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1 W. Circumcision. ista


Farmer's Calendar.

PAY your grocer's bill if you

2 Th. in Perihelion. 6. have to sell one of the cows, and

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Clear, in future settle once a month ; or, better still, pay as you go. Debts are ugly shadows that hang over too many homes. Interest money not only eats up

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most of the profits, but it marks with anxiety the countenance of him who has it to pay. As the stock on the farm at this season of the year depends entirely on the farmer for food, he should try to understand the particular wants of each animal, and to feed in a manner to secure the best results. Never trust feeding the stock to irresponsible hired help. Good judgment and long experience are required to feed milch cows to the best advantage. Give the oldest boy a colt and the next younger a calf to care for, and see that they are properly instructed how to feed them. How is the woodpile getting along? The first good sledding should be improved to get the wood home. When eggs are forty cents a dozen the poultry must not be neglected. Provide a warm, dry location for the house, and then see that the laying hens have a variety of food; the wife and daughters will be glad to deal it out, providing they can have the money the eggs bring. Give the hens, as well as cows, warm water to drink during the coldest months of the year.

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Full Moon, 4th day, 8h. 14m., evening, E.

Last Quarter, 12th day, 1h. 51m., evening, W.
New Moon, 19th day, 5h. 28m., morning, E.

First Quarter, 26th day, 9h. 6m., morning, E.

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321 Sa. 6 584 59 10 10 57 212 992 br.


Sets. Souths.

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444 9 45

33 2S-6575 010 30 59

213 92 10


53510 34

34 3 Μ. 6565

110 51 1

214 104 114 h'rt

6 19 11 23

35 4 Tu. 6 555

310 81 4

2011 11 h'rt

rises morn

36 5 W. 6 545

410 10 1 6 116 11 h'rt

5 41 0 10

37 6 Th. 6 525

5 10 131 9 117 040 bel.

643 056

38 7 Fr. 6 515

7 10 16 1 121180403 bel.

745 1 40

39 8 Sa. 6 505

810 18114 119 14 14 rei.

848 224

40 9S-6 495

910 20 116 120 14 2 rei.

952 37

41 10 Μ. 6 48 5 11 10 23 1 19 121 22 24 sec. 10 57 3 51

42 11 Tu. 6 465 12 10 261 22 122 34 34 sec. morn 437

43 12 W. 6 45 5 13 10 281 24 123 4 4 sec. 055 25

44 13 Th. 6 445 1410 30 1 26 124 5 5 thi.

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50 19 W. 6 35 5 22 10 471 432 11 11


5 44 0 20

51 20 Th. 6 345 23 10 491 45 2 1112 feet 701 14

52 21 Fr. 6 325 24 10 521 48220204 h'd 813 25

53 22 Sa. 6 315 26 10 551 51 23 14 1 h'd 923 253

54 23 S.6 295 27 10 581 54 24 2 24 n'k 10 31

55 24 Μ. 6 285 2811

3 40

4 27

015625 24 34 n'k 11 36 56 25 Tu. 6 265 29 11 31 59 26 34 44 arm morn 5 14 57 26 W. 6 255 31 11 62 2374454 arm 040 62 58 27 Th. 6 235 32 11 92538564 arm 141 6 50 59 28 Fr. 6 225 33 11 11273967 br. 2387 40

The chief secret of comfort lies in not suffering trifles to vex us, and in prudently cultivating our undergrowth of small pleasures, since very few great ones, alas! are let on long leases. "From our own selves our joys

FEBRUARY hath 28 days.




Thou, too, sail on, O Ship of State!
Sail on, O UNION, strong and great!
Humanity with all its fears,
With all the hopes of future years,
Is hanging breathless on thy fate!

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

1 Sa.ru. high. 2d Low tides.

2 E Septuages. S. Candlemas Day. 3 Mo. 2d. in Apogee. Good 4 Tu. 7th. United States bank suspends, 1841.

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Farmer's Calendar.

EVERY farmer should have a

snow plough; the boys delight to ride on them to plough out the paths; they save time and hard labor, and keep the boys good-natured. Early lambs must be closely looked after this

month; give them a clean place

where it is warm and yet well ventilated, with plenty of sunshine. To make them grow as

rapidly as possible, a pen should

be built in one corner, with a small opening where they can pass in and out to eat meal which is beyond the reach of the sheep. But the mothers should not be neglected; give them

sweet hay and a sufficient amount of roots and grain to secure a good flow of milk. Very early lambs bring prices that pay the farmer for keeping his sheep in the best possible condition. If the wood has been hauled home, improve every leisure opportunity to cut it into proper lengths for the cookstove; don't spend your time gossiping with your neighbors, and then have to leave your

23 E 1st S. in Lent. in 8. 24 Mo. St. Matthias. 234. gr. el. W. haying to saw wood enough to

25 Tu. 18th. Pi Cent Hotel at Hartford, Conn., dem., by explos'n; over 20 persons kld. 6Ψ৫. 26th. Arago, astronomer,

born, 1786.


dinner with. The wood should all be prepared and ready to house by the first of April. What has been done for amusements for the children? It was once the custom to let the children shift for themselves while

26 W. 27 Th. Very low tides. 28 Fr. gr. hel. lat. S. the father spent his evenings at the corner grocery; but wise fathers now stay at home and plan entertainments for the family.

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O Full Moon, 6th day, 1h. 47m., evening, Ε.

Last Quarter, 13th day, 11h. 5m., evening, E.
New Moon, 20th day, 4h. 1m., evening, W.
First Quarter, 28th day, 4h. 33m., morning, W.

[blocks in formation]

60 1 Sa. 6 205 3411 14210 3 10 71⁄2 81⁄2 br. | 3318 29

61 2S-6 185 35 11 17 213 31184 94 h'rt

62 3 Μ. 6 165 36 11 202 164 12 94 10 h'rt 63 4 Tu. 6 155 38 11 232 19 4 13 10 10 h'rt 64 5 W. 6 135 39 11 262 22 414 102 114 bel. 65 6 Th. 6 125 41 11 292 254 114 114 bel. 66 7 Fr. 6 105 42 11 322 28 5 16112

68 9S-675 44 11 372 33518 04

417 9 18

4 58 10 6

534 10 52 6 411 37

rises morn


6 41 0 22

67 8 Sa. 6 85 43 11 352 31 517 04

04 rei.

744 15

1 rei.

851 150

69 10 Μ. 6

55 45 11 402 36 519 14

14 sec. 958 235

70 11 Tu. 6

35 46 11 432 39

620 2

2 sec. 11 7 3 23

71 12 W. 6

25 48 11 462 42

621 24

34 thi.

morn 414

72 13 Th. 6

05 49 11 492 45

622 34

44 thi.


73 14 Fr. 5 585 50 11

522 48

623 45

54 kn.

126 6 6

74 15 Sa. 5 565 51 11

552 51

724 5+

6+ kn.


75 16 S-5 555 52 11

572 53 725 6월

7+ legs

330 87

76 17 Μ. 5 535 53 12

0256 726 7월

81⁄2 legs


77 18 Tu. 5 515 54 12

32 59 827 82

92 feet

5 010 5

78 19 W. 5 495 55 12

63 2828 92

10 feet

53510 59

79 20 Th. 5 485 57 12

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80 21 Fr. 5 465 58 12 123 88 111



81 22 Sa. 5 445 59 12 15 3 11 920

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[blocks in formation]

1 n'k

918 2 16

112 203 1694 14

83 24 Μ. 5 416

84 25 Tu. 5 396

85 26 W. 5 376

86 27 Th. 5 356

87 28 Fr. 5 346

88 29 Sa. 5 326

89 30 S.5 306

212 233 19 10 5 24

412 273 23 10 6 3

5 12 303 2610 7 3월

3 arm morn 4 43

6 12 3232811 8 4월 5월 br.

7 12 353 311195월 6월 br.

8123833411 10 6월 74 h'rt

2147 11

2 n'k 10 24 34

24 arm 11 283 53

[blocks in formation]

124 6 22


MARCH hath 31 days.



But when cold weather and continued rain
The laboring husband in his house restrain,
Let him forecast his work with timely care,
Which else is huddled when the skies are fair.

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

1 Sa. St. David. (runs high.
2 E 2d Sunday in Lent.
3 Mo. Low tides. 1st. (in Apo.
4 Tu. 4th Inauguration of President Harrison,
1889, heavy rainstorm.

5W.6h, in Aphelion.
6 Th. 5th. Mary Louise Booth, ed. Harper's
7 Fr. 7th. Sidney Bartlett, oldest member of

8 Sa.

Bazar, died, 1889, aged 58.

Suffolk, Mass., bar, died, 1889, ag. 90.

7th. John Ericsson, inventor, died, 1889, › aged 86.

9 E 3d Sun. in Lent. 10 Mo. Medium tides.

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[ocr errors]


11 Tu. 10th. King John of Abyssinia died, 1889.

12 W.

13 Th.

14 Fr.

12th. Admiral John L. Davis died, 1889,

aged 64.

15th. Hurricane at Samoa, 1889, Am. and
› Ger. war-ships wrec'd, many lives lost.

15 Sa.runs low. with flurries
16 E 4th Sun. in Lent. 621C.
17 Mo. St. Patrick. (in Perigee.
18 Tu. Judoustanle 22d. Judge Stanley Matthews, U. S. Su-
19 W. ४५८.
of snow.
20 Th.

1889, ag. nearly 65.


Farmer's Calendar.

IT is time to settle down on some plan of operations on the farm for the coming season; it is very poor policy to wait until the busy season commences before deciding what crops to grow in each field; if the decision be made now, the seed can be tested before planting time, and thus avoid planting seed that will not grow. If tomato plants are to

be grown, it is time to prepare the hotbed; in doing this, see winds that the manure is in proper condition to secure good bottom heat; to make it so, pitch it over a few days before placing it in the hotbed. If the farm implements have not already been put in good order, do it at once; it is a very shiftless practice to delay the repair of tools until the busy season arrives. Every farmer should have a repair shop and a set of tools so that during the winter he can make simple repairs; the more difficult ones should go to the wheelwright and blacksmith. Breeding sows should be kept in warm, clean quarters, and a close watch kept on them when the pigs are Milder. dropped. Milch cows during this month require even more care than in January or February; give them a daily feed of roots, and it pays well to warm the water during the cold weather. Hens should be set this month if early chickens are desired.

ent. . SPRING BEGINS. 21 Fr. St. Benedict. Very high tides. 22 Sa. 21st. 6१८.

23 E 5th Sun. in L. Passion Sunday.
24 Mo. 27th. John Bright died, 1889, aged 77.
25 Tu. Annunciation, or Lady Day.
26 W. 25th. 64.
27 Th. 25th. gr. hel. lat. S.
28 Fr.
runs high.

29 Sa. V. low tides. (in Apog,
30 E Palm Sunday.

31 Mo. 31st. Descartes, philosopher, born, 1596.

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