
March 9th, 2nd Sunday in Lent,-Rev. G. T. Cooke, Vicar of Beckley. March 16th, 3th Sunday in Lent,-Rev. J. O. Johnston, Principal of S. Stephen's House, Oxford.

March 23rd, 4rd Sunday in Lent,-Rev. A. Edersheim, D.D.

March 30th, 5th Sunday in Lent,-Rev. E. A. Knox, Fellow of Merton College.

The 51st Psalm will be sung, and the concluding prayers of the Commination Service said, each Sunday evening after the Service.

No special Services will be held on week-days during Lent in the Parish Church this year as the Vicar, being without a Curate, is unable to undertake them. It is hoped, however, that parishioners will avail themselves of the evening Service at All Saints, on Wednesday at 7.30. p.m., when short addresses will be given.

The British Workman.

On Wednesday evening, February 7th, the third anniversary of this institution, was celebrated by a public Tea and Meeting. About 70 persons sat down to Tea which was presided over by different ladies in the parish. After Tea the Meeting and Entertainment was held, a large number of persons being present who had not been able to get in time for the Tea, but had come in afterwards. The report for the past year (see January Magazine) was read and adopted. Major General Desborough then spoke in his usual earnest and hearty manner. Addresses were also given by Mr. Abbey and the Rev. F. Pilcher, who gave a most interesting account of some dangerous exploits of his among the Swiss mountains; the Vicar proposed a vote of thanks to the speakers. Songs and instrumental music were given between the speeches, the chief performers were Mrs. Tyndale, Misses A. and K. Wootten-Wootten, Miss Baker, aud Rev. W. H. Kewley. Altogether a most enjoyable evening was spent.

In Memoriam.


The parish has sustained a loss during the past month in the death of Mrs. Ballachey, one of the oldest and most generally respected of its inhabitants, which took place on February 7th. Nearly all her life has been passed at Headington, and perhaps few, if any, parishioners can remember the time when she was not resident amongst us. she lived one month more she would have attained the great age of 87. Of the many acts of generosity and kindness done by her in the parish it would be impossible to speak fully. Much was done by her for the good of others so quietly and unobtrusively that often, perhaps, it was almost unnoticed or unknown. She shunned we believe any kind of publicity or notice. We cannot forget, however, how long and generously she has provided for the education of the infant children of Old Headington and Barton, by giving the school buildings and supporting the school during her lifetime with £20 a year. We shall also long remember how kindly, year after year, she has given the use of her grounds for the annual school treat, the Band of Hope treats, and the Temperance fête. Another monument of her generosity and

interest in the welfare of this parish is engraved in stone on the British Workman, which it is well to remember is built on a site given by Mrs. Ballachey. And not only in her outward acts, but we believe in her character and conduct generally, she has set the example of a Christian life. Of a simple faith, with a rigid sense of duty, with a warm attachment to the Church and its Services, and a consistent supporter of all she believed right, the parish has indeed lost by her removal a great influence for good. All we can hope is that the good he has done in her lifetime may bear much fruit in our midst, now that it has pleased God to remove her hence.

New surplices are wanted for the choir boys, as their present ones are almost in rags. Mrs Tyndale has undertaken to try and collect the necessary money, and to organize a ladies' working party, so as to get them made. She will be thankful to receive small subscriptions or offers of help in the work.

The Committees of the Horticultural and Poultry Societies have been appointed during the past month, and the schedules of prizes for the August show arranged. Further particulars will be published in the Magazine in a month or two.

The Vicar has made arrangement to offer Mr. Francis A. H. Du Boulay, B.A., of Keble College, Oxford, a title to Deacon's orders at the Trinity ordination of the Bishop of Oxford.

Report of Soup Kitchen.


14 days kept open December 12th, to January 25th; 910 quarts of soup for 391 Families.

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Church Calendar.

MARCH, 1884.

4th, First Quarter; 11th, Full Moon; 19th, Last Quarter; 27th, New Moon.

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1st Sunday in Lent

Morning Service, Sermon, and Holy Communion, 11. Evening Service and Sermon, by the Rev. H. H. Skrine. Offertory for the Sick and Needy.

District Visitors' Meeting, 11.
C. E. T. S. Meeting, 7.30. p.m.

Mothers' Meeting, 3 p.m.
Address by Mr. J. Nix.

Ember day. Evening Service and Sermon in All Saints' Chapel, 7.30.

Evening Service, 7.30. Choir Practice, 8 p.m.

Ember day.

2nd Sunday in Lent.

Holy Communion, 8 a.m.

Children's Service, 3 p.m.
G. T. Cooke.

Mothers' Meeting, 3 p.m.

Morning Service and Sermon, 11.

Evening Service and Sermon by Rev.

Evening Service and Sermon in All Saints' Chapel, 7.30.

Evening Service, 7.30. Choir Practice, 8 p.m.

3rd Sunday in Lent.

Morning Service, Sermon, and Holy Communion, 11. Evening
Service and Sermon by Rev. J. O. Johnston.

Mothers' Meeting, 3 p.m.

Evening Service and Sermon in All Saints' Chapel, 7.30.

Evening Service, 7.30. Choir Practice, 8 p.m.

4th Sunday in Lent.

Holy Communion, 8 a.m. Morning Service and Sermon, 11.
Evening Service and Sermon by Rev. Dr. Edersheim.
Mothers' Meeting, 3 p.m.

Annunication of Virgin Mary. Evening Service 7.30. Com-
municants' Meeting, 8 p.m.

Evening Service and Sermon in All Saints' Chapel, 7.30.

F Evening Service, 7.30. Choir Practice, 8 p.m.



31 M

5th Sunday in Lent.

Holy Communion in All Saints' Chapel, 8 a.m. Morning Service and Sermon, 11. Children's Service and Baptisms, 3 p.m. Evening Service and Sermon by Rev. E. A. Knox.

Mother's Meeting, 3 p.m.



An Organ of Church Work & Local Intelligence.

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Very shortly after this Magazine is in your hands Holy Week, or (as it is sometimes called) Passion Week, will have begun. It commences on Palm Sunday (April 6th), and continues until the following Saturday-Easter Eve. It is the week in which we are specially invited to meditate upon the sufferings of the Lord Jesus, in order that we may learn to feel the awfulness of sin, and our own guilt and need of pardon. There are some people who never meditate at all upon all the Saviour undertook for them; hence they never realize how terrible a thing sin is in the sight of God, which made it necessary for Him to give His own Son as an atonement for it. Have you ever thought that your own individual sins, as much as those of any one else, were the cause of Christ's agony in the garden of Gethsemane, of His being mocked, spit upon, scourged, crowned with thorns, and finally crucified? Yet it is true: "He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement

of our peace was upon Him, and by his stripes we are healed." Yes, every one of us may say with perfect truth,-"It was my sins which made necessary the sufferings and death of the Son of God." If this be so then, shall we not each one try to use these few short days of Holy Week in thinking of our sins and Christ's dying love, and often praying to God that He will teach us to do better, and to love Christ more. If you spend Holy Week aright I can promise you a happy Easter Day. Sorrow for sin and the contemplation of the dying love of the Saviour is the only fitting preparation for the glorious Easter tidings "The Lord is risen." The Saviour who died in His great love to save you, now lives henceforth to help you, to bless you, to feel for you and hear you." And if you feel thus, your Easter Communion will indeed be a feast of thankfulness and joy, and you will not need to be urged to come, for love will draw you thither in order that you may be brought into closest union with your living Lord. I am, your faithful friend and Pastor,

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The Services during Holy Week will be as follows:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.-8 a.m., Morning Prayer with reading of the Epistle and Gospel for each day. 7.30 p.m., Evening Prayer followed at 8 p.m. by the "Story of the Cross" and an Address. There will be a few minutes' interval after Evening Prayer to allow persons to come in. GOOD FRIDAY.-8 a.m., Litany and a short reading. 11, Morning Prayer and Sermon. 7.30 p.m., Evening Prayer, "The Story of the Cross," and Sermon.

Easter Eve.-8 a.m., Morning Prayer, Epistle and Gospel. 7.30 p.m., Evening Prayer and Address.

EASTER DAY.-The Holy Communion will be celebrated at 6.30 a.m.; 8 a.m. (at All Saints); and 11 a.m.

The Offertory on Faster Day at 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. will be as usual for the Curate Fund, as help will be required towards a Curate's Stipend after Trinity. The Offertory at 6.30 a.m. will be in behalf of the Diocesan Church Building Society.

The Night School.

This School for boys and young men has been held two evenings a week during the past winter, beginning on October 15th, 1883, and ending on March 13th, 1884, with a short interval for Christmas, making in all 40 nights. 68 pupils entered their names for admission, the average attendance being 32. The Teachers were as follow:-The Vicar, Mrs. Tyndale, Miss Clarke, Miss Taylor, Miss Desborough, Miss

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