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MOTHER OLDERSHAW ON HER GUARD 1.--From Mrs. Oldershaw (Diana Street, Pimlico) to Miss Gwilt

(West Place, Old Brompton).
"Ladies' Toilette Repository,


"June 20th, Eight in the Evening. Y DEAR LYDIA,-About three hours have passed, as well as I can remember, since I pushed you unceremoniously inside my house in West Place; and, merely telling you to wait till you saw me again, banged the door to between us, and left you alone in the hall. I know your sensitive nature, my dear, and I am afraid you have made up your mind by this time that never yet was a guest treated so abominably by her hostess as I have treated you.

"The delay that has prevented me from explaining my strange conduct is, believe me, a delay for which I am not to blame. One of the many delicate little


difficulties which beset so essentially confidential a business as mine, occurred here (as I have since discovered) while we were taking the air

VOL. XI.-No. 65.


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