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With the confidence of an old friend, the Old Farmer's Almanack again greets its patrons, hoping that it will prove a welcome and trusty household companion for the year 1890. Thanks are due to kind correspondents.

The Almanack is computed in Standard Time, sixteen minutes behind Boston local time. See note below.

We close in the words of the founder of this Almanack: 一
"It is by our works and not
by our words we would be
judged these we hope will
sustain us in the humble
though proud station we
have so long held....

8. Shomas."


In the present edition, as in that of 1889, the quantities have been given in standard time as now in use. This "Eastern Time" is the time of the 75th meridian west from Greenwich. The calculations are for the longitude and latitude of Boston, and for general purposes are sufficiently correct for most parts of New England. If, however, greater accuracy is desired, this can be obtained for places using standard time by applying a correction to the almanack times from the table below. This table contains corrections for the principal cities of the New England states; and any my other place in New England can use the correction of the place in the table which is nearest in longitude to itself. For places still using the old local time, sixteen minutes should invariably be added to the almanack times.

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(Corrected Sept., 1889.)

BATES, LEWISTON, ME. 3 tms. Beg. 6w. fm Tu. bef. Thank., 1st Tu. Apr., 4th Tu. Aug. Com. Th. aft. last We. June. BOWDOIN, BRUNSWICK, ME. Com. 4th Th. June. Vac. 11w.fm Com.; 2w. at Christmas; 1w. in Spring.

COLBY UNIVER., WATERVILLE, ME. Com. 1st Wed. July; vac. 9w. fm Com., 1 w.fm last We. Nov., 6w. fm 1st We. Feb. MAINE WESLEYAN SEM. AND FEM. COLL., KENT'S HILL, ME. 3 tms, 13w. each. Beg. 4th Tu. Aug., 2d Tu. Dec., 3d Tu. Mar.


DARTMOUTH, HANOVER, N.H. last Th. June; vac. 10w. after. N. H. CONF. SEMINARY AND FEMALE COLLEGE, TILTON, N.H. 3 terms, 13W. each. Fall term begins Aug. 28, '89.

NORWICH UNIV., NORTHFIELD, VT. Yr.beg.Th.Sept.19, '89; closes Th. June 26. MIDDLEBURY, MIDDLEBURY, VT. Tms beg. Jan. 9, Apr. 10, Sept. 11, '90. UNIVERSITY OF VT., AND STATE AGRICULT. COLLEGE, AT BURLINGTON. Com. last Wed. June; vac. fm Com. 11w.fm Wed. bef. Christmas, 2w., and 2w. fm close of Spring term.

VERMONT METH. SEMINARY AND FEMALE COLL., MONTPELIER, VT. Tms beg. Dec. 9, '89; Mar. 24, Aug. 25, '90.

AMHERST, AMHERST, MASS. 3 tms. Beg. Jan. 2, Apr. 10, and 2d Th. Sept. BOSTON COLLEGE, BOSTON, MASS. 2 terms. Beg. 1st Mo. Sept. and Feb.

BOSTON UNIVER., BOSTON, MASS. COLL. OF LIBERAL ARTS. 3 terms. 1st beg. Sept. 19, '89; 2d beg. Jan. 6, '90; 3d beg. Mar. 19, '90. - COLLEGE OF MUSIC. 2 tms, 20w. each. 1st beg. Sept. 12, '89; 2d beg. Feb.6,'90. - SCHOOL OF ALL SCIENCES. Post grad. dept. Tms same as in Coll. of Lib. Arts.

COLL. OF THE HOLY CROSS, WORCESTER, MASS. Year beg. 1st Wed. Sept., ends last Th. June.

HARVARD, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Year beg. Th. after last Wed. Sept., ends at Com. last Wed. June; rec. 23 Dec. to Jan. 2, inc., and fm Wed. bef. Fast to Tu. after, inclusive.

SMITH COLL., NORTHAMPTON, MASS. (For women.) 3 tms, Jan. 3, Apr. 10, and Sept. 19. Com. June 18.

TUFTS COLL., COLLEGE HILL, MASS. A single term of 39w. Beg. Sept. 19, '90. Com. 3d Wed. June; vac. 13w.

WELLESLEY COLLEGE, WELLESLEY, MASS. (For women.) 3 tms, Sept. 12, '89, Jan. 9, '90, April 8, '90. Com. June 24. WILLIAMS, WILLIAMSTOWN, MASS. Com. last Wed. before July 4; vac. 10w. aft. Com., 3w. fm 3d Tu. Dec., 2w. fm end of 2d term.

BROWN, PROVIDENCE, R.I. Acad. yr. beg. 3d Wed. Sept. Com. 3d Wed. June. TRINITY, HARTFORD, CONN. 2 tms. 1st beg. Sept. 18, '89; 2d, Jan. 2, '90; 1st, Sept. 16, '90. Com. last Th. in June.

WESLEYAN UNIV., MIDDLETOWN, CT. Com.last Wed. June, 1890; vac. 11w.fm Com., 2w. at Chris., 1w. in Spring.

YALE, NEW HAVEN, CONN. Com. last Wed. June; vac. of 12w. fm Com.

1st tm 13w., vac. 24w.; 2d tm till Com. with recess at Easter.

SCHOOL OF THE FINE ARTS (YALE UNIV.). Beg. Oct. 1 and ends June 1. Theological Schools.

THEO. SEM., BANGOR, ME. (Or. Cong.) Anniver. 1st Wed. June; vac. 14w.fm anniv. Exam. for entrance 2d Th. Sept.

COBB DIVIN. SCHOOL OF BATES COLL., LEWISTON, ME. Year same as College. VT. EPISCO. INST., BURLINGTON, VT. Acad. yr. 40w. fm Sept. 2.

THEO. SEM. (Orth. Cong.), ANDOVER, MASS. Yr. b. Sep. 5, '89; an. June 12, '90. BOSTON UNIVER. SCHOOL OF THEOL.

(Method.) Year beg. 18th Sept. '89.

NEW CHURCH THEOL. SC., CAMBRIDGE, MASS. (Swedenborg.) Yr.beg. Sept. 26, '89; ends June 18, '90.

EPIS. THEOL. SEM. AT CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Yr. beg. last Wed. in Sept.; ends 3d. Wed. in June.

NEWTON THEO. INST., NEWTON CENTRE, MASS. (Bapt.) Ann. 3d Th. May. Vac. fm ann. to 1st Tu. Sept., fm Chris. to New Year's.

DIVINITY SCH. OF HARVARD UNIV. Year same as that of Harvard College.

TUFTS COLL. DIV. SCHOOL, COLLEGE HILL, MASS. (Universalist.) School year same as that of the College.

BERKELEY DIV. SCH. (Epis.) MIDDLETOWN, CT. Beg. Sept. 25; ends in June. DIV. SCH. OF YALE UNIV., NEW HAVEN, CT. (Ortho. Cong.) Year beg. 3d Th. Sept.; closes 3d Wed. May.


HARTFORD THEOL. SEM., CONN. (Ortho. Cong.) Acad. yr. fm 3d Th. Sept. to 2d Th. May.

Medical Schools.

MED. SCH. OF ME., BOWDOIN COLL., BRUNSWICK, ME. Beg. Feb. 6, lasts 20w. PORTLAND (ME.) SCH. FOR MED. INS. 2 terms, beg. July and Oct. '90.

MED. DEPT. DART. COLL., HANOVER, N.H. Lecture tm begins middle July, cont. 20w. Recitation tm beg. 4th Jan., cont. till June 20.

UNIV. OF VT., MED. DEP., BURLINGTON, VT. Beg. last Th. Feb., cont. 20w. MED. SCH. OF HARVARD UNIVER., BOSTON. Yr. beg. Th. after last Wed. in Sept., ends last Wed. in June.

BOSTON UNIV. SCH. OF MED. (Homœ.). Open to both sexes. Beg. Oct. 10, '90.

MED. DEPART. OF YALE UNIV., NEW HAVEN, CONN. 1st Th. Oct., till Com., with vac. same as Yale College.

DENTAL SCH. HARV. UNI., BOSTON. Begins and ends with College year.

BOSTON DENTAL COLLEGE, BOSTON. Year beg. 1st Mon. in Sept.; ends 3d Wed. in June.

Law Schools.


1st Wed. Oct., ends 1st Wed. June. YALE LAW SCH., N. HAVEN, CT. Beg. Sept. 26, '89; Jan. 9, Apr. 10, '90.

Scientific and Agric. Schools. MAINE STATE COLL. OF AGRIC. AND THE MECHANIC ARTS, ORONO, ME. Tms beg. Feb. 4, Aug. 5. Com. June 25.


THAYER SCH. of CIVIL ENGIN., HANOVER, N. H. Yr. fm Aug. 1 to May 1. UNIVER. OF VT., BURLINGTON, has also a scientific and agricultural course. MASS. AGRIC. COLLEGE, AMHERST, MASS. 3 terms. Terms beg. Sept. 4, '89, Jan. 8,'90, Apr. 9, '90.

MASS. COLL. PHARMACY, BOSTON, MASS. Year beg. 1st Mon. Oct. 1889.

BOSTON UNIVER. COLL. OF AGRICUL. Tms beg. Sept.4, '89, Jan. 8,290, Apr.9,'90. LAWRENCE SCIEN. SCHOOL (HARV. UNIV.), CAMBRIDGE, MASS. The year is the same as that of Harvard Coll.

THE BUSSEY INSTITUTION, JAMAICA PLAIN, MASS. (A school of Agriculture and Horticulture, in Harv. Univ.) Yea same as that of Harvard College.

VETERINARY SCHOOL OF HARVARD UNIVER. Year same as that of College. MASS. INST. OF TECHNOL., BOSTON. Ac. yr. last Mon.in Sept. to 1st Tu. after May 27.

WORCESTER POLYTECH. INSTITUTE, WORC., MASS. Tms fm 2d Tu. Sept. to 3d Tu. Dec., and fm first Wed. Jan. to 1st Wed. in Ápr., and from 3d Th. in Apr. to last Th. in June.

SHEFFIELD SCIENT. SCHOOL (YALE UNIV.), NEW HAVEN, CT. Terms same as those of Yale College.


The Yearly Meeting of Friends is held at Newport, R.I.: Meeting on Ministry and Oversight, on5th day, 6th month, 12th, at 9A.M. For business, on 6th day, 13th, at 9 A. M. Public meetings for worship on first day. The Yearly Meeting is composed of the Quarterly Meetings of R. Island, Salem, Sandwich, Falmouth, Smithfield, Vassalboro', Dover, Fairfield, and Parsonsfield, held as follows:

Rhode Island: 1st fifth day, 2d mo., at Providence; 1st fifth day, 5th mo., at East Greenwich; 1st fifth day, 8th mo., at Newport, and 1st fifth day, 11th mo., at Fall River. Salem: 3d fifth day, 1st mo., at Salem; 4th fifth day, 5th mo., at Amesbury; 3d fifth day, 8th mo., at Lynn; 3d fifth day, 10th mo., at Weare. Sandwich: 1st fifth day, 4th and 12th mos., at New Bedford; 2d fifth day, 7th mo., at Falmouth; and 1st fifth day, 10th mo., at Sandwich, Mass. Falmouth: 7th day before 1st sixth day in 2d and 9th mos., at Windham; 6th mo., at Falmouth; and 11th mo., at Durham.


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STATE NORMAL SCH., CASTINE, ME. Terms b. Mar. 11, Aug. 26, Dec. 9.

GORHAM NORMAL SCHOOL, GORHAM, ME. 2tms, 20w.ea. Beg.inFeb.and Sept. STATE NORMAL SCH., FARMINGTON, ME. Tms b. Mar. 18, Aug. 26, Dec. 9, '90. STATE NORMAL SCH., PLYMOUTH, N. H. 2 tms. Beg. Sept. 3, '89, Feb. 4, '90. STATE NORMAL SCH., CASTLETON, VT. 2 tms. Beg. 3d Tu. Feb., 3d Tu. Aug. STATE NORMAL SCH., JOHNSON, VT. Tms 20w. Beg. 1st Tu. Sept., 2d Tu. Feb. STATE NORMAL SCH., RANDOLPH, VT. Tms beg. 1st Tu. Feb., 4th Tu. Aug. NORMAL SCHOOLS OF MASSACHUSETTS. The year is divided into 2 terms of 20 weeks each, including a recess of 1 week near the middle of the term. Vac. 2 or 3w. in winter, 9 or 10w. in summer. Exam. for admission at the beg. of each term, which is at Salem, Feb. 11, and Sept. 2; at Westfield, Feb. 4 and Sept. 2; at Bridgewater, Feb. 5, and Sept. 3; at Framingham, Feb. 5, and Sept. 3; at Worcester, Feb. 6, and Sept. 11, '90.

MASS. NORMAL ART SCHOOL. 2 tms. Beg. 3d Mon. Sept., '89, and Feb. 17, '90. R. I. STATE NORMAL SCH., PROV., R. I. 2 tms. Spr. tm beg. Feb. 4, closes June 27: Fall tm beg. 1st Tu. Sept.



Smithfield: 2d fifth day, 2d mo., at Worcester; 2d fifth day, 5th mo., at Northbridge; 2d fifth day, 8th mo., at Bolton; 2d fifth day, 11th mo., at Smithfield. Vassalboro': 2d seventh day in the 2d mo., at Vassalboro'; on the last seventh day in the 5th mo., at China; and on the 2d seventh day in 9th and 11th months, at East Vassalboro'. Dover: 7th day after 1st fifth day, 1st mo., at No. Berwick; on seventh day following 3d fifth day in the 4th mo., at Dover; 8th me. at No. Berwick and 10th mo. at Rochester. Fairfield: 7th day before 2d sixth day in 2d mo. at Winthrop, and 9th mo. at Manchester; 7th day before last sixth day, 5th mo., and Ith day before 2d sixth day, 11th mo., at Fairfield. Parsonsfield: At East Parsonsfield, Maine, on seventh day following the 1st sixth day in 9th mo., and on seventh day following the 2d fifth day in 1st mo.; at North Sandwich, Ν. Η., on seventh day following the 1st sixth day in 11th mo., and on seventh day following the 3d fifth day in 5th mo.


The following days, in respect to the payment of notes, are legal holidays. On most of them courts, banks, etc., are closed. If the day falls on Sunday, the day following is usually kept as a holiday. Thanksgiving and Fast are appointed by state or national authority.

Maine. Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 30, July 4, Christmas, Fast, and Thanksgiving. New Hampshire. Feb. 22, May 30, July 4, Christmas, Fast, Thanksgiving, and

Election Day.

Vermont. Jan. 1, May 30, July 4, Christmas, Fast, and Thanksgiving. Massachusetts. Feb. 22, May 30, July 4, 1st Mon. Sept., Christmas, Fast, and Thanksgiving.

Rhode Island. Feb. 22, May 30, July 4, Christmas, Fast, and Thanksgiving. Connecticut. Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 30, July 4, 1st Mon. Sept., Christmas, Fast, and Thanksgiving.

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Full Moon, 6th day, 0h. 37m., morning, W.
Last Quarter, 14th day, 1h. 33m., morning, E.
New Moon, 20th day, 6h. 49m., evening, W.
First Quarter, 27th day, 3h. 16m., evening, E.

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22 22 W.7

64 46

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26 26 S-7

27 27 Μ. 7

28 28 Tu. 7

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5 4 49

9 44 0 4034 1 12 h'd 925 329

4 17

44 50 94604235 24 24 h'd 10 34 3452 9 490 4536313 h'd 11 40 2453 9 51 0 47 37 44 44 n'k morn 5 48


2454 952048285454 n'k 045 633 29 29 W.7 1456 9550 5129 64 64 arm 148 7 20 30 30 Th. 7 0457 9 570 53 210 74 8 arm 250 87

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