

1. There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream, The earth, and every common sight,


To me did seem

Apparelled in celestial light,

The glory and the freshness of a dream.
It is not now as it hath been of yore:
Turn wheresoe'er I may,

By night or day,

The things which I have seen I now can see no more.

The rainbow comes and goes,

And lovely is the rose;

The moon doth with delight

Look round her when the heavens are bare;

Waters on a starry night

Are beautiful and fair:

The sunshine is a glorious birth ;

But yet I know, where'er I go,

That there hath passed away a glory from the earth.

[blocks in formation]

3. And O, ye Fountains, Meadows, Hills and Groves,

Think not of any severing of our loves.

Yet in my heart of hearts, I feel your might;
I only have relinquished one delight

To live beneath your more habitual sway.

I love the brooks which down their channels fret
Even more than when I tripped lightly as they;
The innocent brightness of a new-born day

Is lovely yet.

The clouds that gather round the setting sun
Do take a sober coloring from an eye

That hath kept watch o'er man's mortality;
Another race hath been, and other palms are won.
Thanks to the human heart by which we live,
Thanks to its tenderness, its joys and fears,

To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.
Wordsworth's Ode on Immortality,

First two and last stanzas.


1. What is the first simple predicate? What is the office of the when-clause? What is the office of the fifth line? What is not now? What is the office of the as-clause? What is the office of the wheresoe'cr-clause? Express this clause in another form. On what is it dependent? Can you put another word in place of apparelled? Try!

2. Write a skeleton, putting each proposition in its grammatical place. To what is the but-sentence opposed? Supply a clause between but and yet. Is waters a proper plural? Change where'er I go to a though-clause; does it mean just the same? propositions be abridged?

Can any of these

3. What is the mode of the first sentence? Of the second? How many distinct sentences in the stanza? Does yet here mean still ? Is habitual properly compared? What are compared in the sixth and seventh lines? What does the when-clause modify? What clouds are the clouds? Is the clause that hath kept, etc., descriptive or definitive? Which is the last that-clause?

Select the adjectives of all sorts in this extract, and try whether you can change any one of them without injury to the sense; do the same with the nouns. Commit the passage to memory.



ON Sunday mornings I went with the rest of my family to church; it was a church on the ancient model of England, having aisles, galleries, organ, all things ancient and venerable, and the proportions majestic. 2. Here, whilst the congregation knelt through the long litany, as often as we came to that passage, so beautiful among many that are so, where God is supplicated on behalf of "all sick persons and young children," I wept in secret; and raising my streaming eyes to the upper windows of the gallery, I saw on days when the sun was shining a spectacle as affecting as ever prophet can have beheld. 3. The sides of the windows were rich with storied glass: through the deep purples and crimsons streamed the golden light. *** 4. There were the apostles that had trampled upon earth, and the glories of earth, out of celestial love to man. 5. There were the martyrs that had borne witness to the truth through flames and through torments. 6. There were the saints who had glorified God through meek submission to his will. 7. And all the time I saw through the wide central field of the window, white fleecy clouds sailing over the azure depth of the sky. 8. Immediately under the flash of my sorrow-haunted eye, they grew and shaped themselves into visions of beds with white lawny curtains; and in the beds lay sick and dying children that were weeping clamorously for death. 9. God, for some mysterious reason, could not suddenly release them from their pain; but he suffered the beds, as it seemed, to

rise slowly through the clouds. 10. Slowly the beds ascended into the chambers of the air; slowly, also, his arms descended from the heavens, that he and his young children, whom in Palestine once and forever he had blessed, though they must pass through the dreadful chasm of separation, might yet meet the sooner.

De Quincey.


1. Write the formula for each sentence.

2. Describe from the formulas sentences 2, 8, and 10.

3. Write out the analysis for each symbol of the formula for sentences 1, 3, 7, and 10.

4. Write skeletons of sentences 6-10.

6. Select from the sentences a complex adjective modifier of each form.

7. Select all the sentence elements.

8. Find two adjective clauses with adverbial connectives.

9. Find a descriptive that-clause.

10. Find a final that-clause.

11. Find two clauses denoting comparison of equality, and tell what are compared in each.

12. Find a concessive clause and tell what it is opposed to in meaning.

13. Find three loose sentences.

14. Find an entire sentence which is simple.

15. Find simple sentences which are parts of other sentences.

From sentence 1, answer the following:

16. What do the phrases, On Sunday morning and on the ancient model denote ? 17. Parse rest, having, things, proportions. 18. What is the antecedent of it?

From sentence 2.

19. Does knelt denote a finished or unfinished act? 20. How long did it continue? 21. Parse often, beautiful, affecting, and ever. 22.

Give the principal parts and the mode and tense of each verb. 23. Mention all the adjectives, give the class of each and compare those which admit of it. 24. Define litany, supplicated, streaming, gallery, spectacle.

From sentence 3.

25. Parse storied, purples, golden. 26. Write the second sentence with the usual order of words. 27. What is storied glass? golden light? 28. Can any other preposition take the place of with?

From sentence 4.

29. Where is there? 30. What does the out-of-phrase denote? 31. What does to man denote? 32. Parse there, apostles, love. 33. Define apostles and celestial.

From sentence 5.

34. How many elements in this sentence? 35. Name and give the office of each.

From sentence 6.

36. Are the relative clauses in 4, 5, and 6 descriptive or definitive? 37. How many elements in this sentence? Name each. 38. Is to his will objective or adjective? 39. Define saints, glorified, and submission. 40. Parse who and to.

From sentence 7.

41. Parse time, clouds, and depth. 42. How is the before field defined? 43. Does I saw denote a finished action? 44. What adjectives in the sentence are not compared? 45. Define field, fleecy, and


From sentence 8.

46. What does immediately modify? 47. What does the underphrase denote? 48. Is for death adverbial? 49. Define vision, lawny, clamorously.

From sentence 9.

50-60. Write the short parsing of sentence 9. Parse, also, as phrases or clauses, 61. for some mysterious reason, 62. from their pain, 63. the beds to rise, 64. as it seemed, 65. through the clouds.

From sentence 10.

66. Parse slowly, that, whom, and sooner. 67. Select all the adver

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