
NOVEMBER hath 30 days.


Next was November: he full gross and fat,


As fed with lard; and that right well might seem, For he had been a-fatting hogs of late,

That yet his brows with sweat did reek and steam.

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

1 Sa. All Saints' Day. runs high. 2 E 22d Sunday after Trinity, 1st. Canova, sculptor, born 1757, died

3 Mo.

4 Tu.


4th. State elections in N. H., Mass., and Conn.

5 W. Very low tides. (in Apo. 6 Th. 5th. Gunpowder plot in England, 1605. 7 Fr. 6h৫. Cooler.

8 Sa. 9th. Mayflower arrived at Cape Cod, 1620.

9 E 23d Sunday after Trinity.

10 Mo. 6(.


Farmer's Calendar.

HOUSE all the roots early in

the month, or winter may set in and destroy them. Even in Southern and Middle New England it is not safe to leave roots

in the ground after the first

week of this month. Sometimes the ground does not freeze until December, but this is the exception to the rule. During warm

11 Tu. St. Martin. Medium tides. any broken lights, and see that

the putty is not off; this will keep out much cold. Repair the buildings that need it, and


days look after the glass in the windows of all buildings; replace

12 W. ४.


13 Th.

stationary, 6824.

14 Fr.

in 8, 69.

a cold

15 Sa. 16th.( runs low.

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look after the water pipes; see that they are so well protected that the water in them will not freeze, even if the winter be an extremely cold one. Don't let any farm implements be left out exposed to the weather, but put them all under cover, where they can be looked over and repaired next winter. The sleds should be put in order. Do not wait until snow comes, and have to do it when you ought to be hauling wood. Try to get into the wood-lot in time to get the house wood all cut before the snow comes. It is about time to start the farmers' club, or better yet a grange, if you have not already established one in your village. These institutions help

the farmer wonderfullyrt they

improve his mind, him to a higher social level.




Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d.

's Declination.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

25 24

23 25


23 9

6 22 34 12 23 8 18 23

Last Quarter, 4th day, 8h. 27m., morning, W.
New Moon, 11th day, 10h. 11m., evening, W.
First Quarter, 18th day, 3h. 36m., evening, E.
Full Moon, 26th day, Oh. 57m., morning, W.

[blocks in formation]

342 8 Μ. 7 14 12

911 6

6 24 26

8 8 sec.

256 8 38

343 9 Tu. 7 2412 910672327 8494 sec.

4 4 9 25

344 10 W. 7

3412 9 96 82328

92 10 thi.

514 10 16

345 11 Th. 7

4412 9


104 11 thi.

sets 11 12

346 12 Fr. 7

5 412 9

7610 22

111 114 kn.

442 0 12

347 13 Sa. 7

5 412


7610 21

2112 kn.

5 43 114

348 14 S.7

6412 9

66 11 21

300 legs

654 216

349 15 Μ. 7

7 4 13


66 11 20

4 14

14 legs

893 17

350 16 Tu. 7

84 13


56 12 20

5 24

24 feet 926 4 13

351 17 W. 7 8413


56 12 1963

34 feet 10 40 5 6

352 18 Th. 7 9414 9

56 12 19 7 4

44 feet 11 53 556

353 19 Fr. 7 10 4 14


461318 85

54 h'd morn 6 44

354 20 Sa. 7 10 4 14


461318966 h'd

147 31

355 21 S. 7 11 4 15


4 Inc. 17 10 7

7 n'k

214 8 18

356 22 Μ. 7 11 4 15 9

40 01711 8 84 n'k

323 97

357 23 Tu. 7 12 4 16 9


01612 82 91 arm

432 957

358 24 W. 7 12 4 17 9


116 13 92 101 arm

5 39 10 49

359 25 Th. 7 12 4 17 9


115 14 102114 br.

rises 11 42

360 26 Fr. 7 13 4 18 9


1150 114


437 morn

361 27 Sa. 7 13 419 9 60

2 14 16 0 0 br.

533 0 35

362 28 S-7 13 4 19 9 60 21417 0


633 1 26

363 29 Μ. 7 14 4 20 96021318 14 364 30 Tu. 7 14 4 21 9 70 31319 2

14 h'rt

734 2 15

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The time of gifts has come again; And on my northern window pane, Croods Outlined against the day's brief light,

A Christmas token hangs in sight.

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &cst

Rear-Admiral Edward Simpson

Moeder Admi

2 Tu 10th Rear-Admiral Wm. E. Le Roy

3 W.

4 Th.

5 Fr.

[ocr errors]

died 1888, aged 70.

[blocks in formation]

in Apo.,
6h. Very low tides,

15th. Remains of Napoleon Bonaparte
re-interred in Paris, 1840.

› of Brazil, 1840,

6 Sa. St. Nicholas. in 8. Some 7 E 2d Sunday in Advent. 8 Мо. 6, h. snow. Tu.litionismissalle 20th. Samuel E. Sewall, lawyer and abo10 W. 23d. Dom Pedro II. assumed government 11 Th. 6, eclipsed, inv. 12 Fr. 6. 14th WASHINGTON died, 13 Sa. V. high tides. (runs low. 14 E 3d Su. in Adv. ( in Per. 15 Mo. 624. 14th. gr. h. 1. S. 16 Tu. 68. 16th. Boston Tea Party, 1773. 17 W. 27th, Kepler, astronomer, born, 1571. 18 Th. 28th. Macaulay, historian, died, 1859.

1799, aged 67.

19 Fr. 29th. Wm. E. Gladstone born, 1809.

20 Sa. 21st Centers. WINTER


21 E 4th Sun. in Adv. St. Thomas. 22 Mo. Medium ti. {22d. FOREFATHERS'

23 Tu. 6, stationary.

24 W. 28th. h stationary.

25 Th. Christmas Day.


26 Fr. St. Stephen. (runs high.

27 Sa. St. John Evangelist.


28 E 1st Su. aft Ch. Holy Innocents.

29 Mo. 28th gr. elong. E.

30 Tu. in Apogee.


31 W. 6h(. Low tides.

[blocks in formation]

As the farm stock is now depending entirely on the farmer for food, their thrift will depend mainly on how he feeds them.

To feed to the best advantage he must be regular, always feeding at about the same time; the barn should be kept warm, and have plenty of sunlight where the cattle stand. Well-ripened apples may be fed in small quantities to advantage. Now is the time to make the hens lay, as the eggs will bring good prices; houses where there is good air keep them in well-sheltered and sunshine; feed regularly and in great variety, not forgetting a rowen every the ground is covered with snow. How do the accounts stand? It is about time to strike the balance to see if you are in a better condition than last year. It is a good plan to take account of stock every year; then you will know just what you can afford to buy. Long unsettled accounts often make enemies, and do not make any one feel better. Review the past to see if it is best to turn over a new leaf at the beginning of the year. If the past year has been a prosperous one, and you have a surplus of money or provision, cheer up your poor neighbors by helping them from your abundance. Happiness is never gathered faster than it is when trying to make others happy.


(Corrected Sept., 1889. U. S. Congress may make changes.)
Supreme Court at Washington, D.C.

Court comes in 2d Monday in October.

The Supreme Court of the United States consists of one Chief and eight Associate Justices. There are nine judicial circuits, and to each of these is assigned one of the justices.

There are also nine Circuit Judges, each of whom is to reside in his circuit. The circuits and justices are as follows:

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First Circuit, Horace Gray, of Boston, Mass., Associate

Justice. (Maine, N.H., Mass., R.I.)

Samuel Blatchford, of New York, As. J. (Vt., Conn., Ν.Υ.)

Vt. Conn.

(Penn., N.J., Del.)








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Joseph P. Bradley, of Newark, N.J., As. J.

Melville W. Fuller, of Chicago, Ill., Chief Justice. (Md., Va., W. Va., N.C., S.C.)
Lucius Q. C. Lamar, of Oxford, Miss., As. Justice. (Geo., Fla., Ala., Miss., La., Tex.)

Vacant by reason of the death of Associate Justice Matthews. (Ohio, Mich., Ky., Tenn.)
John M. Harlan, of Louisville, Kentucky, As. J. (Ind., Ill., Wis.)

Samuel F. Miller, of Keokuk, Iowa, As. J. (Min., Iowa, Mo., Kan., Ark., Neb., Col.)
Stephen J. Field, of San Francisco, Cal., As. J. (Cal., Oregon, Nev.)

James H. McKenney, Washington,

U. S. Circuit Courts in 1st and 2d Eastern Circuits.

Connecticut, at N. Haven, 4th Tu. in Apr., and at Hartford, 3d Tu. in Sept. Maine, at Portland, Apr. 23 and Sept. 23.

Massachusetts, at Boston, May 15 and Oct. 15. New Hampshire, at Portsmouth, May 8, and at Concord, Oct. 8.

Rhode Island, at Providence, June 15 and Nov. 15.

Vermont, at Windsor, 3d Tu. May, at Rutland, 1st Tu. Oct., and at Burlington, 4th Tu. in Feb.

If the day happens on Sunday the Court comes in the Monday following.


U. S. District Courts.

Connecticut, at Hartford, 4th Tu. in May and 1st Tu. Dec.; at New Haven, 4th Tu. in Feb. and Aug.

Maine, at Portland, 1st Tu. in Feb. and Dec.; at Bath, 1st Tu. in Sept.; at Bangor, 1st Tu. in June.

Massachusetts, at Boston, 3d Tu. in Mar., 4th Tu. in June, 2d Tu. in Sept., and ist Tu. in Dec.

New Hampshire, at Portsmouth, 3d Tu. in Mar. and Sept.; at Concord, 3d Tu. in June and Dec.

Rhode Island, at Newport 2d Tu. in May and 3d Tu. in Oct.; at Providence, 1st Tu. in Feb. and Aug.

Vermont, at Windsor, 3d Tu. May; at Rutland, 1st Tu. Oct.; at Burlington, 4th Tu. Feb.

(Corrected Sept., 1889.)

[blocks in formation]

Androscoggin Co., at Auburn, 3d Tu. Jan., Apr., and Sept.

Aroostook Co., at Houlton, last Tu. Feb., and 3d Tu. Sept.

Cumberland Co., Civil Business, at Portland, 2d Tu. Jan., Apr., and Oct.

Franklin Co., at Farmington, 1st Tu. Mar., and 4th Tu. Sept.

Hancock Co., at Ellsworth. Civil, 3d Tu. Jan.; Civil and Crim., 2d Tu. Apr. and Oct.

Kennebec Co., Civil Business, at Augusta, 1st Tu. Mar., and 3d Tu. Oct.

Knox Co., at Rockland, 2d Tu. Mar. and Dec., and 3d Tu. Sept.

Lincoln Co., at Wiscasset, 4th Tu. Apr., and 4th Tu. Oct.

May; Civil and Criminal, 2d Tu. Feb., 2d Tú. Oct.

Penobscot Co., at Bangor, Civ. Busi

ness, 1st Tu. Jan., Apr., and Oct.; Crim. Business, 1st Tu. Feb., and 2d Tu. Aug. Piscataquis Co., at Dover, last Tu. Feb., and 4th Tu. Sept.

Sagadahoc Co., at Bath, 1st Tu. Apr., and 3d Tu. in Aug. and Dec.

Somerset Co., at Skowhegan, 3d Tu.

Mar. and Dec., and 3d Tu. Sept.

Waldo Co., at Belfast, 1st Tu. Jan., and 3d Tu. in Apr. and Oct. Washington Co., at Machias, 1st Tu. Jan. and Oct.; at Calais, 4th Tu. Apr. York Co., at Saco, 1st Tu. Jan.; at Alfred, 3d Tú. May, and 3d Tu. Sept. Superior Court for Aroostook Co.

At Caribou, 1st Tu. Dec. and May; at Houlton, 1st Tu. April and Nov. Civil and Crim., May and Nov. terms.

Superior Court for Cumberl'd Co. At Portland, Civil only, 1st Tu. Feb., Mar., Apr., Oct., Nov., Dec. Civil and Criminal, 1st Tu. Jan., May, and Sept. Superior Court for Kennebec Co.

At Augusta, Civil, 1st Tu. Feb.; Civil and Criminal, 1st Tu. Apr., Sept., and Dec. At Waterville, Civil, 2d Tu. June

(Corrected Sept., 1889.)

Androscoggin, at Auburn, 1st Tu.

Apr. and Oct.

Aroostook, at Houlton, 1st Tu. Jan. and July.

Cumberland, at Portland, terms of record, 1st Tu. Jan. and June; and regular sessions, 1st Tu. every mo.

Franklin, at Farmington, last Tu. Apr. and Dec.

Hancock, at Ellsworth, 4th Tu. Jan., and 2d Tu. Apr and Oct.

Kennebec, at Augusta, 3d Tu. Apr., Aug., and Dec.

Knox, at Rockland, 1st Tu. Apr. and Dec., and 3d Tu. Aug.

Lincoln, at Wiscasset, 2d Tu. May, 1st Mon. Sept., and last Mon. Dec.

Oxford, at Paris, 2d Tu. May, 1st Tu.

Sept., and last Tu. Dec.

Penobscot, at Bangor, 1st Tu. Jan., Apr., July, and Oct.

Piscataquis, at Dover, 1st Tu. Apr., Aug., and Dec.

Sagadahoc, at Bath, 1st Tu. Mar., July, and Nov.

Somerset, at Skowhegan, 1st Tu. Mar. and Aug., and 2d Tu. Dec.

Waldo, at Belfast, 2d Tu. Apr., 3d Tu. Aug. and Dec.

Washington, at Machias, 1st Tu.
Jan. and Oct.; at Calais, 4th Tu. Apr
York, at Alfred, terms of record, 1st
Tu. Apr. and Oct.; and regular sessions
1st Tu. every mo.

(Corrected Sept., 1889.)

[blocks in formation]

and Aug.


Belknap Co., at Laconia, 4th Tu. Mar. and Sept.

Carroll Co., at Ossipee, 3d Tu. Apr.

and Oct.

Cheshire Co., at Keene, 1st Tu. Apr.,

and 3d Tu. Oct.

Coös Co., at Colebrook, 1st Tu. Feb. and Sept., and at Lancaster, 3d Tu. Apr. and Oct.

Grafton Co., at Haverhill, 3d Tu. Mar. and Sept., and at Plymouth, 2d Tu. May and Nov.

Hillsborough Co., at Manchester, 3d Tu. Mar., and at Nashua, 3d Tu. Sept. Merrimack Co., at Concord, 1st Tu.

Apr. and Oct.

Rockingham Co., at Portsmouth, 3d Tu. Oct., and at Exeter, 3d Tu. Jan., and 2d Tu. Apr.

Strafford Co., at Dover, 2d Tu. Feb.,
and 1st Tu. Sept.
Sullivan Co., at Newport, 4th Tu.
Jan, and 1st Tu. Sept.

Probate Courts.

[If the term of a probate court falls on a legal holiday, or day of state elections, said court shall be held on the next secular day thereafter.]

Belknap Co., at Laconia, 3d Tu. of every month.

Carroll Co., at Conway, 1st Tu. Jan., May, and Sept.; at W. Ossipee, 1st Tu. Feb., June, and Oct.; at Ossipee Corner, 1st Tu. Mar., July, and Nov.; at Wolfboro' Junc., ist Tu. Apr., Aug., and Dec. Cheshire Co., at Keene, 1st and 3d Fri. Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, June, Sept., Oct., Nov., and Dec.; 1st Fri. July, and 3d Fri. Aug.

[blocks in formation]

Grafton Co., at Lisbon, 3d Tu. Apr. and Oct.; Plymouth, 2d Tu. May and Nov.; Canaan, 1st Tu. June and Dec.; Haverhill, 3d Tu. Mar.and Sept.; Woodsville, 1st Tu. July; Bristol, 3d Tu. July; Littleton, 3d Tu. Jan.; Wentworth, 3d Tu. Aug.; Orford, 3d Tu. Feb.; and Lebanon, 1st Tu. Mar. and Sept.

Hillsborough Co., at Manchester, 3d Tu. Feb., Apr., June, Aug., Oct., and Dec., and 4th Tu. Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept., and Nov.; Nashua, 4th Tu. Feb., Apr., June, Aug., Oct., and Dec.; Francestown, Fri. aft. 4th Tu. Aug.; Amherst, Fri. aft. 4th Tu. June and Dec.; Peterborough, Fri. aft. 4th Tu. Feb., May, and Nov.; Greenville, Fri. aft. 4th Tu. Apr. and Oct.; Hillsboro' Bridge, Fri. aft. 4th Tu.Jan.and July; and Milford, Fri. aft. 4th Tu. Mar. and Sept.

Merrimack Co., at Concord, 2d and 4th Tu. every month.

Rockingham Co., at Exeter, Wed. aft. 3d Tu. Feb., Mar., and Aug., Wed. aft. 1st Tu. Apr., and Wed. aft. 2d Tu. each other month; Portsmouth, 3d Tu. Mar., and 2d Tu. Jan., May, July, Sept., and Nov.; Derry, 3d Tu. Feb., and 2d Tu. June and Oct.; and at Raymond, 1st Tu. Apr., 3d Tu. Aug., and 2d Tu. Dec.; at Hampton, 4th Tu. Feb., Aug., and Dec.

Strafford Co., at Dover, 1st Tu. every month; Farmington, 3d Tu. Apr., Aug., and Dec.; Rochester, 3d Tu. Jan., Mar., June, and Oct.; and at Somersworth, 3d Tu. Feb., May, July, Sept., and Nov.

Sullivan Co., at Newport, last Wed. Feb., Apr., June, Aug., Oct., and Dec.; and at Claremont, last Wed. Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept., and Nov.


(Corrected September, 1889. Legislature meets in October, and may make changes.)

[blocks in formation]

Caledonia Co., at St. Johnsbury, 2d Tu. in May.

Chittenden Co., at Burlington, 1st Tu. in Jan.

Essex Co., at Guildhall, 4th Tu. in Aug.

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