BOSWELL, JAMES (continued)
liament, ib.; visits London, ii. 534-83; visits Oxford with Johnson, ii. 543-64; Johnson's death, ii. 646; 1785, Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, i. 16 n., 524, 607; ii. 119, 146, 199, 205 n., 243 n., 461 n., 489 n., 536 n. 1, 631 n., 649 n., 652 n.; Letter to the People of Scotland against the attempt to diminish the number of the Lords of Session, ii. 11 n., 463; 1791, The Life of Samuel Johnson, i. 6; ii. 627 n. 2; 1793, second edition of the Life, i. 8; 1795, death, May 19, i. 9.
His letters to Johnson-1764, ii. 91 n.; 1765, i. 334; 1766, i. 346, 348; 1768, i. 373; 1771, i. 429, 430; 1772, i. 433, 477; 1773, i. 526; 1774, i. 533, 534, 537; 1775, i. 543, 546, 547, 556, 605, 609, 627; ii. 91 n.; 1776, i. 640; ii. 62, 64, 65; 1777, ii. 76, 78-9, 86, 95, 98–9, 101, 159, 161; 1778, ii. 163, 167-70, 209, 271; 1779, ii. 280, 293, 297, 309, 312; 1780, ii. 326, 330; 1784, ii. 524, 616-7.
Johnson's letters to Boswell- 1763, i. 316; 1765, i. 334; 1766, i. 346; 1768, i. 373; 1769, i. 381, 407; 1771, i. 429; 1772, i. 433, 476; 1773, i. 478, 522-6; 1774, i. 527, 529-35, 538, 540-1; 1775, i. 543-9; 1775, i. 556, 558, 604, 606-8, 610, 629; 1776, i. 630, 633-42; ii. 30, 62-4, 67-70; 1777, ii. 75, 77, 79, 90-2, 95, 98- 101, 103, 160, 163; 1778, ii. 164, 210, 273, 278; 1779, ii. 281, 293, 296, 298, 311, 314; 1780, ii. 316, 327, 333; 1781, ii. 386, 435; 1782, ii. 444, 447, 449, 452; 1783, 503, 516; 1784, ii. 524-6, 528, 529, 590, 591, 615, 617.
Boswell, Mrs. (the author's wife), i. 530-1, 608, 633; ii. 98-9, 164, 168, 274, 298, 313, 435, 453, 456, 503, 527, 616-7; her feelings to- wards Johnson, i. 530, 605, 607,
610, 630, 636, 640, 642; ii. 61-2, 67, 76-7, 80, 90, 97, 160, 281, 334, 445, 451, 499, 528; her death, ii. 435 n.
Boswell, James, the author's second son, i. 9; ii. 8, 276. Boswell, Thomas (founder of the family), i. 631; ii. 479. Boswell, Veronica (Boswell's eldest daughter), i. 604, 629, 640; ii. 62, 67, 77, 92, 99, 281. Bouchier, Governor, ii. 398. Boufflers, Comtesse de, i. 414, 626. Boulter's Monument, i. 212. Bouquet, Joseph, bookseller, i. 162. Bowles, William, Johnson visits
him, ii. 504. Bowyer, William, ii. 609. Boyle, Hon. Robert, Martyrdom of Theodora, i. 208. Boyse, Samuel, ii. 640 n. Bradshaw, William, ii. 480 n. Braithwaite, Mr., ii. 540. Bramhall, Archbishop, i. 402. Brandy, the drink for heroes, ii. 286, 392.
Brentford, ii. 472.
Brett, Rev. Dr. Thomas, ii. 546. Bribery, statutes against, i. 578. Brighthelmstone (Brighton), i. 380;
ii. 68, 452, 454. Bristol, Boswell and Johnson's visit in 1776, ii. 33-4. Broadley, Captain, ii. 271. Brocklesby, Dr., ii. 465, 505, 520, 536, 582, 593, 615, 634, 636, 644; Johnson's physician in 1783-4, ii. 503, 513, 526-9, 530, 600; attends his death-bed, ii. 633; his account of the end, ii. 645. Brodie, Captain, i. 55 n. 2, 673. Bromley, i. 161, 518; ii. 592. Broome, William, ii. 321, 367. Brown, Dr. John, Estimate, i. 423. Brown, Launcelot (Capability), i. 660; ii. 300.
Brown, Rev. Robert, of Utrecht, i. 338; ii. 218.
Brown, Tom, author of a spelling- book, i. 30.
Browne, Hawkins, ii. 536.
Browne, Isaac Hawkins, i. 577. Browne, Patrick, History of Ja- maica, i. 206.
Browne, Sir Thomas, Anglo-La- tian diction, i. 149, 205; ii. 222; Life by Johnson, i. 205, 218. Brutes, their future life, i. 370; misery caused them recompensed by existence, ii. 35; not en- dowed with reason, i. 511. Brutus, Marcus Junius, i. 260 n. Bryant, Jacob, ii. 536. Brydone, Patrick, Travels, i. 582, 674; ii. 269. Buchan, sixth Earl of, i. 455-6. Buchanan, George, i. 307,396; ii. 471. Buckingham, Duchess of, ii. 182. Buckingham House Library, i. 358. Budgell, Eustace, i. 495; ii. 31. Budworth, Rev. Mr., i. 56 n. 1; ii. 640 n.
Buffier, Claude, i. 315. Buffon, ii. 61 n. Bulkeley, Mrs., i. 488. Bull-dog, Dr. Taylor's, ii. 145. Bunbury, Sir Charles, i. 320, 530, 564; ii. 648.
Bunyan, John, Johnson praises The Pilgrim's Progress, i. 501. Burch, Edward, R.A., ii. 650 n. Burgoyne, General, ii. 268. Burial Service, ii. 490.
Burke, Edmund, i. 320, 502, 517; ii. 57, 198, 234, 242, 326, 348, 352, 388, 392, 406, 489, 558, 572, 639, 648; Essay on the Sublime and Beautiful, i. 392; Letter on the Affairs of America, ii. 143; his bon-mots, ii. 243; his uni- versal knowledge, ii. 61, 105, 346, 351, 458, 537-8; his appre- ciation and criticisms of John- son, i. 59; ii. 44, 568, 613; John- son's opinions of him, i. 423, 460, 660; ii. 283, 351, 395.
Burke, Richard, junior (Edmund Burke's son), i. 320; ii. 494, 498, 608.
Burlington, Lord, ii. 262.
Burman, Peter, Johnson's Life of, Campbell, Archibald (Lexiphanes), i. 104.
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Campbell, Colonel Sir Archibald, ii. 39.
Campbell, Colonel Mure, ii. 89. Campbell, Dr. John, i. 369, 485, 560; ii. 185-6; Biographia Brit- annica, i. 659; Hermippus Redi- vivus, i. 279, 645; Political Sur- vey of Great Britain, i. 659. Campbell, Rev. John of Kippen, i. 354 n.
Campbell, Mungo, account of him, ii. 144-5.
Campbell, Rev. Dr. Archibald, of St. Andrews, i. 239. Campbell, Rev. Dr. Thomas, an Irish clergyman, i. 212, 577, 579, 585; ii. 83.
Campbell, -, of Auchnaba, ii. 95, 102.
Cant, ii. 150; clearing the mind of, ii. 496.
Capell, Edward, editor of Shake- speare, ii. 337.
Cardross, Lord (sixth Earl of Bu- chan), i. 456.
Cards, ii. 2843; Johnson wishes he had learnt to play at them, i. 211; ii. 16.
Careless, Mrs., Johnson's first love, i. 668-9; ii. 443, 444, 615.
Carelessness, ii. 347.
Carleton's, Captain, Memoirs, ii. 579.
Carlisle, ii. 312 seq. Carlisle, Bishop of (Dr. Law), ii. 312-3.
Carlisle, fifth Earl of, Poems, ii. 416; The Father's Revenge, ii. 514. Carmichael, Miss, ii. 170, 278. Carte, Thomas, History of England, i. 30, 581; ii. 564. Carter, Miss Elizabeth (Mrs.), i. 84, 95, 136; ii.1 28, 404. Catcot, George, ii. 34. Cathcart, Lord, i. 631; ii. 262. Catherine II, Empress of Russia, orders a translation of the Ram- bler, ii. 538; sends Reynolds a snuff-box, ii. 279. Cator, John, ii. 565. Caulfield, Miss, ii. 72.
571; ii. 36; his Miscellaneous Works, ii. 266.
Cheyne, Dr. George, English Ma- lady, i. 44; ii. 19, 63. Cheynel, Johnson's Life of, i. 153. Chichester, ii. 454.
Children, affection for, ii. 293; business men care little for them, ii. 20; company, should not be brought into, ii. 20, 97; method of rearing them, i. 399; pre- maturely wise, i. 628.
China, wall of, ii. 203; its people barbarians, ii. 256, 473 n.
Choisi, Abbé, ii. 253. Cholmondeley, G. J., ii. 587-8. Cholmondeley, Mrs., i. 419; ii. 195, 198, 239 seq. Christian, Rev. Mr., i. 369. Christianity, dictates of, ii. 219; differences chiefly in forms, i. 271, 438; ii. 144; evidences for it, i. 266, 270, 286, 297, 303, 337, 341; ii. 144, 238; revelation of immortality its great article, ii. 144; its pe peculiar doctrine, ii. 425; its 'wilds,' ii. 236.
Christie, James, ii. 638. Church of England, i. 310, 438-9,
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Community of goods, i. 513. Compiegne, i. 623. Composition, errors caused by partial changes, ii. 340-1; fine passages to be struck out, i. 501; Johnson's advice, ii. 329; man writing from his own mind, i. 581; to be practised early, ii. 341.
Comus, Johnson's Prologue to, i. 152.
Condé, Prince of, i. 616, 622. Condescension, ii. 336.
Confession, i. 403; ii. 41-2. Confinement, ii. 203.
Congreve, Rev. Charles, chaplain to Archbishop Boulter, i. 31, 668, 679.
Congreve, William, i. 390, 396, 494; Old Bachelor, ii. 144; Way of the World, i. 494; Johnson's Life of, ii. 374.
Conjugal infidelity, i. 372; ii. 17, 263, 305. Connoisseur, The, i. 280. Conscience, defined by Johnson, i. 505; liberty of it, i. 511; ii. 493.
Const, Mr., ii. 11. Controversies, i. 655-6; ii. 7. Convents, i. 338.
Conversation, views on, i. 496, 591-2, 657, 660; ii. 38, 187-8, 232, 290, 368, 415, 458, 475, 476, 493, 571.
Conversions, i. 403; ii. 174. Convocation, i. 310; ii. 539. Cook, Captain, ii. 5, 577; his Voy- ages, ii. 562.
Cooke, Thomas, the engraver, ii.
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Copley, John, ii. 637.
Copyright, i. 292-3, 519; ii. 81,
Cornbury, Lord, i. 642. Corneille, compared with Shake speare, ii. 344. Cornwallis, Archbishop of Canter- bury, ii. 94. Corpulency, ii. 491. Corsica, i. 339, 348, 366, 373-4, 381-2, 387; ii. 154. (See Bos- well, James, Account of Corsica.) Cotterell, Admiral, i. 162. Cotterells, the Miss, i. 162, 247, 255.
Country gentlemen, duty to reside on their estates, ii. 136, 190; living in London, ii. 456-7; rea- son for entering Parliament, ii. 178; wives should visit London, ii. 137.
Country life, ii. 193, 267, 496, 582. Courage, i. 388, 578; ii. 201, 219,
Courayer, Dr., i. 72, 92. Court, attendants on it, i. 221. Court mourning, ii. 573. Courtenay, John, i. 320; ii. 234, 566; Moral and Literary Cha- racter of Dr. Johnson, i. 43, 123, 149, 210, 229, 525, 571 n., 620 n. Courtown, Lord, i. 603. Covington, Lord, ii. 163. Cowardice, mutual, ii. 246. Cowdry, ii. 454.
Cowley, Abraham, ii. 450; Hurd's Selections, ii. 20, 173; Johnson's Life of, i. 122; ii. 349 n. 2, 359- 60.
Cowper, Earl, ii. 11 n. Cowper, William, ii. 251 n. Coxeter, Thomas, ii. 121. Coxheath Camp, ii. 276, 282. Crabbe, Rev. George, Johnson
revises The Village, ii. 464.
Cradock, Joseph, ii. 26. Craggs, James, i. 110. Craig, the architect, ii. 271. Crashaw, Richard, ii. 230 n. Craven, Lady, ii. 15. Critical Review, i. 362; ii. 22, 130. Croft, Rev. Herbert, ii. 562; Family Discourses, ii. 554; Life of Young, ii. 375-6.
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