ments and fervent affections. Oh! that his people were in this more like him! 5. Was Christ in such an agony before any hand of man was upon him, merely from the apprehensions of the wrath of God, with which he now contested? "Then surely it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God; for our God is a consuming fire." Ah, what is divine wrath, that Christ should faint when the cup came to him! Could not he bear, and dost thou think to bear it? Did Christ sweat as it were drops of blood before it, and dost thou make light of it? Poor man, if it staggered him, it will confound thee. If it made him groan, it will make thee howl eternally. Come, sinner, come; dost thou make light of the threatenings of the wrath of God against sin? Dost thou think there is no such matter in it as these zealous preachers represent? Come, look here upon my text, which shows thee the face of the Son of God full of purple drops under the sense and apprehension of it. Hark how he cries, "Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass." Oh any thing of punishment rather than this. Hear what he tells the disciples; "My soul is sorrowful, even to death: amazed, and very heavy." But fools make a mock at sin, and the threatenings that lie against it. 6. Did Christ meet death with such a heavy heart? Let the hearts of christians be the lighter for this, when they come to die. The bitterness of death was all squeezed into Christ's cup. He was made to drink the very dregs of it, that so our death might be the sweeter to us. Alas! there is nothing now left in death that is frightful, besides the pain of dissolution. I remember it is related of one of the martyrs, that being observed to be cheerful when he came to the stake, one asked him why his heart was so light, when death, and that in such a terrible form, was before him? Oh, said he, my heart is so light at my death, because Christ's was so heavy at his. 7. What cause have all the saints to love their dear Lord Jesus with an abounding love! Christian, open the eyes of thy faith, and fix them upon Christ as he lay in the garden. He that suffered for us more than any creature ever did or could, may well challenge more love than all the creatures in the world. Oh what hath he suffered, and suffered upon thy account! thy pride, thy earthliness, sensuality, unbelief, hardness of heart added weight to the burden of his sorrows in that day. CHAPTER XXIII. FIRST PREPARATIVE FOR CHRIST'S DEATH ON HIS ENEMIES' PART-TREASON OF JUDAS. "And while he yet spake, lo, Judas, one of the twelve, came, and with him a great multitude with swords and staves, from the chief priests and elders of the people. Now he that betrayed him, gave them a sign, saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is he; hold him fast. And forthwith he came to Jesus, and said, Hail, Master; and kissed him." Matt. 26, 47-49. We have seen how Christ prepared himself for his death. He has commended his people to the Father; instituted the blessed memorial of his death; poured out his soul to God in the garden; and now he is ready, and waits for the coming of his enemies. And think you that they were idle on their part? No, no, their malice made them restless. They had agreed with Judas to betray him. Under his conduct, a band of soldiers was sent to apprehend him. The hour, so long expected, is come. For "while he yet spake, lo, Judas, one of the twelve, came, and with him a great multitude, with swords and staves." These words contain the first preparative act, on their part, for the death of Christ, even to betray him, and that by one of his own disciples. Now they execute what they had plotted, ver. 14, 15. And, 1. We have here a description of the traitor: and it is remarkable how carefully the several evangelists have described him, both by his name, surname, and office, "Judas-Judas Iscariot-Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve ;" that he might not be mistaken for Jude or Judas the apostle. God is tender of the name and reputation of his upright servants. His office, one of the twelve," is added to aggravate the sin and to show how that prophecy was accomplished in him, "Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against me." Ps. 41:9. Lo, this was the traitor, and this was his name and office. ९९ 2. You have a description of the treason, or an account of what this man did. He led an armed multitude to the place where Christ was, gave them a signal to discover him, and encouraged them to lay hands on him, and hold him fast. This the devil put into his heart, employing the lust of covetousness, which was predominant there. What will not a carnal heart attempt, if the devil suit a temptation to the predominant lust, and God withhold restraining grace! 3. You have here the way in which the hellish plot was executed. It was managed both with force and with fraud. He comes with a multitude, armed with swords and staves, in case they should meet with any resistance. And he comes to him with a kiss, which was his signal, lest they should mistake the man. For they aimed neither at small nor great, save only at the King of Israel, the King of glory. Here was much ado, you see, to take a harmless Lamb, that did not once start upon from them, but freely offered himself up to them. And, 4. Observe when this treasonable design was executed Christ. It was while he stood among his disciples, exhorting them to prayer and watchfulness, dropping heavenly and most seasonable counsels. "While he yet spake, lo, Judas, and with him a multitude, came with swords and staves." Surely, then, it is no better than a Judas' plot to disturb and afflict the servants of God in the discharge of their duties. Hence, It was the lot of our Lord Jesus Christ to be betrayed into the hands of his enemies by a false ana pretended friend. Look, as Joseph was betrayed and sold by his brethren; David by Ahithophel, his old friend; Samson by Delilah, that lay in his bosom; so Christ by Judas, one of the twelve; a man, his friend, his familiar, that had been so long conversant with him: he that by profession had lifted up his hand to Christ, now by treason lifts up his heel against him; he bids the soldiers bind those blessed hands that not long before had washed the traitor's feet. We will here consider the character of Judas, and the relations he sustained to Christ; his treason, in its several aggravations; the motives by which he was governed; and the issue of this treason, both as to Christ and as to himself. I. Judas was eminent by reason of the dignity to which Christ had raised him. He was one of the twelve; one retained not in a more general and common, but in the nearest and most intimate and honorable relation to Jesus Christ. There were in the time of Christ secret disciples; men that believed, but kept their stations, and abode with their relations in their callings. There were also seventy whom Christ sent forth; but none of these were so much with Christ, or so eminent in respect of their place, as the twelve; they were Christ's family: it was the highest dignity that was conferred upon any: and of this number was Judas. And being one of the twelve, he was daily conversant with Christ; often joined him in prayer, often sat at his feet, hearing his gracious words. It was one of Augustine's three wishes, that he had seen Christ in the flesh : Judas not only saw him, but dwelt with him, traveled with him, and ate and drank with him. And during the whole time of his abode with him, all Christ's conduct towards him was obliging and winning; yea, such was the condescension of Christ to this wretched man, that he washed his feet, and that but a little before he betrayed him. In some respect, he was preferred to the rest. For he had not only a joint commission with them to preach the Gospel to others, (though, poor unhappy wretch, himself became a castaway,) but he had a peculiar office, he bare the bag, that is, he was almoner, or the steward of the family, to take care to provide for the necessary accommodations of Christ and them. Now who could ever have suspected that such a man as this should have sold the blood of Christ for a little money? that ever he should have proved a perfidious traitor to his Lord, who had called him, honored him, and dealt with him so tenderly ? II. But what did this man do? and what are the just aggravations of his sin? He most basely and unworthily sold and delivered Christ into his enemies' hands, to be put to death; and all this for thirty pieces of silver. Blush, O heavens, and be astonished, O earth, at this! In this sin, most dark and horrid aggravations appear. Judas had seen the majesty of a God in him whom he betrayed. He had seen the miracles that Christ wrought, which none but Christ could do. He knew that by the finger of God he had raised the dead, cast out devils, and healed the sick. He could not but see the beams |