
North Seas, the crew took a female Narwhal having a tooth in the upper jaw, perfect, and in every respect like that of the male, though not so long. The sex of the animal was satisfactorily ascertained in cutting up, when two fœtuses were taken out of it. Mr Brown was acquainted with similar instances of the "horn" being protruded in the female Narwhal; and though it is said to have been seen with two young following it, yet the instances mentioned were the only ones with which he was acquainted, in which the subject had been brought to an experimentum crucis. In all likelihood, the Cetacea in this respect follow the same laws as the other Mammalia, though our opportunities for observing the former were much more limited; and hence the value of every fact, however apparently trifling, being put on record.

Mr W. S. YOUNG proposed a vote of thanks to the Presidents and other office-bearers, which was unanimously agreed to, and the Society adjourned until the commencement of the next Session.


Acharadria larynx, 378.
Equoria vitrina, reproduction of, 316.
Agelaius phoeniceus, Vieill., 47.

xanthocephalus, Bonap., 47.

Alauda alpestris, Linn., 111.
Alcedo ispida, 245.

Alcyonida, petrifaction of, 203.

Alder (Joshua), on British Zoophytes.
Hydractinia areolata, n. sp.; Atrac-
tylis arenosa, n. sp., 314.

Anahyster calabaricus, Murray, 157.
Anchovy on coast of Caithness, 257.
Anderson (Dr John), on Phryxus
paguri, 374.

[ocr errors]

on Sacculina, 306.

on New Holothuria, 331.
'Angwántibo," Perodicticus Calabar-
ensis, J. A. Smith, of Old Calabar,
Notice of, 172.

Anas boschas, Linn., 54, 343, 420.

clypeata, Linn., 110, 139.
strepera, Linn., 110, 150.

Anser canadensis, 52, 131.

hyperboreus, Gmel., 50.

Anthus Ludovicianus, Gmel., 47.
Apternus tridactylus, Sw., 48.
Archibuteo sancti Johannis, Gmel., 45.
Arctomys empetra, Schreb., 21.
Argentine, 256.

Astrophyton scutatum, 368.

Atractylis arenosa, T. S. Wright, 315,


coccinea, T. S. Wright, 251.
miniata, T. S. Wright, 351.
palliata, T. S. Wright, 250.
ramosa, T. S. Wright, 35.
repens, 250.

Asio brachyotus, 46.

Balfour (Prof.), Opening Address (His-
tory of Wernerian Society, &c.), 1.
on the Birds of Heligoland,
communicated by, 82.
Banks (James), on Lantern-fly of
Honduras, 102.
Beaver, habits of, 329.

[blocks in formation]

Castor Americanus, Brandt, 21.
Cervus alces, Linn., 18.

Ceryle alcyon, Linn., 46.
Chatospira maritima, T. S. Wright, 380.
Chalk-flints in Caithness, 159.
Chameleon tricornis, 149.

Charadrius semipalmatus. Kaup., 49.
Charlesworth (Edward), exhibited
specimens, 318.

Cheimatobia borearia, 260.

Chimpanzee, 41, 156.

Dendrophyra radiata, 276.

Dubuc (Dr E. W., R.N.), on marine
animals from Ceylon, 249.

on deep-sea soundings, 286.

Edwards (A. M'K.), on inflammation
in fishes, 228.

Electris from Old Calabar, 359.
Elliot (Walter, of Wolfelee), on draw-
ings of Indian animals by native
artists, 348.

Chimpanzee, skull of, from "Devil- Engraulus encrasicolus, Flem., 257.

house," Old Calabar, 41.

Chlamydosaurus Kingii, 318.
Chordeiles Virginiana, Briss, 46.
Chough, The, 143, 145.
Chromis Niloticus, Cuv., 359.
Chrysaora, reproductive system of, 218.
development of Hydra tuba from,

Circus cyaneus, Linn., 46.
Clarias jugar, 361.
Nieuhoffi, 361.

Clangula albeola, Linn., 55.

Claparède (Professor), on reproduction
of a medusa, 133.

Clava nodosa, T. S. Wright, 378.
Clavula Gossii, 35.

Cleland (Dr John), on fishes from Old
Calabar, 359.

on vomer in man and mam-

[blocks in formation]

Curruca atracapilla, 342.

Eolida, thread-cells of, 38.

Falco candicans, Gmel., 46.

islandicus, Lath., 226.
peregrinus, Gmel., 47.
Felis catus ferus, 368.
Fiber zibethicus, Cuv., 21.
Filaria in pearl-oyster, 101.
Fishes, inflammation in, 228.
from Old Calabar, 259.
development of spawn of, 378.
Fleming (the late Professor), proposed
memorial to, 150.

Fossils, Old Red Sandstone, from south
of Scotland, 36.

Reptilian of Morayshire, 155.
Old Red Sandstone of Forfar-
shire, 195.

Ornithic, from New Zealand,

Fregilus graculus, 143, 145.
Freya obstetrica, T. S. Wright, 379.
stylifer, T. S. Wright, 379.
producta, T. S. Wright, 380.
Fringilla montifringilla, 150.
Fulica atra, 343.

Fuligula affinis, Yarr., 55.
cristata, 343.
rufina, 420.

[blocks in formation]

Cycloid fish, capture of, in Bay of Goodsirea mirabilis, T. S. Wright, 80.

San Francisco, 138.

Cygnus Bewickii, Yarr., 259.

Cypselus opus, Flem., migration of, 144.

Dafila acuta, Linn., 54.

caudacuta, 44.

Dassauville (P. A.), exhibits speci-
mens of rarer British birds, 110, 259.
Dendronessa sponsa, Linn., 55.
Dendrophrya erecta, 276.

Goose, Canadian or Cravat, 50, 131.
Gorilla, skull of, 348.

remarks on,
Griffithides mucronatus, M'Coy, 253.
Gromia oviformis, 82.
Grouse, hybrid, 44, 245, 364.
Grus Canadensis, Temm., 50.

Halcampa Fultoni, T. S. Wright, 193.
Halichondria ventilabrum, 227.

[blocks in formation]

glaucus, Temm., 259, 347.
ridibundus, 343.

zonorhynchus, Richard, and Sw., 56.

Leaf insect, A new, 146.

Lecythia elegans, T. S. Wright, 277.
Lepus timidus, albino of, 363.

glacialis, Leach, 20.

[blocks in formation]

Medusa, reproduction of a, 133.
Mergulus alle, 347.

Lepidodendron, with Lepidostrobus at- Mergus albellus, 247.

Lestris cephus, Brunnich, 56.

tached, 38.

[blocks in formation]

cucullatus, Linn., 56.

serrator, Linn., 56.

Meteoric Iron found in Roxburghshire,


[blocks in formation]

1859-60, 132.

1860-61, 228.

[blocks in formation]

Office-bearers for Session 1858-59, 38. Periosoreus Canadensis, Linn., 46.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Ukpam," Hemitrygon ukpam,

J. A. Smith, from, 64.

Phasianus colchicus, 59.

torquatus, 59.

Pheasant, hen, with plumage of male


Phoca Greenlandica, Mull., 392.

hispida, Mull., 393.

leonina, O. Fabr., 393.
leporina, 394.
Phoenicura suecica, 82.

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