[blocks in formation]

244 1 Tu.5 96 1913

• New Moon, 3d day, 3h. 16m., morning, E.

First Quarter, 11st day, 6h. 8m., morning, E.

Full Moon, 18th day, 0h. 4m., morning, W.
Last Quarter, 24th day, 6h. 7m., evening, E.

[blocks in formation]

102 7162810+10+h'rt 3 610 39

Full Sea,


Place. h.

245 2 W. 5 10 6 17 13

7 210 16 29 114 11 bel.

4 911 23

246 3 Th. 5 11 6 15 13

421316 11월 112 bel.

sets 05

247 4 Fr. 5 126 14 13

22 15 17 1

[blocks in formation]

248 5 Sa. 5 136 12 12 59 218 17 204 0 rei.

730 1 25

249 6 S. 5 14 6

10 12 56 2 21 17 3 1

1 rei.

750 25

250 7 M. 5 15 6

8 12 53 2 2418 41

11⁄2 sec.

8 11 2 46

251 8 Tu. 5 16 6

7 12 51 226 18

5 2

24 sec.

835 3 29

252 9 W. 5 176

5 12 48 22918 6 2월

22 sec.

9 4 4 15

253 10 Th. 5 186

312 45 232 19 7 3432 thi.

939 5 4

254 11 Fr. 5 206

212 42235 19 8 44 44 thi.

10 23 558

255 12 Sa. 5 216

0 1239 238 20 9

54 54 kn.

11 18 656

256 13 S. 5 225 58 12 36 2 41 20 10

64 64 kn.

morn 7 55

257 14 M. 5 235 56 12 33 244 20 11

[blocks in formation]

262 19 Sa. 5 28 5 47 12 19 2

58 22 16 11월

263 20 S-5 295 46 12 173

264 21 Μ. 5 305 44 12 14 3

258 15 Tu. 5 245 54 12 30 247 21 12 84 8월 legs

259 16 W. 5 255 53 12 28 2 49 21 13

260 17 Th. 5 265 51 12 25 2 52 21 14 104 105 feet

261 18 Fr. 5 27 5 49 12 22 2 55 22

11 114 h'd

02217 04 04 n'k

323 18 1 14 n'k

265 22 Tu. 5 315 42 12 113 62319 12 24 arm

266 23 W. 5 325 40 12

267 24 Th. 5 335 38 12

8392320 243 arm
531224 21 324 br.

268 25 Fr. 5 345 37 12 3314242255 br. 10 55 64

269 26 Sa. 5 365 35 11 59 3 18 24 23 270 27 S.5 375 33 11 563 21 25 24 271 28 Μ. 5 385 31 11 533 24 25 25 272 29 Tu. 5 395 30 11 51 3 26 25 26

6 64 br. 11 55 658 74 74 h'rt morn 7 49 884 h'rt 059837 94 94 bel. 22922


94 94 feet

259 10 50 4 20 11 45

rises morn


[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][graphic]
[blocks in formation]

But noble wishes are not noble deeds,

And he does least who seeks to do the whole; Who works the best, his simplest duties heeds, Who moves the world, first moves a single soul.

Aspects, Holidays, Events, Weather, &c.


Farmer's Calendar.

DON'T go to the agricultural

6h৫. 4th. gr. h. lat. S. brought better produce than any

1 Tu.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

2 W. 68, 6৭৫.

fair and say you could have

on exhibition. This kind of talk is about played out. If true, it would show a want of public spirit, and a lack of interest in the societies that are doing so much not only to improve the

5 Sa.

in Apogee, 6. 8240. 5th. DOG DAYS END. 15th Sunday after Trinity. 6 ж ৫. LABOR DAY in Mass. and 8 Tu. Nativity of V. Mary. Fine.

6 D

7 Мо.

[blocks in formation]

financial condition of the farmer but to lift him to a higher social level. As a rule, those who brag of the quality of their products which they have left at home, could not get a fourth precom make. Take an active

mium for the best selections they

part in the cattle show yourself, and encourage all the members of your family to do the same. The cranberry bog must not be forgotten when the cool nights set in; keep the ditches full of water, and when a frost

is expected raise the water to

the surface, but not so high as to cover fruit, unless it be very

cold, and then only long enough to prevent the fruit from freezing. To leave the cranberry in

water more than twelve hours is a risk to its keeping qualities. Better pick a little earlier than to have to cover the fruit with water. On most of bogs cran

berries should be picked before the end of the month. Pull the weeds in the garden before the seeds are ripe, and put them in the compost heap for manure.

[blocks in formation]

275 2 Fr. 5 425 24 11 423 35 26

276 3 Sa. 5 435 23 11 40 337 27 1 11

New Moon, 2d day, 7h. 58m., evening, W.
► First Quarter, 10th day, 5h. 57m., evening, W.
Full Moon, 17th day, 8h. 45m., morning, W.
Last Quarter, 24th day, 8h. 56m., morning, W.

[blocks in formation]

274 1 Th. 5 415 26 11 45332262810 10 bel.

m. h.


4510 45

sets 11 25 55605

Full Sea,
Morn | Even
h. h.

D's D

11 114 rei.


277 4S-5445 21 11 37 3 4027 200 278 5 Μ. 5 46 5 19 11 33 34427 30일



6 16 0 45 6 39 1 27

279 6 Tu. 5 47 5 17 11 30 3 47 28 4 1 1 sec. 280 7 W.5 48 5 16 11 28349 28 5 1 14 thi. 281 8 Th. 5 49 5 14 11 25 352 28 6 24 24 thi. 282 9 Fr. 550 5 12 11 223 55 28733kn.

[blocks in formation]

283 10 Sa. 5 515 11 11 20 35729 834 4 kn. 10 8

5 44

284 11 S. 5 525

9 11 174

0299445 legs 11 17

6 42

285 12 Μ. 5 535

8 11 15 4

229 10 52

64 legs morn

7 39

286 13 Tu. 5 555

6 11 11 4

6 29 11


74 feet 033 835

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

288 15 Th. 5 575

311 6 4 11 30 13

8494 h'd

3 10 10 21

289 16 Fr. 5 585

1 11

34 14 30 14 92104 h'd

4 29 11 13

290 17 Sa. 5 595 011 14 16 30

102 11 n'k

rises morn

291 18 S-604 58 10 58 4 19 31 16

114 114 n'k


292 19 Μ. 6

14 56 10 55 4 22 31 17

0 n'k

622 11

293 20 Tu. 6

34 55 10 52 4 25 31 18

0 1 arm 72 157

294 21 W. 6

44 53 10 49 4 28 31 19

1 1 arm

749 255

295 22 Th. 6

5 4 52 10 47 4 30 31 20

21 22 br.

844 353

296 23 Fr. 6

6 4 50 10 44 4 3331 21

334 br.

944 450

297 24 Sa. 6 8 4 49 10 41 4 36 31 22

44 44 h'rt 10 48

5 43

298 25 S-694 47 10 38 4 3932 23

54 54 h'rt 11 52


7 20

157 8 44

299 26 Μ. 6 10 4 46 10 36 4 413224 6월 6 bel. morn 300 27 Tu. 6 11 4 44 10 33 444 32 25 74 8 bel. 055 83 301 28 W. 6 13 4 43 10 30 447 32 26 8월 8월 bel. 302 29 Th. 6 14 4 42 10 28 449 32 27 94 94 rei, 303 30 Fr. 6 15 4 40 10 25 452 32 28 92 104 rei.

258 9 24

357 10 4

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

2 Fr. 1st. 6 ২৫.

3 Sa. 6h, 6৭৫.

4 D


Far behind.-BRYANT.

Farmer's Calendar.

THE cool bracing air of this month stirs the industrious farmer up to make permanent

19th Sunday after Trinity. improvements on his farm; but

5 Mo. 4th. 6.

6 Tu. Medium tides.

[blocks in formation]

effect on the lazy farmer, except to make him brag Grows of what he would do if he was


11 D 20th Sunday after Trinity.

12 Mo. 6♂ん.

13 Tu. 11th. Low tides.

14 W.


rich. The farmer who cuts his own timber for building purposes should make an effort to cut his logs this month, especially if the trees be the white pine; because if cut this month the worms will rarely, if ever, injure it, and the with timber will last much longer than if cut in February and March. This is a established by many trials. There is always a best time to harvest each crop, and it should be the aim of the farmer to find out when it is. To gather a crop too soon, or to let it remain un

৫. easterly winds.

15 Th. 16th. Marie Antoinette executed, 1793.

[blocks in formation]

6. 18th. Sun rises at 6 o'clk. 18 D 21st Su. af. Tr. St. Luke, Ev. 19 Mo. 19th. Surrender of Cornwallis, 1781.

20 Tu. 6

21 W.

22 Th.

C. 18th. V. high tid.

O. S.), America discovered by

Columbus, 1492.

runs high.

23 Fr. 26th. Low tides.


[blocks in formation]

gathered date reduces its

value. Ten days will sometimes reduce the value of an apple crop one-half. If the boys are to gather the apples and pears, teach them to handle with care, and to pick them all from the trees; for to shake them off destroys their keeping qualities. The farm buildings should receive careful attention, and all necessary repairs made before the days are too short and the

weather too cold. Give the pullets a variety of food and a large yard to run in, or they will not begin to lay before cold weather.

[blocks in formation]

New Moon, 1st day, 1h. 33m., evening, W.

D First Quarter, 9th day, 3h. 46m., morning, W.
Full Moon, 15th day, 7h. 16m., evning, E.
Last Quarter, 23d day, 3h. 26m., morning, E.

[blocks in formation]

sec. | sets 11 26

sec. 590 10

305 1S-6184 38 10 20 4 57 3210 11
306 2 Μ. 6 19 4 37 10 18 4 59 32 1 114 12
307 3 Tu. 6 20 4 35 10 15 52322114-
308 4 W. 6 21 4 34 10 13 54323020 thi.

309 5 Th. 6 22 4 33 10 310 6 Fr. 6 24 4 32 10

311 7 Sa. 6 25 4 31 10 312 8 S-6 26 4 30 10 10

313 9 Μ. 6 274 28

314 10 Tu. 6 294 27

315 11 W. 6 30 4 26

316 12 Th. 6 31 4 25


11 5 632 4 14 14 kn.


617 148 742 42 80339 96 436

85932 5 12 2 kn. 651132 6 2 2 kn. 4 5 13327 3월 32 legs 10 17 5 32 15 16 32 8 4 4 legs 1132 6 26 958519 329 54 52 feet morn 7 18 9565 21 32 10 6 7 feet 048 89

9 545 23 31 11 74 8 h'd


317 13 Fr. 6 324 24

9525 25 31 1289


321 9 51

318 14 Sa. 6 344 24

[blocks in formation]

319 15 S-6 354 23

9 485 29 310 10 10 n'k

rises 11 39

320 16 Μ. 6 36 4 22

9 465 31 31 15 11

11 arm

451 morn

321 17 Tu. 6 37 4 21

9445333116 11


536 037

322 18 W. 6 394 20

[blocks in formation]

323 19 Th. 6 40 4 19

[blocks in formation]

324 20 Fr. 6 41 4 18

9 37 5 40 30 19


24 h'rt

833 332

325 21 Sa. 6 434 18

9 355 42 30 20

343 h'rt

9384 25

326 22 S-6 44 4 17

9 33544 29 21

444 h'rt 10 43 5 14

327 23 Μ. 6 45 4 16

9 315 46 29 22

54 5 bel. 11 46 5 59

328 24 Tu. 6 46 4 16

9 30 5 47 29 23

6 64 bel.

morn 6 42

329 25 W.6 47 4 15

9 28 5 49 29 24

774 rei.

046 722

330 26 Th. 6 494 15

9 26 551 28 25

748 rei.


331 27 Fr. 6 50 4 14

9 245 53 28 26

84 9 rei.

247 841

332 28 Sa. 6 51 4 14

9 23 554 28 27

9 9 sec.

348 9 22

333 29 S-6 524 14

9 225 55 27 28

94 104 sec.

452 10 6

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