
5. Ad Vindicias Hispanicas Lumina Nova Salica. Antwerpiæ, 1647. in Fol.

This Work was also an ANSWER to Dominicy, who had spoken in his Assertor Gallicus of the Salique Law in a manner contrary to the pretensions of Chifflet.

6. Lotharingia Masculina. Antwerpiæ, 1648. in Fol.

7. Commentarius Lothariensis, quo præsertim Lothariensis Ducatus Imperium asseritur, Jura ejus regalia Carolo III. Lotharingiæ Duci vindicantur. Antwerpiæ, 1649. in Fol.

This Work was answered by DAVID BLONDel, in his Barrum Campano-Francicum.

8. Ad Vindicias Hispanicas Lampades Historicæ contra novas M. A. Dominicy Cavillationes in rediviva Ansberti familia. Antwerpiæ, 1649. in Fol.

The work which Chifflet here undertakes to answer was entitled :

« Ansberti Familia rediviva contra Ludovici Contarelli Fabri, et Joan. Jac. Chiffletii obiectiones vindicata. Paris, 1648. in 4.o» He was himself refuted in his turn by D. BLONDEL in the volume entitled Genealogia Franciæ plenior


9. Stemma Austriacum Millenis abhinc annis. Hieronymus

Vignier, Cong. Oratorii Presbyter, priores novem gradus elucubravit; Joan. Jac. Chifletius asseruit atque illustravit. Antwerpiæ, 1650. in Fol.

10. De Pace cum Francis ineunda Consilium a præteritorum exemplis. Antwerpiæ, 1650. in Fol.

11. De Ampulla Remensi Nova et Accurata Disquisitio ad dirimendam litem de prærogativa ordinis inter Reges. Accessit Parergon de unctione Regum, contra Jacobum Alexandrum Tenneurium fucatæ veritatis alterum vindicem. Antwerpiæ, 1651. in Fol.

CHIFFLET treats the history of St. Ampoule as a Fable, and pretends to prove that Hincmar, Archbishop of Rheims, was the inventor, to advance the right of the Church. His Book was refuted by JACQ. ALEX. LE TENNEUR in his Tract, entitled: De Sacra Ampulla Remensi Tractatus Apologeticus, adversus Joan. Jac. Chiffletium, cæcum veritatis disquisitorem. Accesserunt Responsio ad Parergon ejusdem, et Chiffletius ridiculus. Paris, 1652. in 4.°

12. Tenneurius expensus, ejusque calumniæ repulsæ. Subjecta est Appendix ad Corollarium de Baptismo Clodovci I. Regis Francorum. Antwerpiæ, 1652. in Fol. It is a refutation of what TENNEUR had published under the following title:

Veritas vindicata adversus Chiffleti vindicias Hispanicas, Lumina Nova Lampades, historicas, quá retectis variis arcanis Salicis, Historicis et Genealogicis, Christianissimorum Regum jura, dignitas et prærogativa demonstrantur. Paris, 1651.

in Fol.

13. Imago Francisci eversoris, Davidis Blondelli, Clypei Austriaci liber prodromus. Antwerpiæ, 1655. in Fol.

14. Anastasis Childerici I. Francorum Regis, sive Thesaurus Sepulchralis Tornaci Nerviorum effossus, el Commentario illustratus. Antwerpiæ, 1655. in 4o There is much erudition in this Work, where the author has inserted many curious things concerning the impresses, seals, and other marks of honour of the French Sovereigns.

15. Verum Stemma Chilbrandinum contra Davidem Blondellum, Ministrum Calvanistam, aliosque Austriaci splendoris adversarios. Antwerpiæ, 1656. in Fol.

16. Lilium Francicum, ut supra.


CHIFFLET had three sons, all authors and an uncle, and three brothers, all known in the Republic of Letters.

See Niceron, xxv. 255.


Genealogia Francica Plenior Assertio, Vindiciarum Hipanicarum, Novorum Luminum, Lampadum Historicarum et Commentorum Libellis, Lotharingia Masculina, Alsatia Vindicata, Stemma Austriacum, de pace cum Francis ineunda Consilium, de Ampulla Remensi Disquisitio, et Tenneurius expensus, a Joanne Jacobo Chiffletio inscriptis, ab eoque in Francici Nominis injuriam editis, interspersorum, omnimodo eversio. Autore Davido Blondello. Amstelædami, ex Typographeio Joannis Blaeu. Anno MDCLIV. cum Christ. Reg. priv. 2 vol. Fol.

Vol. I. contains Præfatio Apologetica. sign. LXXXI. also pp. 440. besides Tables, etc.

Vol. II. contains CXLVI Genealogical Tables.

At the End, is

Barrum Campano-Francicum Nævorum Lothariensi Commentario a Johanne Jacobo Chiffletio, (ut fucum Serenissimo Duci Carlo III. faceret,) edito adspersorum demonstratio: Auctore Davide Blondello. Amsteladami ex Typogr. Jo. Blacu. MDCLII. pp. 109.

DAVID BLONDEL was born at Chalons sur Marne, in 1591. He was received Minister in the Synod

of the Isle of France in 1614; and commenced the exercise of his Ministry at Houdan near Paris.

A work which he produced in 1619 did him great honour with his Party; and he was always afterwards much employed in the Synods. He was more than twenty times Secretary to those of the Isle of France, which Samuel Desmarets attributes to the beauty of his writing.

In 1631, the Province of Anjou demanded him of the National Synod of Charanton, to fill the Chair of Theology at Saumur; but this appointment did not take place; whether because he had no talents for the chair, and was therefore ill calculated to instruct students in Theology; or from a persuasion that by confining himself to History, which was his forte, he could thus do more service to his Party. He therefore remained attached to the Province of the Isle of France.

In 1645, the National Synod of Charenton appointed him Honorary Professor with a suitable pension, which left him at liberty to employ himself in the Public Libraries at Paris.

On the death of Gerard John Vossius, in 1649, the Curators of the College of Amsterdam, offered him the Professorship of History there. This he accepted, and removed to Holland the following year. As he was very labour

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