
amount of comment quite as much as according to merit; and even if this were not so, Fame does not finally make up her mind from tombstones or biographical dictionaries. It is natural that as he draws near our own time, Mr. Allibone should be less satisfactory; we think this is an error from which he ought to have guarded himself, and in some cases we think the tendency has resulted in unmeant injustice.

Yet one who had far more fault than we have to find with his performance might well be silenced by the great obligation which he has bestowed upon the literary world, and by the lustre which he has added to the national repute by a work destined to as much immortality as conscientious, intelligent, and tireless industry can ever achieve. It is something for us all to be proud of; and with the appearance of the third volume (on which the author has completed his labors), it will be something from which Mr. Allibone can rest as contentedly as it is in human nature to do.

The Seat of Empire. By CHARles CarleTON COFFIN, "CARLETON." Boston: Fields, Osgood, & Co.

THIS thoroughly practical book is the fruit of Mr. Coffin's observation in Minnesota and the Red River country, which, according to Mr. Seward (whose gift of prophecy was so much distinguished during the first year of the Rebellion), is destined one day to be "the ultimate last " centre of the Republic. Thither Mr. Coffin last summer accompanied a party which united business with pleasure, and explored all that promising wilderness beyond the Minnesota towns, and listened with a pleased sense to its brag, through climate, soil, and scattering inhabitant, concerning the great things it intends to do. Whereupon he has patted that shaggy wilderness on the back, and praised its prospective virtues so that we can scarcely think of Boston without a blush as a place that has miserably failed to do what the wilderness is going to do very shortly indeed. We suppose Mr.

Coffin is right, and that the great Northwest does offer the prizes of life now to courage and vigor. At any rate, we can commend his book to any one seeking knowledge of the region he has visited, for the like of whom indeed he declares it directly written, though it is not without pleasant, unpractical glimpses of life in the woods and stories of personal adventures, nor without such literary blemishes as have hitherto attended the author on his vast course of travel.

A Race for a Wife. A Novel. By HAWLEY SMART, Author of "Breezie Langton." D. Appleton & Co.

THE last Denison of Glinn is on his last legs, and the money-lender can foreclose upon him whenever he likes. The Denison has a lovely daughter, Maud; the money-lender has an unlovely son, Sam. "Let them marry," says Shylock, "and I call the score settled." Pyrotechnics on the part of Mr. Denison, in whom all the pride of his race flames up; tears on the part of Maud; rage and grief on the part of Grenville Rose, her cousin, who loves her; pitilessness on the party of the moneylenders. Maud and Sam engaged; old feudal deed fished up by Rose, which gives Denison the power to stop Sam from running his famous horse Coriander at the Derby; Rose runs him, and bets heavily upon him; Providence smiles upon the bet, and the lover wins money enough to marry Maud and be happy ever after.

The moral of this charming story is that money-lenders must not think of marrying above them. On the whole, the book is surprisingly decent; but it strikes us as rather odd that the blessing of Heaven is made to descend upon gambling. Yet we do not complain; matters might have been much worse; for we suspect from the slanginess of the style that Hawley Smart is a woman; and we all know how Englishwomen write nowadays, and have reason to be glad when they are merely vapid, silly, and inconsequent, as Hawley Smart is.





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LARRABEE BROS. & CO., Office and Salesrooms, 93, 95, & 97 North St., Boston, Ma

Sole New England Agents for SELF-FEEDING AND BASE-BURNING FURNACES, manufac by EDDY, CORSE, & CO., Victor Foundry, Troy, N. Y. Five Portable Sizes. Galvanized Iron Casing. Nos. 1, 2, &, Three sizes set in brick. Nos. 3, 4, 5.

Our Furnace, by its merits, has achieved in its sale and operation an unprecedented success. It has many advanta which make it superior to all others. It is self-feeding, requiring attention but once in twenty-four hours, for the supp of fuel, removing the ashes, filling the water reservoir, and for doing everything necessary to its perfect operation. Fire be kept throughout the season without rekindling. It is very econom ical in fuel. Its radiating surface and power of h cold air is unsurpassed. It is self-cleaning, is easily managed, and we warrant it in all points to be the best furnace m and know it will give satisfaction wherever tried. Send for circular of the Furnace, with full description, directions for a and using, prices, references, &c.

We call attention to the letters

From Collector Russell.

CUSTOM-HOUSE, BOSTON, COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, March 9, 18 Gentlemen, I have used your Self-Feeding Furnace, and take pleasure in testifying to its power as a heater; to the sa both of fuel and labor attending its use, and to the purity of the air in a house that is warmed by it The Furnace is powerful, economical, easily managed, and gives a pleasant heat. Very respectfully, MESSRS. LARRABEE BROS. & Co. (Signed) THOMAS BUSSEL From Col. Charles G. Greene, Editor of the Boston Post. BOSTON, April 2, 18 MESSRS. LARRABEE BROS. & Co. Gentlemen, - I have had in constant use during the past winter one of your Self-P ing and Base-Burning Furnaces, and have found it equal in all respects to your representations, in convenience, economy. heating power. Yours respectfully, (Signed) C. G. GREEN And from Dr. Chas. T. Jackson, State Assayer to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts BOSTON, March 13, 18 MESSRS. LARRABEE BROS. & Co. Gentlemen, - I had one of your No 5 Self-Feeding and Base-Burning Furnace into my house on the 25th day of November, 1868, and have now the pleasure of reporting to you the results of in Seven large rooms have been kept warm day and night, at temperatures varying from 60 degrees in the night, to 70 a degrees in the daytime. A large entry and stairway have also been kept at the same temperatures.

The sizes of the rooms warmed are as follows: Office, 20 x 20 feet, Dining-Room, 17 x 17 feet, Small Parlor, 18 x181 Large Parlor, 23 x 25 feet, Nursery, 15 x 17 feet, Chamber, 20 x 21 feet, Entry and Stairway, 7 x 52 feet. Ceilings 12 feet In all these rooms we have had a superabundance of heat in the coldest of weather, and have rarely required the ney draft to be more than half opened, and much of the time the ventilator to the flue has had to be closed, so as to dimi the draft.

The fire has never been extinguished, and hence we have saved $10 worth of kindling wood. The coal consumed hes exactly the same as was required to run my OLD FURNACE DURING THE DAYTIME ONLY, while the available has been far more than the old furnace could produce in that condition.

I should think we had MORE THAN DOUBLE THE HEAT that our former furnace supplied.

I cannot give the amount of water evaporated, since my basin is supplied by automatic apparatus, but the moisture f air in our house has been just right for comfort and health, and there has been no excess of deposit on the glass of the dows, as would have been the case had there been a surplus of water evaporated by the furnace.

We have not had a water-pipe freeze this winter, though in former winters that troublesome accident was a frequent co rence, very annoying to us and injurious to the house.

I do not know but that better furnaces can be made, but I can say that this is the best one I have ever seen, and I examined nearly all the new ones which have been offered to the public in Boston for some years past.

Respectfully your obedient servant,


CHAS. T. JACKSON, M And a large number of references from every part of the United States. Also agents for the "VICTOR LIGHT PARLOR STOVE," the best base-burner made.

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