
The annual Harvest Festival was held in our Church on October 1. The Church was more than usually well decorated, with the kind help of several ladies in the parish. The Sermon in the evening was preached by the Rev. Canon Ellison, from Genesis xli., 29-31. The offertories during the day were for the Radcliffe Infirmary, and amounted to £8 18s. 8d.

The Monthly communicants' meetings have been held now for nearly three years. The attendance at them, however, has not been so good of late as it used to be. It is proposed, therefore, to make them a little more useful and definite by endeavouring to gather those communicants, who are willing, together into a Communicants' Guild with certain simple rules of life. A meeting will be held some evening shortly, of which due notice will be given, for the purpose of forming the Guild.

Headington Burial Board.

The work at the new Cemetery is now nearly reaching its completion and it is hoped that before the end of the year at the furthest all the necessary arrangements will have been made, and the ground consecrated and opened for the purposes of burial. A meeting of the Board was held on October 20th, at which several important matters connected with the Cemetery were discussed, such as the laying out the ground, the question of consecrating a whole or part of the ground, &c., but nothing definite was settled, it being the opinion of the Board that, the works not being yet quite finished, any definite arrangements would be premature.

Night School.


The night school for young men and lads opened again on Thursday, October 16th, and will be continued every Monday and Thursday at 7 p.m., during the Winter months. The teachers at present areVicar, Rev. F. A. H. du Boulay, Miss Clarke, Miss Wilkins, Miss Desborough. Another teacher is wanted. Will any one volunteer?

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Oct. 26.-Walter Raymond, son of Thomas and Mary Ann Webbe.
Oct. 26.-Albert Isaac, son of Richard and Hannah Silman.
Oct. 26.-Laura Edith, daughter of Charles and Sarah Rose.
Oct. 26.-Charles George, Son of Arthur Peel and Hannah Stow.

Church Calendar.


3rd, Full Moon; 9th, Last Quarter; 17th, New Moon; 25th, First Quarter.

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All Saints' Day. Morning Prayer and celebration of the Holy
Communion at All Saints' Chapel, 10 a.m.

21st Sunday after Trinity.

Morning Service, Sermon, and Holy Communion, 11. Service at
All Saints' Chapel, 3.30 p.m. Evening Service & Sermon, 6.30 p.m.
Offertory for the Sick and Needy.

Mothers' Meeting, p.m. Night School, 7 p.m.

Church of England Temperance Meeting, 7.30 p.m. Address by
Rev. J. Blackburne-Kane.

Choral Evening Service, and Sermon by Rev. V. S. Coles, at All
Saints' Chapel, 7.30 p.m.

Night School, 7 p.m.

Evening Service, 7.30. Choir Practice, 8 p.m.

22nd Sunday after Trinity.

Holy Communion, 8 a.m. Morning Service and Sermon, 11.
Children's Service, 3 p.m. Service at All Saints' Chapel, 3.30 p.m.
Evening Service and Sermon, 6.30 p.m.

Mothers' Meeting, 3 p.m. Night School, 7 p.m.

Service and Address at All Saints' Chapel, 7.30 p.m.

Night School, 7 p.m.

Evening Service, 7.30. Choir Practice, 8 p.m.

23rd Sunday after Trinity.

Morning Service, Sermon, and Holy Communion, 11. Service at
All Saints' Chapel, 3.30 p.m. Evening Service & Sermon, 6.30 p.m.
Offertory for the Music and Lighting Fund.

Mothers' Meeting, 3 p.m. Night School, 7 p.m.

Service and Address at All Saints' Chapel, 7.30 p.m.

Night School, 7 p.m.

Evening Service, 7.30. Choir Practice, 8 p.m.

24th Sunday after Trinity.

(Collect Ep. and Gosp. for the 25th Sunday after Trinity.) Holy Communion, 8 a.m. Morning Service and Sermon, 11. Service at All Saints' Chapel, 3.30 p.m. Evening Service and Sermon, 6.30 p.m.

Mothers' Meeting, 3 p.m. Night School, 7 p.m.

Chrysanthemum & Fruit Show at the British Workman, 2 p.m. till 9.
Service and Address at All Saints' Chapel, 7.30 p.m.

Night School, 7 p.m.

Evening Service, 7.30. Choir practice, 8 p.m.

1st Sunday in Advent. St. Andrew's Day.
Holy Communion at All Saints' Chapel, 8 a.m. Morning Service
and Sermon, 11. Children's Service & Baptisms, 3 p.m. Service
at All Saints' Chapel, 3.30 p.m. Evening Service and Sermon,
6.30 p.m.



An Organ of Church Work & Local Intelligence.

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The Bishop of this Diocese has signified his intention of holding a Confirmation in our Parish Church on Thursday, January 29th, at 2.30 in the afternoon. The date fixed is considerably earlier than was anticipated, and perhaps not so convenient as if it had been a month or so later, as the time of preparation it is feared may somewhat be interfered with by Christmas engagements. We must, however, do the best we can under the circumstances, and candidates who are in earnest in their preparation will, we are assured, not allow their attendance at their classes to be interfered with. The classes will be arranged about the second week in December, and the names of those desiring to be candidates should be given in to the Vicar or the Rev. F. A. H. du Boulay not later than December 10th. It is earnestly hoped that Parents and God-parents will at this time specially recognize their duty in seeing that their children and god-children who are of proper age be encouraged to offer themselves as candidates, remembering the charge laid upon them when they brought their children to Baptism was to " see that this child be brought to the Bishop to be confirmed as soon as they could say the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and

the Ten Commandments, and be further instructed in the Church Catechism." Confirmation is a solemn duty laid upon those who have been baptized in infancy, it is what the religious instruction of our children has been leading up to. It has been the practice of the Church ever since the time of the Apostles, and it is spoken of at least three times in Holy Scripture, see Acts viii. 14-17, Acts xix. 6, and Hebrews vi. 2. If earnestly prepared for and reverently received may be the turning point for good in many a young person's life, and it gives admission to the highest privilege of the Christian life, viz.: of coming to the Holy Communion. Will praying people in the parish remember the candidates in their prayers?

Church of England Temperance Society.

The usual monthly meeting of the C. E. T. S. was held in the British Workman on Tuesday, November 4th, when a very stirring and earnest address was delivered by the Rev. J. Blackburne Kane, Vicar of Bicester. The meeting was not so large as could be desired, but those present could not fail to be impressed. In the absence of the President, Major-Gen. Desborough, C.B., the Vicar took the chair, and in introducing the speaker addressed some timely words on the present position of the Society, and the duty of each member to endeavour to spread and increase its influence in the village. Three new members joined at the close.—Communicated.

Missionary Boxes.

The holders of Missionary Boxes will be asked to send them in at the end of this month. It is hoped that all who have them will try and see that they are well worth opening. There was a falling off last year in the amount taken out, but this year we hope there will be a large increase. The Missionary Magazines have been given gratis during the year to all Missionary Box holders in order to remind them of their Boxes and give them information with regard to Foreign Missionary work.

Our Chancel.

During the past month great improvements have been made in the Chancel of our Parish Church. The roof has been stained and varnished, the walls have been newly coloured; the altar rails have been thoroughly repaired and re-set; the floor within the altar rails has been paved with best Minton tiles and the Altar raised one step. A neat oak seat has been placed for the clergy within the altar rails on the south side, and the floor beneath the choir seats has been renewed on one side with neat wood blocks, and the whole stained with oak staining. In addition to this a handsome curtain has been hung behind the Altar, thereby giving the east end a more clothed and warm appearance. Altogether we hope that parishioners will feel that a very great improvement has been made. The whole of this work has cost about £65; of this about £55 is already in hand, being the proceeds of the sale of work held at the Flower Show last Summer, amounting

to £35, and £20 the gift of a lady friend. Contributions to clear off the remaining £10 will be very thankfully received by the Vicar or Churchwardens.

With regard to the proposed reredos, we are afraid we must wait some time as the estimate for carrying it out is £200.

Headington Horticultural Society.


On Tuesday, November 25th, the fourth annual Exhibition of Winter Flowers and Fruit took place at the British Workman Hall. For the previous three years the success attending these shows has been due to the prevalence of genial weather; but, despite the inclemency of the weather on Tuesday, the exhibition was (florally considered) a great success. The attendance during the day was very thin, owing to the snow; but in the evening the villagers attended more numerously.

During the past month a Junior Church Bell-ringing Guild has been formed under the guidance of the Rev. F. A. H. du Boulay, who is an experienced bell-ringer. About 16 young men have joined it and have subscribed to its rules. The practices are in church every Wednesday evening at 7.30 o'clock.

A Concert will be given by the Ladies' Musical Society in the British Workman on Tuesday, December 9th. Part II. Macfarren's Cantata "Songs 28.; second seats, 1s; back seats, 6d. British Workman and the Post Office.

Part I. will be miscellaneous, in a Cornfield." Front seats, Tickets may be obtained at the Doors open at 7, to begin at 7.30

Offertories during November.

Nov. 2.-Sick and Needy

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9.-(8 a.m.) Vicar's Church Fund
16.-Music and Lighting Fund
23.-(8 a.m.) Vicar's Church Fund

£ s. d.
2 19 8

16 5

2 0 1

2 101

£5 19 0

Parish Registers.


November 18.-Tom Martin King and Mary Ann Smith Hughes.

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Died at Bromley College, Kent, November 20th, Anna Rachel Pring, aged 78 years,

widow of the Rev. J. C. Pring, late Vicar of this Parish.

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