
haps, sheep's leather dressed and coloured red, f. bazane, sheep's leather. In Scotland, sheepskin mittens, with the wool on the inside, are called Bauzon-mittens.-Bauson also signifies a badger, in old English; it may therefore signify, perhaps, badger skin. Be that, p. 6. by that time. Bearyng arowe, p. 186, an arrow that carries well. - Or, perhaps bearing, or birring, i. e. whirring or whizzing arrow : from Isl. Bir. ventus, or A. S. Bene, fremitus. Bedight, bedecked. Bedyls, beadles. Beheard, heard.

Beette, did beat.
Beforn, before.

[ocr errors]

Begylde, p. 103, beguiled, de-

Behests, commands, injunctions.
Behove, p. 191, behoof.
Belyfe, p. 182, belive, immedi-
ately, by and by, shortly.
Bende-bow, a bent bow, qu.
Ben, bene, been.
Benison, blessing.

Bent, p. 5, bents, p. 47, (where
bents, long coarse grass, &c.
grow) the field; fields.
Benyngne, p. 106, benigne, be-
nign, kind.

Beste, beest, art.
Bestis, beasts.

Be strawghted, p.201, distracted.
Beth, be, are.

Bickarte, p. 5, bicker'd, skirm-
ished. (It is also used some-
times in the sense of swiftly
coursed, which seems to be
the sense, p. 5. Mr. Lambe).*

Bille, &c. p. 299, 1 have delivered
a promise in writing, confirmed
by an oath.

Blane, p. 12, blanne, did blin,
i. e. linger, stop.
Blaw, s. blow.

Blaze, to emblazon, display.
Blee, colour, complexion.
Bleid, s. blede, bleed.
Blist, blessed.

Blive, belive, immediately.
Bloomed, p. 324, beset with bloom.
Blude, blood, bluid reid, s. blood

Bluid, bluidy, s. blood, bloody.
Blyve, believe, instantly.
Boare, bare.

Bode, p. 101, abode, stayed.
Boltes, shafts, arrows.
Bomen, p. 5, bowmen.
Bonnye, bonnie, s. comely.`
Boone, a favour, request, petition.
Boot, boote, advantage, help, as-

Borrowe, borowe, pledge, surety.
Borowe, p. 168, to redeem by a
Borowed, p. 34, warranted,
pledged, was exchanged for.
Bot and, s. p. 125. (It should
probably be both and) and also.
Bot, but.

Bote, boot, advantage.

Bougill, s. bugle-horn, huntinghorn.

Bounde, bowynd, bowned, pre

pared, got ready. The word is also used in the north in the sense of went or was going. Bowndes, bounds.

Bowne ye, prepare ye, get ready.
Bowne, ready; bowned, prepared.
Bowne to dine, p. 45, going to
dine. Bowne is a common word

Mr. Lambe also interprets "BICKERING," by rattling, e. g.
"And on that slee Ulysses head

Sad curses down does BICKER."

Translat. of Ovid.

in the north for going; e. g.
Where are you bowne to?
Where are you going?
Bowre, bower, habitation: cham-
ber, parlour, perhaps from Isl.
bouan, to dwell.
Bowre-window, chamber window.
Bowys, bows.

Braid, s. broad, large.
Brandes, swords.
Breere, brere, briar.

Bred banner, p. 26, broad banner.
Breech, p. 323, breeches.
Breeden bale, breed mischief.
Breng, bryng, bring.
Brether, brethren.

Broad arrow, a broad forked

headed arrow, s.
Brodinge, pricking.
Brook, p. 16, enjoy.
Brooke, p. 314, bear, endure.
Browd, broad.

Bryttlynge, p. 6, brytlyng, p. 7.
cutting up, quartering, carving.
Bugle, bugle horn, hunting horn.
Bushment, p. 103, ambushment,
ambush, a snare to bring them
into trouble.

Buske ye, dress ye.
Busket, buskt, dressed.
Buskt them,p.103,prepared them-

selves, made themselves ready.
Busk and boun, p. 128, i. e. make
yourselves ready and go. Boun,
to go, (North country).
But if, unless.
Buttes, buts to shoot at.
By thre, p. 160, of three.
Bye, p. 168, buy, pay for; also,
abye, suffer for.
Byears, beeres, biers.
Bydys, bides, abides.
Byll, bill, an ancient kind of
halbert, or battle-ax, p. 6.
Byn, bine, bin, been, be, are.
Byrche birch-tree, birch wood.
Byste, beest, art.


Calde, callyd, p. 8, called.
Camscho, s. stern, grim.
Can, p. 27, began to cry.
Cane, p. 31, 'gan to cry.
Capull hyde, p. 95, horse-hide.
Care-bed, bed of care.

Carpe off care, p. 15, complain
thro' care.

Cast, p. 7, mean, intend.
Cawte and kene, p. 26, cautious
and active, 1. cautus.
Caytiffe, caitif, slave, despicable
wretch, p. 49.

Cetywall, p. 322, setiwall, the
herb valerian: also, mountain
spikenard. See Gerard's Her-
Chanteclere, the cock.
Chays, chase.
Check, to rate at.
Check, to stop.

Child, p. 113, knight. Children,
p. 48, knights: see v. iii. p. 94.
Christentye, christiante, Christ-

Churl, one of low birth, a villain,
or vassal.

Chyf, chyfe, chief.
Clawde, clawed, tore, scratched ;
p. 191, figuratively, beat.
Cleaped, cleped, called, named.
Clerke, scholar.

Clim, the contraction of Clement.
Clough, a north-country word
for a broken cliff.
Coate, cot, cottage.
Cockers, p. 323, a sort of buskins
or short boots fastened with laces
or buttons, and often worn by
farmers or shepherds. In Scot-
land they are called cutikins,
from cute, the ankle.-'Cokers:
fishermen's boots.' (Littleton's

Collayne, p. 31, Cologne steel.

Commen, commyn, come.
Confetered, confederated, entered
into a confederacy.
Cordiwin, p. 323, cordwayne:
properly Spanish or Cordovan
leather; here it signifies a
more vulgar sort.

Corsiare, p. 12, courser, steed.
Cote, cot, cottage. Item, coat.
Coulde, cold. Item, could.
Cold bee, p. 309, was. Cowde

dye, p. 33, died, (a phrase).
Countie, p. 318, count, earl.
Coupe, a pen for poultry.
Couth, could.

Coyntrie, p. 323, Coventry. Crancky, merry, sprightly, exulting.

Credence, belief.
Crevis, crevice, chink.

Cristes cors, p. 8, Christ's curse.
Crowch, crutch.

Clowch, clutch, grasp.

Cryance, belief, f. [whence recreant.]


But in

p. 47, &c. it seems to signify

fear, f. crainte.

Cum, s. come, p. 10, came.


Dampned, p. 168, condemned.
De, dy, dey, pp. 7, 10, 15, die.
Deepe-fette, deep-fetched.
Deid, s. dede, deed. Item, dead.
Deip, s. depe, deep.

Deir, s. deere, dere, dear.
Dell, deal, part; p. 111, every
dell, every part.
Denay, deny, (rhythmi gratia.)
Depured, purified, run clear.
Descreeve, describe.
Dight, decked, put on.
Dill, p. 44, dole, grief, pain.—
Dill I drye, p. 45, pain I suf-
fer.-Dill was dight, p. 44,
grief was upon him.

[blocks in formation]

Dounae, s. p. 42, am not able; pro-
perly, cannot take the trouble.
Doute, doubt. Item, fear.
Doutted, doubted, feared.
Dois, s. doys, does.
Drap, s. drop.

Dre, p. 13, drie, p. 126, suffer.
Dreid, s. dreede, drede, dread.
Dreips, s. drips, drops.

Drovyers, drovers, p. 271, such
as drive herds of cattle, deer, &c.
Dryvars, p. 5, idem.
Drye, p. 33, suffer.
Dryghnes, dryness.

Duble dyse, double (false) dice.
Dughtie, doughty.
Dule, s. dole, grief.
Dyd, dyde, did.

Dyght, p. 12, dight, page 58,
dressed, put on, put.
Dynte, dint, blow, stroke.
Dysgysynge, disguising, masking.


Eame, eme, p. 27, uncle.
Eathe, easy.

Ee, s. eie, eye. Een, eyne, eyes.
Ech, eche, eiche, elke, each.
Ein, s. even.

Eir, evir, s. e'er, ever.
Eke, also. Eike, each.
Eldern, s. elder.

Eldridge, Scoticè Elriche, El-
ritch, Elrische; wild, hideous,
ghostly. Item, lonesome, unin-
habited except by spectres, &c.
Gloss. to A. Ramsey. Elritcht-
laugh, Gen. Shep. a. 5.
Ellumynynge, p. 105, embellish-
ing. To illumine a book, was
to ornament it with paintings
in miniature.

Ellyconys, Helicon's.
Endyed, dyed.

Enharpid, &c. p. 105, hooked, or

edged with mortal dread.

Enkankered, cankered.

Faytors, deceivers, dissemblers, cheats.

Fe, fee, reward: also, bribe. But properly Fee is applied to lands and tenements, which are held by perpetual right, and by acknowledgment of superiority to a higher Lord. Thus, p. 107, in fee, i. e. in feudal service. 1. feudum, &c. (Blount.)

Feat, nice, neat.

Featously, neatly, dexterously.
Feere, fere, mate, companion.
Feir, s. fere, fear.

Envye, pp. 24, 27, malice, ill- Fendys pray, &c. p. 108, from

[blocks in formation]

being the prey of the fiends.

[blocks in formation]

* In the ballad of SIR CAULINE, we have Eldridge Hill,' p. 46. Eldridge Knight,' p. 46, 56. Eldridge Sword,' p. 50, 57.—So Gawin Douglas calls the Cyclops, the "ELRICHE BRETHIR," i. e. brethren (b. ii. p. 91, 1. 16,) and in his Prologue to b. vii. (p. 202, 1. 3), he thus describes the night-owl:

"" Laithely of forme, with crukit camscho beik,
Ugsome to here was his wyld ELRISCHE shriek."

In Bannatyne's MS. Poems, (fol. 135, in the Advocates' library at Edinburgh,) is a whimsical rhapsody of a deceased old woman, travelling in the other world; in which

"Scho wanderit, and zeid by, to an ELRICH well."

In the Glossary to G. Douglas, ELRICHE, &c. is explained by "wild, hideous: Lat. truz, immanis;" but it seems to imply somewhat more, as in Allan Ramsey's Glossaries.

Dei præceptum sit,] q. d. God Getinge, what he had got, his


Forefend, prevent, defend.
Formare, former.

Forsede, p. 103, regarded, heeded.
Forst, forced, compelled.
Forthynketh, p. 184, repenteth,
vexeth, troubleth.
Fosters of the fe, p. 184, fores-

ters of the king's demesnes.
Fou, fow, s. full; also, fuddled.
Fowarde, vawarde, the van.
Fre-bore, p. 85, free-born.

Freake, freke, freyke, man, per

son, human creature.

whim or maggot.

Freckys, p. 10, persons.

Frie, s. fre, free.

[blocks in formation]

Also, a

Gowd, s. gould, gold.

Freits, s. ill omens, ill luck; any old superstitious saw, or impression,* p. 128. Fruward, forward.

Fuyson, foyson, plenty; also, substance.

Fykkill, fickle.
Fyll, p. 102, fell.

Fyr, fire.


Gair, s. geer, dress.

Gane, gan, began.
Garde, garred, made.
Ganyde, p. 10, gained.

Gare, gar, s. make, cause; force, compel.

Gargeyld, p. 110, from Gargouille, f. the spout of a gutter. The tower was adorned with spouts cut in the figures of greyhounds, lions, &c. Garland, p. 92, the ring, within which the prick or mark was set to be shot at.

Gear, s. geer, goods.

[blocks in formation]

*An ingenious correspondent in the north thinks FREIT is not 'an unlucky omen,' but, that thing which terrifies;' viz. Terrors will pursue them that look after frightful things. FRIGHT is pronounced by the common people in the north, FREET, p. 128.

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