
the army is out of the limits of the province; but through the whole conduct of the last campaign that commander was unhandsomely used-and it is to continue. Nor, Sir, will the operations there be in future so smooth: consider what was done; general Carleton destroyed twelve of fifteen of the enemy's vessels on the lake the 19th of June, but he was then unable to proceed. Does he know that the 19th of June is a very early opening of a campaign there, and if he then could not proceed, why is he now, after the Americans have had so much time to repair their losses? It will be no such easy matter. Yet the fleet which he built there cost millions to this country-so much, that we shall never have the particulars. To me it appears clear, that the Americans had the advantage in all the great leading features of the campaign-the evacuation of Boston, general Carleton's retiring at the close of it, too weak to attack Ticonderago, and general Howe not being able to bring Washington to an action, but extending his lines till they were all driven back about his ears. Through the whole of these circumstances, we have had nothing to boast.

The Resolutions were then agreed to.

May 22. Lord North took occasion to observe, that several reports had been propagated, as if the Treasury board had made disadvantageous contracts, particularly in the article of rums, contracted for the use of the troops serving in America; and that a partiality had been practised, in giving a preference to some persons, on account of their connections and public situations. He totally disclaimed the most distant intention of the latter; and assured the House, if he had entered into any contracts, at an improper rate, it was not done with design. He had, however, enquired more minutely into the matter, and found the contrary to be the fact. He said, the contract for rum might be made for about 2s. 8d. on the spot; that this was lower than what was paid by the Navy-board; that agents were employed in Jamaica and America, to see the rums shipped and unshipped and delivered; that when cooperage, insurance, freight, and 8 per cent. brokerage, besides ullage, were taken into the account, the whole would be little short of 6s. per gallon; which was considerably more than what government engaged to pay, by their highest contract.

Colonel Barré said, his lordship was to

tally mistaken as to the price on the spot, the current average price being 1s. 94d., not 2s. 8d.; that the fullest value, taking freight, insurance, brokerage, agency, and leakage, of rums delivered in America, of the growth of Jamaica, would fall something short of 4s. instead of 6s. or 5s. 3d. He thought the whole transaction, relative to the rum contracts, wore a very slovenly and suspicious appearance; that it was too late in the session for the House to take up the subject; but, he trusted, it would resume its ancient right of checking the public accounts, already given in, early in the next; that they would call for evidence at the bar, in order to substitute facts for the assertions indiscriminately bandied about from the opposite side of the House; that if some such measure should not be adopted, this country must be undone by the contracting tribe. The noble lord had said, he had no gain by contracts: he believed him; but the mischief might be completely effected, without his lordship's sharing in the spoil. His lordship was surrounded by a troop of runners, dependants, &c. which was the most expensive of all troops that could possibly be kept in pay.

Lord Mulgrave said, from what he could learn from the mode of contracting adopted by the navy, the contracts now so severely condemned were made upon very proper and advantageous terms, all circumstances considered.

Mr. T. Townshend said, it was one of the prime privileges of that House, and became an essential part of its duty, as connected with the power of granting money, to watch the minister in the disposal of it, and check its expenditure. It was a part of their business in that House, and the leading object of their assembling, to call the minister to an account for the treasure committed to his charge. Matters of a very doubtful nature appeared, which, if not cleared up in due time, he hoped that House would discharge its duty, by properly exercising, and, if necessary, exerting its power in discovering the truth.

Mr. Montagu said, immense sums had been granted; the most boundless confidence had been reposed in the minister; and it behoved him to give the House every satisfaction in his power.

Sir Edward Astley said, he had strong reasons to fear, that the most shameful acts of public prodigality had been permitted, if not encouraged, by persons in authority.

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The King's Message for a Vote of Credit.] May 21. Lord North presented the following Message ;


"His Majesty, relying on the experienced zeal and affection of his faithful Commons, and considering, that, during the present troubles in North America, emergencies may arise, which may be of the utmost importance, and be attended with the most dangerous consequences, if proper means should not be immediately applied to prevent or defeat them, is desirous, that this House will enable him to defray any extraordinary expences incurred, or to be incurred, on account of military services, for the year 1777, and as the exigency of affairs may require: and his Majesty doubts not but that his faithful Commons will enable him to make good the charges attending the calling in and recoining the deficient gold coin, in pursuance of an act of parliament passed in the 14th year of his reign, which remain unsatisfied, and which cannot at this time

be ascertained."

cil of Madras. His facts, his detail, his arguments, and deductions, were uniformly directed to establish two leading points. One was, that the nabob of Arcot, by his powerful arguments used by that prince, instruments in this country, and by the of which his ambassadors were the bearers and enforcers, had formed a very powerful party in his favour; the other, that by similar means and arguments, and agents of a similar size and talents, he had been able to form a party in his favour in the council at Madras. Though the objects were twoposed was the same; the disgrace of lord fold, and seemingly distinct, the end proPigot, as the first necessary step to the advancement of the nabob's interest, that of acquiring possession of Tanjore. There must be an union of sentiments and inthis favourite scheme. The act of the terests, both here and in India, to effect council alone might answer a temporary purpose; but as soon as government was restored, justice would be done; the usurpers would be disgraced and punished; the nabob would be disappointed; and Tanjore would be restored to its lawful so

In consequence of this Message, the sum vereign. Take the event in another point of one million was granted.

Debate in the Commons on the Affairs of the East India Company.*] May 21. The House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House, on the Affairs of the East India Company.

Governor Johnstone opened the business, by recapitulating the eminent services of lord Pigot, when he formerly commanded as a military officer in the East Indies. He pointed out the several transactions his lordship had distinguished himself in; and closed his character by attributing to his prowess, military skill, and several other great and amiable qualities, that we now possessed a foot of territory in Asia, or perhaps even a permission to trade there. From establishing his lordship's character on the highest pinnacle of that species of fame, which is supported equally by the mild as the heroic virtues, the governor took a view of the state of affairs in India, beginning at the system growing out of the treaty of Paris in 1762, and ending with the latest dispatches received, either from lord Pigot or the coun

* For an account of the Revolution at Ma

dras, and of the transactions previous or rela-
tive to the deposing and imprisonment of lord
Pigot, see Annual Register for 1777, p. 94.

of view if administration, operated upon by the same powerful arguments of the nabob's agents here, had raised a faction among the proprietors to support that prince's pretensions to Tanjore; and by their cabals in Leadenhall-street, had prevailed either on the court of directors, or the general court, to send out counter orders to lord Pigot not to execute the first, but undo what he had done, still the restoration of the rajah would have been effected, the business would have been already done, by the full and complete cooperation of the council: so that a change of measures diametrically opposite to those just executed, would be dangerous or impracticable; and the views of the nabob would have been defeated in either event. But government having been brought over here, co-operated with the faction in council at Madras; and by its influence in Leadenhall-street, prevailed on the proprietary to endanger their own interest, from motives of immediate convenience, and by that means to disgrace an honourable and able servant, and sacrifice the rights of a faithful ally, to objects the most base, mean, and ignoble.

After going over this ground, he adverted to the facts, on which the business of the day depended. He said, though the council seemingly unanimous, agreed

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to the restoration of the rajah of Tanjore | It is true, his lordship did receive a few to his dominions, they secretly disapproved trifling presents; he wished he had not. of the measure. He pointed out some in- They consisted of a cow, an elephant, two stances, which proved this assertion be- mares, and a gold tea service, to the yond question. One in particular he dwelt amount of 500l. which he presented to his upon. The former minister of the rajah, daughter, then lately married. He prewhen his country was delivered up to the sumed no man would say these were bribes nabob, with his master's consent, became received on the condition of sacrificing the collector, or treasurer, of all the revenues interests of the Company, or the honour of the nabob. The royal revenues are, in of the nation. The contrary was well the east, in fact, the rent or produce of known; it was, indeed, ridiculous to dwell the land; the princes in the east being the upon it. His lordship might have almost sole land-owners, or owners of the soil. any thing he could wish or desire, if he This man had lived in the above capacity, had consented to co-operate in the views in the court of Tanjore, for fifty years. of the nabob. The attempts made both in When, therefore, lord Pigot restored the India and here were no secret, whatever rajah, the nabob refused to permit the the real success of such attempts, in some treasurer to render up his trust to his old instances, might be. If, however, the facts master, and commanded him to return to could not be proved, the general effects of him immediately with his accounts. The corruption were manifest. The governor treasurer looked upon himself as a servant was very jocular on the persuasive powers to the nabob, and was returning accord- of the worthy baronet below him, (sir H. ing to his instructions. But, the docu- Mackworth) and the miraculous effects of ments in the possession of the treasurer his voice, in calling and collecting together answering the end of title deeds, lord persons from the most distant part of the Pigot demanded them for the use of the kingdom, from the dock-yards of Portsrajah, and on the minister's refusal, or- mouth, Chatham, and Plymouth; from dered him to be apprehended. The order Bristol, Liverpool, Newcastle, and the was not executed by the persons entrusted county of Huntingdon; to do what? The till the minister had entered into the na- most extraordinary of all extraordinary bob's territories, out of those of the rajah. things, to reinstate lord Pigot in his goThis was the great crime urged by the vernment, and forthwith to recall him. nabob and his agents against lord Pigot, He pointed out the absurdity of the resoas a breach of the amity subsisting be- lution carried for reinstating lord Pigot; tween the Company and nabob; and of and instantly recalling him, and all those the treaty of Paris, in which his rights engaged in the subversion of government, were specially reserved; and this com- under one general charge of public delinplaint being countenanced by the council, quency. Before he sat down, he said, he shewed plainly, among a thousand other should move some resolutions; and, if carproofs, that the nabob was not so much ried, would follow them with a motion, displeased with lord Pigot for seizing the that the chairman do move the House, for rajah's minister in the Carnatic, as for re- leave to bring in a Bill for the better sestoring that injured prince to his domi- curing our settlements in the East Indies. nions in obedience to his instructions from The governor then moved six Resolutions; the Company. Besides, his lordship was the first, approving in strong terms of lord entirely innocent if the act had been as Pigot's conduct as governor of Madras: criminal as represented, for his orders were the second, approving of the conduct of to seize him in the territories of Tanjore, the court of directors; the third, the reand not elsewhere; the treasurer's local solution of the court of proprietors of the change was neither thought of or foreseen 11th of April; the fourth, approving of by his lordship; so that if it was an infrac- the first part of the resolution of the 9th tion of treaty, or the laws of nations, his of May, for restoring lord Pigot; the fifth, lordship stood equally innocent, within the for disapproving of that part of the resoletter, as the spirit, for he issued no orders lution which orders his recall; and the to apprehend him in the nabob's country. sixth, approving of the recall of the counsellors, whose names are mentioned in said resolution,

The governor took notice of the scandalous means made use of to vilify lord Pigot, and depreciate his character through the channel of the newspapers. In particular, respecting the article of presents.

Mr. G. Rous seconded the governor. He maintained, that the interference of administration, even independent of its

power and influence in Leadenhall-street, | faction is formed in India, to counteract had reached India, and would probably and defeat the instructions of the court effect as much mischief in the latter place of directors. To let matters rest there, as in the former. This, he said, had been would be only doing things by halves; brought about by more ways than one; the new influence created in the country but chiefly by the commission from the must be cherished and strengthened, by crown, enabling certain persons therein encouraging appeals to Europe. The named to be plenipotentiaries, to treat nabob employs his agents and ambassawith the country powers, and enter into dors; they conceal themselves for a while, treaties with them independent of the till they form an interest here. One of Company, and without consulting it. them, (Mr. Macleane) announces himself Thus, what was not done in Leadenhall- as the agent of Mr. Hastings. He acts for street, was effectually completed on the him, but suddenly throws off the mask, spot. The Directors were rendered and declares himself the agent or ambascyphers at home, whenever they thought sador for the nabob of Arcot. Thus a proper to differ from administration; their faction is formed, fomented, and nouorders were defeated in India, whenever rished, both in India and Great Britain; they carried any point here against the and the proprietors, willing to support sentiments of the King's servants. These their servants from such unconstitutional plenipotentiaries had done more mischief attacks, resist every attempt to seduce than perhaps the nation was aware of; them in the first instance, till at length they detached the country powers from administration making it a public point, the Company's servants, teaching them to as well as private object, by the full influ look up to more powerful assistance. The ence of the crown, overturn every thing nabob of Arcot was a striking instance of that had been effected by their directors this. Those plenipotentiaries of the crown at home, or their servants in India. He had filled him full of ideas of equality and thought the council at Madras had acted independency; of equality with the King from the most factious and corrupt motives: of Great Britain, as a sovereign prince; of because they agreed unanimously with independency of the Company, who were lord Pigot on the propriety of carrying but the servants and subjects of his ally. his instructions relative to the restoration These men, from views of ambition and of the rajah of Tanjore into execution; self-interest, had filled the nabob's head and never differed from him on any general full of similar notions with those they or particular measure concerning it, till themselves were inspired with. They Mr. Benfield, on his own account, and as talked to him of the treaty of Paris, and trustee for those who acted along with the guarantee of his dominions by the him, composed the majority of the councourt of France. Part of the consequences cil, became a mortgagee of the revenues of of the spirit thus raised, was the plan Tanjore, by having them assigned to him agreed upon between the nabob and Mr. for money supposed to be advanced to the Hastings, for dispossessing the rajah of nabob. He observed, that his hon. friend Tanjore of his dominions, and annexing who made the motion stated the patricular them to the Carnatic. The ill policy and part of the mortgage belonging to Mr. injustice of such an outrage of every thing Benfield, at 30,000l. and the whole, for that ought to be held sacred and binding which he stands trustee, at 250,000l. but among men, struck the direction with he begged leave to say, that this fell infi horror. They heard, with grief and asto- nitely short of the real sum; for, the acnishment, that the unfortunate and unof- tual sum, for which the majority of the fending Gentoo prince was despoiled of his council were creditors of the nabob, was dominions, on a shameful, barefaced pre-upwards of 800,000l. which he could shew tence of an arrear of tribute being due to the nabob. The directors accordingly sent out lord Pigot, for the express purpose of repairing the injury, and restoring the rajah to his territories. What has been the consequence of this? Lord Pigot undertakes the execution of the task; he performs it, as far as depends on him, with spirit and fidelity. The effect of this new system of power is suddenly felt; a

from proofs not to be controverted. The worst part of the whole transaction, and what corroborated every argument used, and deduction drawn by him, was, that this mortgage, or mock loan, took place after the council knew that Tanjore was to be restored to its rightful owner, which proved two things; that they acted from corrupt motives, in opposing lord Pigot; and that they dared to do so on promises

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mitted to retain them a day. He then moved, "That the chairman do now leave the chair."

Mr. T. Townshend said, the hon. gentleman had observed upon the connections and particular affections of those persons who favoured lord Pigot, and had remarked, that no independent man found fault with the resolutions of the court of proprietors for replacing and then recalling lord Pigot; for his part, he de

Sir Herbert Mackworth expressed his surprize, that the hon. gentleman should move the present resolutions so late in the session; and said, he was the more sur. prised, that he should think of bringing the affairs of the India Company at all before parliament, when he recollected for several years past to have heard him uni-clared himself independent of both sides formly declaim against the interference of parliament in the affairs of the Company. The resolutions of the Company of the 9th of May, had been approved by all independent persons, and only those who had particular connections with lord Pigot, had disapproved. He maintained, that lord Pigot had abused the trust committed to him, and had, contrary to all justice and form, suspended the two counsellors, by a trick as unconstitutional as indecent. He had therefore acted so extremely wrong, that it became necessary to recall him. On the other hand, the behaviour of the counsellors, in seizing and imprisoning lord Pigot, to the total subversion of all legal government, was equally reprehensible. On that ground, the counsellors were likewise ordered to return to this country, to answer for their misconduct; but as the consequences of the misconduct of lord Pigot, in suspending the two counsellors, and thereby obtain ing a majority in support of his measures, were not to be so much dreaded as a sudden subversion of government, and an usurpation in consequence of that subversion; to hold out an example, and assert the dignity of government, lord Pigot was restored; but as equally involved in the most manifest violations of the constitution of the Company, and abuse of power, his lordship was included in the public disapprobation such a conduct deservedly brought after it. He defended the logical propriety of the terms in which the resolution at the India House, for recalling lord Pigot, &c. was conveyed. He said, that it might be easily conceived, that a person should be reinstated to preserve certain forms, and to convey a consequential censure, and yet forthwith be recalled. It would be answered, probably, why not, after reinstating lord Pigot, let him remain in his station for a month, or three, or six months, if required? He was of opinion, that as his lordship had abused the powers intrusted to him, he should not be per

of the House, neither had he any knowledge of lord Pigot but from his public character, which he had heard was most excellent. As to the India House, he had never been but once at their court, and he then resolved it should be the last time: he was therefore free to declare, that he disapproved the last resolution of the court of proprietors of the 9th of May, but most highly approved the first. It appeared to him, that the restoration of lord Pigot to his government was a voluntary act of the court of proprietors, founded in justice; that the second, for recalling him immediately, was a most absurd contradiction of the first, and a measure brought about by administration; for the nabob was encouraged at home; he had an ambassador here, not indeed with any pompous titles, state, and parade, but a gentleman of abilities, a Mr. Macleane, who he heard, as soon as he had effected the nabob's business by the destruction of lord Pigot, was to return back as ambassador from the King of Great Britain to the nabob. It seemed likewise, that he had a third master, Mr. Hastings, the avowed enemy of lord Pigot, though once his firm friend; that Mr. Hastings had recommended Mr. Macleane to the nabob; and it might fairly be concluded from all this, that his highness and Mr. Hastings were the contrivers of the arrest of lord Pigot. He was severe on the ambitious views of the nabob, on the supineness of the Company's servants at home, and the influence of the ministry over them; in short, he represented the majority to have been collected by the minister's industry for the second resolution of recalling lord Pigot; adding, that he should not be surprised to see Mr. Macleane and the gentlemen of the council, who subverted the government of Madras by the most daring act of violence, brought into parliament hereafter as borough members. So far from thinking parliament ought not to interfere, or that the committee should be

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