
LONI, river, India, xx. 260.

LONICERUS, genus of plants, XII. 140.
LÖNNROT, Elias, collector of Finnish
poems, IX. 220.
LONS-LE-SAULNIER, town, France, XIV.


Loo, card game, XV. 1.

Pacific, XIV. 489; XIII. 570.
LOODIANA, or Ludhiana, district, India,
XV. 58; XX. 109; town, XV. 58.
of (1863), XXIII. 778.
LOOM, bird, XV. 2.

for weaving, XXIV. 464; ancient, XXIII. 206, 210.

LOOMIS, Elias, on auroral zones, III.
97; on sun-spots, II. 787.
LOON, or Loom, bird, xv. 2.

LOOSJES, Adrian, Dutch writer, XII.

LOOTS, Cornelis, Dutch writer, XII. 97. LOPADUSSA (Lampedusa), island, Mediterranean, XIV. 249.

LOPAMUDRA, daughter of Brahma, XIV. 19.

LORD CHANCELLOR, or Lord High Chan- | LOT-ET-GARONNE, department, France,
cellor, of England, v. 388; XVI. 473;
list of lord chancellors, VIII. 368.

CHANCELLORS, Campbell's Lives of the, IV. 759.

CHIEF JUSTICE, English, XIII. 789.
HIGH ADMIRAL, English, I. 154;
special commission of, 1. 160.

OF THE ISLES, Scottish title, XI.
607; XIII. 387.

OF THE ISLES, Scott's poem, XXI.

LORDS, House of, British, XVIII. 310,
461; as court of appeal, II. 209.
LORD'S DAY, The, XXI. 125; XXII. 653.
XXI. 501.

XV. 8.
LOTHAIR I., emperor, XV. 9; IX. 533;
X. 480; at Rome, XX. 787.


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the Saxon, emperor, XV. 9; XXI.

or Hlothar, king of the Franks, IX. 530.

LOTHAIRE, king of Lorraine, XVII. 483.
LOTHARINGIA (Lorraine, q.v.), XV. 4;
formation of kingdom of, IX. 534.
LOTHARIO, origin of popular use of the
name, XXI. 29.
LOTHIAN, district, Scotland, xV. 9.

East, county, Scotland, XI. 361.
Mid, county, Scotland, VII. 656.

West, county, Scotland, XIV. 669.
LOTHRINGEN (Lorraine, q.v.), XV. 4.
LOTTE BUFF, friend of Goethe, X. 725.

LORDS SPIRITUAL, English, XVIII. 306, LOTTERIES, XV. II; state, IX. 182.
459, 465.

LORD STEWARD, of royal household,
England, XXI. 37; lord high steward,
England, XXII. 458.

LORD'S SUPPER, sacrament, VIII. 651;
XXI. 131, 139; St Paul's doctrine of,
XVIII. 428. See Eucharist.

LOTTERY LOANS, National, XVII. 244. LOTTO, Lorenzo, Italian painter, XXI. 436.

LOTUS, shrub and water-lily, XV. 12.

EATERS, Libyan tribe, XV. 11. EATERS' ISLAND (Jerba), North Africa, X. 442; XXII. 620.

LOPE DE RUEDA, Spanish dramatist, LORENZETTI, Ambrogio, Italian painter, LOTZ, Johann Friedrich Eusebius, GerVII. 420.

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XXI. 434.

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LOPHIUS, genus

of fishes, IX. 269. LOPHOBRANCHII, or Lophobranchs, order of fishes, XII. 694; XI. 852. LOPHOPUS, genus of Polyzoa, XIX. 437. LOPHORTYX, genus of birds, XX. 147. LOPHYROPODA, division of Crustacea, VI. 664.

LOPHYRUS, genus of insects, XXI. 343.
LORA, river, Afghanistan, I. 229.
LORANTHACEÆ, order of parasitic
plants, XVIII. 265.
LORCA, town, Spain, XV. 3.
LORD, title, XXIII. 417.

ADVOCATE, of Scotland, 1. 179. CHAMBERLAIN, of the royal household, England, XXI. 37; lord great chamberlain, England, XXII. 459.

LORRAINE, territory, France and Ger-
many, XV. 4; formation of ancient
kingdom of, IX. 534; province annexed
to France, X. 502; to Germany (1871),
IX. 627; X. 513.

Dukes and Cardinals of, XI. 267.
Claude of, French painter, v. 814;
XXI. 440.

LORY, bird, XV. 7; XVIII. 322; XXIII.


Los ANDES, state, Venezuela, XXIV. 140.
LOS ANGELES, town, California, U.S.A.,

XV. 7.

LO-SHAN, town, China, XIV. 216.
LOS ISLANDS, West Africa, XXI. 661;
XXII. 45.

LO SPAGNA (Giovanni di Pietro), Italian
painter, XXII. 292.

LO SPAGNOLETTO (Giuseppe Ribera),
Spanish painter, XX. 532.
LOT, Scripture patriarch, xv. 8.

department, France, xv. 8.

man economist, XIX. 387.

LOTZE, Rudolph Hermann, German philosopher, XV. 12; on evolution, VIII. 768.

LOUDON HILL, Scotland, Battle of
(1679), XXI. 516.

LOUDUN, town, France, XV. 15.
LOUGHBOROUGH, town, England, XV.


Lord, lord chancellor of England,
XXIV. 475.

LOUGHREA, town, Ireland, X. 56.
LOUHANS, town, France, XXI. 302.
LOUIS I., the Pious, emperor, XV. 15;
IX. 533; X. 480.

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II.-III., emperors, XV. 16.

IV., the Child, emperor, XV. 16. IV. or V., emperor, XV. 16; X. 480, 494; king of Italy, XIII. 477; king of Rome, XX. 799; his defence of Occam, XVII. 717.

I., king of France (emperor Louis I.), XV. 15; IX. 533; X. 480.

II., the Stammerer, of France, xv. 17; IX. 535.

III., of France, XV. 17; IX. 535. IV., D'Outremer, of France, XV. 17; IX. 536; X. 483; XVII. 541.

V., Le Fainéant, of France, XV. 17; IX. 536.

VI., Le Gros, of France, XV. 17; IX. 538.

VII., Le Jeune, of France, XV. 17; IX. 539; his improvements of Paris, XVIII. 287.

VIII., Le Lion, of France, xv. 18; IX. 542.

IX., St, of France, XV. 18; IX. 542; as crusader, vI. 631; in the East,

V. 602.

XXIII. 162; services rendered by him | LOURENÇO MARQUES (Lorenzo Mar- | LÖWENTHAL, J., Hungarian chess-player, to Paris, XVIII. 288. LOUIS X., Le Hutin, of France, XV. 18;

IX. 545.

XI., of France, XV. 18; IX. 552; his relations with the Swiss, XXII. 786.

XII., of France, XV. 18; IX. 554; his contest with the pope, XX. 324; his rule in Italy, XIII. 481.

XIII., of France, XV. 18; IX. 566.

XIV., Le Grand, of France, XV. 18; IX. 571; Grand Alliance against, XXIV. 580; his influence over Charles II. of England, VIII. 349; his schemes against Germany, X. 502; suppression of the Huguenots by, XII. 339; his contests with the emperor Leopold I., XIV. 466; his relations to the popedom, XIX. 506; relations with Spain, XXII. 335.

XV., of France, XV. 18; IX. 585.

XVI., of France, XV. 19; IX. 593; defence of, by Malesherbes, XV. 333.


ques), Portuguese settlement, South-
East Africa, XV. 3.

LOUSÃO, Serra da, Portugal, XIX. 536.
LOUSE, insect, XV. 24; XIII. 153; as
human parasite, XXII. 123.
LOUTH, county, Ireland, XV. 25; popu-
lation and representation, XXIII. 727.

town, England, XV. 25.
LOUVAIN, town, Belgium, XV. 26; library
of, XIV. 531; university, III. 520;
XXIII. 841.

LOUVIERS, town, France, xv. 26.
LOUVOIS, Marquis de, French war
minister, XV. 26; IX. 576; organizer
of French royal army, II. 600.
LOUVRE, in architecture, II. 467.

palace at Paris, XVIII. 276, 281,
288, 292; picture gallery in, XXI.

LOVAT, Lord, Scottish Jacobite, XV. 27;
XXI. 526.

LOVE, Plato on, XIX. 200; universal, of
Buddhism, IV. 428; in Christian ethics,
VIII. 590.

XVII., titular king of France, xv. LOVE-BIRD, XV. 28.

XVIII., king of France, XV. 19; IX. 609, 617, 619; XVII. 223; XXIV. 497.

, the German, German king, XV. 17; X. 480.


LOWES, Loch of the, Scotland, XXI.


LOWESTOFT, town, England, xv. 30.
Lowicz, town, Russian Poland, xv. 30;
XXIV. 375.

LOW LATIN, of Middle Ages, xx. 666.
England, XVII. 558.

LOWTH, Robert, bishop of London, xv.

LOW WATER, Tidal, XXIII. 369.
LOXA, or Loja, town, Spain, XIV. 809.
LOXODON, genus of ungulate mammals,
XV. 425.


LOXOSOMA, genus of Polyzoa, XIX. 438, 439.

LOYALTY ISLANDS, South Pacific, XV. 30, 835; XIX. 421.

LOYOLA, Ignatius de, St, founder of the
Jesuits, XV. 31; XIII. 652; his relations
with Xavier, XXIV. 716.

LOYSON, Hyacinthe (Father Hyacinthe),
XVII. 754.

LOVE FEASTS, Early Christian, I. 274; LOZENGE, confection, VI. 256.
Methodist, XVI. 188.

LOVE IN A WOOD, Wycherley's play,
XXIV. 705.

LOVEJOY, Elijah P., American aboli-
tionist, XXII. 142.

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in heraldry, XI. 697.
LOZÈRE, department, France, XV. 31.
Mount, Cevennes, France, v. 358.
L. S. D., explained, XVII. 655.
LU, Annals of, Confucius's, VI. 259, 263.

(of Hungary), king of Poland, XIX. LOVEL THE WIDOWER, Thackeray's LUALABA, river, Africa, I. 248.

duke of Orleans, XVII. 852.

St, History of, by Joinville, XIII. 734.

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, Pierre C. A., French physician, LOVER, Samuel, Irish novelist, XV. 29.
XV. 816.
OF LYING, Lucian's dialogue, XV.
IX. 395.

NAPOLEON (Napoleon III., q.v.), emperor of the French, IX. 622; XVII. 226.

PHILIPPE, king of the French, xv. 19; IX. 620; XVII. 853; government of, XI. 269; his intervention in Spain, XXII. 345; his relations with Thiers, XXIII. 303.


PHILIPPE, duke of Orleans, XVII.

PHILIPPE JOSEPH, of Orleans, French Revolutionist, XVII. 853. LOUISA, queen of Prussia, XV. 19. LOUISBOURG, town, Cape Breton, v.


LOVE'S LABOUR'S LOST, Shakespeare's
play, XXI. 763.

LUANG PRABANG, Shan state, Burmah,
XXI. 773; town, XXI. 853.
LUAPULA, river, Central Africa, XXIV.

LÜBECK, free city, Germany, XV. 31;
XI. 450; organ at, XVII. 837.

principality, Germany, XVII. 757. Child of (C. H. Heinecken), XI. 628. LUBÉRON, mountains, France, XXIV. 114.

LUBIM, town, Russia, XXIV. 731.

LOVES OF THE ANGELS, Moore's poem, LUBLIN, town, Russian Poland, XV. 34;

XVI. 807.

Greek romance, I. 95; XX. 636.
romance, XX. 636.

poem, VI. 830.

diet of (1569), XIX. 291; government,
XIX. 309.

LUBNAIG, Loch, Scotland, XVIII. 666.
LUBNY, town, Russia, XIX. 410.
LUBRICANTS, machine oils, XV. 34;

XVIII. 242.

LUC, André de, Swiss writer, XXII. 799.

LOVES OF THE TRIANGLES, Canning's, LUCA (Lucca), ancient town, Italy, xv.
I. 513; VI. 830.

LOUISE, of Savoy, mother of Francis I., LOVINO, Bernardin (Bernardino Luini),
IX. 556.

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Giordano (nicknamed Fa Presto), Italian painter, x. 606.

DA CORTONA (Signorelli), Italian painter, XXII. 50.

LUCAN, Marcus Annæus, Roman poet, XV. 36; XX. 726; language and style of, XIV. 337.

LUCANIA, ancient province, Italy, xv.


LOWELL, town, Massachusetts, U.S.A., LUCANIANS, ancient Italian people, XXI.

XV. 29.

J. Russell, American writer, I. 724, 727, 728, 733.

128, 248.

LUCARIS, Cyril, Greek Church reformer,
XI. 158.

LUCAS of Leyden, Dutch artist, XV. 38. of Tuy, Spanish chronicler, XXII.


LUÇON (Luzon), island, Philippines, | LUGNAQUILLA, mountain, Ireland, XIII XVIII. 748, 751.

-, town, France, XXIV. 138.

Margaret, duchess of Newcastle, LUCRETIA BORGIA, IV. 53; I. 487, XVII. 380.

DE BURGO (Paciolus), his work on algebra and arithmetic, I. 512; II. 526. LUCASTA, Lovelace's poems, XV. 28. LUCAYAS, or Bahamas, islands, West Indies, III. 236.

LUCCA, province, Italy, XXIII. 670.

-, town, Italy, xv. 38; bridge at, IV. 330; contests with Pisa, XIX. 119; its school of painting, XXI. 433, 442.

Baths of, Italy, XV. 39; XVI. 433. LUCE BAY, Wigtown, Scotland, xxiv. 562.

LUCENA, town, Spain, xv. 39.

LUCENTUM (Alicante), ancient town,

Spain, I. 574.

LUCERA, town, Italy, xv. 39.


LUCRETIUS (T. Lucretius Carus), Roman poet, XV. 50; XX. 721; on atoms, III. 37; his Epicurean doctrines, VIII. 476; on evolution, VIII. 757; his language and style, XIV. 334.

LUCULLITE, mineral, XVI. 397. LUCULLUS, Lucius Licinius, Roman consul, XV. 55.

215; XXIV. 557.

LUGO, province, Spain, xv. 60; town,

XV. 61.

LUGOS, town, Hungary, xv. 61. LUGUET, mountain, France, XX. 119. LUHATSCHOWITZ, spa, Moravia, XVI.


| LU-HIEN, town, China, XXIII. 607. LUIKEN, Jan, Dutch writer, XII. 95. LUINI, Bernardino, Italian painter, XV. 61.

LUINO, town, Italy, XV. 198.

LUCUS AUGUSTI (Lugo), ancient town, LUIS, king of Portugal, XIX. 554. Spain, XV. 61.

LUCY, St, of Syracuse, XV. 41.

DE LEON, Spanish poet and moralist, XIV. 455; XXII. 357, 360.

M. de, on the flight of birds and LUKE, St, the Evangelist, XV. 62; author insects, IX. 316. of Acts of the Apostles, I. 123.

Sir Thomas, of Charlecote, Shakespeare's connexion with, XXI. 753.

LUD, Ned, leader of the Luddites, xv. 57.

LUCERES, early Roman tribe, XX. 732.
LUCERIA (Lucera), ancient town, Italy, | LUDDITES, English rioters (1811), XV.
XV. 39.

LUCERNARIÆ, order of Hydrozoa, XII. 556.

LUCERNE, canton, Switzerland, XV. 40; town, XV. 40; XXII. 783.

Lake of, Switzerland, XV. 41; XIV. 218; XXII. 777.

plant, I. 378.

LUCETIUS, epithet of Jupiter, XIII. 780. LUCHON, Bagnères de, town, France,

III. 235; mineral water of, XVI. 435. LUCHSSAPHIR, mineral, XVI. 418. LUCIA, St, of Syracuse, XV. 41. LUCIAN, Greek satirist, XV. 42; XXI. 319; his allusions to Jesus Christ, XIII. 658; as writer of fiction, XX. 633.

editor of Septuagint and martyr, xv. 46. LUCIC, Hannibal, Ragusan poet, XXI. 690.

LUCIDOR THE UNFORTUNATE (Lars J. Humerus), Swedish poet, XII. 356; XXII. 755.

LUCIFER, bishop of Cagliari, xv. 46. LUCILIUS, Roman poet and satirist, XV. 46; XX. 718; XXI. 318; his Latinity, XIV. 332.


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LÜDENSCHEID, town, Westphalia, Prus- LUKIN, Lionel, inventor of the lifeboat,

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Mr, Christian socialist, XXII. 210. LUDOLF, duke of Saxony, XXI. 352.

Hiob, German Orientalist, XV. 59. LUDOVICO (Il Moro), duke of Milan, XIII. 481.

LUDOVISIO, Alessandro (Pope Gregory
XV.), XI. 178.

LÜDTGE, on liquid films, v. 58.
LUDWIG. See Louis.

ALOYSIUS, prince of Hohenlohe,
French marshal, XII. 51.
LUDWIGITE, mineral, XVI. 396.
LUDWIGSBURG, town, Würtemberg, XV.
59; population, XXIV. 701.
LUDWIGS-CANAL, Bavaria, III. 451.

LUCIOPERCA, genus of fishes, XVIII. 521; | LUDWIGSHAFEN, suburb of Mannheim,

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musician, XV. 63; XVII. 87. LULLITPOOR, district, India, XIV. 225. LULLY, Giovanni Battista, musician, XV. 63; XVII. 87.

, Raymond, Spanish devotee, XV. 63; on mnemonics, XVI. 532; his poems, XXII. 363, 364. LULONGO, affluent of the Congo, Africa, XXIV. 764.

LUMACHELLA, or Lumachello, variety of marble, XV. 529; XVI. 397. LUMBAGO, disease, XV. 65. LUMBAR VERTEBRE, Anatomy of the, 1. 821.

LUMBER, IX. 404; sawing of, XXI. 345; trade in Canada, IV. 774; in Michigan, XVI. 238; of U.S.A., XXIII. 811. LUMBRICOID, parasitic worm, XXIV. 205.

LUMBRICUS, genus of worms, XXIV. 678.

LUGANO, town, Switzerland, xv. 60; LUMINOSITY, of flame, IX. 282; of inXXIII. 351.

sects, XIII. 143.

Lake of, Switzerland, XV. 60; LUMINOUS PAINT, XIV. 603. XXII. 777.

LUGANSK, town, Russia, xv. 60.
LUGANSKY, Kossack (V. I. Dahl), Russian
writer, VI. 762.

LUGDUNUM (Lyons), ancient town,
France, XV. 112.

BATAVORUM (Leyden), ancient
town, Holland, XIV. 495.
LUGGIE, The, Gray's poem, XI. 76.


LUMP-SUCKER, fish, XV. 65; XII. 690. LUNA, Alvaro de, constable of Castile, XXII. 321.

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Peter de (Pope Benedict XIII.), III. 558. LUNACY, XIII. 95; law relating to, XIII.



LUNAR CAUSTIC, or Nitrate of Silver, | LUTETIA (Paris), ancient town, France, | LUZZO, Pietro (Morto da Feltre), Italian XXII. 71.


LUNARDI, Vincent, aeronaut, I. 190.
LUNAR TABLES, Mayer's, XV. 649.

LUNAR TIDES, XXIII. 353, 356, 365,
368; schedule of, XXIII. 365.



XIX. 477.

LUND, town, Sweden, xv. 65; observatory at, XVII. 714; university, XXIII. 850.

XVIII. 286.

painter, IX. 69.

LUTEVA (Lodève), ancient town, France, LYCEUS, mountain, Arcadia, Greece,
XIV. 767.

LUTF ALI KHAN, Persian ruler, XVIII.

XVII. 770.

LYCANTHROPY, belief in animal trans-
formation, XV. 89; XXI. 135.
LYCAON, mythical king of Arcadia, XV.

-, genus of carnivorous mammals, XV. 439.

LUTHER, Martin, German Reformer, XV.
71; X. 497; XX. 325; on the canon,
V. 14; his influence on the Church of
England, VIII. 374; his Colloquia
Mensalia, 1. 785; hymns by, XII. 585; | LYCAONIA, province, Asia Minor, XV.
his influence on literature, X. 528; his

relations with Carlstadt, v. 113; with LYCEIUM, temple, ancient Athens, III.
Melanchthon, XV. 833; with Spalatin,
XXII. 366.

LUTHERAN CHURCH, xv. 84; Pietism
in, XIX. 83; service of, XIV. 712.
LUTHERANS, xv. 84.


LYCHNEUS, or Lychnites, Parian marble,
XV. 528; XVIII. 319.

LYCHNOKAIE, Egyptian lamp festival,
XIV. 247.

LUNDY, Benjamin, American abolitionist, LUTHER MUSEUM, Wittenberg, Ger- LYCIA, district, Asia Minor, XV. 92;

XXII. 142.

LÜNEBURG, town, Prussia, xv. 65.
LÜNEBURGITE, mineral, XVI. 408.
LUNENBURG, town, Nova Scotia, XVII.

LUNETTE, in fortification, IX. 437.
LUNÉVILLE, town, France, xv. 66; peace
of, III. 132; IX. 613; treaty of (1801), |

XVII. 202.

LUNG-PLAGUE, cattle disease, XVII. 60.
LUNGS, XX. 475; in relation to blood
circulation, XXIV. 102, 108; congestion
of, XVIII. 395; emphysema in, VIII.
180; inflammation of, XIX. 249;
tubercle in (phthisis), XVIII. 855; of
birds, III. 727; of mammals, XV. 365.
LUNNITE, mineral, XVI. 406.
LUPERCALIA, Roman festival, xv. 66;
VIII. 835.

LUPIA (Lecce), town, Italy, XIV. 397.
LUPINE, plant, xv. 66.

LUPUL, Vasilje, voivode of Moldavia,

XXI. 19.

LUPULINA, Vegetable alkaloid, XVII. 231.
LUPUS, skin disease, XVIII. 406; XXII.


LUQUE, town, Paraguay, XVIII. 244. LURAY CAVERN, Virginia, U.S.A., xV. 67.

LURE, town, France, XXI. 301.

LURGAN, town, Ireland, xv. 68.

LURI, people, Persia, xv. 68.

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LYCIAN MARBLES, in British Museum,
IX. 67.

LUTON, town, England, xv. 86; III. 483; LYCIDAS, Milton's poem, XVI. 326.
straw-plaiting at, XXII. 593.

Hoo, mansion, Bedfordshire, Eng-
land, Library of, III. 483.
LUTRA, genus of carnivorous mammals,
XVIII. 69; XV. 439.

LUTREOLA, subgenus of carnivorous
mammals, XVI. 474.

LYCODONTIDE, family of snakes, XXII.

193, 195.

LYCOPHRON, Greek poet, XV. 94; I. 499.

LYCOPODIACEÆ, order of plants, IX. 106; XV. 94; XXIV. 129. LYCOPODIUM, genus of mosses, XV. 94.

LUTRINE, subfamily of carnivorous LYCORTAS, leader of Achæan League, mammals, XV. 439.

[blocks in formation]

LYDENBURG, Transvaal, Gold diggings
at, XXIII. 518.

LYDGATE, John, English monk and
poet, XV. 97; VIII. 412.
LYDIA, district, Asia Minor, XV. 98;
coins of, XVII. 645, 648; wars with
Persia, XVIII. 563, 565.
LYDIAN STONE, mineral, XVI. 389.

LUXEMBURG, grand-duchy, Europe, LYDUS, king of Lydia, XV. 98.

XV. 87; town, xv. 88.

-, province, Belgium, xv. 88.

LUXEUIL, town, France, XXI. 301; mon

astery of, VI. 167; XVI. 707.

LYELL, Sir Charles, British geologist,


LYGDAMUS, Latin poems of, XXIII. 350.

LURIA, or Lurye, Shelomoth, Jewish LUXOR, town, Egypt, xv. 89; temple LYLY, or Lylie, John, English writer

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LUSATIAN-WEndish LanguaGE, XXII. | LUXURY, Laws against, XXII. 644.

LUSHAI HILLS, district, India, xv. 69.
LUSIAD, Camoens's poem, IV. 749;
Mickle's translation of, XVI. 242.
LUSITANIA, Roman province in Spain,
XIX. 539; XXII. 307.

LUYNES, Count of, favourite of Louis
XIII., IX. 567.

LUZAN, Ignacio de, Spanish writer, XXII.

LUZERN (Lucerne), canton and town,
Switzerland, XV. 40.

LUSTRATION, Greek and Roman rite, LUZON, island, Philippines, XVIII. 748,

xv. 69.

LUSTRE, of crystals, XVI. 372.
LUSTRED WARE, pottery, XIX. 620.
LUTE, musical instrument, XV. 70.


LUZONITE, mineral, XVI. 396.
LUZZATI (Luigi), Italian economist,

XIX. 394.

and dramatist, XV. 103; VII. 429; VIII. 421; XX. 660. LYMINGTON, town, England, XV. 105. LYMPH, fluid in vascular system, 1. 846, 906.


LYMPHATICS, Anatomy of, 1. 906.
364; in man, I. 907.
LYMPH-SCROTUM, disease, XVIII. 270.
LYNAKER (Linacre), Thomas, English
humanist and physician, XIV. 652.
LYNCESTIS, Plain of, Macedonia, xv.

LYNCH, Madame, Irish adventuress in LYTTON, Edward Bulwer, Lord, English | M'CARTHY, Sir Charles, governor, Cape Paraguay, XV. 2.

LYNCHBURG, town, Virginia, U.S.A.,

XV. 105.


LYNCURIUM, precious stone, XIII. 532. LYNDHURST, Lord, lord chancellor of England, XV. 106.

writer, XV. 121.

- Earl, governor-general of India,

XII. 811.

LYWARCH, Cumbrian bard and king, II. 650.

LYNDSAY, Sir David, early Scottish, bet, XV. 124.

writer, XV. 106; VIII. 415.

Coast, Africa, II. 681.

MACCARTHY, Dermot, Irish chief, XIV.


MACCAW, or Macaw, bird, XV. 130. M'CLELLAN, George B., American general, XXIII. 775, 789; his presidential contest with Lincoln, XIV. 662.

letter of the alpha- MACCLESFIELD, town, England, xv.

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LYONNET, P., Dutch naturalist, XXIV. 806.

LYONS, town, France, XV. 110; École Martinière at, XXIII. 108; libraries, XIV. 526, 545; observatory, XVII. 712; silk manufacture of, XXII. 65.

[ocr errors]

Lord, British admiral, XV. 113. LYRA, Nicolaus de, medieval commentator, XV. 113.

LYRAIDS, meteors, XVI. III.
LYRE, musical instrument, XV. 113;
XXIV. 242; Greek names of the strings,
XVII. 78.

LYRIC POETRY, XIX. 264; of the Alex-
andrian school, I. 499; of Greece, XI.

LYRIE, bird, XXI. 781. LYSANDER, Lacedæmonian leader, xv. 117; XVIII. 576.

LYSIAS, Attic orator, XV. 117; compared with Isæus, XIII. 376.

-, regent of Syria, XIII. 422. LYSICRATES, Monument of, at Athens, II. 407, 411.

LYSILOMA, genus of trees, XXI. 128. LYSIMACHUS, Macedonian king, xv. 119, 142; XVIII. 527; fortifier of Smyrna, XXII. 186.

tutor of Alexander, I. 480. LYSIPPUS, Greek sculptor, xv. 120; II. 361.

LYSIS, dialogue of Plato, XIX. 196. LYSISTRATA, Aristophanes's play, II. 509. LYSSACINA, order of sponges, XXII. 422. LYSTRA, town, Asia Minor, xv. 92. LYTE, Henry Francis, hymn-writer, XV.


LYTHE, fish, XIX. 402. LYTTELTON, Lord, English statesman and man of letters, XV. 121; his connexion with Fielding, IX. 142.


MABINOGION, Welsh romances, V. 321; VIII. 408.


[blocks in formation]

MABLY, Gabriel Bonnot de, French his- M'CULLOCH, John Ramsay, Scottish
torian, IX. 667.
political economist, XV. 134;
MABRIAN, romance, XX. 653.

MABUSE, Jan Gossart, Flemish painter, MACDONALD, Étienne Jacques Joseph
x. 843.
Alexandre, French marshal, XV. 135.
Flora, Scottish Jacobite, V. 427;
XV. 135.

MAC, in Gaelic names, V. 799.
MACABI, islets, Peru, XVIII. 671.
MACACUS, genus of apes, II. 151.
MACADAM, John Loudon, on road-
making, XX. 582.

MACALPINE, Kenneth, Pictish king,
XVII. 570; XXI. 477.
MACAO, Portuguese settlement, China,

XV. 124.

MACAQUE, ape, II. 152. MACARONI, article of food, XV. 125. bird, XVIII. 492. MACARONIC POEMS, Folengo's, IX. 355. MACARTHUR, Captain, early settler in New South Wales, XVII. 411. MACARTHY'S ISLAND, West Africa, X. 59. MACARTNEY, Earl of, English diplomatist, XV. 125; his embassy to China, v. 651.

MACASSAR, department, Celebes, v. 288. MACATURING, volcano, Philippine

Islands, XVIII. 749.

MACAULAY, Lord, English essayist and historian, XV. 125; on Junius, XIII. 776; on Penn, XVIII. 496. MACAW, bird, XV. 130. MACAYO (Maceio), town, Brazil, xv. 145.

MACBETH, king of Scotland, XV. 130; XXI. 480.

-, Shakespeare's play, XXI. 764. MACCABEUS, Judas, Jewish leader, XIII. 422; XV. 130. MACCABEES, Jewish family, XV. 130; Jerusalem under the, XIII. 641; coins of, XVII. 650.

Books of, XV. 131; II. 181.

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Thomas, on psalm-singing, XII.

591. MACEDO, José A., Portuguese poet, XIX. 557. MACEDONIA, country, Europe, XV. 136; XI. 103; under Alexander, 1. 480; under Demetrius I.-II., VII. 57, 58; conquest of, by Rome, xx. 753; St Paul in, XVIII. 419; army of, 11. 561; coins, XVII. 640; modern, opium culture in, XVII. 789.


MACEDONICUS, Quintus Cæcilius Metellus, Roman prætor, XVI. 106. MACEDONIUS, patriarch of Constantinople, XV. 145.

MACEIO, town, Brazil, xv. 145. MACELLARIUS, Leo I., emperor of the East, XIV. 452.

MACENE, volatile oil in mace, XVII. 666.

MACERATA, town, Italy, XV. 145. MACERATION, of perfumes, XVIII. 526.

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