Heaven would that she these gifts should have, Ros. O most gentle Jupiter!-what tedious homily of love have you wearied your parishioners withal, and never cry'd, Have patience, good people! CEL. How now! back friends?-Shepherd, go off a little:-Go with him, firrah. TOUCH. Come, shepherd, let us make an honourable retreat; though not with bag and baggage, yet with scrip and scrippage. [Exeunt Corin and TOUCHSTONE. It is obfervable that the story of Atalanta in the Tenth Book of Ovid's Metamorphofes is interwoven with that of Venus and Adonis, which our author had undoubtedly read. The lines most material to the prefent point run thus in Golding's Tranflation, 1567: "She overcame them out of doubt; and hard it is to tell "Thee, whether she did in footemanshippe or beautie more excell." " - he did condemne the young men's love. But when " He faw her face and body bare, (for why, the lady then Did ftrip her to her naked skin,) the which was like to mine, "Or rather, if that thou wast made a woman, like to thine, "He was amaz'd." And though that she "Did flie as swift as arrow from a Turkie bow, yet hee grace. The passage quoted by Mr. Malone from Marston's Infatiate Countess, has no reference to the ball of Atalanta, but to the golden apple which was adjudged to Venus by Paris, on Mount Ida. After all, I believe, that "Atalanta's better part" means onlythe best part about her, fuch as was most commended. STEEVENS. 4 Sad-] Is grave, fober, not light. JOHNSON. So, in Much ado about Nothing: -" She is never fad but when she sleeps." STEEVENS. 3 -the touches-) The features; les traits. JOHNSON. So, in King Richard III: "Madam, I have a touch of your condition." STEEVENS. i CEL. Didst thou hear these verses ? Ros. O, yes, I heard them all, and more too; for fome of them had in them more feet than the verses would bear. CEL. That's no matter; the feet might bear the verfes. 1 Ros. Ay, but the feet were lame, and could not bear themselves without the verse, and therefore stood lamely in the verse. CEL. But didst thou hear, without wondering how thy name should be hang'd and carved upon these trees? Ros. I was seven of the nine days out of the wonder, before you came; for look here what I found on a palm-tree: I was never so be-rhimed fince Pythagoras' time, that I was an Irish rat, which I can hardly remember. 6 -a palm-tree:] A palm-tree, in the foreft of Arden is as much out of its place, as the lioness in a subsequent scene. STEEVENS. I was never fo be-rhimed fince Pythagoras' time, that I was an Irish rat,] Rosalind is a very learned lady. She alludes to the Pythagorean doctrine, which teaches that fouls tranfmigrate from one animal to another, and relates that in his time she was an Irish rat, and by fome metrical charm was rhymed to death. The power of killing rats with rhymes Donne mentions in his Satires, and Temple in his Treatises. Dr. Grey has produced a similar passage from Randolph : My poets "Shall with a fatire, steep'd in gall and vinegar, JOHNSON, So, in an address to the reader, at the conclufion of Ben Jonfon's Poetafter: "Rhime them to death, as they do Irish rats "In drumming tunes," STEEVENS, So, in The Defence of Poefie by our author's contemporary, Sir Philip Sidney: "Though I will not with unto you-to be driven by a poet's verses, as Rubonax was, to hang yourself, nor to be rimed to death, as is faid to be done in Ireland"-. MALONE. CEL. Trow you, who hath done this?) 1 Ros. Is it a man? 1 CEL. And a chain, that you once wore, about his neck: Change you colour? Ros. I pr'ythee, who? CEL. O lord, lord! it is a hard matter for friends to meet; but mountains may be removed with earthquakes, and so encounter. Ros. Nay, but who is it? CEL. Is it possible?" 8 Ros. Nay, I pray thee now, with most petitionary vehemence, tell me who it is. CEL. O wonderful, wonderful, and most wonderful wonderful, and yet again wonderful, and after that out of all whooping!? 1-friends to meet;) Alluding ironically to the proverb: "Friends may meet, but mountains never greet." 8 i See Ray's Collection. STEEVENS. but mountains may be removed with earthquakes, and fo encounter.] "Montes duo inter fe concurrerunt," &c. fays Pliny, Hift. Nat. Lib. II. c. Ixxxiii. or in Holland's translation: "Two bills (removed by an earthquake) encountered together, charging as it were, and with violence affaulting one another, and retyring again with a most mighty noise." TOLLET. 9 out of all whooping!] i. e. out of all measure, or reckoning. So, in the Old Ballad of Yorke, Yorke for my money, &c. 1584: " And then was shooting, out of cry, Again, in the old bl. 1. comedy called Common Conditions: This appears to have been a phrase of the fame import as another formerly in use, " out of all cry." The latter seems to allude to the custom of giving notice by a crier of things to be fold. So, in A Chaste Maide of Cheapfide, a comedy by T. Middleton, 1630: "I'll fell all at an outcry." MALONE. An ontory is still a provincial term for an auction. STEEVENS. Ros. Good my complexion! dost thou think, though I am caparison'd like a man, I have a doublet and hose in my difpofition? One inch of delay more is a South-fea-off difcovery. I pr'ythee, tell 2 Good my complexion! This is a mode of expression, Mr. Theobald fays, which he cannot reconcile to common sense. Like enough: and fo too the Oxford editor. But the meaning is-Hold good my complexion, i, e. let me not blush. WARBURTON. Good my complexion!] My native character, my female inquifitive difpofition, can'ft thou endure this! - For thus characterizing the most beautiful part of the creation, let our author answer. MALONE. Good my complexion! is a little unmeaning exclamatory address to her beauty; in the nature of a small oath. RITSON. 3 One inch of delay more is a South-sea-off discovery.] The old copy reads is a South-fea of discoverie, STEEVENS. This is stark nonsense; we must read-off discovery, i. e. from discovery. If you delay me one inch of time longer, I shall think this secret as far from discovery as the South-fea is." WARBURTON. This sentence is rightly noted by the commentator as nonfenfe, but not fo happily restored to sense. I read thus: One inch of delay more is a South-fea. Discover, I pr'ythee; tell me who is it quickly! - When the transcriber had once made difcovery from discover I, he easily put an article after South-fea. But it may be read with still less change, and with equal probability-Every inch of delay more is a South-fea discovery: Every delay however short, is to me tedious and irksome as the longeft voyage, as a voyage of discovery on the South-fea. How much voyages to the South-fea on which the English had then first ventured, engaged the conversation of that time, may be easily imagined. JOHNSON. Of for off, is frequent in the elder writers. A South-fea of discovery is a discovery a South-fea off-as far as the South-fea. FARMER. Warburton's fophistication ought to have been reprobated, and the old, which is the only reading that can preferve the sense of Rofalind, restored. A South-fea of discovery, is not a discovery, as FAR OFF, but as COMPREHENSIVE as the South-fea; which, being the largest in the world, affords the widest scope for exercising curiofity. HENLEY. On a further confideration of this passage I am strongly inclined to think, with Dr. Johnson, that we should read-a South-fea dif• Kopery "Delay, however short, is to me tedious and irksome as / i Cor. Sir, I am a true labourer; I earn that I eat, get that I wear; owe no man hate, envy no man's happiness; glad of other men's good, content with my harm: and the greatest of my pride is, to fee my ewes graze, and my lambs fuck. TOUCH. That is another simple sin in you; to bring the ewes and the rams together, and to offer to get your living by the copulation of cattle: to be bawd to a bell-wether; and to betray a she-lamb of a twelvemonth, to a crooked-pated, old, cuckoldly ram, out of all reasonable match. If thou be'st not damn'd for this, the devil himself will have no shepherds; I cannot fee else how thou shouldst 'scape. Cor. Here comes young master Ganymede, my new mistress's brother. Enter ROSALIND, reading a paper. Ros. From the east to western Ind, Her worth, being mounted on the wind, All the pictures, fairest lin'd Let no face be kept in mind, 3 So, in Hamlet: " - and yet but raw neither, in respect of his quick fail." MALONE. *bawd to a bell-wether; Wether and ram had anciently the fame meaning. JOHNSON. 3 - fairest lin'd,] i. e. most fairly delineated. Modern editors read-limn'd, but without authority, from the ancient copies. STEEVENS. 4 But the fair of Rosalind.] Thus the old copy. • Fair is beauty, complexion. See the notes on a paffage in The Midsummer Night's Dream, Act I. fc. i. and The Comedy of Errors, Act II. fc. i. The : : |