
appellation of diabetes. The only reference made by Cullen is to Lister; but it appears that Lister believed in the existence of Diabetes insipidus merely upon hypothetical grounds. Sauvages hastily and peremptorily declares that all the diabetic cases of the ancients were insipid, because they do not mention the sweetness of the urine; while it is admitted that ever since the time of Willis, all the cases have been saccharine. (Nos. Meth. 2, 384.) It may not be improper to observe, that the opinion that the stomach and not the kidney was the primary seat of diabetes, is not a novelty, for Lister (Exerc. Med. p. 74) implicitly declared and defended this opinion a century ago.

The case related by Dr. Bostock was cured by the use of preparations of iron and the warm bath. The greater part of this paper is occupied by chemical experiments with this urine, and that of other diabetics.

ART. XI. Cases of premature Labour artificially induced, in Women with distorted Pelvis; to which is subjoined, some Observations on this Method of Practice. By SAMUEL - MERRIMAN, M.D.

The whole routine of medical practice does not present any other cases which require so great a share of delicacy and caution, as those demanding an artificial inducing of premature labour. The subject has been treated with, perhaps, a proper reserve; which has, consequently, left the practice too little explained. Under these circumstances, the profession must be much indebted to this ingenious and able physician for going thus fully into the subject. No analysis will do justice to this article, and we unreservedly recommend it to the attention of our readers.

ART. XII. Experiments on the Bark of the Cocoloba Uvifera. By JOHN BOSTOCK, M.D.

The Cocoloba Uvifera, or Mangrove grape tree, belongs to a genus of which many species are known. It is common in most of the sugar colonies, and is generally found near the sea. By the Spaniards it is called Uvero, and by the French Raisenier du bord de la Mer. It was brought into this country by Mr. Bentick in 1696.

Dr. Bostock has been employed on an examination of the chemical properties of the bark of this species of Cocoloba, with a reference to its identity with the Kino of the West Indies: the analysis is here laid before the public, and the result is that the extract of Cocoloba is a substance of the same nature with the Kino used in medicine; but that it differs from it so far as to show that they are not derived from the same plant.


ART. XIII. A Case of Splenitis, with further Remarks on that Disease. By ROBERT BREE, M.D. F.R.S.

This is a case of great importance in practice, presenting a detail of the phenomena of a complaint of much obscurity, and liable to very improper treatment, if not absolutely to be mistaken or neglected. It is intended to show the advantages of a course of drastic purging in Splenitis. The extensive employments of the author have brought under his view numerous cases of this disease; and his talent for observation has enabled him to detect circumstances, and direct methods of treatment, which have not occurred to less attentive practitioners.

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Many cases," he says, "have concurred to show me in a very satisfactory manner that drastic purging, long continued, is the proper mode of treatment. By this practice a young woman has been relieved of a swelling of the spleen and epileptic fits at the same time. The fits began with the first symptoms of disease in the left side, and have disappeared for the last year, during which time she has been gradually recovering from the swelling and pain. Compositions of aloes and antimony were preferred in the cases that have been related, but not exclusively adopted: large doses of neutral salts have, however, appeared exceptionable when exhibited daily, as they have occasioned flatulence and depression. But aloes, extract of colocynth, and scammony with jalap, have acted without this inconvenience, and calomel has been combined with these at intervals, producing more effectual discharges from the bowels: tartarized antimony in such minute doses as not to puke, has always appeared to increase the beneficial effect of these combinations."

Of the progress of Splenitis in its different stages, as marked by symptoms, the description seems so distinct and specific, that we cannot refuse to lay it before our readers, as affording that valuable kind of information directly applicable to practice.

"In the earliest condition of this disorder, the organ is swelled from the passive state of its vessels, which receive a greater proportion of blood than they can return. No fever accompanied this stage, nor was it the effect of fever, but an idiopathic affection, leading to inflammation by tension and irritation of the membranes that invest the spleen. The means of cure were experienced to be active, and daily so persisted in as to become the probable cause of disease, if they had not been essential to the removal of it.

In the second stage the pulse becomes quicker, and it is long in convalescence before it is reduced to its natural standard. The increased pulse is produced by painful irritation at first, and next by the actual tension of the membranes, proceeding to inflammation and adhesion of the adjoining parts. The quickness of the pulse will assist in distinguishing the degree of progress of this disease, for it will be

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found, by reference to histories, that in a great proportion of cases, there was no warning of the growing mischief in the earliest stage; and that painful affection of the left side existed in many other cases, long before fever was induced, though these ended fatally. In the first stage the patient can lie upon the left side, but not upon the right side. In the second stage it is impossible to lie on the side affected. The spasmodic action of the diaphragm is more likely to come on in the second stage, and may be much aggravated by stimulant treatment. There is no emaciation in the first stage of a morbid kind, nor any considerable emaciation in the second stage, notwithstanding the large and continued evacuations.

In the third and last stage of Splenitis, emaciation is always an altending symptom, combined with hectic or slow fever, particularly in middle-aged and elderly people. In this third stage diarrhoea supervenes, as well as dysentery, and discharges of grumous and dark blood take place, by vomiting and by stools: these discharges give temporary relief in many cases, and occur long before the final event.” ART. XIV. Account of the Muscles of the Ureters, and their Effects in the irritable State of the Bladder. By CHarles BELL, Esq. F.R.S. Ed.

A description of a set of muscles, which Mr. Bell considers have not been noticed by former anatomists. They are attached to the orifices of the ureters, and are seated in the bladder. In health they are the instruments of a very peculiar organic action, and in disease the cause of most distressing complaints. Among other interesting details, the writer goes into an historical inquiry concerning the exist ence of a third lobe of the prostate, and shows that it was known to Morgagni, and had become the subject of discussion in his day. Plates and diagrams illustrative of the author's positions and descriptions, accompany this paper. ART. XV. History of a Case in which a Calculus was voided from a Tumor in the Groin. By THOMAS COPELAND, Esq.

This well-written account and judicious management of an extraordinary case, deserves the attention of the profession, and is a very positive instance of the powers of the Vis Medicatrix when not obstructed by the improper interference of art. In the case, where the calculus was discharged at the abscess in the groin, it is understood to have been lodged in the cacum.

(To be continued.)



Copy of the amended Bill presented by Lord Boringdon to the House of Lords, entitled An Act for the more effectual Prevention of the spreading of the Infection of the Small-pox.

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HEREAS great mortality has occurred in the last and the preceding year amongst his Majesty's subjects in the metropolis, and in many parts of the United Kingdom, from the disorders of the small-pox: and whereas from the extended, and in many cases almost universal, practice of vaccination in many parts of the world, the mortality from small-pox has in such countries altogether or in great part ceased; and whereas the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons respectively in London, and the physicians and others superintending other medical establishments, have, in authentic reports and communications, recorded their opinion as to the security afforded by vaccination against the variolous infection: and whereas it is expedient, for the security and preservation of the lives and health of his Majesty's subjects, that certain rules and regulations should be esta blished for the giving notice of persons communicating by inoculation, or receiving by inoculation, or otherwise, the variolous infection, that precautions may be adopted against the spreading of such infection, in order that persons preferring inoculation to vaccination may resort to the same with as little danger as possible to others of his Majesty's subjects; be it therefore enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, that from and after the

day of every person who shall inoculate with variolous matter any other person in any part of the United Kingdom, or shall be called upon as a medical practitioner to attend any patient having caught the variolous infection, shall as soon as possible, and in every case before the expiration of days, give notice thereof in writing to the clergyman or minister, and to the churchwardens and overseers of the poor in England, or two of the elders in Scotland, of the parish, township, hamlet, or place in which the person so inoculated shall reside, or if such person shall reside in any extra-parochial place, then to the clergyman, minister, churchwardens, overseers of the poor, or elders, as the case may be, of some adjoining parish or place, specifying in writing the day upon which the operation was performed, or upon which such person was called upon to attend, and the name, age, and sex, of the person so inoculated or under such infection.

And be it further enacted, that from and after the day of the parent or guardian of every child, and master of every apprentice not living with the parent or guardian, and the master or mistress of any school, and owner of every house in which any child not living with the parent (such child being under

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the age of years), and every infant above the age of years, and every adult respectively receiving variolous inoculation or taking variolous infection, shall, upon the day upon which such inoculation shall have taken place, or upon which it shall be ascertained that such variolous infection has been taken, or otherwise as soon after as possible, and in every case before the expiration of days, give like notice thereof in writing, or, if unable to write, then shall cause like notice to be given thereof, specifying the name and residence of the person performing the operation, and the day on which it was performed, or of the person called in to attend in case of the variolous infection being taken, and the day of such person being called in so to attend, and the name, age, and sex of the person so inoculated or under such infection as aforesaid.

And whereas it is highly expedient and necessary for the enforcing the provisions of this act, and obtaining accurate returns of the state of inoculation for the small-pox from time to time: be it therefore enacted, that from and after the passing of this act it shall not be lawful for any person to practise inoculation for the small-pox without obtaining from one of his Majesty's Royal Colleges of Physicians or Surgeons of London, Dublin, or Edinburgh, printed papers in the form in the schedule to this act annexed marked (A.), which forms shall be printed and ready for delivery by such colleges, and shall be transmitted upon application to medical practitioners for the same; and every person who shall inoculate for the small.pox shall insert the name, age, and residence of the person inoculated, and the result of the inoculation, and the churchwarden or overseer of the poor of the parish or place where such inoculation took place, with his own name and residence, upon such printed form; and at the expiration of days the person so inoculating shall transmit the said printed form, filled up with such particulars, to the registrar or secretary of the Royal College of Physicians or Surgeons from which the form was obtained; and every such return directed to the registrar or secretary of any such College of Physicians or Surgeons, (as the case may be), and marked at the top " Small-pox Return," shall go free of postage; and each of the said Royal Colleges shall transmit an annual summary or abstract of such accounts made up to the end of each year, to his Majesty's Secretary of State for the Home Department, on or before the day of in the follow

ing year.

And be it further enacted, that every medical practitioner attending a variolous patient, shall give to every such patient a certificate in writing, signed by himself, stating, that in his opinion all infection has ceased, whenever and as soon as he, to the best of his judgment, does conceive such infection to have ceased,

And be it further enacted, that no parent or guardian of any chitd living with the parent or guardian, or master or mistress, or owner of any house, having the care of any child not living with the parent, who shall have been inoculated or infected with the variolous disease, shall expose or permit or suffer any such child to be exposed; and no adult person shall expose himself in the public highways or streets


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