Full Moon, 2d day, 8h. 41m., morning, W. Rises. Sets. h. Length Day's of Days. Incr. Sun Fast. Age. Moon's m.m. Morn Even Place. 51213 9210 br. h. Sets. Souths. 6341127 2 2 Μ. 7 14 4 24 9100 61110 11 br. rises morn 18 18 W. 7 104 41 9 310 27 5 1112 legs 513 0 33 19 19 Th. 7 94429 330 294 20 04 legs 6 241 24 84 43 93503143021 feet 736 2 13 8445 9 370 3344 14 14 feet 847 30 7446 9390 354522 h'd 9583 46 64 48 9 420 38363 34 h'd 11 11 4 33 5 4 49 9 44 0 40373244 n'k morn 5 21 4450 94604238425 n'k 025 6 12 44 51 9 470 4339546 arm 142 78 3453 9 490 45 310 64 74 arm 3087 2454 9520 48 211 74 84 arm 14 55 9 540 50 212 84 94 br. 30 30 Μ. 7 0456 956052213 92 104 br. 416 9 10 5 25 10 13 6 22 11 14 JANUARY hath 31 days. [1893. Folks that worked thorough was the ones that thriv It's ollers askin' to be done agin.- LOWELL (Biglow Papers). MW فاف Aspects, Holidays, Events, 1 A Circumcision. (runs high. Farmer's Calendar. IN beginning the new year try to avoid the mistakes of last year; do not spend your time in trying 2 Mo. 3 Tu. High tides. 4 W. 4th. Meeting of the legislatures of Mass., to find the dark side of life, but 5 Th. 6 Fr. Stormy Maine, New Hampshire, and Conn. seek for the sunshine, and encourage it to shine in your homes. Epiphany.240. with Be cheerful and try to make 7 Sa. Med. tides. 8th. 8 in 8. those around you happier. If 8 A 1st Sunday aft. Epiphany, you must prophesy what will be much wind. 58th. Jackson's victory at New Orleans, 10 Tu.115. 11 W. 12 Th. 13 Fr. 14 Sa. Snow. in Apog. Low tides. in 8. 15th. 6१८. 14th. Albert Victor, heir presumptive to the next harvest, prophesy that it will be an abundant one, especially on your own farm; but if failure comes, strive to discern the light of the silver lining of the future. The family should be well sup 15 A 2d Sunday aft. Epiphany, plied with reading matter suited to the taste of each, but be care- The farmer who has no silo should grow a few roots to feed his milch cows and horses: this gives a change which they need to keep them in good health. Do not try to see how cheap you can feed your farm stock, but rather to see how you can feed to the best advantage. Shell your corn on stormy days, and not wait until you are out and then have to shell it in good weather. Last Quarter, 8th day, 3h. 12m., evening, W. New Moon, 16th day, 11h. 17m., morning, E. First Quarter, 23d day, 9h. 14m., morning, E. 321 W. 6 584 59 10 33 2 Th. 6 575 010 34 3 Fr. 6 565 210 61 2217 0 1 bel. 80149 35 4 Sa. 6 555 310 81 4 218 14 14 rei. 96233 36 5 S-6535 410 11 1 7 119 24 24 rei. 10 9 3 15 37 6 Μ. 6 525 6 10 14 1 10 120 3 34 rei. 11 12 356 38 7 Tu. 6 515 7 10 16 1 12 121 34 44 sec. morn 437 39 8 W. 6 505 810 181 14 122 445 sec. 0 15 5 19 40 9 Th. 6 485 910 211 17 123 5 5 thi. 46 15 W. 6 41 5 17 10 361 32 12910410 legs 47 16 Th. 6 395 18 10 391 352 11 11 feet 48 17 Fr. 6 385 20 10 42 138 21114 - feet 634 0 55 49 18 Sa. 6 365 21 10 45 1 41224 h'd 747 142 50 19 S-6 35 5 22 10 471 43 231 14 h'd 90230 51 20 Μ. 6 335 23 10 50 1 46 24122 h'd 10 16 3 18 52 21 Tu. 6 325 25 10 53 1 49 25243 n'k 11 32 49 53 22 W. 6 305 26 10 561 52263434 n'k morn 53 54 23 Th. 6 295 27 10 58 1 54 27 44 44 arm 05061 55 24 Fr. 6 275 28 11 11 57285454 arm 2671 56 25 Sa. 6 265 30 11 42039647 br. 57 26 S-6 245 31 11 723310 748 br. 58 27 Μ. 6 225 32 11 10 26 311 8494 h'rt 59 28 Tu. 6 215 3411 132 9 312 910 h'rt 317 83 41793 5 5 10 0 5 42 10 53 Mars reaches its greatest distance from the Earth on August 28; it will then be 249 million miles away. Its distance from the Earth on August 6, 1892, when it was so bright and the nearest it had FEBRUARY hath 28 days. [1893. D.M. In life's small things be resolute and great To keep thy muscle trained: knowest thou when Fate Thy measure takes, or when she'll say to thee D. W ALA "I find thee worthy; do this deed for me"? Aspects, Holidays, Events, 1 W. High tides. sician, aged 55, 1892. Farmer's Calendar. Do not put off until to-morrow what can as well be done to-day: never wait until the planting season comes to decide what to plant; but during the leisure 5 A Sexagesima Sun. 6 h Chours of mid-winter, think over 6 Mo. 5th. Medium tides. in Apogee. 7 Tu. › died, aged nearly 1891. thed Johnd Appleton, american jurist, 8 W. 9 Th. 6. 10 Fr. Low tides. Pleasant. Grows 11 Sa. 12th. Abraham Lincoln born, 1809. what is to be done with each field on the farm, and when it is decided what crops to plant, look over the seed on hand to see what if any, is to be bought; and do not neglect to buy it before winter is over; this will, as a rule, secure better seed than if neglected until a few days before planting; and will give time to test the fertility of the seed by planting a few in a box, placed in a sunny window in the house. Encourage the larger boys to train the young colts, and the Flurries of smaller boys the steers; and if you would keep them on the 20 Mo. 624. 21 st. Med. tides. farm, let them own the animals grain, warm quarters at night, and water that is not freezing cold. A sunny, open shed in the daytime is desirable. Full Moon, 2d day, 11h. 3m., morning, W. Last Quarter, 10th day, Oh. 13m., evening, W. 601 W. 6 19 5 35 11 162 12 3 13 104 11 61 2 Th. 6 18 5 36 11 18 2 144 62 3 Fr. 6 16 5 37 11 212 17 415 114 11 63 4 Sa. 6 14 5 38 11 242 20 416 0월 64 5 S-6 135 40 11 272 23 417 1 65 6 Μ. 6 115 41 11 30 2 26 418 14 66 7 Tu. 6 105 42 11 32 228 519 2 67 8W.6 68 9 Th. 6 69 10 Fr. 6 70 11 Sa. 6 71 12 S-6 85 43 11 352 31 5203 bel. rises morn 0 bel. 6 50 0 26 02 rei. 754 18 11⁄2 rei. 858 150 2 sec. 10 12 31 2 sec. 1153 13 34 thi. morn 357 15 48 11 47 2 43 624 64 7 kn. 09444 1125 33 211 6 24 3 5 7 17 351 811 73 14 Tu. 5 585 50 11 52248 626 84 8 legs 430 93 72 13 Μ. 5 595 49 11 50 2 46 625 747 legs 74 15 W. 5 565 51 11 55 2517 27 9 9 legs 5 29 55 75 16 Th. 5 545 52 11 582 54 7 28 10 104 feet 5 29 10 44 76 17 Fr. 5 525 53 12 12577 10 11 feet sets 11 33 77 18 Sa. 5 50 5 54 12 43 0 8111 78 19 S.5 495 56 12 73382 11 h'd 641 0 21 04 h'd 758 1 11 79 20 Μ. 5 47 5 57 12 10 3 683041 n'k 917 22 |