao's Anagram, inserted


August 25.

RANSPOSE a SPRAT, and then you'll fee,
Ye fapient gents, that PARTS 'twill be;
3 B 21


And if 'tis right tranfpos'd again,

You'll find 'twill Joofon's STRAP explain;
Now if the A is chang'd for O,

And then tranfpofed, SPORT 'twill fhow.

'We have received the like answer from G. Bulgen, of Caftle-Cary; and Junius, of Chedzoy.

Answer, by F. S. of Shepton-Mallet, to Agathos Pais's Ribu,


inferted March 17.

RCH is the term you mean by bow,
And by esteem REGARD;

The latter half of each will show,

When join'd, the town is CHARD.

Anjaver, by J. S. of Shepton-Mallet, to R. Rowe's Rebus, injertid
September 1.

R hefus's horfes were white, as authors declare;
O cyroe was chang'd into a mare;

B agoe coula by thunder deep divine;

E cho did fadly for Narciffus pine;

R had'manthus faid hell's just judge to be;
Thetis is deem'd the goddess of the fea;
S cyris is fam'd in hiftory for theft,

And was by Thefeus of his life bereft.
Now the initials in due order scan,

And then you'll find that ROBERTS is the man.

+ We have received the like anfwer from Taffo, of Bristol; Sobrius of Chedzoy; J. Quant, of Hinton St. George; G.M. of Compton; and G. Bulgen of Castle-Cary.

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Anfwer, by Taffo, of Bristol, to J. S.'s Rebus, inferted Sept. 15


Pot is the veffel, the vowel's an a,

And part of the foot is a toe:

Thefe three will, when join'd, a POTATOE difplay.
Pray, fay have I hit it, or no.


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