The Works of President Edwards, 1. kötetB. Franklin, 1968 |
Részletek a könyvből
1 - 3 találat összesen 48 találatból.
468. oldal
... happiness in seeing the happy state of the creature ; yet this may not be different from his delight in himself ; being a delight in his own infinite goodness ; or the exercise of that glorious propensity of his nature to diffuse and ...
... happiness in seeing the happy state of the creature ; yet this may not be different from his delight in himself ; being a delight in his own infinite goodness ; or the exercise of that glorious propensity of his nature to diffuse and ...
478. oldal
... happiness is nothing , but the emanation and expression of God's glory : God , in seeking their glory and happiness , seeks himself : and in seeking himself , i . e . himself diffused and expressed , ( which he delights in , as he ...
... happiness is nothing , but the emanation and expression of God's glory : God , in seeking their glory and happiness , seeks himself : and in seeking himself , i . e . himself diffused and expressed , ( which he delights in , as he ...
531. oldal
... happiness of the creature aimed at is hap- piness in union with himself . The creature is no further happy with this happiness which God makes his ultimate end , than he becomes one with God . The more happiness the greater union : when ...
... happiness of the creature aimed at is hap- piness in union with himself . The creature is no further happy with this happiness which God makes his ultimate end , than he becomes one with God . The more happiness the greater union : when ...
His Mission to the Indians | 83 |
Appendix | 91 |
A Brief Account of Mrs Burr | 98 |
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absolute absurd according act of choice actions agreeable antecedent appears Arminians benevolence blame Calvinists cause cerning choose Christ church command common concerning connection consequence considered consists contingent contrary creation creature decree decretive degree delight desire determined disposition divine doctrine Edwards effect endeavour esteem eternal event evidence excellent exercise exertion existence follow free act free agent freedom fulness glorified God's glory happiness heart holy implies impossible inclination inconsistent Indifference infinite influence Jesus Christ JONATHAN EDWARDS last end Lord manifest manner means Messiah metaphysical mind moral Agents moral evil moral necessity Motive nature of things Nebuchadnezzar necessary Northampton object observed passive power perfect perly pleasure praise Prescience principles proper properly Psal reason regard religious conversation respect sake scripture self-determining sense shew soul speak suppose supposition thee things considered tion truth ultimate end unto vice virtue virtuous volition wherein WHITBY words worthy