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of the motion, he would not be one of those who would give his vote in favour of any positive resolution of parliament, to exclude the people without doors totally; and if the power could be totally vested in the Speaker, and committed to his discretion, he might perhaps risk a little of the strictness of his ruler's doctrines.

Sir W. Meredith said, that none but members ought to be present during the debates of that House; there were votes published under the Speaker's authority, which sufficiently declared the sense and determination of the House of Commons on every important question. The arguments, the motives, the policy, and influence that might induce those decisions, were out of the pale of popular enquiry. The world at large, even our immediate constituents, had no just claim to be apprized of all the minutiae of debate; but if gentlemen wished to let in strangers, they should first learn to preserve better temper, to lay aside inflammatory declamation, personal animosities, and indecent. freedom of speech; then, perhaps, all parties might coincide in an opinion to extend the indulgence that was now asked for, as far as it could go, without impeding the business of the nation, or molesting the members in the possession of their seats in the body of the House.

hold.] May 1. It was moved, that the
Bill "for the better support of his Ma-
jesty's household, and of the honour and
dignity of the crown of Great Britain,"
be committed: which being objected to;
after a short debate, was resolved in the

"Because though I admit and zealously contend, that the splendor and dignity of the crown of Great Britain and the credit of the royal household, ought, for his Majesty's personal satisfaction, no less than for the honour of the nation, to be maintained by liberal grants of parliament (liberal beyond the charge of parsimony, or a minute calculation of the demands of government), yet when no consideration is had, and no account whatever given in, of various productive funds of which his Majesty's servants are in the receipt, and which never are accounted for in parliament, I must insist, that all calculations of a deficiency in the assumed sum of 800,000l. only, are fallacious and absurd.

"Because these funds produce either the sum of 78,000l. or more or less. If they produce that sum, the produce more than liquidates the present stated debt: if they produce less, but yet produce something, the accounts upon the table cannot be true, for such produce would then either have been accounted for in diminution of The Speaker finished the debate, by this debt, or such produce is still in hand, calling on the House to instruct him on and the means of discharging such debt this delicate occasion how he was to act. remain; or there has been some secret He said, if it were to meet the sense of expenditure to which it has been applied, the House, and he could be allowed to and which administration have not thought admit strangers impartially, and according fit to mention. If they produce (as I to a general rule agreed on by all parties, cannot but think they do produce) consihe should be far, for his part, from having derably more, it surely rests on adminisan objection to such indulgence; but he tration to shew the application, rather than wished not to have a discretionary task becomes the credulity of parliament to acassigned to him in an affair of this kind, cept these accounts as complete, or its gewhere he was apprehensive that the best- nerosity to supply with such readiness, meant complacency, and unbiassed dis- and consequently encourage the wantonpensation of his power, would fail of giv-ness of their profusion as to the amount, ing that unanimous satisfaction which was the first object of his ambition.

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and perhaps their criminality in destination of these sums.

"And because when, exclusive of the enormous sums stated to be lodged with certain who are members of the persons, House of Commons, for secret and special services, (words calculated to perplex, and not inform), the extravagant amount of salaries and acknowledged pensions, (to which parliamentary jealousy claims a right of making a large addition, on account of the general belief, amounting with many persons to an internal convic

tion, of considerable disbursements for se- | cret and unacknowledged purposes), is considered, I hold it my duty as a member of the legislature, to withhold the additional means, afforded by this Bill, of corrupting the integrity of parliament. "RADNOR."

MR. SPEAKER NORTON'S SPEECH TO THE KING ON PRESENTING THE BILL FOR THE BETTER SUPPORT OF HIS MAJESTY'S HOUSEHOLD.] May 7. The King being seated on the throne, adorned with his crown and regal ornaments, and attended by his officers of state (the Lords being in their robes), commanded the gentleman usher of the Black Rod to let the Commons know, "It is his Majesty's pleasure they attend him immediately, in this House." Who being come,

Mr. Speaker Norton addressed his Ma-. jesty as follows:*

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"Most Gracious Sovereign, “The Bill, which it is now my duty to present to your Majesty, is intituled, An Act for the better support of his Majesty's Household, and of the honour and dignity of the crown of Great Britain: to which your Commons humbly beg your royal assent.

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"By this Bill, Sir, and the respectful circumstances which preceded and accompanied it, your Commons have given the fullest and clearest proof of their zeal and affection for your Majesty. For, in a time of public distress, full of difficulty and danger, their constituents labouring under burthens almost too heavy to be borne, your faithful Commons postponed all other business; and, with as much dispatch as the nature of their proceedings would admit, have not only granted to your Majesty a large present supply, but also a very great additional revenue;great, beyond example; great, beyond your Majesty's highest expence.t


"But all this, Sir, they have done, in a well-grounded confidence, that you will apply wisely, what they have granted liberally and feeling, what every good subject must feel with the greatest satisfaction, that, under the direction of your Majesty's wisdom, the affluence and grandeur of the sovereign will reflect dignity and honour upon his people."

*This is an exact copy of the Speech as published by the Speaker.

+ Several members, who took notes of this Speech, wrote wants instead of expence.

Ordered, nem. con. That Mr. Speaker be desired to print the Speech by him made to his Majesty in the House of Peers, this day, upon his presenting to his Majesty the Bill for the better support of his Majesty's Household, and of the honour and dignity of the crown of Great Britain, which then received the royal


Debate in the Commons on a Demand made by the Landgrave of Hesse for the Expences of Foreign Hospitals during the late War.] May 8. In the Committee of Supply, Lord North moved, "That 41,820. be granted to the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel, to make good expences of foreign hospitals during the late war: that 32,9341. be granted for a like sum distributed among his Majesty's subjects in America, for the losses they have sus

tained since the commencement of the present troubles in that country." On the first Resolution, the Committee divided, Ayes 38, Noes 20. The second was agreed to without a division.

Colonel Barré condemned the conduct

of administration in very severe terms, particularly for what he called their public profusion, and the House for its tame ac minister, however scandalous and barequiescence in every thing proposed by the

faced. He enumerated the several douceurs the German princes had received, in order to induce them to a mercenary bargain for the sale of human blood, to be spilt in a quarrel they had no more eventual interest in, than in that now waging between the Turk and the Sophi of Persia, or the scenes of murder, oppression, and pillage, acting within the Mogul empire. Every request, however unreasonable, was granted; every offer, however preposterous and humiliating, was made to those petty princes, to induce them to forward the schemes of a set of men, who were de termined to extirpate our subjects on the other side of the Atlantic, or compel them to submit. They had double subsidies, levy-money, ordnance, and staff: they were paid for killed and wounded men, and still their corps were to be recruited to their full complements previous to their return to Hesse and Brunswick, so that they were doubly paid, doubly officered, and were to have double subsidies. Levymoney was even paid for their officers, a circumstance unknown, he believed, in the military annals of mankind. He observed, that fourteen years had elapsed since the

more." All Germany will daily teaze with importunities, or stun this House with its after-claps. We shall never be easy; we shall never have done granting, nor they asking, while we have a shilling left to grant. He was severe on the minister for urging a matter of so much consequence when there was so thin an attendance.

state claim, now revived, was first made; | ber-" The fruitful parent of a hundred that a commission was appointed to take the whole of the German demands into consideration, to examine and liquidate them; that after the most laborious investigation, several of the claims, among which the present was one, were totally rejected, neither being properly vouched nor authenticated; and of those that had a colour of justice to support them, the commissioners thought they acted generously by liquidating the demands at 11d. in the pound discount; that is, instead of paying the German princes 20s., they gave them just 20d. An expression had fallen from him in a former debate, which he now begged leave to retract. He had said, that that House held the public purse. Fool, that he was, for being so deceived! He might have long since learned, that whatever sum the minister thinks proper to ask is instantly voted without hesitation, without account.

Mr. Cornwall said, he was one of the commissioners who were appointed to liquidate the German demands; but denied that the charge for hospitals was totally, or at all rejected. It did not properly come under the cognizance of the board, because it depended upon another account, not at that time made up, that of Mr. Bishop, who was purveyor to the hospitals. So far from the demand being stated, it was kept up from the time it was first incurred, to the present year, in a regular official manner; and when it came before the commissioners, it was neither refused nor reprobated, but was merely postponed, as not being regularly before them. From what appeared then, as well as what he had learned since, he was convinced the claim was a just one.

Mr. Burke said, he always understood that the German accounts had been settled many years ago; parliament and the nation, he presumed, understood so too. If he was mistaken, he was mistaken in good company; and all he could say now was, that the commissioners, among whom he might include his hon. friend, had not done their duty. This demand, which, it seems, was known to every one but those who ought to have been thoroughly acquainted with it, lay sleeping for upwards of two years, and now came waking to that House, which, indeed, seemed, like the claim, to be slumbering over the interest of the nation. If this demand was paid, the certain consequence would be, its being followed by others beyond num

Lord North allowed, that the account was of a long standing; and wished it had been made earlier. That, he observed, however, was the only objection that could be urged against it; for he was of opinion that the account was clearly stated, and that the demand was just, and ought to be paid.

Mr. T. Townshend spoke warmly against the motion. He observed, that the German accounts were made up most iniquitously; and that that able and honest man, the late Mr. Grenville, being minister at the time the commission was appointed to enquire into, and to liquidate them, set his face against them. He instanced one or two particulars of gross imposition, and observed, that although the defalcation made by the commissioners might not be quite so much, as that stated by his hon. friend, he was pretty sure that it amounted to full two-thirds, if not more. He instanced one article of 70,000l. being entirely rejected; whether the claim now made was included in that sum, he knew not; but he was certain the whole affair had a very disgraceful appearance.

Sir Charles Bunbury said, he should certainly give his negative to the resolution; an account examined and settled, should never again be brought forward, unless proofs, which were out of the power of the creditor, accompanied it. Nothing like that was pretended; no new light was spoken of; the only reason assigned by the minister for complying with the demand was, merely that it was made, and that was all.

An explanatory conversation now took place between lord North and Messrs. Barré, Cornwall, Townshend, and Burke ; in the course of which, nothing could be drawn from the Treasury-bench, but that the honour of the nation, founded on its good faith to all the world, particularly to its allies, rendered a compliance with the present demand indispensably necessary.

Mr. Burke denied that the good faith, or national honour, was at all concerned. On the contrary, he thought that they

The Resolutions were then agreed to. The Speaker having resumed the chair, as soon as the first Resolution was read,


were both so much concerned, as to re-entitle it to the attention of that House. ject the motion with contempt. If we He should say a word or two on each of gave money, we should give it spontane- those heads. As to the staleness of the ously, and not be bullied out of it. The demand, the contrary was manifest, for it Hessians were now maintaining a ministe- was included in the gross sum which came rial war in America. Honour, dignity, before the commissioners, but not thinking even decency was to be sacrificed to this themselves authorized, the matter, so far favourite measure. Hesse availed them- as it concerned them, was postponed, not selves of the glorious golden opportunity, rejected. Applications were then made and extorted the sum now demanded; through an official channel, where it was or, he presumed, threatened to withdraw answered, that until Mr. Bishop's actheir troops. He laughed at the dignity counts, who had the superintendancy of and honour of the nation, and the good all the hospitals, were received, nothing faith observed by it towards its allies; and could be done. When those accounts concluded with predicting, that the king were passed, the foreign hospitals made a of Prussia would again renew and press his part of them. They were accordingly reclaims relative to the arrears of subsidy ferred to the auditor of the imprest, where due since the late war; and, in his opi- being audited and passed, they were renion, was much better entitled to be gra- ferred back to the Treasury board. tified, than the landgrave of Hesse, though the affair stood in 1773 or 1774, when the he did not mean to consider the justice of last steps were taken in this matter. Other his Majesty's claim in any other than a business of greater importance, or accicomparative view. dent, prevented any thing more being done, till the treaties with Hesse were entered into and from that time till the account was ultimately examined and approved of, Sir Henry Hoghton said, that no person nothing particular passed on the occasion. would be readier to support the good faith The discharging the demand made no part of the nation than himself; but he could of any public or private stipulation. When never consent to the granting a sum of the Treasury board received that degree money, which exactly resembled a foreign of satisfaction, and those regular official tribute, extorted from us on account of documents it always requires, administrathe distracted situation of our public af- tion for the first time determined to bring fairs. He was certain, that no example of the matter into that House. The claim, such a requisition was known in the annals then, being neither a stale nor dormant of parliament, that a debt should be de- one, he could with justice say, that it was manded at the end of 14 years; and that never rejected. The reason why the comat such a critical season, that, he pre- missioners declined having any thing to do sumed, those who made it imagined that with it, was this: Mr. Bishop's accounts, it could not, nor would not be denied. in which those of the foreign hospitals were For his part, however ready he was to give included, not being passed in the official strength and vigour to government, he forms, it was impossible for them to detershould do all in his power to disappoint so mine on the affair of foreign hospitals, ungenerous an expectation; and as he without directly taking upon them to despoke, he should most certainly vote cide on Mr. Bishop's accounts, which was against it. He could not help expressing clearly out of their province. And as to some degree of indignation at an attempt, the last objection, that the accounts were which bore every appearance of endea- neither clear nor properly vouched, if even vouring to impose on the nation by means true, it did not remain to be now discussed. the most unprecedented and unjustifiable. If they were improperly passed, that might Mr. Cornwall said the affair had been to-be a subject very proper for the House to tally misunderstood in the committee. The demand was represented as a dormant claim, now revived, though suffered to sleep for 14 years; that it was rejected by the commissioners appointed to liquidate the German demands, during the administration of Mr. Grenville; and that, in its present shape it wanted that degree of authenticity, which it ought to have, to

examine into, as applying to the conduct of the officers; but, as against the claim, it availed nothing. The demand was made in time; it was regularly examined, and officially passed; and consequently, as between this country and the landgrave of Hesse, it had every sanction which the law or constitution could give it.

Sir George Howard observed, however

ingenious the hon. gentleman's arguments might be, they were nevertheless far from bringing home conviction to his mind, He well remembered, that when he was in Germany, frequent applications were made to him on the subject, but he could never be prevailed upon to give his countenance to what he all along had reason to believe was conducted in a very suspicious, if not fraudulent, manner. He recollected having several conversations with Bishop, which, with what he learned himself, were the causes why he entertained the disapprobation he now expressed; nor could he see how the passing of Bishop's accounts totally precluded the commissioners from entering into any enquiry into the justice of the demand, but by resorting to the true cause, which was, that the claim was really and truly rejected: or that if it had been pressed at the time, it would have been found to be unsupported by truth or justice. In every light, therefore, he considered the claim, and from the mode of bringing it forward, he had still more reason to think it ought not to be complied with.

Mr. Baldwin opposed the receiving the report, chiefly on account of the staleness of the demand. The debt, on which the demand was founded, was contracted 16 years ago. A regular demand was made; commissioners were appointed to decide whether it was or was not a just one; the issue of their enquiries was a positive rejection.

Mr. Booth said, the present was a claim he could never consent to; and the mode of bringing it forward, so late in the season, and when so many of the representatives of the people were absent, not expecting such an after-clap, rendered the affair still more disagreeable.

Sir Grey Cooper insisted, that nothing could be more clear than the accounts, nor nothing more satisfactory than the manner in which they were vouched and passed. That whatever reluctance some gentlemen might have to the staleness, there did not a single objection subsist against the justice of the demand; and as for its being of so long a standing, when it was considered that it could not have been otherwise, that objection must share the same fate, as proceeding entirely from necessity.

Mr. I. Townshend contended, that the present sum, if voted, would be in fact an additional subsidy; and lamented those fatal measures which had thus reduced us

to the humiliating situation of being dictated to, and bullied, by every petty prince on the German continent, into the most mortifying and disgraceful concessions. This, he said, with numerous others of the same tendency, were the blessed fruits of endeavouring to reduce our subjects in America to a state of the most wretched slavery.

Mr. Cornwall said, when the matter first came to his knowledge, he retained some doubts whether it could be entertained, or be properly brought before parliament; but when, upon further enquiry, he discovered the true state of the transaction, as he had represented it, the noble lord who moved the resolution in the committee, as well as himself, were of opinion, that the money might have been paid without bringing it into parliament, or previously procuring its consent, as an out-standing arrear, regularly vouched, audited, and passed.

Mr. Burke was extremely jocular on the hon. gentleman who spoke last. The hon. gentleman, said he, first had his doubts, or rather was of opinion, that the application should have been rejected; and 1 think with great justice. His doubts, however, on further enquiry, began to vanish, and at length running from one extreme to the other, his mind suddenly became so enlightened, that he thought the noble lord might pay the demand without even so much as consulting this House, but only inform us he had paid it. This, I confess, is a most extraordinary alteration of senti ment. I should be glad to know from the hon. gentleman the ground of his doubts, when they began to vanish, and what it is that at length wrought this mighty change. Did the hon. gentleman's doubts proceed from his opinion that the claim was absolutely rejected by the very commission under which he acted? If they did, what new lights has he since received? I will appeal to himself if he has a single word of information now, more than he bad then. If this be the case, how is it possible to account for this sudden illumination of his mind, but by supposing that he looks for. ward to the possible consequences of a refusal, and sanctifies the means by the end, that of keeping the landgrave in good temper. But there is something still more unaccountable in the hon. gentleman's conduct in another particular, than even any thing I have yet mentioned; that is, though he and the noble lord are both perfectly satisfied that the money demanded

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