
no unforeseen or extraordinary accident happening; if there was not a fault some where, in the plan, the execution, or both. That this fault could be found out only, by an enquiry into the instructions given to general Burgoyne; that therefore as he hoped the gentlemen in administration had given no advice or instructions, which could not bear the test of parliamentary enquiry, as he flattered himself, that the motion he was about to make would not meet their opposition. It were needless to have a parliament, if it could not call for information, and punish delinquents. He then moved, "That an humble Address be presented to his Majesty, that he will be graciously pleased to give directions, that there be laid before this House, copies of all ins structions and other papers, relative to the expedition from Canada, under lieut. general Burgoyne; and also copies of such parts of the instructions given to general sir William Howe, as relate to any intended co-operation with lieut. general Burgoyne."

the last war, and the bright lustre the British arms had acquired by it: that it were well for their reputation, if the world could lose the recollection of the glorious successes that crowned the enterprises of Great Britain during that period; to the end that the contrast of the present disgraces might not strike the nation so strongly, and render the contrivers of the measures which occasioned them, the execration of the people. The views of the ministry in holding out in such pompous colours the proffered aid of several individuals, were specious and imposing; they wished to impress the people at large with the idea, that their measures were perfectly constitutional, or they would not have met with such general support from the nation. For his part, he could not be deceived in that particular, as he knew the offers of support came from men of such a description, as would be no credit to administration. Scotland and Manchester very readily concurred to strengthen the hands of ministers, who were pursuing measures so conformable to their own sentiments, and to maintain a government so exactly similar to that of their darling king, James 2, a government which was pursuing the steps that lost that prince his crown. [Here some gentlemen called him to order, as they conceived that he was drawing a parallel between the present King's reign and that of king James; Mr. Fox, however, qualified what he had said, and went on.] He added, that Scotland and Manchester were so accustomed to disgrace, that it was no wonder if they pocketed instances of dishonour, and sat down contented with infamy; but as he knew Britain in general possessed other sentiments, and would not continue in the delusion which had brought disgrace upon her arms, annihilated one army, and dishonoured another, but would investigate the cause of our misfortunes to the fountain-head, from whence the calamities of the war and of this campaign in particular had originated. By this means they might be able to discover the men who had done all this, and who had brought disgrace upon their country as far as lay in their power; although at the same time he owned no ministers had it much in their power to degrade this country, since a change of men wiped off the disgrace. To this end, he said, he renewed a motion which he had made before the recess. He said, it was impossible, that 10,000 men could be lost,

Col. Luttrell attacked Mr. Fox for the general national censure he had thrown out against Scotland, and accused him of having declared in his own presence, that he would speak treason, when and where he pleased. But this accusation relative to a private conversation drew a general murmur of disapprobation from the House.

Lord North said, that if the hon. gentleman had not spoke treason, he had gone very near it. King James had been dethroned for endeavouring to subvert the laws, overturn the constitution, and reign without a parliament. The present King, on the contrary, was contending to establish the power of parliament, and enforce the laws of the country. It was the duty of parliament to enquire into the conduct of ministers; to turn out such as had acted wrong; and to keep out such as would wish to act wrong. When the names of the subscribers should be made public, it would then appear that there were men who had been always sincerely attached to the Brunswick family; and that though it had been otherwise, it would be ungenerous and impolitic to impute the faults of the parent to the children. As well might himself and the hon. member be called Tories, as the ancestors of both had been of that description of men. As to the proposed enquiry, he had not the least objection to it; he only found fault with the time of moving for it in the absence of

lord G. Germain. He would therefore recommend it to the hon. member to suspend his motion till Tuesday next.

will render any support my abilities can give it useless and unnecessary. It is sufficient for me, that I feel myself actuated by an honest zeal (for honest I will call it) for the salvation of my country, in these times of the most dangerous experiments; it is to your lordships' better understandings, that I must submit. On this ground then, my lords, and because I hold it to be the privilege of every noble lord to call for the advice of the judges in point of law, I shall presume to move, "That a day be fixed for summoning the Judges to attend this House, in order to take their opinions upon the present mode of raising Troops, without the authority of parliament."

Mr. Fox rose to explain the imputation of meaning something treasonable by his allusion to the government of king James. This he would maintain, that whosoever attempted to act contrary to the constitution, could be no friend to it; that an attempt to tax three million of people, without their own consent, was unconstitutional; and that as king James had been deposed for exercising power not his own, so this country had been deposed from its natural dominion over America for usurping a power denied by the constitution. As for the motion, he would not have it thought that he wanted to take any advan-ral grounds, to the informality of the motage of the noble lord's absence, and was willing to withdraw his motion for that evening, and make it on Tuesday.

The Lord Chancellor objected on seve

tion. He said, no instance was recorded in parliament of any such motion being received. That the judges had no voice in that House, nor were ever present in Debate in the Lords on the Earl of debate; nor at any other time, in the Abingdon's Motion respecting the Legality manner now attempted, unless specially of raising Troops by private Aids without called upon. That when they were called Consent of Parliament.] Jan. 23. The upon, it was to decide upon matters of Earl of Abingdon said: Having a motion mere law, and upon questions previously of very great importance to make, I think framed; which questions were supposed it necessary to apprize your lordships of it. to arise from facts already proved to the I am greatly alarmed at the spirit that is satisfaction of the House. Was that the gone abroad, and at the countenance given case now? Was there any fact whatever to that spirit, of raising, out of the medium stated to the House, on which a question of parliament, armies in Great Britain, by of law could arise? Not one, nor one personal interest and private subscriptions. even suggested. On this ground of inforIt is therefore my intention, in the course mality, he contended that the motion was of a few days, to move, that a day be ap- highly improper; nor could it be enterpointed for summoning the Judges to attained for an instant conformably to the tend this House, in order that their Opi- established usage of parliament. His lordnions may be taken upon this matter. At ship then said the annual Act passed every present, I conceive it to be not only re- session, called the Mutiny Act, became pugnant to the principles of the constitu- necessary; because in time of peace, no tion, but expressly against the letter of the standing army could be kept up within the law. Perhaps I am mistaken; if I am, kingdom, without the consent of parliament. and this mode of arming the nation be The last Act empowered his Majesty to right, I too will exert my interest for the raise 20,000 men. In that view of the purpose of raising a regiment; not, my question, if it should come out in proof, lords, to go to America, to be hazarded, which was a fact within his own knowledge, perhaps devoted, but to remain in England that including the levies made during the to assist in protecting our liberties. If I recess, the whole of the troops within the am not mistaken, I shall trust that these kingdom did not amount to 20,000 men; violent measures will be immediately sup- then the measure, to which the motion was pressed. He then moved that their lord- directed, was perfectly justifiable; for the ships be summoned on the 27th instant; Mutiny Act had been literally and rigidly which was agreed to. complied with. Besides, though the matter had not been just as he stated it, the House could not properly take cognizance of the affair. He understood, a noble lord in the other House who presided over the war department, had already delivered in estimates of troops proposed to be raised;

Jan. 27. The Earl of Abingdon. Being now assembled, in consequence of the notice I gave your lordships of my intention to make a motion to this House, I think, that the high importance of the motion itself,

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therefore, though the number should exceed 20,000 men, the embodying and regimenting of them would not take place till the measure had received a parliamentary sanction. If recruiting parties had been out, or men had been proposed to be raised, it was usual every day; preparations in the recruiting service were necessary, because it was not the very instant men were wanted for actual service that they were recruited. He concluded with saying, that the Bill of Rights declared, that to keep a standing army within the kingdom, in time of peace, was contrary to law; but the present not being a time of peace, that provision did not apply. He wished the noble earl would withdraw his motion.

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sultation, and advice, was an act little short of superseding its authority, and stripping it of its rights.

The Earl of Effingham disapproved of withdrawing the motion; said he would be better pleased to meet the negative directly, than have the question, after full notice given, postponed. If administration meant to oppose it, they, it might be presumed, would not change their intentions, in the space of a few days. His lordship being reminded, that the motion was already withdrawn, insisted nevertheless, as a peer of parliament, on his right to give his sentiments upon every question introduced into that House.

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The Duke of Richmond declared, that the judges were the attendants of the Lord Camden said, the motion well de- House, and entered into an investigation served their lordships' most serious atten- of the different import of the word attion, as it was, in point of constitutional tendance,' distinguished from the word effect, of a most serious and important assistance,' as used in the Journals of the nature. He begged leave to lay in his House; deducing from thence, an arguclaim thus early, to be understood that ment, that the judges, to whom the word the question did not lie within the very attendance' was always applied, in strict narrow limits which had been assigned to compliance with their duty, should give it by the noble lord on the woolsack. It daily attendance; but on account of their seemed to him most materially to affect other important avocations, that attendthe privileges of parliament. He had not ance was excused, and they were never yet digested his thoughts on the subject, expected to be present, unless specially but from its naked appearance and the summoned. His grace contended, that a arguments which came in support of it motion for the attendance of the judges, from the woolsack, the consequence of by any noble lord in his place, was a mothose arguments would lead, in his opinion, tion granted as a matter of course comto the utter subversion of the constitution. prized within the standing order of the On that ground, he could venture, in the House; and that it was contrary to parliafirst instance, to pledge himsel, that he mentary customs to refuse it. With rewould prove that no such power, under gard to the present motion, it was highly any pretence, could be exercised, without necessary that the judges' opinions should the previous consent of parliament. But be had. Government was flattered, asif there could, it would be the most irresisted, and supported by Jacobites, Tories, fragable argument with their lordships, he presumed, to do every thing which depended upon them, to apply a speedy and effectual remedy. He further contended, that the question was of the first magnitude, and called for the most ample and solemn discussion. The measure of raising troops, without the consent, and during the sitting of parliament, was not only illegal, and unconstitutional, but a high violation of the fundamental privileges of parliament. To judge of the necessitics of the state, in point of measures offensive or defensive, and to make provisions accordingly, was of the very essence of parliament; to take any measure therefore, while the parliament was in being, and of course in an active, and not passive state, without previous information, con[VOL. XIX.]

and Highlanders, who were now raising large levies of men, for the support of measures, which had proved to be exceedingly injurious to the interest and honour of Great Britain: that this was a new and a very alarming case; that therefore it was well worth the enquiry of their lordships, and if found to be illegal, deserved their most pointed and severe censure.

The Earl of Suffolk argued, that from what he knew of the present state of the army, and the necessity for having as many men as could possibly be collected, for the public service, the summoning the judges, for the purposes declared in the motion, would not appear expedient at this moment; and that he, for one, should put his negative upon it.

The Earl of Shelburne said, the national [28]

concerns were indeed in a very precious predicament, if, when modes of raising troops, altogether new, and apparently unconstitutional, were publicly practised, upon a lord of that House stating his doubts as to the legality of the manner of raising levies, their lordships were to be told by one of the King's servants of the inexpediency of attempting to solve those doubts, and on that ground only the attempt was to be frustrated; an attempt which went to an ascertainment, whether the constitution was or was not to be endangered. The earl declared, that he had arrived in town only the preceding evening, and had not found time sufficiently to investigate the subject; but that the noble earl had done him the honour to communicate his opinion to him, and that he clearly saw the noble earl meant to consider a grand constitutional point; that therefore he had attended: that he conceived the summoning the judges to be a motion of course, and although he was not willing to do the public so much disservice, as wantonly to sport with their property, by calling for the judges without occasion, he could not conceive that their attendance for one day would be a matter of great inconvenience, especially as he observed that the Chief Justice (before whom as much business came as before any one judge) found time to attend the business of the House pretty constantly, and scarcely ever failed when any question was to be put in the fate of which government was concerned. Not (said his lordship) that I think the Judges' opinion of such mighty consequence; few questions come before this House of which your lordships are not as competent to decide as the judges. In grand national points I shall never be directed by the opinion of lawyers, nor will I go to Westminster-Hall to enquire whether or not the constitution is in danger. I speak therefore now merely upon the rights and privileges of parliament.

Earl Gower objected to the withdrawing of the motion with a liberty to repeat it in the same words; therefore the noble earl had the option of now abiding by the question, as first put, or omitting that part of it relative to summoning the judges.

The Duke of Richmond said, that if the matter propounded to the judges, when they did attend, was improper, the House might put a negative upon it; but in the first instance he had always understood that such a motion was never refused.

The Earl of Marchmont said, the judges were never called upon by their lordships, but in two cases: one was in matters of right, pleaded at the bar; the other was relative to the legal construction of an act of parliament.

The Earl of Suffolk said, that the duties of the judges required their attendance in another place, and that if their presence was required here, it might be productive of the worst consequences.

The Duke of Richmond insisted, that during the sitting of parliament their proper place was on the woolsack; that they formed in some measure a part of the House; and that according to its rules and orders they were always supposed to be present. He said he would not admit of negative proofs, and called on the noble earl who spoke last but one, to produce a single precedent in which the request now made had been refused.

Earl Gower acknowledged, that two judges during the sitting of parliament were supposed to attend; but he understood, and never heard it disputed, that it lay in the breast of the House, and not in that of a single member, to enforce their attendance. The reason of the thing pointed out its propriety, because it was plain, what one noble lord might do another might; the consequence of which might be, that being called upon day after day, the public justice of the nation would stand still, and every thing would be thrown into confusion.

The Earl of Marchmont mentioned what he called a case in point. He informed their lordships that he was present in the House at the time a motion was made in 1737, relative to the great riot in Edinburgh, about captain Porteus, who was executed by the mob, in which a noble duke moved for the attendance of the Scotch Judges, relative to a point of law. The question was carried, but the Judges refused to attend, and the affair dropped. From this instance his lordship concluded, that though the Judges were ordered to attend, they might refuse to comply.

The Duke of Richmond again insisted, that the Judges formed a part of the House; and as a proof that they did, he had enquired of the clerk, who informed him, that there were writs always issued previous to every new parliament, requir ing their attendance; though they were not returned, like the peers' writs, into that House. As to the point of inconveniency, it was little; because, during the

lords, instead of this, I find that none have a right to information that are not in the majority. If the majority think fit, the Judges may give their opinion; if they do not, the minority must remain in ig


terms, it was no great hardship upon the | tion of his vote and conduct, to call for Judges to slip up from Westminster-hall, their attendance to this end: but, my when the business of the courts of law were over. He had observed, that a noble lord (Mansfield) a peer of that House, and likewise one of the Judges, frequently attended in his place. When his absence could be dispensed with upon general as well as particular occasions, he presumed upon so vast and important a question as the present, neither the justice, nor legal business of the nation, would stand still. Since he was up, he begged leave to know from the noble lord, if the fact was as he had stated it, relative to the writs being issued out of that House, requiring the personal attendance of the Judges?

The Earl of Mansfield said, the fact was so; but as he had been a peer before he was a judge, he had never received any such writ.

It was at length agreed, to defer the further discussion of the question, till the 4th of February. The motion was accordingly withdrawn.

Feb. 4. The Earl of Abingdon. When I made my last motion to your lordships for a call of the Judges, in order to take their opinions upon the legality of raising regiments for his Majesty's service with out the sanction of parliament, 1 had two reasons for doing so. My first was, my own conscious want of legal knowledge to decide upon so important a case. My second, that the twelve Judges, like the twelve Apostles, being upright men, (and yet, my lords, even among these Apostles, there was one Judas Iscariot, who, as that reverend bench will tell us, betrayed his master; and with a kiss too, my lords. God forbid that, under such semblance of attachment, there be any Judas Iscariot among our Judges!) I say, my lords, that the Judges having not now on the fetters of corruption, (for, my lords, corruption has taken a higher course, and it is our legislators, and not our judges, that are corrupt) I was in hopes to have found in them, or at least in a majority of them, an honest and unbiassed opinion. These, my lords, were the motives of my motion: but there was still other ground I had to rest it upon. I had conceived that the Judges, being the constitutional attendants of this House, to advise with them in points of law, was the very reason of their being so; and that it was of right in every peer, for the more safe and better direc

It has been objected, that no single lord has a right to call for attendance of the Judges. In the first place, I deny the fact, that any single lord did call for their attendance. It was the voice of many, and of those who ought to have the greatest weight with this House; but if it had not been so, and I were alone in this motion, I would maintain the privilege in my own person. Let the Journals of the House shew an order to the contrary. Another objection was on account of the inexpediency of putting such a question to the Judges. Good God! Can it ever be inexpedient to know right from wrong? Can it be inexpedient to determine legality from illegality? Is it not our duty to do this? I only ask to have the laws of the land expounded to me. I required nothing illegal; all I desired was information; intending, that if this mode of raising men was legal, to propose an association of the independent Whigs of this country, for the purpose of embodying troops to defend the King and preserve the constitution. If it be illegal, how durst ministers countenance and encourage illegality? A third objection was, that I had not proved the fact that regiments were raising without the sanction of parliament. My lords, this quibble might well become a pleader at the Old Bailey, but it was unbecoming in him from whom it came, and of the dignity of this House. Your lordships would hardly force one of yourselves to bring witnesses to the bar to prove a fact of so much notoriety. But, my lords, I will trouble your lordships no more upon this head. Perceiving that the present ministers are ready to vote away that privilege which a better ministry would wish to preserve, I shall withdraw my motion for the attendance of the Judges, and will take the sense of this House upon those points which were intended to be propounded to them.

My lords, it cannot be expected of me, that I enter minutely into the discussion of the great and important question that I am now about to submit to your lordships' consideration. As this would have been the business of the judges, had they at

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