| Edward Hyde Earl of Clarendon - 1707 - 498 oldal
...nothing to you, "all ye that pafsby ? behold, and fee if there be any forrow "like unto my forrow, which is done unto me, wherewith " the Lord hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce Anger. " The Yoke of my Tranfgreffions is bound by his hands, they " are wreath'd, and come up upon my Ncckj... | |
| Alexander Lunan - 1712 - 160 oldal
...the Death of his beloved Son ! Ah is it nothing to you all ye that pafs by, behold and fee if there be any Sorrow like unto my Sorrow, which is done unto me, ""^herewith the Lord hath Affli&ed me in the Day of his fierce Anger, However many good Men have been... | |
| Charles Drelincourt - 1721 - 540 oldal
...fay with the Prophet Jeremiah, Doth not this move ye y O ye that pafi by ? Behold and fee if there be any Sorrow like unto my Sorrow, which is done unto me, wherewith the Lord hath affifted me in the Day of his fierce ^4nger. But when there fhould be nothing elfe but this alone,... | |
| Charles Drelincourt - 1732 - 536 oldal
...fame Manner as the Ancient Jerufalem, Is it nothing to all you that pafs by ? Behold^ and fee if there be any Sorrow like unto my Sorrow which is done unto me^ wherewith the Lord bath offlifled me in the Day of his fierce An^er^ Lam. i. O blefled Church of God, thou haft felt Perfection... | |
| John Mason - 1754 - 350 oldal
...name of the Church, of her afflidled and defolate ftate, all ye that pafs by, behold and fee, if there be any Sorrow like unto my Sorrow, .which is done....wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me in the Day of his farce anger (i): for his Vifage wasfo marred more than any man, and his Form more than the Sons of... | |
| Thomas Stackhouse - 1760 - 360 oldal
...mournful Prophet, in the Perfon of the crucified Jefus, verified to the full ; Behold and fee if there be any Sorrow like unto my Sorrow, which is done unto me, wherewith the Lord hath afflitted me, in the Day of his fierce Anger : And therefore conjider him, as the Apoftle advifes,... | |
| Titus Knight - 1766 - 478 oldal
...well be laid in refpect thereof, " come " and fee if there ever was any forrow, like unto " my forrow, which is done unto me ; wherewith " the Lord hath...afflicted me in the day of his ** fierce anger." Lam. i. 12. And if fin be the only fource of forrow, and caufe of fuffering ; how is it poffible that Jeius... | |
| Benjamin Clement - 1774 - 294 oldal
...the Prophet, is it Nothing to you all ye that pafs ly ? Behold and fee, if there be any Sorrow ... i like unto my Sorrow, which is done unto me ., wherewith the Lord hath affiifted me in the Day of his farce Anger. For thefe Things I weep ; mine Eye, mine Eye runneth down... | |
| Anselm Bayly - 1789 - 420 oldal
...ye that pafs by ? Behold and fee, if there be any forrow like unto my forrow, which is brought upon me; wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce anger." In words and fentiments expreflive of tendernefs and forrow be pathetic, and fpirited in thofeof joy... | |
| John Willison - 1798 - 644 oldal
...it nothing to you, all ye that pafs by ? Behold and fee, if there be any (orrow like unto my farrow, which is done unto me, wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me in the- day of his fierce wrath !" Do but imagine what cxccfave pain and excellive torment he underwent underwent both in foul... | |
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