
not, nor feemed to hear me. I then humbled myself to her as in the days of her innocence and firft power, fupplicating her no tice, entreating even her commiferation! Al was to no purpofe; fhe neither received nor repulfed me, and was alike inattentive to exhortation and to prayer.

"Whole hours did I spend at her feet, vowing never to rife 'till the spoke to me-all, all in vain! She feemed deaf, mute, and infenfible; her face unmoved, a fettled despair fixed in her eyes, thofe eyes that had never looked at me but with dove like foftnefs and compliance!-She fat conftantly in one chair ; fhe never changed her drefs; no perfuafions could prevail on her to lie down, and at meals fhe juft fwallowed fo much dry bread as might fave her from dying for want of food..

"What was the distraction of my foul, to find her bent upon this courfe to her last hour !-Quick came that hour, but never will it be forgotten! Rapidly it was gone, but eternally it will be remembered!

"When the felt herself expiring, she acknowledged fhe had made a vow, upon entering the houfe, to live fpeechiefs and motionlefs, as a penance for her offences.

"I kept her loved corpfe 'till my own fenfes failed me-it was then only torn from me--and I have lost all recollection of three years of my existence !"

Cecilia fhuddered at this hint, yet was not furprized by it: Mr. Gofport had acquainted her he had been formerly confined; and his flightiness, wildness, florid language, and extraordinary way of life, had long led her to fufpect his reason had been impaired.

"The fcene to which my memory first leads me back, (continued he,) is vifiting her grave; folemnly upon it I returned her vow, though not by one of equal feverity. To her poor remains did I pledge myself, that the day should never pass, in which I would receive nourishment, nor the night come, in which I would take reft, 'til I had done, or zealously attempted to do, fome service to a fellow-creature.

"For this purpofe have I wandered from city to city, from the town to the country, and from the rich to the poor. I go into every houfe where I can gain admittance; I admonish all who will hear me, I fhame even those who will not. I feek the diftreffed wherever they are hid; I follow the profperous, to beg a mite to ferve them. I look for the diffipated in public, where, amidst their licentiousness, I check them; I purfue the unhappy in private, where I counsel and endeavour to affift them. My own power is fmall; my relations, during my fufferings, li

mited me to an annuity; but there is no one I fcruple to folicit, and by zeal I fupply ability.

"Oh, life of hardship and penance! laborious, toilfome, and restless! but I have merited no better, and I will not repine at it; I have vowed that I will endure it, and I will not be forfworn.

One indulgence alone, from time to time, I allow myself; it is mufic! which has power to delight me, even to rapture ! it quiets all anxiety, it carries me out of myself; I forget, thro' it, every calamity, even the bitterest anguish.

"Now, then, that thou hast heard me, tell me, haft thou cause of forrow?”

[From Pennant's Journey from Chefer.]

HAT favourite of fortune, Sir Stephen Fox, is reprefented (in a picture, now at the feat of the Comptons, in Northamptonshire,) fitting in a long wig and night-gown; a good-looking man. He was the fon of a private family in Wiltshire, but raised himself by the most laudable of means, that of merit, After the battle of Worcester, in which his elder brother was engaged, he fled with him to France, and was entertained by Henry, lord Percy, then lord-chamberlain to our exiled monarch.

To young Fox was committed the whole regulation of the household; who (as lord Clarendon obferves) was well qualified with the languages, and all parts of clerkship, honeity, and difcretion, as was neceffary for fuch a truft; and indeed his great induftry, modefty, and prudence, did very much contribute to the bringing the family, which for fo many years had been under no government, into very good order." On the reBoration he was made clerk of the green cloth; and on the saifing of the two regiments, the firft of the kind ever known, he was appointed pay-mafter, and foon after pay-mafter-general to all the forces in England.

In 1679, he was made one of the lords of the treafury; and in the fame year, first commiffioner in the office of matter of the horse; and in 1682, had intereft to get his fon Charles, then only twenty-three years old, to be appointed fole pay.mafter of the forces; and himself, in 1684, fole commiffioner for master of the horse. James II. continued to him every kind of favour; yet Sir Stephen made a very eafy transition to the fucceeding


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prince, and enjoyed the fame degree of courtly emolument. James thought he might have expected another return from this creation of the Stuarts; accordingly excepted him in his act of grace, on the intended invafion of 1692.

Sir Stephen made a noble ufe of the gifts of fortune: he rebuilt the church of Farly, his native place; built an hospital there for fix poor men, and as many poor women; erected a chapel there, and handfome lodgings for the chaplain, and endowed it with 1881. a year he founded in the fame place a charity-school; he built the chancel of a church in the north of Wiltshire, which the rector was unable to do. He alfo built the church of Culford, in Suffolk, and pewed the cathedral of Salisbury but his greatest act was the founding of Chelfea hofpital, which he first projected, and contributed thirteen thoufand pounds towards the carrying on; alledging, that he" could not bear to see the common foldiers, who had spent their strength in our fervice, beg at our doors."

He married his fecond wife in 1703, when he was seventy fix years of age, and had by her two fons; Stephen, late carl of Ilchefter; and Henry, late lord Holland. His happiness continued to his last moment; for he died, without experiencing the ufual infirmities of eighty-nine, in October 1716.


W 'chefter, Mr. Hogarth was always on terms of the strictest

ITH Dr. Hoadly, the late worthy chancellor of Win

friendship, and frequently vifited him at Winchester, St. Crofs, and Alresford. It is well known that Dr. Hoadly's fondness for theatrical exhibitions was fo great, that few visitors were ever long in his house, before they were folicited to accept a part in fome interlude or other. He himfelf, with Garrick and Hogarth, once performed a laughable parody on the scene in Julius Cæfar, where the ghoft appears to Brutus. Hogarth perfonated the spectre; but fo unretentive was his memory, that, although his fpeech confifted only of two lines, he was unable to get them by heart. At last they hit on the following expedient in his favour. The verfes he was to deliver were written in fuch large letters, on the outside of an illuminated paper lanthorn, that he could read them when he entered with it in his hand on the ftage.-Hogarth painted a fcene on this occafion, representing a futling booth, with the duke of Cumberland's head, by way of fign. He alfo prepared the play-bill, with characteristic ornaments. The original drawing is ftill preferved, and we could with it were engraved, as the flighteft fketch from the defign, of fo grotefque a painter would be welcome to the numerous collectors of his works.




Jewell, Mafter of Bideford fchool, if he would indulge the publick with an explanation of the ufe and properties of his "Celestial Chart for the Use of Mariners," and alfo particularly of his "Lunar Inftrument," by inferting it in your useful Entertainer.




Y inferting the following in your ufeful and agreeable
Entertainer, you will much oblige
Your conftant Correfpondent,

▲ SERMON aƐually preached by an old MINISTER to three HIGHWAYMEN.

[ Copied from a new Publication. ]

Four gentlemen and an old minifter riding along the road met three highwaymen, who difmounting, plundered them: the old minifter begged very hard to have a little money, as he was going to pay a bill in London; fo they being generous fellows, gave him all his money back again, on condition of his preaching them a férmon; fo, taking them off the highway, he faid as follows:


"You are the moft like the old apoftles of any men in the world; for they were wanderers upon the earth, fo are you. They had neither lands nor tenements that they could call their own; neither, as I prefume have you. They were defpifed by all, but those of their own profeffion, and fo, I believe are you. They were unalterably fixed in the principles they profeffed ; VOL. I. 6.

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and, I dare fwear, fo are you. They were often harried into gaols and prifons, were perfecuted by the people and endured great hardships; all of which fufferings I prefume have been undergone by you. Their profeffions brought them to untimely deaths; and if you continue in your courfe, fo will yours bring you. But in this point, beloved, ye differ mightily; for the apoftles afcended from the tree into heaven, where I am afraid you will never come: but as their deaths were compensated with eternal glory, yours will be rewarded with eternal fhame and mifery, unless you mend your manners.



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Muft not omit to mention (fays Mr. Pennant, in his " Journey from Chester to London") the fhort-lived univerfity which exifted in the town of Northampton, and which arofe from the following occafion :-In 1238, Otho, the pope's legate, happened to vifit the univerfity of Oxford, and took his refidence at the neighbouring convent of Ofney. He was one day refpectfully waited on by the ftudents, who were infolently refufed admittance by the Italian porter, At length, after intolerable provocation from the clerk of the kitchen, a Welsh ftudent drew his bow, and shot him dead. The refentment of government, and the fear of punishment, caufed the first feceffion of the students to Northampton, and other places. In fucceeding years fresh riots arofe, and occafioned farther migrations. At length thefe migrations were made under fanction of the king, who imagined that the disturbances arofe from the too great concourfe of fcholars to one place. It is faid that not fewer than 15.000 ftudents fettled in this town. Whether from refentment of former proceedings against them, or from the ufual diflike youth has to governing powers, they took the part of the barons. They formed themfelves into companies, had their diftinguishing banner, and when Henry III. made his attack on Northampton, proved by far his moft vigorous opponents. After the king had made himself mafter of the place, he determined to hang every ftudent; but being at length appeafed, he permitted them to return to Oxford, under the conduct of Simon Mountford, and abolished the university of Northampton.


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HE late Mr. Charles Yorke being returned a member for the univerfity of Cambridge, as he was going round

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