



Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d.

's Declination.

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17 31

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6 22 26 12 21 34 18 20 26 24 19 5 30

Full Moon, 7th day, 7h. 24m., evening, E.
Last Quarter, 15th day, 10h. 44m., morning, W.
New Moon, 22d day, 2h. 25m., morning, E.
First Quarter, 29th day, 9h. 33m., morning, E.

Day of

Day of & Month.

Day of


Rises. Sets.


Length Day's of Days. Incr.





m. m.

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[blocks in formation]

4 Tu. 7 144 26


[blocks in formation]

5 W. 7 144 27

9 130

[blocks in formation]

6 Th. 7 144 28

9 14 0 10 9 14 10 10 br.

621 11 11

77 Fr. 714 4 29

[blocks in formation]

88 Sa. 714 430

9 160 12 916 114 114 br.


[blocks in formation]

9390 354 11 11 legs sets 018 64 47 9 41 0 3731- 0 legs 6 44 1 11

23 23 S-7 24 24 Μ. 7 5 4 48 9430393200 feet 757 20 5 4 50 9 45 0 413314 12 feet 962 46 44 51 947043342 24 h'd 10 13 3 31 34 52 9 490 45352434 h'd 11 19 416 2454 95204826 34 4 n'k morn 50 29 29 Sa. 7 14 55 9 540 502743 5 n'k 023 546 30 30 S-70456 956052285 6 n'k 127 6 34

28 28 Fr. 7

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I block the roads and drift the fields with snow;
I chase the wild-fowl from the frozen fen;

My frosts congeal the rivers in their flow,

My fires light up the hearths and hearts of men.

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

1 Sa. Circum. in,

in Perih.

2 B 2d S. af. Ch. in Perih.
3 Mo. 1st. L. tides. 5th. Mass. legis.
4 Tu. in Apo. 5th 16.
5th. Gen. F. A. Walker

5 W.

6 Th.

7 Fr.


Farmer's Calendar.

THE farmer who enters upon the New Year with himself and his family in good health, full of hope and good resolutions, with no outstanding bills to pay, and Cr. high, 6 C. Clear who possesses sufficient wisdom


meets, 1898.


eclipsed, visible.

8 Sa. 16th. A. S. Willis, min. to Hawaii, d. 1897, ag. 53.



9 B 1st Sunday aft. Epiphany.

10 Mo.

11 Tu.

[ocr errors]

gr. h. 1. N. {lth. Alex Hamil

ton b. 1757.

[blocks in formation]

22d. Sir Isaac Pitman, inv. of stenogra-
phy, d. 1897, ag. 84.

23 B 30 Sunday aft. Epiphany,

24 Mo. 21 stationary.


25 Tu. Conv. of St. Paul. 25th R.I. legis. m'ts

at Prov., 1898.

26 W. 22d. High tides.

27 Th.

A storm

to properly direct the operations on the farm, has a better outlook for a happy year than most of the millionaires. While the farmer's

Decupation is a healthy one, it

will not shield him from all the

ills that life is heir to; therefore he should be ever on his guard to avoid whatever he believes will bring disease into his system, and strive to avoid sickness, rather than hasten its coming and then try to cure it. If he sits in the corner grocery during the winter, and eats so much as to make him a dyspeptic, a little of the essence of axe-handle, vigorously used in woods, will be cheapest

medicine he can take, and will probably do more good than the doctor's prescription.

When a deep snow comes, look after the small trees in the or

chard; else when the snow settles it will break off all the lateral branches that are covered with it. When there is danger of mice gnawing the bark of small trees that have not been protected with a shield of bark or a mound of brewing. earth, tread down around the Colder trees the first snow that comes, which, if a little moist, will 30 B 4th Sunday aft. Epiphany, harden, and prevent the mice 31 Mo. Low tides.

28 Fr.

29 Sa.

gr. elong. W.

again. from reaching them.

's Declination.




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Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days.

d. m.

[blocks in formation]

O Full Moon, 6th day, 1h. 24m., evening, E.

Last Quarter, 13th day, 7h. 35m., evening, E. • New Moon, 20th day, 2h. 41m., evening, W. First Quarter, 28th day, 6h. 13m., morning, E.

[blocks in formation]

72910 838 1 45

947 230

1059 3 17

morn 48 013 5 2 127 60 237 7 1 33883 430 95 5 11 10 3 5 46 10 57 sets 11 48

41 10 Th. 6 47 5 10 10 23 1 19 119 14 14 rei. 42 11 Fr. 6 46 5 12 10 26 122 120 22 rei. 43 12 Sa. 6 45 5 13 10 28 1 24 121 22 34 sec. 44 13 S-6 44 5 15 10 31 1 27 122 34 44 sec. 45 14 Μ. 6 425 16 10 341 30 123 42 54 thi. 46 15 Tu. 6 41 5 17 10 36 132 124 54 64 thi. 47 16 W. 6 395 18 10 39 1 35 125 6월 71⁄2 kn. 48 17 Th. 6 38 5 20 10 42 138 226 74 8 kn. 49 18 Fr. 6 36 5 21 10 45 1 41 227 9 9 legs 50 19 Sa. 6 35 5 22 10 471 43 228 10 10+ legs 51 20 S-6 34 5 23 10 491 452 102 114 feet 52 21 Μ. 6 325 24 10 521 48 2 111 feet 6 44 0 35 53 22 Tu. 6 315 26 10 55 1512200 h'd 753 1 21 54 23 W. 6 295 27 10 581 542302 14 h'd 9027 55 24 Th. 6 275 28 11 11 57 2 4 1 2 h'd 10 6 252 56 25 Fr. 6 26 5 30 11 4 2035 24 24 n'k 11 12 3 39 57 26 Sa. 6 24 531 11 7233633 n'k morn 4 26 58 27 S.6 23 5 32 11 9253734 44 arm 014 5 15 59 28 Μ. 6 215 33 11 122 838454 arm 11465

The most favorable times for seeing Mercury in 1898 will be about April 10, Aug. 9, and Dec. 3, in the west after sunset; and Jan. 29, May

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Pale-vestured, wildly fair,

One of the North Wind's daughters,

With icicles in her hair. - EDGAR FAWCETT.

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

Farmer's Calendar.

SHORT as this month is, the

Tu. in Apogee, 6 Ψ . 2 W. Purifica. of V. Mary. Candlemas Day. farmer, as a rule, has more time

3 Th. 1st.runs high.
4 Fr. in 8, 9 in Aphelion.
5 Sa.


6 B Septuagesima Sunday. 7 Mo. 9th. Medium tides.

8 Tu. $12th. Lincoln b. 1809. Joseph Shelby,

Conf. general d. 1897, ag. 66.

9 W. 14th. & in Aphelion.

10 Th.

11 Fr.

12 Sa.


[merged small][ocr errors]

13th. Hiram Purdy, orig. of horse-cars,
d. in Iowa, 1897, ag. 83.

13 B Sexagesima Sunday.

14 Mo. St. Valentine. 6C, 6h. 15 Tu. 62 sup.


16 W. 15th. r. low. Low tides. 17 Th. in Perig. { Alf. Pleasanton, cav 18 Fr. 68.

{ gen., d. 1897, ag. 73.

a storm.

19 Sa. 6. 22d. WASHINGTON b. 1732.
20 B Shrove Sunday.
21 Mo.



22 Tu. Shrove Tuesday. High tides. 23 W. Ash Wedne. { $23d. Geo. O. Shattuck, em. 24 Th. St. Matthias.

25 Fr.

Bost. lawyer, d. '97, ag. 67.

for thought than in any other month in the year. The crops of the past season have been harvested, and most of them sold; and if the farmer be wise, the money for them is collected, and placed where it will do the most good to himself and family. His accounts being all settled, he is ready to carefully mature his plans for the coming season, cautiously avoiding former errors, and striving for that wisdom which will enable him to improve upon his best efforts of the past.

The long winter evenings afford a good opportunity for the farmers to visit each other, and discuss the various subjects relating to plant growth. It is important to get a clear idea, not only how plants secure their food, and how best to assist them

to obtain it just when they most need it, but also to learn how this can be done in the best, as well as the cheapest, way.

Do not neglect the cattle in the winter barn, especially the milch cows. weather. See to it that they are not only 26 Sa. 28th. Low tides. fed at the right time, but with a ration that will as nearly as pos27 B 1st Su. in L. gr. h. 1. S. sible supply their wants in the 28 Mo. stationary. Blustering. cheapest manner. Provide a good shed, open to air and sunshine, where the cattle can find shelter during the warmest portion of the winter days.




Day of

's Declination.

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Full Moon, 8th day, 4h. 29m., morning, W.

Last Quarter, 15th day, 2h. 48m., morning, E.
New Moon, 22d day, 3h. 37m., morning, E.
First Quarter, 30th day, 2h. 40m., morning, W.

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601 Tu. 6 20 5 35 11 152 11 3 9 5

61 2 W.6185 36 11 18214 310

Place. h.


Sets. Souths.



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7 br.

2557 46

[blocks in formation]

62 3 Th. 6 16 5 37 11 212 17 4 11
63 4 Fr. 6 15 5 38 11 232 19412
64 5 Sa. 6 13 5 39 11 262 22 4 13 9 9 h'rt
65 6S-6 11 5 40 11 292 25 414 92 104 h'rt
66 7 Μ. 6 105 42 11 322 28 5 15 10 10 bel.
67 8 Tu. 6 85 43 11 352 315 114 111⁄2 bel.

68 9W.6 654411 38234517 114- rei.
5 5 45 11 40 2 36 518 04 04 rei.

69 10 Th. 6

70 11 Fr. 6

71 12 Sa. 6

72 13 S-6

[blocks in formation]

35 46 11 43 239 619 1 14 sec. 10 224 15 47 11 46 2 42 620 12 2 sec. 11 17 257

05 49 11 49 2 45 621 24 3 thi. morn 355

thi. 028 455

73 14 Μ. 5 585 50 11 522 48 622 314
74 15 Tu. 5 565 51 11 552 51 7 23 44 5 kn.
75 16 W. 5 545 52 11 582 54 724 54 6 kn.
76 17 Th. 5 535 54 12 1257 725 64 74 legs
77 18 Fr. 5 515 55 12 43 0826 7484 legs
78 19 Sa. 5 49 5 56 12 73 3827 84 94 legs
79 20 S.5 47 5 57 12 10 3 6828 94 104 feet
80 21 Μ. 5 46 5 58 12 12 38 929 104 11 feet
81 22 Tu. 544 5 59 12 153 11 9 114 114 h'd

82 23 W 5426

85 26 Sa. 5 37 6

0 h'd

132 5 57 226 657 3 10 755 345 8 49 416 939 4 41 10 27 5 511 13 sets 11 59 7 49 0 44

1 12 21 3 17 9200 n'k 855 130

4 12 273 2310 4 14

5 12 303 26 10 5 24

012 183 1491

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

86 27 S.5 35 6

3 arm 11 57 357

87 28 Μ. 5 33 6

6 12 333 29 11 6 34

34 arm morn 547

88 29 Tu. 5 32 6

7 12 353 31 11 7 4

44 br.

047 537

89 30 W. 5 30 6

8 12 383 34 11 8 44

54 br.

131 626

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