
The young lady some months after wrote to Mr. S, and says, amongst other things,-"I have great reason to be thankful for the many blessings the Lord has been pleased to bestow upon me, and in particular for his sending Mr. Pearce to this city; and that through his means I have been convinced of sin. I am happy to inform you, that through grace I am enabled to walk in the narrow path. The Lord has taken away all desire for worldly company; all my desires now are to attend on the means of grace. Blessed be his name, I often find him present in them. My mother and I often remember the happy time we spent in your company at our house. She often speaks of it with great pleasure and blesses the Lord for the change which grace has wrought in me."

"Lord's-day, 10th. (The last Sabbath.) Preached in the morning at Mary's abbey, from Job xxxiii. 27, 28. He looketh upon men, and if any say, I have sinned, and perverted that which was right, and it profited me not; he will deliver his soul from going into the pit, and his life shall see the light.-A happy season.-In the afternoon, having dined with Mr. W- he took me to Swift's alley, the Baptist place of worship, where I gave an exhortation on brotherly love, and administered the Lord's supper. At Mr. W's motion, the church requested me to look out a suitable minister for them.-In the evening, I preached at Plunket-street, from 2 Tim. i 18. The Lord grant unto him, that he may find mercy of the Lord in that day!-A very

solemn season.

"Monday, 11th. Met the dear Christian friends, for the last time, at a prayer-meeting in Plunket-street.-The Lord was there!Several friends spent the evening with us afterwards at Mr. H-S

"Tuesday, 12th. Went aboard at four; arrived at Liverpool on Thursday; and safely at home on Friday, July 15, 1796. Blessed be the Preserver of men, the Saviour of sinners, and the help of his servants, for evermore, amen,


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Some time after, writing to his friend who accompanied him, he says, "I have received several letters from Dublin:-two from Master B. one from Miss H-, one from M, three or four from the Baptist friends, and some from others, whom I cannot recollect.-Mr. K

lately called on me in his way from Bath to Holyhead. We talked of you, and of our Lord, and did not part till we had presented ourselves before the throne."

During his labours in Dublin, he was strongly solicited to settle in a very flattering situation in the neighbourhood ;* and a very liberal salary was offered him. On his positively declining it, mention was made of only six months of the year. When that was declined, three months were proposed; and when he was about to answer this in the negative, the party refused to receive his answer, desiring him to take time to consider of it. He did so; and though he entertained a very grateful sense of the kindness and generosity expressed by the proposal, yet after the maturest deliberation, he thought it his duty to decline it. Mr. Pearce's modesty prevented his talking on such a subject; but it was known at the time by his friend who accompanied him, and since his death, has been frequently mentioned as an instance of his disinterested spirit.

His friends at Birmingham were ready to think it hard that he should be so willing to leave them

*At the Black Rock, the refidence of fome of the moft genteel families in the vicinity of Dublin.

to go on a mission among the heathen; but they could not well complain, and much less think ill of him, when they saw that such a willingness was more than could be effected by the most flattering prospects of a worldly nature, accompanied too with promising appearances of reli gious usefulness.

About a month after his return from Dublin, Mr. Pearce addressed a letter to Mr. Carey, in which he gives some farther account of Ireland, as well as of some other interesting matters :

"Birmingham, August 12, 1796.

"OH my dear brother, did you but know with what feelings I resume my pen, freely to correspond with you after receiving your very affectionate letter to myself, and perusing that which you sent by the same conveyance to the Society, I am sure you would persuade yourself that I have no common friendship for you, and that your regards are at least returned with equal ardour.

"I fear (I had almost said) that I shall never see your face in the flesh, but if any thing can add to the joy which the presence of Christ, and conformity, perfect conformity, to him will afford in heaven, surely the certain prospect of meeting with my dear brother Carey there, is one of (if not) the greatest. Thrice happy should I be, if the providence of God would open a way for partaking of your labours, your sufferings, and your pleasures on this side the eternal world: but all my brethren here are of a mind that I shall be more useful at home than abroad; and I, though reluctantly, submit. Yet I am truly with you in spirit. My heart is at Mudnabatty, and at times Ieven hope to find my body there; but with the Lord I leave it; He knows my wishes, my motives, my regret; He knows all my soul; and depraved as it is, I feel an inexpressible satisfac

tion that he does know it. However, it is a humbling thought to me, that he sees I am unfit for such a station, and unworthy such an honour as to hear his name among the heathen. But I must be thankful still, that though he appoints me not to a post in foreign service, he will allow me to stand centinel at home. In this situation may I have grace to be faithful unto death..

"I hardly wonder at vour being pained on account of the effects produced in the minds of your European friends, by the news of your engagement in the Indigo business, because I imagine you are ignorant of the process of that matter amongst us. When I received the news, I glorified God in sincerity, on account of it, and gave most hearty thanks to him for his most gracious appearance on your behalf: but at the same time I feared, lest through that undertaking, the work of the Mission might in some way or other be impeded. The same impression was made on the minds of many others; yet no blame was attached, in our view, to you. Our minds were only alarmed for the future: not disposed to censure for the past. Had you seen a faithful copy of the prayers, the praises and the conversation of the day in which your letters were read, I know you would not have entertained one unkind thought of the Society towards you. Oh no, my dear brother, far be it from us to lay an atom upon your spirits of a painful nature. Need I say, We do love, we do respect you, we do confide too much in you to design the smallest occasion of distress to your heart. But I close this subject. In future we will atone for an expression that might bear an harsh construction. We will strengthen, we will support, we will comfort, we will encourage you in your arduous work :all, all shali be love and kindness; glory to God, and good will to men. If I have done aught that

is wrong, as an individual, pardon me: If we have said aught amiss, as a Society, pardon us. Let us forbear one another in love, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven us.

"By the time this reaches you, I hope you will have received Nos. I. and II. of Periodical Ace counts. Should you find any thing in them, which you think had better be omitted, pray be free in mentioning it, and in future your instructions shall be fully attended to. We have taken all the pains, and used all the caution in our power to render them unexceptionable; but you can better judge in some respects than we. If you should not approve of all (though we are not conscious of any thing that you will disapprove) you will not be offended, but believe we have done our best, and with your remarks, hope to do better still.

"With pleasure, approaching to rapture, I read the last accounts you sent us. I never expected immediate success: the prospect is truly greater than my most sanguine hopes. "The kingdom of heaven is like to a little leaven hid in three measures of meal, till the whole is leavened." Blessed be God! the leaven is in the meal, and its influence is already discoverable. A great God is doing great things by you. Go on, my dearest brother, go on; God will do greater things than these. Jesus is worthy a world of praise: and shail Hindostan not praise him? Surely he shall see of the travail of his soul there, and the sower and the reaper shall rejoice together. Already the empire of darkness totters, and soon it shall doubtless fall. Blessed be the labourers in this important work; and blessed be He who giveth them hearts and strength to labour, and. promises that they shall not labour in vain!

"Do not fear the want of money. God is for us, and the silver and the gold are his and so are the hearts of those who possess the most of it. I will travel from the Land's end to the Orkney's but we


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