0201119 &, S. IT may not be unnecessary to inform the Reader, that the following Reflections had their origin in a correfpondence between the Author and a very young gentleman at Paris, who did him the bonour of defiring his opinion upon the important tranfactions, which then, and ever fince, have fo much occupied the attention of all men. An anfwer was written fome time in the month of October 1789; but it was kept back upon prudential confiderations. That letter is alluded to in the beginning of the following fheets. It has been fince forwarded to the perfon to whom it was addreffed. The reafons for the delay in fending it were affigned in a fhort letter to the fame gentleman. This produced on his part a new and preffing application for the Author's fen timents. The Author began a fecond and more full difcuffion on the fubject. This he had fome thoughts of publishing early in the laft fpring; but the matter gaining upon him, he found that what he had undertaken not only far exceeded the measure of a letter, but that its importance required rather a more detailed confideration than at that time he had any leifure to bestow upon it. However, having thrown down his first thoughts in the form of a letter, and indeed when he fat down to write, having intended it |