
fimplicity and the philofophical difcernment by which thefe pages are fo eminently characterifed. We have therefore thought proper, in order as 'much as poffible to relieve his regret, to fubjoin the following continuation, by one of the doctor's intimate friends. It is extracted from an Ameri can periodical publication, and was written by the late Dr. Stuber* of Philadelphia.]



HE promotion of literature had been little attended to in Fennfylvania. Moft of the inhabitants were too much immerfed in bufinels to think of fcientific purfuits; and thofe few, whofe inclinations led them to ftudy, found it difficult to gratify them, from the want of fufficiently large

* Dr. Stuber was born in Philadelphia, of German pa rents. He was fent, at an early age, to the univerfity where his genius, diligence, and amiable temper foo cquired him the particular notice and favour of tho under whofe immediate direction he was placed. After paffing through the common courfe of ftudy, in a much fhorter time than ufual, he left the university, at the age of fixteen, with great reputation. Not long after, he entered on the ftudy of Phyfic; and the zeal with which he purfued it, and the advances he made, gave his friends reafon to form the moft flattering profpects of his future eminence and ufefulnefs in the profeffion. As Dr. Stu ber's circumstances were very moderate, he did not think this purluit well calculated to answer them. He there fore relinquished it, after he had obtained a degree in the profeffion, and qualified himself to practife with cred and fuccefs; and immediately entered on the ftudy of Law. In pursuit of the laft mentioned object, he was prematurely arreited, before he had an opportunity of reap ing the fruit of thofe talents with which he was endowe and of a youth fpent in the ardent and füccefful purfilt uteful and elegant literature.



ibraries. In fuch circumstances, the establishment of a public library was an important event. was first set on foot by Franklin, about the year 731. Fifty perfous fubfcribed forty fhillings ach, and agreed to pay ten fhillings annually.The number increafed; and in 1742, the compay was incorporated by the name of "The Libray Company of Philadelphia." Several other ompanies were formed in this city in imitation of These were all at length united with the lirary company of Philadelphia, which thus receivd a confiderable acceffion of books and property. now contains about eight thousand volumes on Il fubjects, a philofophical apparatus, and a good eginning towards a collection of natural and articial curiofities, befides landed property of confierable value. The company have lately built à elegant houfe in Fifth-ftreet, in the front of hich will be erected a marble ftatue of their bunder, Benjamin Franklin.

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This inftitution was greatly encouraged by the iends of literature in America and in Great ritain. The Penn family diftinguished th melves by their donations. Amongst the carliest iends of this inftiturion must be mentioned the ite Peter Collinfon, the friend and correfpondent f Dr. Franklin. He not only made confid rable refents himself, and obtained others from his iends, but yoluntarily undertook to manage the ufinefs of the company in London, recommendig books, purchafing and fhipping them. His xtenfive knowledge, and zeal for the promotion f science, enabled him to execute this imporint truft with the greatest advantage. He conJued to perform thefe fervices for more than

thirty years, and uniformly refufed to accept of any compenfation. During this time, he commu nicated to the directors eve y information relative to improvements and difcoveries in the arts, agriculture, and philofophy.

The beneficial influence of this inftitution was foon evident. The cheapnels of terms rendered it acceffible to every one Its advantages were not confined to the opulent. The citizens in the middle and lower walks of life were equally par takers of them. Hence a degree of information was extended amongst all claffes of people, which is very unusual in other places. The example was foon followed. Libraries were established a various places, and they are now become very n merous in the United States, and particularly in Pennsylvania. It is to be hoped that they will be ftill more widely extended, and that information will be every where increafed. This will be the beft fecurity for maintaining our liberties. A nation of well-informed men, who have been taught to know and prize the rights which Go has given them, cannot be enflaved. It is in the regions of ignorance that tyranny reigns. It fi before the light of fcience. Let the citizens of America, then, encourage inftitutions calcula ted to diffufe knowledge amongst the people; and amongit thefe, public libraries are not the lea important.

In 1732, Franklin began to publish Poor Rich ard's Almanack. This was remarkable for the numerous and valuable concife maxims which i contained, all tending to exhort to industry an frugality. It was continued for many years. the almanack for the last year, all the max

were collected in an addrefs to the reader, entitled, The Way to Wealth. This has been tranflated in various languages, and inferted in different publications. It has alfo been printed on a large theet, and may be feen framed in many houfes in this city. This addrefs contains, perhaps, the best practical fyftem of economy that ever has appeared. It is written in a manner intelligible to every one, and which cannot fail of convincing every reader of the juftice and propriety of the remarks and advice which it contains. The demand for this almanack was fo great, that ten thousand have been fold in one year; which must be confidered as a very large number, especially when we reflect, that this country was, at that time, but thinly peopled. It cannot be doubted that the falutary maxims contained in these almanacks must have made a favourable impreffion upon many of the readers of them,

It was not long before Franklin entered upon his political career. In the year 1736 he was appointed clerk to the general affembly of Pennsylvania; and was re-elected by fucceeding affemblies for feveral years, until he was chofen a repretative for the city of Philadelphia.

Bradford was poffeffed of fome advantages over Franklin, by being poft-mafter, thereby having an opportunity of circulating his paper more exten. fively, and thus rendering it a better vehicle for advertisements, &c. Franklin, in his turn, enjoyed thefe advantages, by being appointed poft-mafter of Philadelphia in 1737. Bradford, while in of fice, had acted ungeneroufly towards Franklin, preventing as much as poffible the circulation of his paper. He had now an opportunity of retaliaVOL. I.


ting; but his nobleness of foul prevented him from making use of it.

.. The police of Philadelphia had early appointed watchmen, whofe duty it was to guard the citi zens against the midnight robber, and to give an immediate alarm in cafe of fire. This duty is, perhaps, one of the most important that can be committed to any fet of men. The regulations, however, were not fufficiently ftrict. Franklin faw the dangers arifing from this cause, and fuggefted an alteration, so as to oblige the guardians of the night to be more watchful over the lives and property of the citizens. The propriety of this was immediately perceived, and a reform was affected.

There is nothing more dangerous to growing cities than fires. Other caufes operate lowly, and almaft imperceptibly, but thefe in a moment render abortive the labours of ages. On this account there fhould be, in all cities, ample provisions to prevent fires from fpreading. Franklin early faw the neceflity of thefe; and, about the year 1738, formed the first fire-company in this city. This exampie was foon followed by others; and there are now numerous fire companies in the city and liberties. To these may be attributed in a great degree the activity in extinguishing fires, for which the citizens of Philadelphia are diftingufhed, and the inconfiderable damage which this city has fuftained from this caufe.-Some time after, Franklin fuggefted the plan of an affociation for infuring houfes from loffs by fire, which was adopted; and the affociation continues to this day. The advantages experienced from it have been great.

From the firft cftablishment of Pennfylvania, a

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